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Posts posted by Armory

  1. Respectfully, I don't think you're giving the American people and system of government enough credit. The founding fathers built checks and balances into the Constitution to prevent that scenario from happening. We're already seeing them come into play: the legislature and the judiciary are aligning, in surprisingly non-partisan fashion, to restrain some of the Donald's excesses and bypass his obstructions. His core supporters still cheer him, but that core is a minority of the public, and isn't growing or is shrinking, depending on which poll you believe.


    IME the one thing that American ultra-conservatives revere even more than Trump's rhetoric, is their Constitution. If President Trump starts treading on that, I believe his support will melt away..


    Yeah, they say they do.  They also claim to revere the concept of limited government.  Until they're in charge of it.

  2. Does it have to be a switch?  I figure the half-DCV for being prone represents the fact that you're less maneuverable, you can't dodge like you could standing up.  That doesn't change based on the location of the attacker.  It seems to me the minuses for range or cover or circumstances are applied to the attacker's chance to hit, not the target's chance to avoid it.  Two different things.

  3. I don't loathe anime but I don't like about 80% of it...



    and frankly, the insistence some had a decade ago that comic books were about to lose their place in America because manga was here and SOOOOO much better than our superheroes blah blah blah got really annoying after a time and turned me off Manga entirely.


    Now that you mention it, that may be part of the reason I can't stand it.  But only part.

  4. I'm going to disagree with some of the other posts, in regards to whether it's a separate power or not.


    While technically, a Naked Advantage counts as a "power" (in that it is built like a power, separately from the base power and with its own limitations not necessarily shared by the base power), it really functions as a normal Advantage.  So yeah, if he's gonna be throwing a 15D6 attack with Indirect, it's basically a 131 Active Point power.



    This is the way I was originally viewing it, that calling a Naked Advantage a distinct power was just for bookkeeping purposes, and that functionally it was modifying the base power.  I thought one of the purposes of a Naked Advantage applied to a single power was so you didn't have to use it every time, like you would a normal Advantage.  And maybe that's where my logic problem is entering the picture, I have to stop thinking that an NA modifies the base power.


    I haven't decided what we'll do with the build yet, I was leaning toward Multipower slots instead of Naked Advantages but after this discussion part of me wants to give it a try and see how it goes.  I've been planning to run the team against a version of themselves from an evil alternate universe (yes, they will all have goatees, even the females), so maybe I'll build the evil version of this character with whatever method he doesn't use, as a sort of comparison.  


    Thanks for all the replies, I'm glad I asked the question.

  5. It's a character he drew up under 5e, but it hasn't been played in about 10 years, so we're upgrading it to 5eR.  The Indirect is bought as "Any Origin, Any Direction".


    Multiple attacks was one of the points he brought up when we were discussing this, that if he used Naked Advantages he wouldn't be able to fire two blasts simultaneously, whereas with his original build, he could.  If we look at it like Surrealone suggests, adding a Naked Advantage to an EB is the same thing as using two distinct EBs:  the APs are considered separately.  So there's no reason he couldn't use the base EB and both the Indirect and 2x Knockback all at once, it's the same as firing three EBs at a time, which he could do if he bought them separately (unless they're ultra-slots in a Multipower).


    I have to get it through my head that the NA isn't modifying the base power, it's creating a brand-new one.  

  6. One of my players is updating a character he hasn't played in awhile and he had a question or two about Naked Advantages that I couldn't easily answer. 


    He originally had purchased three different EBs (this is 5th Ed Rev):  one unmodified 15d6 EB (75 Active Points); one 9d6 EB w/Indirect (79 Active Points); one 8d6 EB w/Double Knockback (70 Active Points).  I suggested he buy just the one unmodified EB, and then two Naked Modifiers, one Indirect and one 2x KB.  However...


    If the Indirect Naked Advantage is bought for up to 75 AP of the EB, that alone is 56 Active Points.  That means when he's using the EB with Indirect, he's throwing a 131 Active Point Power, right?  Since the EB that's being modified is already at the campaign limit (75 Active Points, although I did grant an exception for the Indirect one), then there's no way for him to use Naked Advantages with this power that doesn't exceed the limit, is that correct?  Even if we purchase the Naked Advantage to apply to less than the full amount of the EB, the total for the base Power and the NA will still exceed 75 Active Points.


    Or, since Naked Advantages are considered separate, unique powers, are we only supposed to consider the points of the NA and not the base power when it comes to Active Points limits?


    I've been playing this game a long time and I still get confused sometimes...


  7. Can a instant power have continuing charges to represent a time period that the character can use the power



    2d6 HKA, Physical manifestation, 3 continuing charges lasting 1 minute


    Until recently I had a similar situation with a PC.  She had five vials of a serum that she injected which granted her 5 minutes of powers such as Density Increase and additional STR.  I don't have her in front of me, but I recall the Limitations Focus (for the vials), Continuing Charges - 5 Minutes, and OIHID.  Apparently it was a technically illegal build, but we both understood how it worked, and it didn't seem overpowering.  I took full advantage of those Limitations during gameplay, so she earned those points.  She has since saved up enough points to make those powers permanent, so I don't have to worry about it anymore.  That's the best time to find out you've got a bad build, after you've ditched it!

  8. Are your players experienced enough with HERO and character design that they don't suffer from purchase regret or do they just have to suffer with any bad purchases they make?


    That's a good point.  I helped them to avoid any obviously bad purchases when they were first starting out as HERO players, and they're to the point now where they know what they're doing.  So we've never had a situation where a player realized after a couple of sessions that their design isn't working.


    For newcomers to HERO, I probably would allow them to rework a build if it became obvious early on that the character isn't working the way he or she wanted.

  9. It happens both ways in my group.  For the most part my players will spend the XPs as they get them (adding a DC here, improving a Skill there, and I also require them to explain how it came about), but there have been a few times when somebody will have their eye on a new Power and save them up for a Big Bang.


    Just recently one of my players spent XPs she'd been saving for about a year to buy off Limitations so that her powers were permanent instead of requiring an injection every time she wanted to use them (I guess she got tired of her GM exploiting the OIHID and Charges).  I worked the change into the scenario (she accidentally ingested three vials of her 'special serum' after they'd been heated to boiling in a fight with her arch-villain), which makes it much more memorable.


    That's the closest I come to allowing a full redesign:  if you want to save enough XPs for a "radiation accident", then we'll do it.  Otherwise, those points are locked in unless a do-over is necessary, like when moving from one edition to another. 


    I really like that idea of drawing up two versions of the character, Hyper-Man.

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