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No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


Eosin, what follows is the Rough Draft of Jayme's journal entry for his "wintering exploits".

Please feel free to make any corrections that would be required.


Wintering in Middea


While we waited for the weather to cooperate with us in our pursuit of the annihilation of the Troll infestation up North, I was faced with an opportunity that was too good to pass on. Historically, we should have about eight weeks before the way is clear enough to begin our journey towards the mountains, which gives me plenty of time to set in motion my plans for Northrun.


After excusing myself from the evenings dinner guests with brief farewells, I packed my small backpack and prepared for an early departure. To prevent unwanted delays, it would be necessary to leave the city by first light, even if it meant leaving in the middle of a snowstorm. Alacran would surely earn his keep on this trip!


I must free him of his duties in the near future, for he is growing ever more independent of late. He actually questioned the need for travel this time of year! What Gall! Perhaps his pay for putting up with me on this trip will be what he wants so dearly. I will propose this to father upon our return.


The morning sun was barely visible over the mountains when we crested the last ridge before losing sight of the city. It was a crisp fall morning with few clouds in the sky, which turned into a fantastic day for traveling. I only hope that the balance of this trip goes as well as it has begun!


The trip to Northrun lasted only three days, putting us a full day ahead of schedule, much to the chagrin of my staff. They expected us late the next day. The weather could not have been better for traveling north; the days were bright and clear with the nights having the light of a waning moon to keep us on our path.


The time that Alacran and I spent on the road was filled with discussion of this Temple that I have been building in my head. He actually gave me several ideas on things to incorporate into it. Most dealt with security, which I had not considered before. We talked non-stop for the better part of the trip, with short stops for hunting, sleeping and other such things that that are required while out on the trail.


I made an appointment to have the best of the Tradesmen that were available in the area to meet with me the next afternoon to discuss my plans. But first, I must discuss my plans with Neryn. She probably already knows what I intend to do, but I must give her the news.


Alacran must be slipping; I got away from him too easily this time. The walk to the clearing that I remembered was not as long as I thought it was, for the morning sun was not yet clear of the horizon. My thoughts were all a mess; I had too much to tell her, yet I knew it was all in vain. With a lump in my throat and my stomach in knots, I began the ritual to summon the Water Spirit. If only the Duke could see me now, what would he say? “In love with a Spirit? Are you Daff?”


The ritual normally takes about an hour to perform, but this morning Neryn arrived much quicker than usual. Her abrupt arrival chased those thoughts away, and her form was a welcome sight. Soon enough, she was standing next to me in the river, holding my hands and captivating my thoughts. We became entwined in each other’s arms before I was aware that she had transformed herself into this beautiful female form that had substance. Neryn had become the Queen of the angels for me and as we held each other tightly, time itself stood still. How did Neryn take on human form? It did not matter, for she was everything that I dreamt that she would be.


Afterwards, while basking in the sunlight on the bank of the river, I had to ask her if I was dreaming or if she was actually in human form. She told me that she was in human form for the time being and that some things were better left unsaid. We talked about the plans for the Temple and she quickly changed my words to “our house” in place of the Temple.


With the sun near its apex in the sky, we had to hurry back so that I would not be late for my meeting with the Tradesmen. Getting clothes to fit Neryn was not as difficult as I first thought, one of the serving girls was a perfect match; size wise anyway.


Alacran was not happy about being eluded, but when he met Neryn he soon understood. For the next few weeks, I do not remember seeing Alacran, but I know that he was there. My time was spent with Neryn, showing her where everything was going to be and where our future might unfold.


The Tradesmen set to work on our plans with a vengeance. The materials were sourced from nearby ruins with very little left to be purchased outright. The Duke did not need to know about this structure at this time, and if certain things showed up on my balance sheet, questions would be asked that I did not want to answer, just yet.


During our time spent together, a grander scheme came into focus for Northrun. I would build a sanctuary where all the Spirits could enjoy tranquility, to regain their sense of purpose. The Northern portion of Northrun was to become a safe haven for all. There is to be no violence or destruction of any type within the boundaries that will be set forth. If these simple guidelines are broken, banishment from Northrun will be the answer. There are few exceptions to the above rules, and the locals will know these by heart.


