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Beast Mountain


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Just wondering here how you folks would handle the critters of Beast Mountain in the CU setting (for those without the book, they're basically the remnants of a army of animal-men created by a mad scientist to conquer Europe. When he was beaten, they stayed behind and have mostly avoided trouble since.). I'm not necessarily talking stats, now, but how they might relate to the larger world around them.


Would they ever try interacting with the surrounding humanity, or just stay hidden? If they do stay hidden, would the more adventurous leave and seek fame and/or fortune elsewhere? It's stated in the book that two did leave (a Vibora Bay bouncer called Ram and a villain named Snake; and I hope they get statted out someday) though it's not stated if anyone ever learned of the existence of the place from them.


Another setting related question I've got is -- now that Doctor Moreau is out and about and working for VIPER, does anyone think they'll try to reclaim his property for him? Beast Mountain does have a pretty decent lab, from the write-up, and VIPER could always use a few more disposable freaks for the front line.


Hoping someone will be able to help. I'd also appreciate knowing which comics have used an idea like this in the past, so I can see how it was handled there (it was inspired by Thor's 'Knights of Wundagore', unless I'm mistaken).

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Quicksilver had his own book for a little while ... the Knights of Wundagore were ordered by the High Evolutionary to be Quicksilver's entourage, mostly to protect his daughter Luna, as I recall ... though as 'Knights', they went about on the occassional 'crusade' and kicked some bad-guy backside.


They were the exception to the rule; most of the New Men remained in Transia, though.

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Well the New Knights of Wundagore are as smart as humans, though that doesn't neccesarily mean they're exceptional.


A few of them have ventured away from Wundagore Mountain, it happened in Quicksilver's book. I forget the whys and hows of it, but Quicksilver became they're leader for a time. I think it was during the whole Heroes Reborn thing.

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Originally posted by FenrisUlf

Wait, wasn't there a lengthy series of stories den about a Wolf who became the new Hate-Monger (after Hitler got knocked off)? I seem to recall him showing up in a fight wth Thor, if nothing else, and I remember him being some kind of big bad in the Adam Warlock/Counter-Earth story.


I think you're thinking of the Man-Beast. (Think I have the name right) Don't know about him being Hate-Monger though.

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Originally posted by Supreme Serpent

I think you're thinking of the Man-Beast. (Think I have the name right) Don't know about him being Hate-Monger though.


I think he was the Hate-Monger for a short while, before the shapeshifting android. Later he was a part of the Knights of Wundagore that travelled with Quicksilver, not that he reformed he was in disguise.

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Originally posted by Twilight

I think he was the Hate-Monger for a short while, before the shapeshifting android. Later he was a part of the Knights of Wundagore that travelled with Quicksilver, not that he reformed he was in disguise.


In disguise? As what, a poodle or coyote? Sorry if I seem nasty here, but I have a hard time seeing how someone/thing as unusual as an anthropomorphic wolf could disguise himself.

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Originally posted by FenrisUlf

In disguise? As what, a poodle or coyote? Sorry if I seem nasty here, but I have a hard time seeing how someone/thing as unusual as an anthropomorphic wolf could disguise himself.

Ah, the Man-Beast! Corruptor of Counter-Earth! Satan to Adam Warlock's Jesus routine. Master of Hyper Kung Fu? Apparently he knew some awesome degree of pseudo-martial arts that let him spar with Thor without getting splattered. He was one of the first evolved animals and walking hate on two legs. Spent his time peeing in the High Evolutionary's cereal, in a metaphorical sense.


Anyway, in order to have a matching set of Knights, The High Evolutionary whipped up another evolved wolf. Man-Beast, of course, killed him and dressed in his armor to disguise himself.

Sort of a wolf-in-wolf's-clothing kinda thing.

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