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How would you build this power?

Guest Volt

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So I have this electrical FEP. I'd like him to be able to absorb electricity (END) from electrical power lines around him. So the first thing I thought of was Absorbtion, but then I thought of:

1 1/2d6 Aid, Continuous(+1), only when in range of power lines (0 or maybe -1/4)


Is this abusive? How would you build a power like this?




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Why not just buy +X to the powers "only if within Y" of electrical power lines".


He'll always have the extra power, except when he's out of range of electrical power lines, so why bother rolling dice for Aid? As for the value of the limitation, probably -1/4 in most campaigns, much like "not in intense magnetic field", but this could vary with the campaign. If you spend a lot of time uin rural areas, outer space, etc., a larger limit wuld be reasonable. It also deoends how close you need to be to the power lines.


As for whether it's abusive, that will depend on the character as a whole. If he hits campaign max and then wants to add with this ability, I'd disallow it.

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So, the effect you are looking at is. to pull electricity from power lines/transformers, through the air to be absorbed by you,...hmmmm

well, as has been said, you could by as an x reserve that only works near power lines, but that does lack drama...

"..Powers, fading,....need.....more....power..Wait! that electrical socket! If I could just.....reach it...."

I have had 2 characters that needed the juice for different reasons, and wanted to reflect juice absorbed=power available, I.E., if you only had an outlet to pull from, FRED sez 1D6 K Grounded, and up to 5D6 from high tension lines.

So what you want to do is to create an arc of electricity from the source to your body (For Absobtion dice)

Strtching, only to create Arc -1 1/2, (like sticking your finger in a socket)

And of course you would have appropriate def and absorbtion dice (maybe bought only to absorb juice)

How's that?

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Electrical cords and cables cause damage when you grab them, right... so using Absorption, only vs. Electricity, would work, but you'd end up taking some damage (I'd buy specific defense versus Electricity, anyway). And it's already No Range, which means you'd have to grab an electrical line.


If the transfer doesn't do damage to you, just buy it as Aid.



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Absorption and armor - only against electricity attack/damage or a damage reduction vs electricity added to an absorption may work. A lot depends on how you visualize it to work.

Things get complicated at times.. if it's 110 US household power maybe he has to be within a few feet to charge up. If he happens to be fighting outside near the 440v (or higher) power lines perhaps he's less limited. If he's fighting right at a power station... well, you get the picture.

Stretching to produce the effect of an arc of power is a nice effect. For more fun you could add a damage shield to the stretch so that anyone in the way gets shocked. Don't forget a few points in limitations potentially to reflect the brown out or black out he may cause a neighborhood while he's fighting and absorbing power from the grid!

heh, also... too much and he'll cause the grid breakers to flip and there goes his power source...

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I am not sure exactly what you get from the powerlines. Does it just mean you don't get tired when using your blast? Does it increase the power of you attacks? What exactly does it do for you other than look flashy?


if the answer is flashy, then I would say it is a special effect only and needs no game mechanic. If you can't use your powers outside of the range of electrical lines then you could even get a limitation on all you powers.


Otherwise I would build a power framework, I would have to study more to know which one would be appropriate, with the following slots.

  • Damage Shield: Anyone who gets near to you during the "drawing of power" is gonna get hurt.
  • AID: Aid to your powers to increase their active points.
  • AID to your END or an Endurance pool (wherever your powers come from.


I would think absorption is not really required for this purpose. You could always buy it anyway, but I don't think a GM should penalize you and say you take damage. It would be like saying Iceman takes damage from being in the cold. SFX thing. If you GM is a stickler though I wouldn't go with absorptsion, but a major FF.

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Originally posted by Kzinbane

Absorption and armor - only against electricity attack/damage or a damage reduction vs electricity added to an absorption may work. A lot depends on how you visualize it to work.

Well, if he was a FEP I Figured he'd be set with that already..

Stretching to produce the effect of an arc of power is a nice effect. For more fun you could add a damage shield to the stretch so that anyone in the way gets shocked. Don't forget a few points in limitations potentially to reflect the brown out or black out he may cause a neighborhood while he's fighting and absorbing power from the grid!

heh, also... too much and he'll cause the grid breakers to flip and there goes his power source...

Now, THAT Has Drama to it...Kudos to you sir!

(I will be using that Damage shield idea!

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