Other tasks were accomplished while in the area, and Arron and Nagus should be happy with what I have found for them. Why they both would want Crenellations, I do not quite understand. You would think that my castle would be enough for them.


The time had come for us to part ways once again. Weather or not it was a tear that formed on her cheek, I will never know, for it disappeared with her as she transformed back to her natural state. Neryn was in my thoughts and dreams while heading back to join our group and she told me that I would be in hers also. I sensed that she wanted to say more, but something held her back.


During the journey back, Alacran remained surprisingly quiet. My thoughts remained with Neryn; she is a Spirit and there is nothing that I can do to change that. I truly hope that my father does not try to marry some spoiled nobility wretch to me.


Upon returning to my father, I found out that the King had blessed my father with a troop of Nobility for the winter. Of all the underhanded things that the King has done in the past, this one is the most despicable to date. He is trying to bankrupt the Duke to prevent him from mustering the armies that the King requires. At least the monies that I received from The White Serpents’ Lair will be well spent. I hope that my companions will feel the same way.


What if it were possible? Would father accept Neryn? :think:


Eosin, I know that there are some errors above, but I couldn't find my notes to correct them. I would appreciate a little help. :stupid:

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


I am dying to see the write-up that Eosin posts for last night's game (the Holloween game). It was a blast. Pay special attention to the activities of the Justicar Nagus.


If only the charactors actually knew what happenned! :jawdrop:


Somehow, I don't think that the expressions will come through in the typing. :rofl:


I hope that it gets posted soon! (hint - hint) :snicker:

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour




Jayme quickly made a small fire and used it as the focus to cast his vision into the burning remains of buildings and of flesh. Whatever was there was burning the bodies. The foregate area held several small buildings that Jayme described to us including an Inn. Nearly a dozen men at arms were busily rounding up the dead into great heaps while others lounged around the inn.


We advanced from their blind side hoping to get the drop on them before they were aware that they were in danger. I moved in with Torean in-between a pile of twisted and charred remains and a small tannery shop that had not yet caught on fire. Both Torean and I entered the shop from a back window and made our way to the front as the fighting began in earnest.


Jayme and Alacran had flanked to the east while Fyre, Nagus, and Arron moved toward the bulk of the men to the west. Screams rang out.


Initially we fared well. The men at arms were no match for the skill of Nagus and Arron but to the east I heard a beastly roar just before seeing Alacran being overwhelmed by a feral creature the size of a small horse. Jayme calmly began to chant while the creature crewed through the armor of his bodyguard.


On the west side things appeared to be worse, two greater trollkin emerged from a lightless building. The lumbering beasts are slow but deadly.


I found myself facing the men who had not fallen to Torean’s blades and while outnumbered by more than double myself and Torean were lucky. We worked through the men efficiently seeking to find a way to get to Jayme who no stood alone against Lagos the Skindancer (werewolf). I saw Nagus toss aside his maimed shield after it had been crushed by one of the trollkin but he seemed none the worse for it. That man can take a beating like few that I have ever seen.


Freed at last from the rabble, Torean let loose with a dagger that found its mark in the left arm of the were-beast. However, it did not stall the monster. Jayme had been knocked to the ground but appeared to be fine while Torean was now lost beneath a sea of fur and teeth. I did not think he would survive. I moved in to fight the thing but spared a glance for my companions hoping to see aid coming. Instead, I saw a black troll streaking through the field and impaling Fyre with a fearsome spear. That kind of gut wound was usually fatal. We would not be getting any help.


The Fires of Elyion proved to be the undoing of Lagos. While I kept him at bay, for I could do little else against the beast that ignored the cuts of my blade, Jayme finally was able to draw upon his magic. Before the beast had fully been felled I took off his head to be sure that it was the end of him. Jayme even went so far as to pitch the head into the fire.


Turning to our companions, but in truth we were in little condition to aid them, we found that the black troll had taken flight after Arron engaged it.


