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Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Hi Major Tom,


Oh yea, the Latin isn't going to go away. I like what is there so far and I'm going to keep it. I'm thinking about other flavor bits like having the priests wear turbans or having minarets on the cathedrals with a call to prayer each day. Things like that. I just wonder what would make for cool non-Latin touches for a church set 100,000 years in the future.



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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I've started two inquistions for this campaign.


Did you know that the Catholic Church had an inquisition until 1969? The Office of the Inquisition studied church dogma (in contrast to the Spanish Inquisitions which tortured lots of people).


What do you all think?



Good luck with the idea.


BUT -- I will point out here that the Spanish Inquisition was more of a political secret police than actually interested in getting heretics. They served the Spanish crown, not the Pope. (Though it made a convenient cop-out for the Spaniards -- "You're in trouble with the Inquisition? Not our problem, go tell the Pope!")

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


BUT -- I will point out here that the Spanish Inquisition was more of a political secret police than actually interested in getting heretics. They served the Spanish crown' date=' not the Pope. (Though it made a convenient cop-out for the Spaniards -- "You're in trouble with the Inquisition? Not our problem, go tell the Pope!")[/quote']


BUT -- that's exactly the opportunity that these different inquistions will present for game plots. You hit it right on the head. And it's a bit universe with room for Church and non-Church inquistions to add lots of plot complications.


Any suggestions on more ideas or, better yet, game system designs (character packages, etc.) are certainly welcome.



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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I have two suggestions to move away from Catholicism.


First, instead of Latin, try Esperanto. It has a Latin base, but the words are different enough to throw off the scent. If people worship at the "Eklezio Sanktaplej Galaksia" ("Most Holy Galactic Church") and are guarded by the "Soldatoj Terura de la Dio" ("Terrifying Soldiers of God")


Second, I have not heard you suggest that this mathematical proof includes Christ in the equation. Is this a Christian Church? If I could mathematically prove the existence of God tomorrow, it would not end the conflict between Jews, Christians, and Muslims, all of whom believe in one God... One way to remove the Catholic influence is to remove the Christian influence.


As an aside, I don't see how mathematical proof of "God" is enough to create one church. There are Baptists who say that whenever three Baptists are in a room together, one of them considers splitting off and forming his own church. Churches split for secular reasons as well. If you are in New England, and see a church named "South Church", it is so named because that church split with the Congregational Church over Abolition (they have since regrouped).


I love the concept, but as a player I would have questions. Does this proof of God include properties that God has? Is he omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent? Does he have a plan for us? Does this proof allow us to divine his will? Certainly the Church extols a system of ethics, but do they mathematically follow from the Divine Proof (Sankta Pruvo)?



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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


First' date=' instead of Latin, try Esperanto. It has a Latin base, but the words are different enough to throw off the scent...[/quote']


Thanks dbsousa! I hadn't thought of that. I'm still going to keep the Latin the Major Tom has suggested (I like it and it will keep the feel of the medieval Christian church) but this is a good way to dilute the Latin influence to let the players know that this isn't exactly a modern or medieval terrestrial based church.


Second' date=' I have not heard you suggest that this mathematical proof includes Christ in the equation. Is this a Christian Church? [/quote']


The setting is so far in the future that Earth isn't even part of the setting. So, no it's not a Christian church as such. This way I hope to avoid arguments or offense caused by modern religious issues. This shouldn't be a problem as RPG players frequently enjoy fantasy worlds without modern religion in them.


I love the concept' date=' but as a player I would have questions. Does this proof of God include properties that God has? Is he omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent? Does he have a plan for us? Does this proof allow us to divine his will? Certainly the Church extols a system of ethics, but do they mathematically follow from the Divine Proof (Sankta Pruvo)? [/quote']


Tough questions (but some player will ask them). Here's my current take:

Properties? Yes

Omnipotent? Enough to create a universe, but doesn't step in and stop the PCs from solving their own problems (that wouldn't be fun).

Omniscient, omnipresent? Yes. Infused in the universe so to speak.

Plan/will? No. I think free will is essential in an RPG to let the players explore.

THe Sankta Pruvo shows that several ethics can exist--which one will a PC/NPC choose?


Thanks for the input.


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  • 1 month later...

TNA: Marriage In The Far, Far Future


Hi All,


I'm back after some time off to move and secure a better position at work. I wanted to post some rough notes for marriage in "The New Abbey" campaign world. Comments and feedback are welcome.






The Church sanctions three kinds of marriage.


1) Muta'a: The Muta’a is a temporary marriage can be made for any length of time. It is used for couples that want to have sex or live together without committing adultery. The Church charges a “reasonable†fee for this marriage.


With this kind of marriage, the character should take a Dependent NPC of up to 15 Character Points Disadvantage. This DNPC Disadvantage can be easily bought off with Character Points.


2) Handfast: This marriage is most like the modern day concept of a marriage “until death do us part.â€


With this kind of marriage, the character should take a Dependent NPC of up to 20 Character Points Disadvantage. This DNPC Disadvantage can be bought off with points and a ceremony at a Church Court that will cost a reasonable amount of money. The more points the DNPC Disadvantage was worth, the more money the Church Court will access. The divorce will also give the character a minor Social Limitation—the magnitude of which is determined by the amount of fees paid to the Church for the divorce. This Social Limitation can be bought off with Character Points.


