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What Would Your Character Do? #54


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During a raid on a VIPER nest, you find yet another black file folder. This time, the folder contains a dossier on a scientist by the name of Alex Bryce. According to the dossier, Dr. Bryce had been working on technologies that would have revolutionized the fields of artifical intellegence and cybernetics...right up until he died of lung cancer in 1998.


The information in the folder suggests VIPER is constantly searching for Bryce's lost research journals in hopes of developing his technologies for Their Own Nepharious Purposesâ„¢... to no avail at the present time.


It is then you notice a photograph of the good doctor paper-clipped inside the folder and stare at in growing shock: take away the glasses and the lab coat, make him a little less chunky and alot more muscular, and Dr. Bryce is the spitting image of the android that took down Succubus in What Would Your Character Do? The After Christmas Edition and stole the mugger's gun in the Mugging Senerio


What would your character do?

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How much is Viper paying for such info?




If he wants to stay hidden I have no problem with that in any character Identity. I'd mentally file away the knowledge. It's best no one discovers this. But should Viper some day come across the information they seek, THEN it will be important to confront this guy and find out how to neutralize his tech.


Until then, it's best not to lead them straight to the guy.

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Hype would keep it to himself until he saw the guy again, and then he would confront him and ask a few dozen questions in about 30 seconds, get angry when the droid didnt answer them fast enough and either get violent or split out from sheer frustration.


Hype's a bit high strung.


Major Savage would have apprehended the droid in the mugging scenario, so it would be a non issue.

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Originally posted by SaintQuakko

John Wrath: He'd pocket the picture and hand the dossier on to PRIMUS. Then, he'd call in some contacts, and attempt to warn Dr. Bryce / Dr. Bryce's android duplicate of the impending trouble, and suggest that he get his ass to the due authorites for proper protection.

If by suggest you mean give an order backed up by a gun to the head, then yeah I can see Wrath doing that.
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Originally posted by SaintQuakko

I'm not sure what you mean...


Is there any other way?

I dunno. War-Man seems to think asking nicely works, though Major Savage would likely point out that past history does not indicate this to be true.


But you're all just a bunch of obsolete monkey-people from the past, so what does Major Savage care?

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Hmmmm, let's see....


Adrenaline would hunt the good Doctor down and see which side he is on then try to convince him to use his knowledge for good.


Realm would hunt the good Doctor down and see which side he is and the bring him to justice if he is on the wrong side.


Hecabus would hunt down the good Doctor and explain to him the advantage to be a deacon in his church. =] Then he would convince the Doctor to help in some scheme to increase Hecabus' power, reach and probably to trick a bunch of people.

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If Husky's original course of action to buddy up with the driod worked he'd give him a call and discuss this over drinks.


If the droid had snubbed Husky back then he'd shrug and drop the file in the garbage commenting "Heh, small world." After changing into Kenneth, Kenneth would study the Dr's past research history and try to locate the man, after changing into Husky, Husky will probably think looking for the droid is too boring.

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