Taking care to find everyone I discovered the Savros had also taken a belly shot from the spear of the black troll. Fyre was hurt but would survive thanks in no small part to the protection offered him by magic, I have no doubt that few armored men would have fared as well as he did. Nagus was winded from taking the brunt of the two greater trollkin but was unhurt, his armor would need some work and his shield was beyond repair. Arron managed to escape with a few bruises but nothing alarming.


Alacran & Torean would need some medical attention but unless the wounds fester they will do fine.


Arron leaned back against a building trying to catch his breath before proclaiming that it had been a trap – as if all of us were not painfully aware of or brush with death. The rest did not last long, there were people who needed tending even in this massacre there were some who would be hidden in cellars and attics and they would need to be rounded up before we could move on. None of us felt secure remaining in the town without knowing where the army that sacked the place had gone.

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


Hey Guys,


I am beat today so I am gonna short hand some stuff from the conclusion of our previous adventure before I start writing last nights adventure.



Alarcan took 4 BODY to the chest.

Torean took 2 BODY (I think)

Fyre took 2 BODY and was GM discretioned.

Savros took 8 BODY to the gut.

Nagus’s shield was destroyed.


Savros cannot continue on and asked the party to deliver the scroll to The Muldegian at the Pit of Gorgoros – a Mage named Velanna.

There was no trace of Calder Middlebrook. This is worrisome since he is known to be an upstanding general and third in command of the Wingate forces.

The party deduced that if they had not been delayed, they would have been in town when the attack occurred and that they were the likely targets of the attack. They also figure that there must be spies within their own camp else how would Lagos know that they were coming and hence knew to hide from any sources of open flame.

The body of Lagos disappeared and it was concluded that they had not killed him with silver or magic. He is probably alive but nursing a broken arm from Toreans silver dagger.

The Black Troll also got away – his name is Gûl (Gull).

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour




Tonight I will somehow try to find a polite way to write up last nights adventure :whistle:


I earned a Rat Bastard DM gold medal last night. The following statement was frequently heard - "There are somethings that you just can't erase off of the character sheet."



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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour




I have some internal company artwork being done for reference use. They are primarily pencil sketches of the races and cultures so that everyone working for 3P has an easy reference. Since they are reference works and not for publication, I don’t have to worry about sharing (they are still copywrite).

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


Part 18


There is an old custom among men to share salt the first time you meet a stranger. The custom originated with the coming of the hags. For whatever reason, salt disrupts the flow of their vile magic and causes them to revert to their true form. Hags long ago perfected the ability to infiltrate the strongholds of men and to seduce them away from safety even the powers of a justicar cannot see through this deception. We failed to honor the old ways and it has cost us dearly.


The first sign of trouble was several days into our journey. Torean has a lute of oddly colored wood that resists most forms of tampering. I have heard that such wood is impossible to craft in by mortal hands but that it is treasured in Anwynn where the Celestine dwell. That oddly crazfted lute began to play when we were on the trail – it played an old song that Torean called “Darkness Falls.†Soon we noted a trail through blackberry bushes that grew plentifully in the area. Torean continued to play and we continued to follow the trail as it unfolded before us.

Perhaps a mile or two into the melodic journey the Justicar, Nagus, sensed the presence of ennwrathi tainted creatures. The woods had seemed young and full of spring life but the further we traveled they grew more menacing and stillness waited for us.


Leonidas signaled for us to stop from his point position. Something was in a clutch of blackberry bushes ahead. Curious, Torean moved toward the area with Arron providing him with a firm sense of security. I saw a shapely leg scratched and bleeding poking from under the bushes where the owner no doubt believed them to be hidden from us. The two moved closer calling out to the injured woman and asking her to reveal herself, instead her half naked form quaked in fear.


Leonidas had scouted our position by that point. Shaken, the ranger summoned Nagus to view something out of my own vision. When the Justicar looked as if his should had been struck, I gave in to my own curiosity and inched forward. The body of another justicar was crushed, in the way that you would expect when finding a body after digging through a landslide. The holy warriors fine armor was little more than scraps of oddly bent steel and most of that had penetrated his chest. Nagus knelt and began to chant a blessing over the body of his fallen comrade.


I have always hated funerary rights. Let the dead rest.


