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Posts posted by RexMundi

  1. Re: Bio-Booster Armor Guyver


    I got a bunch of stuff I need to post plus a few things need to be converted but sure. Gonna have to wait till I get done with the work pile though. Another Glorious Day in the Chemical Plant approaches and I need to get some Medication induced Sleep before I start ordering Ikea stuff off the Home Shopping Network....


    ~Rex....will do it as a "starting" 6e build first most likely.

  2. Re: Bio-Booster Armor Guyver


    Not really that hard of a build once you take a look at just what the Environment is, and how the numbers relate. I think I have, 3 or 4 versions based on the Manga (Including the Guyver Gigantic), in 3 Editions of Champions/Hero. Not to mention Cyberpunk, Mekton Zeta and Fuzion.


    Either way fun looking thread. Marked it to keep track of it.



  3. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


    I prefer Both. With my Immense knowledge of Comics in general I know this is possible and easily done with any GOOD writer and team in Any Age. Which limits it to about 4 people now in the Industry unfortunately.


    ~Rex, points out Marvel success comes from Approachable Characters, the World Outside your Window, yet DC's Tenacity and ever returning fans presents better "Mythology" that generates never ending legend....

  4. Re: lets combine some characters and see what we get


    Hmm... I think I see where you are going. Just not the characters I would have used to get there. Let me think on it a bit. Lota comic knowledge in my head so it tends to get cluttered in there sometimes. I can work with it though just need to make sure I don't Copy Sarge Steel.



  5. Re: lets combine some characters and see what we get


    Humm...from Nick Fury we get the ex-solder/spy. From Bucky we can get the ideal that he was a sidekick of a golden age hero (same with golden age Robin). From The Chief, we got a guy with a handycap who leads others. May I sergest a missing arm? Also from Bucky we could take 'suspended animation' or 'missing in action/prsumed dead'.


    Now, can we expand this?


    Already happened. Ed Brubaker did it. That's not really the best Mix there and besides it's too many people. If you want to do a true mix, Pick One from each Side so to speak. Anyway back to the sheet for the first one..... Only so much time before the sleep aides kick in.



  6. Re: 5th Ed. Help


    5th Ed is 372 pages plus a character sheet, give or take. Mine has all the Revised data in it as well cribbed out so I have "extra pages" .... The Work week is about to tool up again, and I've moved on to 6e as well. However I can and will pitch in some 5th advice when I can make a window for it. Since Champions Complete was announced I started tooling up an entire new super's setting and campaign from the Big Bang forward. Taking advantage of the past couple of years and a whole lot of notes. Was going to perhaps blog it here once I figure out how the blog thingie works, though I could just do it as a thread posting. Straight walk through of the process as well so it will have the outlines and foundations for new folks wondering "how" ....


    We used to get stuff like that all the time back in the days when "Dragon Magazine" and others like it were Cool and full of different game stuff and game articles from everyone but nowadays, seems the demand is there but no one wants to take the time to supply. Working on some art as well since there used to be back in the day, an Aspect of Champions that was user friendly to the just getting ones toes wet folks that's been missing for awhile.... Also thinking of a way to make it somewhat interactive with a few other folks I like around here but for now.... Placeholder so I don't lose the thread. Need to go take a pile of pills and try and get some sleep.



  7. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG!


    Pathfinder is an update to the 3.x rules. So it was ok to have the rules be mixed in the book. Also d20 doesn't lend itself to standalone tookkitting the rules like Hero and GURPS.


    As for Dresden File and FATE. I really Wish I COULD buy the 3.0 version of FATE and then have a supplement that adds stuff to that. It would easier to seperate the toolkitting that the World forces the rules to do.


    *nods* The Update from 3.x to Pathfinder occupied roughly twice the space in the redline copy as the update from 3.0 to 3.5 mostly due to character stuff and the extra feats. In short, you could have contained it on a handful of paper as opposed to a complete and rather expensive but well put together book. I see what you are saying about the Dresden and FATE stuff. I picked up the Dresden stuff mostly to convert to HERO since the Fate rules give me enough comparative scale to figure out the translation.


    In general though (too no one specific I can't stress that enough) for the Folks that don't agree with Larry's Politics. It's OK. Folks are allowed to disagree; it doesn't have to be the ever repeating disclaimer and no one will think you are an evil right winger with guns if you read the guy's books.


    MY biggest hope for this book is that we get an equipment tree that does break across pages as it has in other HERO layouts before. Shouldn't be an issue though because the books really don't feature that much variety in things like ammo for very specific story reasons. After that Critters. Need Critters to Hunt, after all there is a Luska out there with my name on it.


