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Mark Rand

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Everything posted by Mark Rand

  1. Re: A Look at my Version of the CU Good ideas. The general public would know about Rainbow, but not Stony Man Farm or the CMDF. PRIMUS, though, would know about Stony Man Farm, but not the CMDF.
  2. Re: A Look at my Version of the CU
  3. Re: A Look at my Version of the CU More changes at Stargate Command. General Hammond has been promoted and is now head of "Homeworld Security". Stargate Command, the Atlantis Project, U.S. Space Command and the Prometheus are all under his command. Dr. Elizabeth Weir now heads the Atlantis Project. They're a multi-national group based on the city of Atlantis in the Pegasus Galaxy. The city was built by the Ancients, who also built the Stargate network. Jack O'Neill is now back, a one-star general, and the head of Stargate Command. Samantha Carter is a lieutenant colonel. Since Dr. Janet Frasier's death in the line of duty, the base has a new CMO. She hasn't been named, but she has dark hair, speaks Russian and wears an air force uniform.
  4. Re: A Look at my Version of the CU
  5. Re: New PRIMUS teams As April worked at the computer, Christine asked, "Why weren't the pigeons blown apart by the bullet?" "Because of their distance from the rifle and the fact that they offerred little resistance to the round," Paul replied. "The killer probably used a Barrett M-82A1 rifle, which has an effective range of 1830 meters," "Oh," Christine said. "Done," April finally said. She transferred the map to the big monitor and said, "This is the area we explored. (A/N: What April will describe is the revised version of the gateway area.) "The area is two blocks long and two deep. For convenience, the top of the map is north. The northwest block has a church and a funeral home with three cremators. The northeast block has an apartment building with twelve units. The southwest block is a university gymnasium. The southeast block has an auditorium. "Counting the cremated remains in one cremator, there were 14 bodies in the funeral home, 6 of which, were dead before the attack. There were 30 bodies in the church, 8 of which were staff. The rest were there either for the wellness fair or blood drive." She paused, then continued, "There were 10 in the apartment building, 25 in the gymnasium, 10 in the auditorium. By my count, that's 89 bodies." "It will take almost 4 days to cremate all the bodies, if we follow normal proceedures," Jim stated. "Would it help if we drained the blood out of all of them and refrigerated the bodies?" Rhonda asked. "It wouldn't hurt," Jim replied.
  6. Re: A Look at my Version of the CU I remember the show, too. I just forgot the name of the ship. Although some people think I'm changing the CU, I'm not. I'm adding to it. There's just so much to add that I haven't come to all of it. Think of it this way, I have 20 boxes of stuff to add and I'm still on the first box. If any of you have ideas to add, please do so. All will be considered.
  7. Re: New PRIMUS teams Intelligence Agent James Thompson, a VIPER expert who also had a funeral director's license, entered the team's conference room and said, "I just heard from the Pittsburgh Police. Agent Masters of the FBI was in an automotive accident. A flock of pigeons landed on his windshield. He lost control and hit a light pole. They tried to talk to him, but he refused to cooperate. Once he took a swing at one officer, they took him into custody." "What happened to the pigeons?" Terry asked. "According to the police, a .50 heavy machine gun round passed through them," Agent Thompson replied. "The police think the birds got in the way of an assassin's bullet." "Okey," Terry said. "They'll call us if they need help. Jim, the ladies were in another reality that we can use to spread out. There are bodies in there and cremation is possible. How long will it take to burn them?" "Actually, cremation isn't burning, it's boiling. The bodies are in contact with an 1800-degree flame. The heat boils the water that's in the human body away and all that's left is about five pounds of chemicals." "I've seen the ashes generated by cremation," Beth said. "They look uniform." "They are," Jim said. "Once the cremator has cooled to room temperature, we sweep the remains into a bin. Any metal in the remains is separated out, then the rest is ground, in a mechanical processor, to a uniform consistency." He paused, then said, "Folks, as I understand it, this place was in stasis until April and Christine entered. Right?" "Yes," Terry replied. "I'll need to know everything they can tell me about the bodies," Jim said. "No problem," April said, joining Mariko at the computer. "I'll draw maps of the area on this and put them up on the big monitor."
  8. Re: New PRIMUS teams A few random thoughts. With their skills, April and Christine would make great cat burglars. Of course, Christine was one for the CIA. Christine's casting call: Meredith Baxter from She Knows Too Much, a made for TV movie. April's casting call: Marvel's Black Widow with short hair. The story continues soon.
  9. Re: A Look at my Version of the CU If they're in the official CU, they're probably in my version of it.
  10. Mark Rand

    Sin City

    Re: Sin City I haven't used it it, but I may create an area like Old Town in Pittsburgh. If you like, you can go to Mike Surbrook's site and look at his Sin City character adaptions.
  11. Re: New PRIMUS teams You're right, Major Tom. It is on that thread also. I was looking at "My Take on the CU" instead. Something we never think about when talking about how many Slayers there are in a post season seven Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe is how The Powers That Be will react to that many Slayers. The Story Destiny Up For Grabs at http://www.fanfiction.net talks about that. As far as Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln showing up go, we'll see in time. Oh, I'm definately going to have to redesign the gateway world. There are too many bodies there for rapid cremation. It will, in all probably take over one month for two creamators going 24/7 to cremate the bodies.