Looking for the cause of his demise both I and Leonidas noted a section of a tall tree that had been splinted about 20 feet up. Judging by his condition it is not at all impossible that the tree was shattered by the impact of this body. When my attention was brought back to the beauty in the bush I noted that she had not traveled far from the tree.


Someone said the words that I had only begun to form, “Dryad.â€


Understanding her distraught condition we now knew that though she had only scratches the creature before us was in mortal peril because of the damage to her tree. Understanding did little to aid us in the predicament we found ourselves in.


From the raw earth itself, three titanic beings mad entirely of stone and mud rose. Guardians or summoned creatures? Friend or foe? With a single earth rending step we knew that there would be no time to discover from whence they came. A moment’s hesitation and this battle could be done.


Leonidas must have seen similar creatures before, “Get off the ground†came his warning as he launched himself into action. Forgetting the dryad who barely had the clarity of mind to remain with Jayme, we flew into action but fast as we were it was not enough to stop an offensive from these unflinching creatures. Arron hung tenuously to a branch and to his consciousness after being backhanded by one of the creatures.


Though we acquitted ourselves well, chipping away at the monoliths, but it was Jayme who saved us from grievous injury. Pulling at the very magic that formed them; the mage shattered the bonds of magic leaving them little more than a pile of rubble.


The dryad still lived and now came the hardest part – trying to save her and the tree. She had huddled behind Jayme during the battle but now neared unconsciousness.


Nagus knelt beside her examining her body (see Dryad illustration in MMM), his hands moving over her wounds, and finally summoning the power of Brynn to aid her healing. It was his hope that through her the tree could be healed. A fey creature the dryad seemed better but still suffered from internal wounds. Without discussing it, we just all settled down to camp for the night. Nagus would need to be by the side of the dryad if she was to survive.


The dawn brought news that Yasha was recovering. The dryad seemed hale and flushed with the healing power of the Celestine. Rather than delay us further she bid us to go about our mission after thanking Nagus for his gentle care.


The vigil at the bedside of the dryad had taken its toll on Nagus, he spent most of the day in a fugue but by nightfall had returned to his old self. The trip has taken its toll on the paladin. His bizarre visions of the dead speaking to him are incessant, though both mages have verified that no magic is at work. None of my traveling companions nor I can see or hear these dead things speaking to him. Truthfully, I fear the times when he is on watch. To have someone who may be slipping into madness guarding you while you sleep is no comforting thought.


The trail was quiet during our journey through the duchies of Hallorn and Greyfall but that was not to last. Below lay a farming village of perhaps 200 folks but not a single chimney showed any smoke. About the village was row upon row of small mounds laid out in an evenly spaced manner. It could not be plague again, else the village would have burned the bodies but judging by the number of mounds there were more freshly interred graves than the population of the town.


Torean just had to dig one up to see what the earth held! The creature was one of the ennwrathi (undead). Long arms tapered into boney protrusions that it used as a weapon against Alacran. Nagus screamed the words “Bonewalker†before entering a rage cleaving the creature from the tip of its crown trough the hips. At least if he loses it while I am sleeping, I won’t feel anything.


Standing in a field of several hundred undead was unsettling. I tried to count the graves but my mind could not hold any thought other than the desire to get as far away as quickly as I could.


We made it to the top of a hill and well away from the graves when Arron suggested that we travel into town to rescue the village. The gods love good hearted idiots. No way was I going into that place. It was Jayme who spared us the need for further discussion.


“The scroll.†Shocked he began to dig through his backpack. Soon we all looked through anything that could hold the warded missive. It was missing. I looked at Leonidas and then to Fyre. We all mouthed the same word, “Yasha.†She had remained behind Jayme during the battle with the earth creatures, it had to be her.


Nagus looked to be sick. “We go for her now!â€


He did not even wait. Starting off at a hard trot we were hard pressed to keep pace with the big man. The paladin is a hard one, we ran deep into the night before he would stop and even then he paced the camp like a man possessed. There was no slipping into it, this night he was in the grip of madness. I remained awake during his watch but before the first rays of the sun had crested the Craghorns we were off again. Nagus said nothing, but he ran as if the gates of Murgost had opened and the legions of the Adversary were coming for him.