    ~Rex.... OH, and an official Pronunciation of Auhangamea (I know how it's pronounced but you know gamers. Has to be "official" and written by someone "official" :P ) :D

  8. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC


    Marvel The Good: Getting back onto TV, taking the Movie Screen by Storm.....


    Marvel the Bad: Putting DJ Phat Joey Q and the Unholy Trinity in charge of that stuff......


    DC The Good: Flashpoint, a Reset that actually used tools within the Continuity to reset Continuity. Not being afraid to reset it when it needs to be done.


    DC the Bad: Resetting Continuity at the drop of a Hat, but NOT keeping Thomas Wayne around who was one of the best takes on Batman in the last 20 years.



  9. Re: lets combine some characters and see what we get


    esampson's on the right track. Take the Concepts, amalgamate them, Make the new character. I'd also run with something along this line, roll with a Jaguar warrior meets warrior princess, Hidden society that looks primitive but we all know better.....


    Got a good idea for this one actually. Gonna go make it after I get done going through some of my prize Joe Kubert comics....


    ~Rex....and that style of art, is a good thing to keep in mind as well for this type of character but you all realize that you already HAVE this character in comics in a few different ways, not to mention a new take on an old book that's very popular right now....

  10. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG!


    Positive. While there is a market for Pieces of a Car, the real Market is still selling the Car itself. This is especially true when you are talking about Games. Let's take a board game for example. Here's a blast from the past. Supremacy. Great game, Complicated and involved, really weeded out the chaff. TONS of supplemental material expansions..... Then they made Mega Supremacy. All the rules in one book. Sounds like a good Idea right? Except it's a board game and you couldn't get the Board or the Pieces anymore or even the Paper bits and cards..... Not a complete game.....


    Role Playing is similar. You move supplemental product to your existing market base. You move new complete product to your prospective market base. I've been ground floor in the trenches hustling product with a few companies (White Wolf, Sword and Sorcery, Mongoose, TSR, Eden some WOTC, Some Indies etc etc ), pushing the "core" rules and then separately the additional material. Core moves better then supplement. Core with Supplemental material Contained in one unit moves better then the two separately.


    When the OGL hit you saw a LOT of supplemental stuff pop up everywhere. The stuff that managed to stick around were either AMAZING settings, like Ptolus (Pathfinder as well remember it was a Setting First), or things that Had the Rules already under the cover with their New Stuff (Like Spycraft for example). Spycraft never would have survived as just a "tech supplement to your existing 3.5 material....." You have to allow your market base to pick and choose what they want. Why should they go get this new 6e Material (for example) when the company is still selling/making stuff for 5th? Why would they go buy this Monster Hunter International RPG if it's not a Complete RPG? Want to see an Angry Gamer (or a Store for that matter), watch one that went to get the new Champions book, Yet, found out it isn't what you need to play the game. Genre plays in as well. I had no Intention of EVER grabbing Fudge/FATE. However I've gotten to be able to enjoy playing the system because Product that Contained it that I DID want (Dresden, Turn of the Century etc), Contained what you needed to play the game. ALL that you needed, not some half cobbled together hack edit like say, the Basic Marvel RPG from MWP right now...


    Selling a complete Product is simply Sales 101. Applies to everything. Best to cover all the angles instead of making "Another Supplement" because if it's a complete game, folks will see that. New and Old folks will buy it. If it's a Supplement, and they aren't part of that "family", then you lost 80% of the momentum to get them to pick it up. When you buy a Car you expect there to be an Engine under the hood right?. Extra rule books always come in handy. We've all got players or have had them that just never seem to come up with a book.


    Like I said before the Basic Rules book for HERO 6e is a Good Solid game product. You don't need much more then that for a defined Rules Section for an MHI game. From the size of the book described, that leaves a LOT of MHI material to go on the rest of the Pages. Also, MHI is basically some Urban Fantasy and a Lot of Dark Champions mixed up. Dark Champions is Steve Longs Magnum Opus element, so I'm comfortable this will be an instant home run with the requisite levels of grit and government cover ups and all that fun twisted legal stuff as well as a LOT of fire power (but, a rather limited selection of Ammo as those of us that are fans of the books know :D, and the reasons for that.. heh)


    As for another thing back a few pages..... Nice people get Eaten or end up Partially Eaten in an Asylum somewhere. Jerks Survive in that series and Jerkiness is relative in the face of wrestling with a Luska on a Pier in Miami or trying to hold your own against a bunch of Vampires with a stick and a rock or parkouring your way like a madman across a rockpile to lead that Chupacabra pack into the killzone. Stiff spines and flexible minds. Presence is probably a very useful stat in this setting. :D


    Ah well, would kill for my playtest/demo team to get their hands on this to see if we could break it, and then shill for it because I could move this game like gold.