  12. Re: New PRIMUS teams Actually the Seaview had ballistic missiles Now that I think about it, the Nelson Institute of Marine Research was in my "IST world" thread, not my "CU" one. The idea, however, is a good one. Think I'll drop it in.
  13. Re: New PRIMUS teams It is. Bounce away
  14. Re: New PRIMUS teams FBI agents, in fanfiction and gaming and on television, sometimes have the attitude Agent Masters has. Fortunately, not all of them are like this. Of course, he also has a major problem with PRIMUS itself and has disliked PRIMUS Pittsburgh since he was assigned to the Pittsburgh FBI office. Now, on with the story. "I'll need reports from each of you," Terry said as they walked to the conference room. "You'll find it interesting," Christine said. "Yeah," April added, pulling out her digital camera. "We even have pictures." "Nice," Beth said. "Mariko?" "No problem," the team's computer expert said as they entered the room. "I can hook it into the computer." "Nice," April said, handing her the camera. Mariko hooked into the system while April and Christine unmasked and pulled their black gloves off. When they finished the report, Denise said, "Although scrubs are comfortable, It might be fun to try on a classic white uniform and cap." "You'll get your chance," Terry said. "We'll all go there and look around." "Good," Christine said. "I'll dress like a lady from that era. It'll be different." "Yeah," April said. "We can wear gloves and not have some people stare at us." "True," Christine said. "Until my senior year in college, I was a normal co-ed theatre major who didn't stay gloved all the time. Then, I has cast as a fashionably-dressed woman in a play set in 1902 Boston. Since my character wore gloves all the time, I had to. Fortunately, my mother, who had been a model before becoming a hair stylist and opening her own salon, knew how to handle things with gloves on and taught me. By the time she'd finished, I became so comfortable with them on that I didn't want to take them off, so I didn't. They've been part of my wardrobe since then." "Any problems with going back tomorrow?" Terry asked. "Yes," April replied. "I'm drag racing our Sports Car Club of America's Ford Mustang GT pace car against the Lamborghini that's set to pace the upcoming Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. Since it has a six-speed manual transmission and a 750-horsepower V-12 power plant and the 17-year old guy I'm racing rides a motorcycle with a sequential dransmission and drives a Toyota with an automatic transmission, I'm sure to win." "Is he qualified to drive a pace car?" Beth asked. "No," April replied. "You have to have a national competition licence, which he doesn't have. However, his father, who's providing the pace car, managed to talk the race committee into letting him drive it." She paused, then added, "Anyone want to ride with me and my big teddy bear that'll be straped into one of the back seats?" "Teddy bear?" Christine asked. "Yeah. He even rides in the Lamborghini Diablo I drive in competition." "I'll do it," Terry laughed. "Any problem with me notifying PRIMUS PR? Kitty Cochrane herself might even come to watch." "Fine. Make sure you wear a crash helmet. Regulations require it." "No problem. Will the standard-issue PRIMUS one do?" "Yes."
  15. Re: New PRIMUS teams Easorted by two assault agents in business suits, Special Agent Robert Masters of the FBI joined Terry and her associates. "What can I do for you, Agent Masters?" Terry asked. "You can stop playing games with me," he replied. "We found out about that gateway your pet witch created. How dare you do such a thing without consulting us?" "Director Glenn gave us permission to do it," Terry replied. "Since it's an internal PRIMUS matter, we didn't need to consult the FBI." "Yes, you did," he snarled as Terry walked away. He walked to where he could face her, with the gate at his back. "I insist that you give us all the data you collected on this matter to me. Since we're the premier investigative agency in the United States, we'll determine if it should be used. Meanwhile I'll have a team of federal marshalls making sure you don't use it." "I refuse," Terry said. "You have no legal authority in this matter." "Yes I do," he said, reaching into a pocket and removing a letter. "The Director of the FBI has auuthorized me to take charge of this matter. Furthur, you are to turn the agents that investigated this gateway over to me for medical examination immediately." "My agents are istill investigating the gateway world and I will not turn a PRIMUS matter over to the FBI, especially when the agent that assigned himself to the case is a publicity-seeking glory hound that has forced police agencies to turn cases over to him so that he can grab all the glory and headlines." "I demand to know where your agents are right now!" Masters yelled at the blonde silver avenger. Hearing this, Christine and April crept through the gateway and, as if in sync, said, "Meow." "You won't get away with this," Agent Masters said once he regained his composure. "This meeting is over," Terry said. "Turning to Agent Masters's escorts, she said, "Please show Agent Masters out and tell reception that he's no longer welcome here." "You'll regret not doing what I command," Masters said as he was escorted out. "Nice work, ladies," Terry said, trying to keep from laughing. More to come.