We returned to the glade.


Leonidas picked up a trail leading to the north and a spur of the Craghorns. We followed the trail high into the range. I felt more and more uneasy as we continued. Troll sign was all about and we were moving at a rapid pace, too rapid to avoid scouts and look outs but we had seen none. This area smelled of a troll hole and that meant Hags.

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


In game the characters are not aware that Nagus - the Paladin - was seduced by the Dryad/Hag but the Player of Nagus could not constrain himself when someone said "We are just lucky that no one slept with her."


The jig was up. All the players knew and my god did we all have fun with it. This is one of those rare moments that you know will go down in the group annuls fated to be retold at least yearly.


In defense of Nagus - he tried to turn her down and required some DM prodding. The prodding was the result of 4d6 Mind Control Fully invisible...cumulative. He never stood a chance. :love:


For the officail record - Hags birth in about 2 months and depending on the father take anywhere from 1-2 years before the troll will reach maturity. The Nagus-Hag spawn will be a cross between a black troll and a greater troll.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


Taken from a letter from Nagus Pantojan to his mentor.


Master, I feel that I may need help in the training of the recent pupil I have taken on. The political climate here is very unstable at this time. The situation allows for much in roads into the local culture, but it will take time. I have obtained rights to a crenalated manor house that lies with in the earldome of Jayme Wingate, my traveling companion. It will take some work, but I feel that eventually we can make an excellent chapter house and shrine of Brynn at this site. I have made a sizeable donation to help with a political problem to the Duke of Wingate, I feel he is in favor of our continued presence in his realm.


I also must admit a shameful weakness and breach that I fear to see the consequences of. While on a field mission I encountered a creature that I thought was a dryad, in my foolishness I did not make the creature pass the test of salt. It was a hag and it shames me to say that it got what it wanted from me. I am concerned that because of this weakness, I may not be the one to train another Justicar. The boy is bright and learns well, but I would not want to pass on any faulty judgment to him. I know that your traveling days are coming to an end, however in this trying time I really need your guidance.


your friend and pupil


nagus pantojan

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  • 1 month later...

Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


Not necessarily a BUMP, but if the shoe fits...


I've been patiently waiting for the next installment of our saga, I guess that a few more days won't matter when compared to the hiatus that took place!


I know that it will happen soon, because we actually got to kill some "baddies" last Saturday!

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour




Obviously, we lived to tell the tale of our first encounter with a troll-hole but it was not for lack of trying to get ourselves killed. Within minutes of entering a high mountain glade we heard the distant bellowing horns, a sure sign that we were about to meet our maker. The horns brought us out of our reckless charge. We were tired, hungry, and in no condition to fight – if Ro was kind we could escape.


Fleeing with what little haste left to us was a daunting prospect but it was all we had left if we were to avoid the stew pot or worse. Alacran lost his armor somewhere in the pell-mell race – discarded on the roadside. It would not help us if we were caught. Morning found us clear of the mountains. If we were horses, we would have lain down and died.


Camp was quiet that morning save for the groans of pain when anyone moved but mid-morning conversation turned to the origin of the letter and what it might contain. We had several clues from the messenger and his urgent desire to see it delivered. The Pit of Gorgoros is nigh unassaultable guarded by some of the finest warriors on the continent and a Muldegian wizard is always in residence to guard things best left in dark places below the earth.


To be truthful, I don’t recall who or how it was puzzled out that someone intended to steal the Skull of Tzavos but we did puzzle it out. As we drew closer to the great pit news reached us that the walls had been besieged for two days by hundreds of Bonewalkers. By the time we arrived little was left to be done, as countless armies before them the Bonewalkers had failed to take the Pit. We were greeted with wary suspicion by the Captain of the Night-Watch but soon Sir Jayme was able to convince the man that we both needed to speak with the resident wizard and had the authority to ensure that it happened.


Velanna was a small quiet man, hardly the sort one would suspect capable of channeling vast amounts of Élan (magic). He listened to our travails without comment before summoning three of the deadliest warriors I have ever seen. There is something about the way a true-warrior moves that tells you he has killed by the score and these men had it.


