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Everything posted by shadowmage87

  1. Re: Your favorite character type The character I'm currently building is a powered armor guy, sort of akin to how Iron Man is now. He got his Cyberpathy/Technomancy first, and used it to break into our campaign setting's equivalent of Tony Stark's house, and then proceeded to talk to the man through his security system. He convinced him to develop a nano-tech suit, and now he has the joy of being able to metamorph into his "powered armor." He also mysteriously has a REALLY high metabolism now.... It's just an awesome idea for me. I hate playing character's that can't fly...I don't know why, but ever since my days playing DnD I couldn't stand to be the character anchored to the ground. I also love telekinetics and EPs. My EPs tend to be sort of like nega-energy projectors. They don't use EBs, but Drains, and drop globes of darkness on people for fun.
  2. Re: So why was the old man killed? I like the ledger idea posted by a lot of the people here, but I also agree that the WWII jewels thing might be a bit predictable given the guy's age. That does, however, I agree, also make it an awesome red herring. I like the cape and cowl idea, I thought of something a little more non-descript. Well, at least, less out of place in a jewelry store. If you don't mind going a little afield in sci-fi, say that one of the jewels that passed through the shop wasn't a jewel at all, but some sort of experimental power source. The break-ins are from some covert, secret government agency, trying to get their hands on it. The old man was killed accidentally when he rushed for the silent alarm during the first break-in, and the ledger holds the name of the person to which the jewel, which an ordinary jeweler with failing eyesight did not recognize as extraordinary, has passed. EDIT: I just realized that I didn't elucidate a means of the power source getting mixed up in his jewels: it could have been put there for safe keeping from somebody inside the organization that "lost" it, so that they could eventually sell it on the black market, or use it to their otherwise nefarious ends. Or, in the complete opposite direction, it could have been taken to prevent something nefarious.
  3. Re: Disad Value (5e) If that's the case, I agree with daury.
  4. I want to create a multi-form such that it costs END to switch forms, but not the full END the power's AP would suggest. So, basically, as nearly as I can figure it, that requires me to 1) apply the Costs END Limitation, and 2) apply the Reduced END Advantage. But you have to take advantages before you take limitations. So is this possible? If so, how do I price it? The two ways I could see it working are: (AP*(1+.25))/(1+.5) if you just take the Reduced END first or (AP/(1+.5))*(1+.25) if you take the limitation is taken first (which logically you would have to, because how do you Reduce 0 END?) and you cycle back around to the advantage again? This actually matters because in more than one of my characters it changes point scores due to rounding. Ultimately, the big question is, "Can this be done without a house rule?"
  5. Re: Disad Value (5e) Social Limitation, frequency determined by how manifest their status is (is it known to all, or just some, are they forced to display tattoos or wear certain clothes, etc.) and severity determined by the consequences. Does this mean the PCs can be gunned down by any random person with no ramifications? Are they restricted from buying/selling goods, etc.?
  6. Re: Redirecting Others' Movement Don't have the rulebook on me at the moment, but couldn't you, since it doesn't change the square they're in, just build it as a Continuous/Uncontrolled Transform? You transform X Man into X Man facing the other way with forced teleportation just being the SFX? Linked Suppress is the only thing I can think of to hamper movement after if that's a second effect, but if it's not and is just a side-effect of the disorientation of being turned around, I would imagine that as the GM I would require some sort of skill roll for the target to reorient itself and keep moving, which could probably be bought as a simple advantage Requires Skill Roll to Fight Disorientation (+1/2?).
  7. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse This is truly amazing work, and I'm pretty sure I will adapt this to my next campaign setting.
  8. Re: What does your hero, or hero team, stand for? Well, my PCs have a very pro-freedom theme, sorta GM enforced. See, besides the obvious brick guy who robs banks just to see how long it takes him to rip the vault off its hinges, the main villains are a mega-corporation trying to push meta-human registration, a strong organized crime syndicate, the new federal agency established to police and monitor metas and a group of light-themed, extremely powerful supers who are trying to establish their own vision of a peaceful utopia (for the greater good). I just realized how one-sided that is....
  9. Re: Technomancer Well, prior to any input, I had mind control (machine class minds), was debating between dispel and suppress for turning things off, telepathy for machine class minds, and the ability to perceive/transmit and extinguish (flash) radio waves. The problem being that mind control works for minds, and a computer, with few exceptions, is not a mind...it's what happens when you buy lightning calculator with the "subject to EMP" limitation. The question is, how does what amounts to a group of powers have EGO? I can't really justify the approach if I can't justify the defense. I'm the GM, and this is an NPC the PCs will encounter occasionally, so I need to know how he works...I'm thinking of just setting up EGO values that seem appropriate for a similarly powerful character...but that makes most computers a breeze to hack, which makes sense I guess. It's the nuclear test sites that should be hard to hack, not the home PCs.
  10. I'm having problems with a particular of my new technomancer's powers. He needs to be able to telepathically trun electronics on and off, even/especially against the will of the operator. I originally built it using dispel, but that doesn't allow him to turn things on. Mind control barely fits the niche I've got it working in as it is, let alone turning the mind it's supposed to be controlling on and off. I also thought about change environment, only to turn electronics on and off, useable as attack, but I'm not sure how that would work...if that is even legal. Any ideas, input, or advice?
  11. Re: Supers: How'd they get that way (and why do so many of them wear long johns?) As far as origins go, our current campaign is a little interesting. Supers just appeared suddenly, without warning. One day at about 3:17 in the afternoon people around the world just started manifesting powers. Completely random. Lots of people accidentally killed themselves, and others. Lots of others got powers that were in no way combat effective. Not only powers, but major technological breakthroughs. The key to powering mechanized armor; all of it in the one moment. It's the major mystery of the campaign. I'm big on powered armor heroes. My costume is my power. The other PCs are opting for the Rorschach, trenchcoat and hat look. I personally can't justify anything like flashy spandex, save maybe a Hancock-style PR move. Honestly, costuming is, in my opinion, the hardest part of making a hero.
  12. Re: Inceptum Terminus: You Decide the Fate! If you're looking at going for military targets Norfolk is also an idea. The vast majority of the Atlantic fleet is there, as I recall.
  13. Re: Making a character too efficient? I'm new to the system, so I'm not exactly capable of making characters too efficient yet...at leat on purpose...simply have not read through it enough to catch everything. Doesn't say that I haven't tried though. I'm very big on actual roleplaying, so I generally start with a concept, build the character from there, and thanks to a couple years of dealing with DnD players, I have a mild form of the powergaming bug. I've rebuilt my second character a good 6 times trying to make him better at what I know he does from his character and power concepts.
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