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Everything posted by GestaltBennie

  1. Re: New Avengers Unlike others, I think Brannon can be a pretty good writer. However, based on interviews and his treatment of Ron Moore when Ron was on the Voyager staff, he's obnoxious, dismissive, contemptuous of fans, and he's not as good as he thinks he is.
  2. Re: New Avengers The issue is being billed as the "final battle of Alpha Flight". Draw your own conclusions. And certainly threatening people's lives or body parts isn't cool. I won't hesitate, however, to call a spade a spade. He's the Brannon Braga of comics.
  3. Re: New Avengers If you want to see the dirty deed: http://www.newsarama.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=59432&perpage=25&pagenumber=1 And I picked up #15 last week. Won't make that mistake again.
  4. Re: New Avengers Reply sent by PM to avoid spoiling things, even if spoiling crap is an oxymoron.
  5. Re: New Avengers Just saw a couple of panels from New Avengers 16. You know how they say that you should never say never? Screw that. I'm never buying a Marvel comic again. Redshirt *my* team will you?
  6. Re: Best published adventure I loved that one too. Has anyone mentioned Challenges for Champions yet? There's good fodder for beginners in that book.
  7. I found this link and thought of you guys. And yeah , I'm skeptical. We'll know if it's a fraud on Tuesday, I suppose. http://www.physorg.com/news10789.html
  8. Re: Best published adventure Back in the old days, we ran VIPER's Nest as an introductory adventure and it worked great.
  9. Re: Silver Age Villains? Them Silver Age villains, they love the motif. You think some guy who's bright enough to build a rocket but dim enough to only use it for crime would have some shame. But no. They gotta give you the works. You gets yourself guys like "the Rocketrider", who rides a giant rocket like a horse, fires rocket-shaped grenades from his wrists, and throws bolos with rockets attached to their ends that send people flying straight up and (if lucky) pin them to the ceiling. And you'd think he could throw one of the damn things without saying "Ignition in 10... 9... 8..." or get on his rocket without saying "blastoff" or fall unconscious without saying "Houston, we have a problem!". And he's only the tip of the iceberg. And I'm not refering to Dr. Iceberg, the Man Who Can Sink The World, either. I'm talking about every villain who grabs onto a motif like a lonely child holding a pet cat: villains with flame guns who call themselves "the Flamer" (those Silver Agers don't care about names), or a guy who dresses up in a big spiky costume, jumps around, throws a big red ball at people and calls himself "the Human Jack". These guys just don't have any shame or sense. Oh wait a minute. That's "The Incredible Human Jack". We wouldn't have any adjectives at all in the English language if it weren't for them Silver Agers. It's almost enough to make a man say "Excelsior" or "Imperius Rex!" or "It's Clobbering Time!" Then there's the suits. Has there ever been a worse taste in costumes than these silver age villains? Purple? What's up with all of these guys wearing purple? I half expect the Amazing Purple Gorilla to show up any day now. Anyhow, they're nice folk when you can get a few drinks in 'em, just a little strange. Gotta admit that given their low rate of killin' compared to their Iron Age cousins (they'll still kidnap and deathtrap you on a dime, but for some reason, things usually work out in the end), I really prefer their company.
  10. Re: George Perez & Champions Black Paladin by George Perez Dark Seraph by Jack Kirby Foxbat by Steve Ditko The Champions (4th and 5th Edition) vs Dr. Destroyer by Alex Ross Black Harlequin by Bruce Timm Firewing by John Buscema Viperia by Adam Hughes The Harbinger of Justice by Frank Miller Invictus by Walt Simonson Menton and Mentalla by Dave McKean
  11. Re: Pulparize It! Frazier Failed Boston radio personality and boozehound Frazier Crane is forced to move to Seattle to look after his dad, top cop Martin Crane, who was critically injured by a mysterious shooter. With the assistance of his ballsy secretary Roz, his father's psychic nurse Daphne, his brother (socialite and fencing champion Niles Crane), and Eddie the Wonder Dog, Frazier looks to use his mastery of human psychology to track down and arrest the man responsible for his dad's shooting, only to be drawn into a web of criminal deceit that spans three continents!