Together we journeyed through a maze of corridors, twisting and turning until all sense of direction was lost before arriving at a non-descript door. Like all the doors within this odd bastion it was re-enforced and strong enough that you would need a battering ram to force it. I watched Velanna as he approached and saw the little man shaken. I can only assume that there were once wards to protect the door and its contents but like the Skull they had vanished. We were rushed off to sleeping quarters while the guard and Velanna remained within the room.


By morning, we had been summoned for breakfast with the Captain of the Day-Watch. He graciously excused Velanna without saying out right that the mousey mage had spent the night wrapped in spell searching for the knave who had taken the Skull. We were treated as welcomed guests but the guard was thin and ill-tempered from the assault a few days prior. It was another 3 days before we said our goodbyes to Velanna. The Skull was gone and we had little knowledge of who had done it but there was a lingering thought that perhaps it had been done by the mysterious figure called the Bonedancer – after all, if dead things were really talking to Nagus they had warned of his coming but according to him the dead were now strangely quiet.

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


PART 19 --- Chapter 2 --- ENVERNESS


Leaving the Pit of Gorgoros we traveled south to the capitol of the Duchy of Enverness – the City of Enverness. The journey was complicated by the inexplicable loss of Leonidas. We had taken a bed in one of the common houses that dot the old imperial road but come morning he was gone and none had seen him leave. Leonidas has hidden his past from us but in scatterings of conversations it has become apparent that he is a hunted man – more than once he has up and disappeared for a few days. We searched, but Leonidas is a capable woodsman and it became apparent that he did not want to be found. I would have spotted signs of a ruckus or if he had been captured by some unspoken enemy. Our three-day trip ended up taking more than a week. I think I will have a talk with him on his return.


Enverness is a large city on the border between Touren and Middea – it also straddles one of the largest rivers in the west and the old Imperial Highway. The city was busy with merchants and farmers crowding the streets gathering supplies for the spring season.


We stopped at an inn, the One Eyed-Merchant, and settled ourselves down for the night but not before discussing our thoughts on the task we were charged with. We come to Enverness at the behest of Jayme’s cousin. Five years ago the duke and his son were slain by treachery but many believe that the son escaped and even now seeks to re-claim his heritage. On top of the civil unrest troll raids have been devastating this last winter and the previous summer – expecting more of the same we have come to discover the reason for the troll raids and if possible to help the young man who would claim the duchy. The next day my companions traveled here and there in search of information.


Arron spent much of the day gathering information on Jaran Enverness, the man who would be duke but word in the city on what kind of man he might be was scarce or conflicting.


Torean with his flair for finding rumors set out to get the feel of the town and the area. The day was long but fruitful. Mendicant priests have abandoned their flocks in recent years leaving precious few holy men within the territory. We have since discovered that these priests did nothing of the sort – they were coerced into leaving or taken by force.


The current duke, Duke Eckhardt, is a Vindell man with a soft spot for mercantile needs. He is not accounted as an evil man but neither does he go out of his way to protect those who rely on him. He has an elite personal guard called the Greycloaks who number nearly two-hundred men. The Duke’s major failing in the eyes of the citizens is his failure to protect the norther towns from the troll raids.


I am unsure what Nagus did while he was out but if I was to guess, he went to one of the Celestine shrines that I saw on our way into town.


Jayme made contact with a friend of his fathers – the same friend apparently who asked that the duke send some help. Jule is a weaver by trade but often writes to the Duke of Wingate keeping him apprised of the going on’s in Enverness. By nightfall we discovered that we were to meet for breakfast with Prelate Gavon Torsh of the Mendicants.


Breakfast was a quiet affair in the house of a merchant who was absent throughout. Father Torsh is a youthful looking man with a bit of softness to him. His looks may dissuade you from taking him seriously but whatever he was in the past, the priest has nerve and plays his cards upfront. It seems that looters had pillaged whatever the trolls had left and a large group of them were headed to Enverness. The Prelate would like those goods retaken and delivered to a barn along with a letter.


