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The Top 10 Infamous RPG Kickstarter Fails


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Kickstarter can do wonders but most of the time it doesn't work that well and it takes a huge amount of effort to succeed.  And there's no guarantee it will succeed, even with the effort.  I looked into it pretty hard for several products and came to the conclusion that it was not going to worth the effort and time.

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2 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

Kickstarter can do wonders but most of the time it doesn't work that well and it takes a huge amount of effort to succeed.  And there's no guarantee it will succeed, even with the effort.  I looked into it pretty hard for several products and came to the conclusion that it was not going to worth the effort and time.

 Looking at it from all sides, the successful Crowdfunds were all due to having an already existing fan base, or were an idea that no one knew before that they really needed it. Without the fan base, that will go out and inform the masses, the project stalls out and dies, usually. Having seen a LOT of efforts in other hobbi8es as well as in RPGs, it really is  a popularity contest. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only "conceptual" crowd funding effort I've backed was for Champions Now.  IIRC, that ran long.  Otherwise, it's been product-based...generally watches, one of my other hobbies.  Even here:  different projects have seemed to be at different levels of development when the campaign kicked off.  Some have worked great;  some, not so much.  Sometimes I think it was inadequate development...one guy had a very interesting idea, but his first attempt at the special, central, unusual element *bombed* and he had to go back and get that redone.  Then there were some serious logistical breakdowns, that likely were based on inexperience.  Got the watch, but IIRC, about 15 months late.  And lousy communication.  The backers were not happy campers.


Another one got metaphorically bitten by the snake in the box.  Standard movement, that was fine...but he'd promised to make a small, standard enough tweak.  The problem is...it required a part, that could only be obtained from someone OTHER than the movement supplier.  (Don't ask.  It's complicated.)  They said no.  SO he had to scramble to find enough of those parts...which took 3-4 months.  I always felt the guy behind the campaign probably felt hosed, but there could've also been other issues.  Either way...that brand has never released another watch.


Oh wow, that's one I forgot...the Remix Mini.  First KS I ever backed.  It was supposed to be a micro-PC running Android.  Got a refund on that one.


And, yeah....the amount of front-end work on a product KS is insane.  On a creative one, it might look to be more back-end but I'd bet that's a trap, big time, as CRT suggests.  There's ALWAYS more work to be done to nail a creative project than you see at first glance.

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