  12. Re: Pulparize It! Survivor. As part of a radio show, sixteen men and women are taken to a scavenger hunt in the South Pacific to find clues to an ancient treasure. However, no one told them about the headhunters. Okay, that's an easy one. Still...
  13. Re: Billy Deighton The same thought has occurred to the rest of us. :-)
  14. Re: Billy Deighton Glad you're enjoying them. Billy, Price, Roscoe, Sarah Ann/Kondo Rimi, Crusher, and Tony are all PCs. The Wraith's also a PC, but his player can only get off work for the last hour or so of the session. Hence his continual showing up at the last moment. The Countess is a PC who was played as an NPC a couple of times. Queller's a GMPC. On those occasions where I guest GM, Chiba Bob plays him as a PC. Dunsmuir's an NPC.
  15. Re: Pulp Miniatures Page I picked up a pile of figs from Pulp Figures last week. They arrived within two days of placing the order, though I'm in the same province as the company.
  16. Re: Billy Deighton Much like juggling bottles of nitroglycerine, playing in the same group with the Countess was never dull.
  17. Re: Billy Deighton There's a new installment in the fists.pdf file that's attached to the first post on page 1 of this thread. The new adventure runs from pages 108-117. Warning: because of the way that InDesign's been working the "small file size" option in the Create PDF. you may need to refresh the file to get it to load. Anyway, in this exciting adventure... Dr. Queller receives an unwelcome visitor! Kondo Rimi must face: Eskimo dog pits of death? Hal Haywood arrives in town! Jack Roscoe comes face-to-face with the man who gassed him! Attack of the Gassengrifters! Rimi gets burned on Water Street! The Wraith faces an unpleasant surprise? Plus - Billy Deighton, Bolshevik Traitor? All this and more in "The Face of Dr. Fume!"
  18. Re: Billy Deighton There's a game tonight.
  19. Re: Billy Deighton There's a new installment in the fists.pdf file that's attached to the first post on page 1 of this thread. The new adventure runs from pages 95-107. Warning: because of the way that InDesign's been working the "small file size" option in the Create PDF. you may need to refresh the file to get it to load. Anyway, in this exciting adventure... One of our merry band does not survive! Billy gets drunk! Dr. Queller performs another experiment! The Canadian Rocket Brigade faces its greatest challenge! Someone threatens to reveal Jack Roscoe's deepest secrets! One of the Countess's old paramours makes an unexpected return! Whiskey Jack goes missing! Indians! Ghosts! Indian ghosts! When the going gets tough, Crusher gets a-wrestling! Plus... a happy ending? All this and more in "Horror in the Old Lighthouse!"
  20. Re: Best Martial Artist: Champions Universe In Watchers of the Dragon (4e), Lin Hu (Jade Tiger) was pretty damn impressive.
  21. Re: Billy Deighton Just making sure that people know, there will be a game tonight.
  22. Re: Bennie's Head Swells, Film At 11 I appreciate the kind words from all of you. Thanks guys. :-)
  23. Re: Bennie's Head Swells, Film At 11 Thanks QM. If you can, could you give Kelly my email address and ask him to drop him a line? Aside from shooting the breeze, I'd like to have a few words about some of his old characters.
  24. No, it wasn't a near fatal motorcycle accident, Ken Hite named Villainy Amok as runner-up for best supplement of the year in his "Out of the Box" column at gamingreport.com. In a brazen attempt to expand Mr. Bennie's ego to dangerous levels, Ken said: "Scott Bennie's Villainy Amok! is actually amazingly good, even for the new (and usually very good) Champions releases. Its rethink of the "story supplement" makes it one of the best such since Jim Pinto's old L5R GM Survival Guide and its Plot Gallery is bloody amazing, and should be required reading for all line developers." There's also some comments on Hero and the state of the industry in general. You can read the full article here at: http://www.gamingreport.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=178
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