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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Came across this old post of Cancer's while looking up Logical Positivism as I was sure that we had discussed it at some point before. 


Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, every now and then I need to be reminded what the difference is between positivism and logical positivism. You certainly can't figure it out from the terms.


Happy to oblige, that is to remind you the meaning of the two terms (from book 100 Essential Thinkers  by Philip Stokes):

Positivism The theory introduced by Auguste Comte that limits knowledge to what can be derived from observation and comprehended within the bounds of science. 


Logical Positivism The view that philosophy should be based on observation and testing and that propositions are only meaningful to the extent that they can be verified empirically. It is opposed to any type of metaphysical speculation. 


So how does logical positivists define empirical? would a logical proof count, or is just restricted to the scientific method? 


From same book on metaphysics since it is included in the definition above:

Metaphysics The branch of philosophy concerned with first principles, particularly being (ontology) and knowing (epistemology), as well as with the ultimate nature of what exists. Central to metaphysical speculation are all the traditional questions of philosophy, such as: the origin of life, the nature of mind and of reality, and the meaning of concepts such as time, space, causation and free will, among others. 


Wow. I guess I'm an anti-logical positivist as I like the origin of life; the nature of mind and reality; and derive meaning from time and space, causation and free will (a non-being of future events).  


The flip side:

Verifiability The property of a statement or proposition that allows us to test, using empirical evidence, whether it is true or false. In the 20th century, many Logical Positivists and Empiricists made verification a requirement of knowledge. However, since few statements or even scientific laws are verifiable, there were others who argued against verifiability as a theory of proof and meaning. 


And to be fair I can't see origin of life, the nature of mind and reality and meaning from time and space, causation and free will ever to be adequately verifiable. 


This definition struck me as funny:

Utilitarianism The ethical theory sketched out by Bentham and elaborated by J.S. Mill, which argues for a morality based on actions that lead to happiness. In this framework, an action that leads to unhappiness would be morally wrong. What follows from this is the view that society should aim for the happiness of the greatest number. 


Did either of them, like, read Aristotle? :winkgrin:

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Did either of them, like, read Aristotle? :winkgrin:


That includes me, so...


But reading a bit more i have found that Utilitarianism is different in approach to ethical approach of Aristotle. Utilitarianism being a modern revival -- in spirit -- of Epicureanism.  That is to say that an Utilitarian might find Epicureanism quite compatible. 

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I work as an orderly on weekends ...


But not last weekend. Visited parents and siblings -- big bro has a new house, and his latest kid is my god-daughter. She hates sleeping, but I managed to put her under in five minutes flat. Either she trusts me, or she finds me incredibly boring, and I don't think it's the latter.

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