  16. Re: New PRIMUS teams "A cemetery with a chapel and crematorium," Christine commented as they looked through the metal gate. "Yeah," April said. "Pittsburgh has one, too." "I see." THey walked through the cemetery, chapel, and crematorium, then returned to the hotel. "Time to return to PRIMUS." I know." As the two black-clad women returned to PRIMUS Pittsburgh, Silver Avenger Kestler was informed that a certain FBI agent was in the lobby and demanding to speak to her. "Can we keep him from seeing the portal?" Terry asked. "Sure," Warder said. "If April and Christine want, they can duck into the portal. They'll be able to see and hear him, but he won't be able to see or hear them." "Do it," Terry sasid. "This agent is a pompous, conceited jerk."
  17. Re: New PRIMUS teams Thanks, Shelley. What I'm posting will be part of the information given to the players at the start of the campaign. It'll have some information about the PRIMUS personal assigned to the base, then April and Christine getting ready to tour the pocket reality andthe tour itself. I left the information about the pocket reality vague because I'm not sure what the buildings will have. Some of the details are taken from real life. The nurses, or technicians, at my eye doctor's office once wore lab coats over their white uniforms. As far as the white caps go, although I've never seen them in a physician's office, the assistant in the office of the first dentist wore one, as did the nurses at my high school (I graduated in 1968). Airline stewardesses did wear gloves in the 1960s, but they weren't always white. White gloves, however, were worn for publicity and advertising photos, which is probably where movie costume designers got the idea that all stewardesses wore gloves then. The story posts will continue soon.
  18. Re: New PRIMUS teams Thanks, Shelley. I like Terry and I chose Beth because I thought she'd work well with a PRIMUS superhero team. What do you think of the other agents and what I have going on at PRIMUS Pittsburgh? Any idea how many agents should be in the superhero team's agent squad, how many should be assault agents and how many should be intelligence agents?
  19. Re: New PRIMUS teams "East End Free Mothodist Church," April read from the signboard. "I like how it was designed." "Me, too." They went inside and noted the signs for the health fair in the basement classrooms and the blood drive in the Fellowship Hall. "No doubt there are more ladies in white uniforms," April said as they decended the stairs and entered the basement hall. "But then, in this era, nurses wore them instead of scrubs." "I know." By the time they'd left the church, April and Christine had seen nurses, student nurses, cheerleaders and bellydancers that were at the health fair, choir robes, and a church custodian dressed like a working cowgirl.
  20. Re: New PRIMUS teams I'm starting to think it should be an "on-call" team, like Marvel's Avengers, instead of a team employed by PRIMUS. Less NPCs to create that way. The next installment of April and Christine's adventure will be posted soon.
  21. Re: New PRIMUS teams "Good idea," Christine said. "We should also look for ashtrays, matchbooks and anything else with the hotel's name." "Agreed. I'll also photograph maid and waitress uniforms as well as other clothes that'll look good in our era." "Good plan, April." After identifying the hotel as the Black Diamond and shooting more pictures, they left, saw a building on each side, toured them and took more photographs. One had Amy's Coffee Shop, Jake's Bar, Nick's (a buffet-style restaraunt) and Cathy's Beauty Salon. The other was the East Side Medical Clinic. "What did you think of those places?" April asked. "Interesting," Christine replied. "The nurses and secretaries wore white lab coats over their uniforms and the nurses actually wore caps." "Many nurses in medical offices wore caps back then," April said. "There's a church across the street. Let's tour it next." "Agreed."
  22. Re: New PRIMUS teams "Shouldn't you two be gloved?" Annie asked. "Cat burglars, which you're going in as, always wear them." "We're wearing latex gloves," April replied. "According to Christine, some cat burglars are using them." "They give you the dexterity of an ungloved hand without leaving fingerprints behind," Christine added. "I should know. Burglaries, especially high-tech ones, are my specialty." "I think she was expecting black gloves," Terry said. "Oh, we have them, too," April said. "Should we wear them over our latex gloves, Christine?" "Yes." The two black-clad women pulled black leather gloves on and walked through the gateway. "We're in a hotel," April said. "Yeah. According to this sign, there are four meeting rooms here, Let's see if anyone's inside." "Agreed." They did. "Must be a conference of Islamic women," April said when they reached the lobby. "It is," Christine said, pointing to a sign. "The state's council of Islamic women is meeting here." "They're not the only ones here," April said, pointing to a group of white-gloved uniformed women. "They're United stewardesses. That's the uniform they wore in the late 60s." "April, I see four different uniforms of the same style." "Their uniform was a short-sleeve, A-line dress with four different color combinations, red with white trim, white with red trim, white with blue trim, and blue with white trim. A red hat was worn with the dresses that had red in them, while a white one was worn with the dresses that had blue in them. Footwear was either knee-high black boots or black pumps. Their coats and uniforms were color-coordinated and they had black bags and white gloves." "I thought they only wore them for publicity and advertising photos, which is why stewardesses in movies always wore them." "Maybe here it's different," April said, grabbing her digital camera. We need photographs. I'll take some of the Islamic women, too."
  23. Re: Labs! for every occasion
  24. Re: The Avengers in the CU Ghost who Walks, I like this idea. The team could be based anywhere. High-speed aircraft, or magic, could take the team to where they needed to be.
  25. Re: Labs! for every occasion Lockpicking/security systems lab: designed to look like a bedroom and study in a wealthy person's house.
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