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Commercial Hero


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This is a person who gets his powers from items. For example if he drinks Redbull he gets wings and can fly. If he puts on air jordans he can play like Mike. Basically, He can do the things they show in the commercials. He goes to the the Bahamas, he can jump from island to island. How would you write up this character?


And what would his costume look like?:D


This will be an exercise in fun!?!?!:P

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Considering how ad campaigns come and go It would be an acceptable use of a Variable power pool. That said, most commercials fall into basic trends that you could buy as multi slots.


Slot 1) Personal charisma-sexual attractiveness- toothpaste, dandruff commercials, mouthwash, Hair coloror aerosol hair. Pre and comliness aid, levels in Pre based skills.


Slot 2) Physical prowess- running shoes, gatorade, specific dietary supplements, characteristics or aids for str, con, dex, edurance, spd etc.


Slot 3) Children's items- Stealth and or invisibility only usable in the theft of sugary breakfast cereals along with some unluck, or around halloween when there are commercials for costumes that allow you to take on the attributes and prowess of the costumes original. They'd be scaled towards childrens physique and any adult trying to wear one might have some problems. I think that goes too far.


How far do you want to take it? Does he get magic leprecaun powers from eating Lucky Charms?



I'd imagine the costume would look like a Nascar entry with stickers of the various sponsor's products about his body, possibly the dominant product at the time would get the biggest logo, worn on the chest and accompanied by a utility belt of consumer products. Face would be bare so we could see his gleaming smile and dandruff free hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Adventus

He would also have Summon Superheo. He would have the ability to summon The superheroes form commercials to fight on his side. Like Trojan Man. He would need The item to summon them, of course.

Ummm, Trojan Man? I think that's just a disembodied voice. Now Kool-Aid Man, he's real!
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Originally posted by Agent X

Ummm, Trojan Man? I think that's just a disembodied voice. Now Kool-Aid Man, he's real!


Nah, the Trojan Man is 'real', or at least he's a disembodied latex-covered hand according to some commercials. so he exists in some form with debatable/questionable use.


Personally, I wanna summon the barbarian chick off those old vodka ads. She even had a riding bear!

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I played in a game where one the characters could take on the powers of whatever music he was listening to. He had a focus to change and we built him as a multiform, if you could take away his music or damage the player, he was stuck in his current form. I don't remember all of his powers or the bands that he could morph into, but I remember he was supposed to be a guy reliving the 70's and 80's Metal bands.


For instance, if he put in a Lynrd Skynrd album he would have the powers of the Freebird (flight, desolidfication vs. entangles and grabs), Black Sabbath would give him the powers of Iron Man (we would call him War Pig), etc. He could change his powers given time and new music, but could only keep a few forms ready at a time and had to have the music to change (5 I think).


The bonus to this is ease of play. VPP work great, but they usually slow the game down and can sometimes stop a game all together. Maybe a small VPP would work as a gadget type power effect for those last minute saves.

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