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could kitty pride beat superman?


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##Superman's about as powerful as Thor. When Rogue touched Loki she went argh and fell down. I don't know if she'd have any better luck with Superman.##



Something similar happened in our MSH game that was quite amusing.


A little back story -


Back in the mid-eighties, we played the original MSH (upgrading to Advanced when it came out), pretty hardcore. Several of the players came and went over the 12 years.


Now it's circa 1997. I'm playing a mutant who has gravity manipulation powers. Due to a series of fairly interesting events that involved pushing his powers, his powers had increased and a team of scientists including Reed Richards and Dr. Octavius had to put a regulator in his head to keep his powers from going wild. All the pushing had damaged the centers of his brain that regulated his powers.


So, Kevin, one of the players that haden't played in years moved back. He wanted to make a "big" impression by changing things by running a game.


Since things in our game happened a bit different than in the comic books, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants plus Rogue were a group. (An interesting side note, the X-men didn't exist in this game. Wolverine was leading Alpha Flight, Collussus was part of the Russian Super Soldiers and Nightcrawler was part of the villain group "Faces of Fear".)


Rogue had been hiding in the crowd disguised as a civilian. In the ensuing melee, she took a dive off the building the fight was taking place on (pretty risky since this version hadn't had the opportunity to rape Ms. Marvel's powers).


I don't know what bug was up Kevin's but that day, but he wanted to get at Blue Streak (the gravity manipulator). When Mongoose went to jump off the building to save her, he got a little funny and tried to point out there were no flagpoles or other things to grab on the way down. So basically he tried to pigeon hole Blue Streak into doing it.


So Blue Streak caught her and took her to the ground. Then he tells me she grabs his face just above the groun and reveals his plan for taking the powers. I casually inform him that the force field wont let that happen. He tries to say that I didn't say the field was on, but it was actually part of the power that when he was flying, the power was on (linked).


So then he wants to go back on that. He says that she wants to kiss him to thank him once they hit ground and that I have no reason to refuse it. MEGACHEESE, but since I know what's about to happen, I go with it.


She gets the power and I casually inform him about what's happening. Her powers seem fine for a minute or two and then she turns into a singularity and dies, wiping out most everything in an area.


Now he's mad. I explain the back history. He tries to play "Well her brain isn't damaged, so she can control it." I counter with the fact it doesn't work that way in the comics when she sucks up cyclopses powers.


Everybody else agrees with me.


We had a void policy in the game since it was muliply-GMed. If a majority of the players voided an adventure, it didn't happen. Guess what?


We voided it. Last game Kevin ran for us.


Sorry for getting off topic, I just wanted to tell a funny story.

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Re: Over Power and Find their weakness


Originally posted by Argus

Rouge flies in and lays a wet kiss on Sups, he is now stunned and a Normal.


She’s now Super Rouge and begins to kick Wonder Woman’s Butt.


OR she absorbs too much of Supes' personality and switches sides! ;) She's been known to do that.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Re: Over Power and Find their weakness


Originally posted by Solomon

OR she absorbs too much of Supes' personality and switches sides! ;) She's been known to do that.


But, y'see, that would require Superman to *have* a personality.



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Supes is tough


I don't really understand the "Shadowcat turns solid inside Supes" thing. I mean, Kryptonians are pretty tough inside as well as outside. The Atom will attest to that when he had to ride inside Supe's body in one issue of JLA (post-Crisis).


He might be stunned, but he'd recover the next phase... and fly whatever was left of Shadowcat to the nearest ER room.


Same argument for the Nightcrawler thing.


Especially since they showed that Kryptonians tend to heal fast if they're not dead outright. Supes was shot in a recent Superman / Batman comic issue witha Kryptonite bullet, and Bats hadda get the bullet out before the fricking skin closed up around it! (Kryptonite apparently doesn't rob him of his powers, but he does get weak and die if near it.)


The Phoenix would hafta generate RED SUN radiation or something to take him out.

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Re: Supes is tough


Originally posted by KawangaKid

I don't really understand the "Shadowcat turns solid inside Supes" thing. I mean, Kryptonians are pretty tough inside as well as outside. The Atom will attest to that when he had to ride inside Supe's body in one issue of JLA (post-Crisis).


He might be stunned, but he'd recover the next phase... and fly whatever was left of Shadowcat to the nearest ER room.


Same argument for the Nightcrawler thing.


Especially since they showed that Kryptonians tend to heal fast if they're not dead outright. Supes was shot in a recent Superman / Batman comic issue witha Kryptonite bullet, and Bats hadda get the bullet out before the fricking skin closed up around it! (Kryptonite apparently doesn't rob him of his powers, but he does get weak and die if near it.)


The Phoenix would hafta generate RED SUN radiation or something to take him out.


I suppose you're right. So then how could the x-team win, in the scenario Phoenix is marvel girl, but perhaps they would need a phoenix character...

