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Posts posted by RexMundi

  1. Re: Curious about your view on the current state of CO. (Anybody still play regularly


    I've never been interested enough in the idea of the thing to play.


    Not a troll; I hope it is doing well.


    Frankly, I wish the character creator would be marketed separately.


    I'd drop some serious cash on the Character Creator built into a Hero Designer type program....Hell if it had to be hosted like a small MMO thingie, I'd be willing to pay a small monthly fee to just log in, make a character, hit print and out flies the sheet with the pretty pictures attached...... There's ways to do it now, but....such a drag.



  2. Re: Curious about your view on the current state of CO. (Anybody still play regularly


    Been playing, don't care for the Alerts at all it just turns things into a grindathon, shocked and horrified at Gravitar now basically being Paris Hilton with Super Powers. Hate the new crafting just seems blah generic.... Was also really disappointed in the new Power Armored stuff and the un-aimable plasma beam etc....


    Being able to buy a free form slot now? Is there even a point to actually paying to play anymore? Freeform was like the primary thingie you got...


    Ah well .... Hey Archie if you get a chance shoot me a copy of your Defiance Build I want to take a look at that again.... Thanks much...


    ~Rex .....still playing in the CO ..... Still trying to find that RP SG :D

  3. Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


    Well when the current series started up one of the first things they mentioned was, a lot of the old rules simply aren't rules anymore. That's been combined with a few other classic cannon statements as well so in the end....


    Dr. Who can go on forever..... :D


    I went with a triggered charge based duplication myself since that let's you shuffle things around a bit.... If I can free up some time other then an hour before and after work I'll get the guy posted (5th and 6th though I feel funky shilling for 5th ed, I can find That book on the shelves in the stores around here yet)....


    I did a base Doctor build as well, then took a run at the OP's Character idea for another. Still need a tweak or two on some of the equipment and going through the novels for that to boot.



  4. Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


    Build is done.....making a 5e version as well and tweaking some equipment but I should have something postable by the next break from work and recovery that I get....


    ~Rex..... Not really much of a difference between versions though.....but so much fun to build multipurpose equipment/bases/vehicles. :D

  5. Re: Power Frameworks? What are they?


    The short and the sweet of it. It's basically a way, to duplicate a field of related powers and effects with the minimum amount of points. In a sense, it's the tool that let's you do what you see with a given character in a comic book, without having to buy each effect specifically by itself (though you can do that as well)....


    A good comic book example would be a character like Cyclops of the X-Men. Basically just an Energy Blast; but his Power Framework, allows for different uses of that same Energy Blast. Slot 1: Energy Blast. Slot 2. Energy Blast Area Effect Line. Slot 3: Energy Blast Area Effect Cone. etc etc etc ... Pay the points for the Framework Pool in the case of a Multipower, and then the slot costs. It then becomes basically, One big power with a lot of "uses" ....


    Elemental Controls are a different, but basically those give you a foundation of points that come off the cost of each "like" ability. Common theme though, so I guess a good way to describe it as well is as a Theme based Point Savings. Folks will start posting a pile of examples now, heh. It's the Hero Boards. Ask for Crayon we build you a Crayola factory.



  6. Re: Mother Box, Legion Flight Ring...DCU Writeups




    Ok so I'm updating my Andromeda Write Up. Legion Fans I need your help on her psych lims:



    Worships Valor (Mon-El)

    Proud and Authoritative


    sound about right? I almost put in "Crush on Brainy"

    Not sure which "Era" I'm going for here, just a nice bit of Daxamite goodness with a bit of personality conflict


    Also I need to figure out what a Legion of Superheroes Membership includes.

    Police Perk?




    Thanks in advance.


    Just don't forget Access to the LEGION Dungeons and Dragons computer/holo projector......




    ~Rex....Only 6 Days for that game..... and counting but Darkseid showed up and it got delayed. :D

  7. Re: Mother Box, Legion Flight Ring...DCU Writeups


    The Rings also had something of a Weight Limit. Blok had to wear three of the things originally heh.... Legion Flight Ring stuff though.....


    Although their origin varies between different incarnations of the Legion Of Super-Heroes, the Legion flight rings are usually invented in a joint effort by Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid. Engraved with the signature "L" of the Legion of Super-Heroes , this ring is also used by students in the Legion Academy when they are in training or on field missions. Legion Flight Rings are composed of a compound known as Valorium, which is derived from the Thanagarian Nth Metal, and possesses similar anti-gravity capabilities.


    A Legion Flight Ring is controlled by mental command, and like a Green Power Ring, it can be willed for varyiing effects. For example, because of Dream Girl's strong will, she has used the Flight Ring to move other objects be negating the gravity around it. It's main function, however, is to allow it's wearer to fly.


    Another function of the Legion Flight Ring is to send out a distress call. If a Legionnaire rotates the "L" symbol 45 degrees, the ring will send out a distress message that will be recieved by other Legionnaires and the Mission Monitor Board at Legion Headquarters.