    It's basically our genre but we'll settle for piling in on the kickstarter and working in the shadows. :D


    ~Rex... Knows Luska's are out there.... Gonna catch one. :D

  11. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG!


    Complete Games sell better then Supplements to addition product. If you want to rope in folks. If MHI is basically the HERO Basic Rule Book worth of Rules, a chapter of Tweaks, and then the rest is Content for the Setting, then you got a Good Book that won't bury you in Rules you may already have and the folks that don't have 32 Years of HERO stuff on the book shelf don't have to go pick up another 40 to 90 dollars worth of stuff to run/play the one game and in fact you have a darn nice piece of Bait to lure that Luska in to the rest of the stuff on the shore.


    I don't remember all the FATE/Fudge folks grousing when the Dresden Files game came out as a contained book, and folks certainly ran off to buy Pathfinder even though I'm pretty sure they all had 3.5 on the shelf already. Hence I shant grouse about Already having 6 Editions of HERO, another on the way with money set aside for, and Piles of supplemental material for each edition. Just gimme the dang book.



  12. Re: Last Dance With Mary Jane...


    The Phantom Avenger: *Lies in wait for the miscreants to return to unleash a pair of blazing .45's worth of Justice upon the Dealers.....*


    Big E: *Collects it all for proper destruction by Burning it all down to it's component ashes......*


    Bobcat: *Rolls around in it, gets a glassy eyed look, chases things that aren't there* (Well he is a Cat thing......)


    The Golden Koi: *Wonders why white people don't take up a proper botanical hobby like Bonsai trees, turns the matter over to the local authorities while he tracks down his eternal nemisis, The Crimson Claw! who was OBVIOUSLY responsible for such a heinous grow stash.....


    Doc Thunder: *Drops something from his Utility Belt* *BOOOMM!! FWOOSH!!!! "Uhm....Thought that was the Herbacide.... *Calls the fire department....*


    The Futurian: "Canabis? We haven't seen stuff like this in CENTURIES! Does it do anything?"


    Expendable One: Calls his "Agency" contacts to make sure it isn't theirs. If so, marks it off the list of things to fix. If not, Marks it on the list of things to Fix. Sharpens Knife for the Fixing.


    Jack Jumper.... Shrinks down, finds a good place to watch the show, and summons everything that can bite or sting in a 500 mile radius to set up shop in the weeds.




  13. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC




    Bat-Girl - Bettie Kane (Flamebird)


    Batgirl - Barbara Gordon


    Batgirl - Helena Bertinelli (Huntress)


    Batgirl - Cassandra Cain


    Batgirl - Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe (Misfit)


    Batgirl - Harlene Quinzel (Harley Quinn)


    Batgirl - Michelle Carter (Goldstar)


    Batgirl - Stephanie Brown (Spoiler)


    Batgirl - Barbara Gordon


    Damn, got beat to it again. This split shift factory work is for the birds....


    ~Rex... Tried to rep but spread this or that etc...

  14. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG!


    Posted my reply on Larry's site awhile back. Been there (and a fan) a long time anyway and our politics synch well though political stuff is never a factor with me if I'm going to buy a product or a book or go out for entertainment.


    So count me in for the project. It will be a good one and the more HERO stuff that gets out there the better. If anything now it will give me ONE book to carry out to the cons to run my MHI events as opposed to a Bag of books......and a few 5 subject notebooks etc etc etc....



  15. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC


    The Good about Marvel: Actually signing writers like Greg Pak to in House Exclusive deals.


    The Bad About Marvel: Encouraging Stupid Ideas like Red Hulks, Fear Itself, Civil Wars, and running mainstream with Rob Liefeld inventions....


    The Good About DC: Willing to take a Risk (at the expense of Alienating the Fanbase) on Projects like Earth 2...


    The Bad About DC: Alienating the Fanbase with Changes that are unnecessary and Irrelevant just to show how Hip and Edgy they are now.....


    ~Rex....The Good about Valiant: Everything....

    The Bad About Valiant: You end up wanting more and more of their Material and it's just getting rolling again. :D

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