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Time Power: 5 second replay.


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Re: Precog, with a few more bits.


Originally posted by The Mad GM

A really gonzo level of Danger Sense, some variation on Deduction, and several skill levels could add a little extra to the precog option:


Getting a +2 to make the initial roll is usually as good as being allowed a reroll and getting a +3 is always as good (and generally better) than getting a reroll.


Oddly it is the easy rolls that need the +3 to simulate the reroll. Getting a reroll on tough roll doesn't really improve your chances much. Getting a reroll on an easy roll makes it almost a sure thing that one of the two rolls will be sucessful.

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The seems to have great potential for boring game disruption. Would you allow him to do it over and over? Better way to do a Neo type thing would be extra SPD that costs END to represent him going into "bullet time". Then the aforemention Danger Sense and some levels in DCV with the costs END. Maybe all in a Multipower. And then, if you really, really want to, I'd give him one charge of reverse time. It's hard to alter time and space, right? Once a session shouldn't be too bad. It is an interesting concept, though.

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Originally posted by ParitySoul

I'm talking about going back in time and getting to replay the last 5 rounds of combat/life/etc.


Plain and simple.


From the following posts and your most recent post about the character being a time "manipulator", are you saying "replay" as in just "see" or actually being able to interact with?


If just "see", it's merely Postcognition. I don't expect you're asking if it's just to see it though.


If he wants to change things, how so?

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Originally posted by Supreme Serpent

For an NPC, it just happens. No need to worry about a write up.


For a PC, I'd allow it for oh, $5.00 a use. :D

This is also a great system for balancing any other power. In fact, I'm going to have my players start buying their powers in cash instead of character points.

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The Danger Sense and the DCV levels are good.


As to the "effects" of the five second replay....


Broaden the power interpretation on Luck. One of the effects of luck is trading the BODY chips for influencing the effects of the story and the plot, not just the die rolls. Have him buy 10d6 of Luck, and link it to the Precognition effects. Then he can spend his luck chips to direct the plot/combat in a certain direction. Top it off with a small Cosmic VPP to be used for "nudging" things. Healing (I saved you from the hit), Aid (I just happened to be there), DCV levels (Duck Photon Bob, or Darkmeister will incinerate you!)


Our Luck player has traded chips to alter plotlines and combat outcomes in a manner SHE preferred. If you are uncomfortable with it, have him purchase the luck with a UBO advantage and share it out one target at a time, ditching the VPP or changing the nature of it.


Cory has:

Won at high stakes poker in Vegas, in spite of bad gambling rolls and being exhausted

Left a damaged GENOCIDE combat helicopter on the ground in a firefight and had it come through unscathed, AND the destruct mechanism malfunctioned.

'Happened' to be visiting the scene of a robbery

'Accidentally' leaped into the correct window when looking for a sniper.

Seduced an ArchAngel

Successfully survived the ground zero explosion of a Terminator fusion battery (in spite of weakness to radiation)


She hoards those luck chips because she has 4d6. 10-15 should reduce the hoarding effects.

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Re: Time Power: 5 second replay.


Originally posted by ParitySoul

Okay. I'm guessing this is time travel, but how?


The abiltiy to replay 5 seconds/actions in time.




If you are the Game Master then just say it's SFX and go one with the game.


If you're the player come up with another character.



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