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Everything posted by director13

  1. Re: The Bleeding Rules Starting BODY, or Current BODY? Is there a convention for referring to each (non "Current BODY" reference always means starting BODY, for example) that I don't know about that simplifies these things? In either case, I find this a more refined implementation than is in the books now. My group has weak Hero-fu (we do negative BODY bleeding for drama, but only worry about Impairment, Disabling, and Knockdown with Placed Shots), but I might add this to a couple of specific weapon builds as a "Bloodletting" Advantage for +1/2 to try it out.
  2. Re: Little "b" bleeding It absolutely does, although it references big b Bleeding, which technically might not apply to the bleeding caused by having a negative BODY, but is as easy as pie to rule that it does by GM fiat. That's the version I ended up using for my Tech Level III / vaguely realistic pharmaceutical. The TL IV version has similar effect, except for enough standard effect to get still living NCM characters up to 1 BODY (and not bleeding). For constructing the Talent, I ended with Regeneration / 1 Turn with a host of Limitations that ended up bringing the Real Cost down to 3.
  3. Re: Little "b" bleeding Transform might be the best fit for a pharmaceutical based focus, but feels a bit inelegant (to me). Are we thinking cosmetic, or Minor? Extra Dimensional Movement seems a bit too elegant, as it happens.
  4. Re: Little "b" bleeding I considered it, but it would be Area of Effect by default, right?
  5. Re: Little "b" bleeding 1) That's what Steve said, which is official enough for me. 2) You write good stuff, I look forward to it. Also, the Horror Hero supplement with bleeding houses.
  6. Re: Little "b" bleeding The way Regen works with Time frame now though, I'm not sure it would scale. I hear you on the Healing or Aid (+extended recovery), though.
  7. I just received a (very quick) response from Steve when I asked on Hero 5 questions, but he suggested I expand my target audience a bit, so away I go... Short of a Adjustment power raising current BODY above 0 or a Paramedic skill Roll (or one built as a power), what ways do you use in your game to stop a character from losing additional BODY due to bleeding at negative BODY? (I have characters both interested in it as a Perk, and I'm building a "Coagulant" drug)
  8. Short of a Adjustment power raising current BODY above 0 or a Paramedic skill Roll (or one built as a power), are there additional ways to stop a character from losing additional BODY due to bleeding at negative BODY? (I have characters both interested in it as a Perk, and I'm building a "Coagulant" drug)
  9. Putting together a list of Everyman skills for Non Sentient (but reactive and opportunistic) mutated plants in a Gamma World setting. The default animal Everyman skil list is: Analyze (Animal), Area Knowledge (Home Territory), Concealment, Professional Skill (Racial Abilities), Shadowing, Stealth, and Survival. For completely mobile plants, that's the list I use (well, sentient plants / PCs get the regular genre list, but you know what I mean). For semi-mobile to immobile / aggressive plants, what do you think I should use (they usually default to Spacial Awareness as a sense, FWIW)? Drop the PS, Shadowing, and Stealth, and keep the rest? Drop the Survival for plants with Life Support?
  10. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged?
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