One thing I'd like to have all of you're opinion on though -

Could Wolverine's claws make a dent in Superman's defenses?


Could Xavier, the White Queen, or Phoenix take control of Supes mind?


Could we let the x-team have Magneto?


There was a theory above of the JLA = 4 magneto's not counting Bats and Aquaman, so I guess it looks like a black day for the xmen


Oh yeah in the scenario Batman would have a partial gadget pool in his belt, and I was thinking of throwing in Hawkman with the JLA team.


But honestly couldn't Martian manhunter be taken out by the Xavier/Frost/Grey triple 40d6+ mind attack?

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Martian Manhunter is REALLY powerful in the DCU. However it seems that Marvel has the lock on super powerful Psis. Despero was able to shut down MM all by himself in Virtue & Vice. I would think Xavier could do the same. MM upsets me almost (I said almost) as much as Bats does, here is a guy with most of Superman's abilities (at only a slightly reduced power level) PLUS shapeshifting, density control AND telepathy. The only thing he lacks is Super Speed and let's not forget that hefty Vuln to Fire. Now if only Pyro were an X-Man!

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Re: Re: Supes is tough


Originally posted by bloomann

One thing I'd like to have all of you're opinion on though -

Could Wolverine's claws make a dent in Superman's defenses?


Could Xavier, the White Queen, or Phoenix take control of Supes mind?


I was wondering why no one asked these questions.


Bearing in mind that (IIRC) Doomsday cut Superman, I'd say the answer to the former question is "Yes." Wolverine might only be able to break the skin (kind of like a paper cut) without superstrength, but I'm not sure.


Bearing in mind that Superman (at least in JLA) is often shown as being mentally manipulated, I'd say the answer to the latter question is "Yes."


On the subject of Rogue absorbing Superman's powers, it always seems a bit hit and miss in the comics. Loki's powers might have been too strong because:


1. They are just too powerful (he's a god).


2. They are magical and Rogue might have trouble with that. Has she absorbed magical powers anywhere else?


3. It suited the plot.


On 1, no, Rogue can't absorb Superman's powers. On 2, no problem. On 3, it depends.


Would Superman's mind overwhelm Rogue? Not in my opinion. Martian Manhunter's might, though.


EDIT: Just thought - can Rogue absorb racially innate powers? My recollection is that precisely what she could drain was a bit odd and not necessarily logical (I always thought it should just have been mutant powers).

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Of course, if we're going on actual abilities of the characters, rather than how it would play out in a comic, Flash wins.


He can take out everyone on the X-men team before they can get in a blink between them. Well, ok, Quicksilver might just about get in a blink, but that's about it. He definately wouldn't be able to counter the Flash. Add on the fact that Flash can lend his speed to others, and the heavy hitting nature of the rest of the JLA and you just compound the problem.


The problem with this, of course, is that the Flash never fights to potential (except for the occassional plot moment). It makes for a boring story if anyone who can't move at a significant percentage of the speed of light is a non-factor.


Written up in normal comic book 'drunken baboons would make better tactical use of my abilities than I do' style, I would still give it to the JLA. The power levels involved for Green Lantern, Flash and Martian Manhunter in particular are just too excessive - and in my opinion, none of them would fall quickly enough to a physic assault for the Marvel mentalists to pull out a win.


As an aside to the person who said "Martian Manhunter has all of Superman's powers except superspeed" - he has superspeed too. MM is the one man JLA - all of Superman's power, all of Batman's smarts, all of Plasticman's flexibility (pun intended) and he's a mentalist to boot. The only problem he really has is the weakness to flame. He is, in fact, a rediculous character saved only by the fact he has an interesting personality.


For people to comment one: I would place Superman in the second tier of the JLA power wise. While he is the heart of the team, in raw power I would say that he is inferior to Flash, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern by a heavy margin. Especially the second two.



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I am a huge fan of the Flash as well and I totally agree that he is not used up to his potential for plot/entertainment reasons. I do have to disagree with what you have said about him taking out all of the X-Men before they could blink however. Flash is fast, incredibly fast, but he still has to send messages from his brain to his limbs in order to move that fast and I don't think he is faster than thought. Which is precisely what Xavier would use to shut him down.


I would also say that it seems that people forget that the X-Men have a knack for surviving and when their backs are to the wall, they are willing to pull out all the stops and get the job done. The specific examples are too numerous to mention here.


On a related note, I am disgusted to hear that MM has superspeed as well...that guy would never be allowed in any campaign I was running...lol

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Guest Hunter1

Could Kitty Pride beat Superman?


I suppose Kitty could "beat" Superman, but there are moral considerations to take into account. As Clark Kent, Superman is married to Lois Lane, and I don't think they have an "open" marriage. They seem committed to each other, and I don't think Superman would ever allow another woman to "beat" him. I am certian that he would divorce Lois first, if he wanted to let another woman do that to him.

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