    Brainiac 5 has modified the functions of a ring specific to each Legionnaire. For example, Colossal Boy's ring will enlarge with him, and Shrinking Violet's will shrink with her. Other examples of this include the Legion Flight Ring being able to "Duplicate" with Duplicate Damsel, resist temperature extremes around Sun Boy and Polar Boy and handle the increased mass of Blok. Another modification he had recently made, was to Earth-Man's Legion Flight Ring, in order to keep him on a short leash and alter his morality.


    A Legion Flight Ring is also used for security purposes. Only someone with a Legion Flight Ring is allowed to use certain equipment, including the Legion Cruiser.


    In certain alternate universe versions of the Legion, it has other uses as well. Environmental protection is an added benefit for the Earth-Prime Legionnaires, for example. The Earth-0 and Earth-247 Legionnaires use Legion Transuits instead.


    Booster Gold is one of the few known non-Legionnaires allowed to use a Legion flight ring. Superman also possesses a flight ring, and used to keep it in the Fortress of Solitude as a reminder of his time spent in the 31st century. He now wears it, but it can be turned invisible upon mental command. Superboy (Kon-El) has one for his time with the Legion of Earth-247, and Kid Flash II (Bart Allen) may have one as well.


    In Earth-Prime continuity, there is a shortage of rings because the metal is rare, and they are expensive to make. Brainiac 5 has to recycle the rings of deceased members such as Dream Girl. This also means that not everyone was equipped with a ring.


    ~Rex....and others....

  8. Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


    Triggered Duplication creates a living (Otherwise Exact sans look and personality) Duplicate upon the Death of the Original, "Regenerations" Number of Difficult to Recover Charges/Non Recoverable ranging from 12 to 507 (Depending...) and or Infinite etc etc .......... works for Dr. Who-esque Come back from the dead



  9. Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


    So, you're building The Master then..... Or the Valeyard heh ..... it's actually not to hard of a build. A Lot of us can walk you through it if you know kind of what you really want to be able to do.


    Rex ... There's a good lower point Doctor on Surbrooks Stuff site .... Working on a few other Incarnations of the Doctor for a friend of mine this week anyway who wants to do a whole Timelord sorta campaign......hopefully work doesn't interfere to much this week. It's been pretty good at that lately....

  10. Re: Quantum from Dragon Magazine #111, 1986 by George MacDonald


    Yeah I'd like a site Tabletop Gaming News

    with more depth in say stuff for Superheroes and other genres




    Sites like that are cool but they don't have that "NEAT!" factor Dragon did back in the day when it rolled out onto the shelf and you could leaf through a copy and see all the cool varied game stuff (Then go get Marc Singer to sign your copy of the Dragon Magazine with the Beastmaster class in it.....). Tangible is a cool thing.



  11. Re: Quantum from Dragon Magazine #111, 1986 by George MacDonald


    The problem is that Wizards wants total control of everything related to D&D.

    That's why they cancelled Code Monkey Publishing's license for eTools in favor of their own online character creator, just like Paizo lost Dragon and Dungeon.


    I wouldn't shed a tear if WOTC weren't included in a "Rest of the Industry" Magazine..... Not one bit. They can continue their Throw the Fanbase out with the Bathwater Business Model all they want...... They just don't get any of my money anymore. Someone else will.



  12. Re: Reloading a revolver


    If you watch the Super Humans episode you'll see Bob Mundan can punch the X Ring with every shot with a grouping that shocks pro's, And, does it all from a hip draw and shoot with a single action .45 You can find piles of Bob Munden vid's on youtube most of them off that page I posted or his own channel there. SO, not only Fanned, but from the Hip, and all in a 2 inch group for the most part. Dead Center. That's about as accurate as you can get and Bob's not the only one that can do it. There's an Entire Competive edition of shooting for it as well. Should see the Lever Action Rifle stuff. :D



  13. Re: Reloading a revolver


    I was not intending to convert the 4th edition Western Hero to 6th edtion - rather just poking around for ideas.


    I am looking at what "naked" advantages would be allowable. So far I think Double Knockback would be fine but I am up in the air about Autofire - it may be very unrealistic for a Western campaign. I know people will immediately go for the whole "fan-firing" Hollywood schtick but historically it was not really ever done (at least according to Wild West Tech on the History Channel)



    Bob Munden and a few other folks would disagree.......



    He's got more then a few demo vid's on youtube, plus you can find the Stan Lee's Real Super Human's episode with him in it.


    ~Rex ....This is a good vid for showing (you can time it) the loading of a SA .45 Old School.

  14. Re: How have you used "The Monster?"


    I use him to remind players that Dependent NPC's are more then Numbers on a Sheet. Especially when there are LOTS of them. He works pretty well with a sort of "Pumpkinhead" slant to getting him involved......



  15. Re: Perils of the warp!!!


    Thanks Rex!!!


    I need 75-point powers to use as rare side effects that appear when a character fails to contain the chaotic powers of The Warp as the reasoning behind psychic powers. Post them here, that way we can keep up a running conversation and get input from others (which is never a bad thing). :)


    You want them sort of To Scale with say, the 40K set up or scaled to something akin to the SF level Esper stuff in various Hero Products?



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