I can tell you that we are not mercenaries to do another’s bidding for money or favor but the more he talked the more it seemed like the right thing to do. The Prelate has several dozen Brothers of the Sword waiting across the river but has been afraid to bring them south – he fears starting a war between Touren and Middea. Arron pressed him hard on this point – we would do this thing for him IF he could bring his men south to help with the troll raids. Finally, a deal was reached after we were assured that the goods would help those who had suffered at the hands of the trolls. There was not much time.


Gathering some horses, we headed south along the road to meet the raiders but instead found them near nightfall in a roadside inn. Torean performed that night to the taunts of one of the commanders of the raiders, a large Vindell warrior. Dawn saw us up and on our way to arrange some taunts of our own. Taking the caravan was easy – it might have been much worse but Arron met the Vindell, took his axe and killed him with it. Only one of the twelve raiders lived and if the shattered knee healed wrong, it is likely that this was only a temporary reprieve. We stowed her in with the plunder and set off for the farmstead.


I scouted out the farm with Arrons help – bumping into a few jovial guardsmen in the process. The conversation was stilted as we each tried to figure out if it was a trap and neither party wanting to admit their intentions. Satisfied that it did not look like a trap we headed into the barn.


[i will properly edit the last few entries [18, Interludes, & 19] next week] :stupid:

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


Here is the Skull of Tzavos - nasty little critter.


The Skull of Tzavos:

A dark and foreboding item of evil, the Skull of Tzavos lies buried in a tomb guarded by servants of the forces of good called the Ephrim. The skull is apparently made of gold but has been hardened by some arcane technique. It is inlaid with ruins and wards of power that give off a tangible presence. Tzavos was one of the most powerful necromantic servants during the Second Ennwrathi Wars. Many rumors place this man as the originator of the Necromantic circle known as the Bloodring. The terrible spells perfected by his twisted mind are too numerous [and foul] to re-iterate here but some of the most potent necromantic magic's mastered today were devised by Tzavos. His skull holds the promise of great power for a necromancer. The only price it demands is blood.


Cost Power END
22 Command the Risen: +80 PRE, Usable By Other (+1/4) (102 Active Points); Only Versus Undead (-1 1/2), OAF (-1) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)
8 Eyes of the Grave: +20 PRE, Usable By Other (+1/4) (27 Active Points); OAF (-1) (Only for Presence Attacks)
27 Whispers of Tzavos Power: Aid: Necromantic Powers - One at a time 6d6 (+1/4) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Necromancy Roll (-1/2), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4)
15 Corruption: Transform 1d6: Human into Ennwrathi (Major), Affects Desolidified (+1/2), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Area Of Effect Nonselective Target (6" Radius; +3/4), Continuous (+1) (71 Active Points); Extra Time 5 Minutes (-2), OAF (-1), Always On (-1/2), Restrainable (Skull is placed in lead casing -1/4)
14 Blight: Transform 2d6: Healthy Region into Blighted Region (Minor), Megascale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Area Of Effect Nonselective Target (10" Radius; +3/4), Invisible Power Effects (Visible with Det Magic) (Fully Invisible; +1), Continuous (+1) (110 Active Points); Extra Time 1 Week (Approx 2-3 months until regionis blighted) (-4 1/2), Limited Target Very Limited (-1), OAF (-1), Always On (-1/2)
106 Tzavos Call to the Grave: Summon 500-point Undead (x32 Number Of Beings), Any nearby Undead (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Amicable Slavishly Devoted (+1) (344 Active Points); OAF (-1), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Requires A Necromancy Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points -1/4)
Item Cost: 192

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Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


I figure that since I'm now a mbr of the group that I should at least post here once :)


Just a brief rundown of my character:

Aelfgar, son of Wulfgar

-I've been told he's a Vindel (since my character sketch looks like one)

Aelfgar is one of the King's Elite Commandoes (akin to Force Recon in the modern age). Thier primary mission is reconnisance however, if met with force and unable to flee - they can and will fight in order to return with the appropriated information.


Aelfgar has been assigned to the group because of his knowledge of the area the group must travel into and do a little reconnisance of their own...


Anyway, I'l stop rambling on I have atendency to do that... anyhoo...I'll stop now..

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