3) Eternal: This marriage lasts beyond death, into reincarnations and beyond. The Eternally Married must/will seek each other out in their next corporeal or spiritual life.


With this kind of marriage, the character should take a Dependent NPC of up to 25 Character Points Disadvantage. This DNPC Disadvantage cannot be bought off.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Originally posted by Travellerne:


3) Eternal: This marriage lasts beyond death, into reincarnations and beyond.

The Eternally Married must/will seek each other out in their next corporeal or

spiritual life.



Now there's a hell of a pre-nupitual agreement for you...


Major Tom :sneaky:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Just wondering:


Does the concept of Common Law marriage exist in your campaign universe,

or is that what the Muta'a is supposed to be?


Major Tom :confused:

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Does the concept of Common Law marriage exist in your campaign universe,

or is that what the Muta'a is supposed to be?


Hi Major Tom,


It's great to hear from you again.


Common law marriage does exist on some planets. The Church would encourage the Muta'a for common law marriages--as a source of income and to bless the common law marriage.


The Muta'a is something I came across in "The Economist" magazine. (For what could be a boring subject, they sure cover some cool stuff.)


It's based on a Muslim tradition for short term marriages (I shortened the name). They can be as short as a few hours so that you can get the services of a "professional" without committing adultery. Or they can be longer to cover other relationships. I thought it could make an interesting plot device and a source of a DNPC.


Well, back to work... the stars are calling.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I had two ideas after reading this thread.

1: The sect which shuns technology doesn't need to be restricted to one world. They can have small monastaries on each world, which might communicate with eachother through letters delivered by 'unbelievers' (which would take a long time). Alternately, they can travel from world to world through powerful divine magic (which, if you really want to be twisted, could be extremely subtle technology). With either of these methods they would have the possibility of attracting a strong following.

2: The latin names the Major Tom is coming up with are awesome, but I have noticed that they may tend to focus on the word for church (ecclesiasticloacl or whatever). Finding alternate words to use would make the different orders sound more...different. Some suggestions I have are Dios (This means God in spanish, and if it isn't in latin, its close), Christos (again, close), the allmighty (i'm giving up on guessing now), Father of All, The Holy Spirit, or even as abstract as Enemies of Satan or Darkness.


Now I just want to say that I think this campaign idea is awesome, and I'm seriously considering using it for my next sci-fi game (I have so many ideas bouncing around up here).

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


I had two ideas after reading this thread.

1: The sect which shuns technology doesn't need to be restricted to one world. They can have small monastaries on each world, which might communicate with eachother through letters delivered by 'unbelievers' (which would take a long time). Alternately, they can travel from world to world through powerful divine magic (which, if you really want to be twisted, could be extremely subtle technology). With either of these methods they would have the possibility of attracting a strong following.

2: The latin names the Major Tom is coming up with are awesome, but I have noticed that they may tend to focus on the word for church (ecclesiasticloacl or whatever). Finding alternate words to use would make the different orders sound more...different. Some suggestions I have are Dios (This means God in spanish, and if it isn't in latin, its close), Christos (again, close), the allmighty (i'm giving up on guessing now), Father of All, The Holy Spirit, or even as abstract as Enemies of Satan or Darkness.


Now I just want to say that I think this campaign idea is awesome, and I'm seriously considering using it for my next sci-fi game (I have so many ideas bouncing around up here).


Well, of course they tend to focus on the word (or words) for church. This is,

after all, a campaign setting in which a major religious establishment (read as

Church) is the primary background player. It's only natural that the terms that

I was suggesting to Travellerne tended to focus on church-related words (if

you want to find some literary examples of this, you only need to take a look

at Frank Herbert's Dune, where the Missionnairia Protectiva of the Bene

Gesserit Sisterhood is mentioned).


Major Tom :angel:

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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Thanks Major Tom and Frenchman,


Yes, right now I'm focusing on defining the church and how the characters relate to it in this setting. So early on gettting names to make the players feel like they are in an ecclesiastically dominated culture is important.


Ireally appreciate the input from MT and everyone else.


I have been slow on development lately as I've been moving from my city house to a smaller house on the mountain. More progress should be showing up shortly.



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Brainstorming: Shofar


Hi All,


I actually have my Hero book at work tonight (found it amongst all the packed boxes) and work is slow. (Actually a key piece of equipment has died first thing, instead of waiting until 2:00 AM.) So while a tech cusses at it, I have some time to catch up on Hero.


I'm going to try and create a holy item based on the Jewish shofar (a horn used to rally the faithful and blown to signify certain holy days). It was also used in battle in ancient times. How would you model a horn that boosts the morale of the Believers who hear it? I'm looking into boosting the PRE of the user or an inherent PRE "attack."




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Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey"


Since PRE is used for general bravery and morale, you could just make it a PRE Aid AOE (selective targets: friendly listeners, only to increase morale, etc.). Then it could be used in conjunction with Oratory from the commander to stoke the assembled multitudes into a fanatical frenzy.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Brainstorming: Shofar


Hi All,


I actually have my Hero book at work tonight (found it amongst all the packed boxes) and work is slow. (Actually a key piece of equipment has died first thing, instead of waiting until 2:00 AM.) So while a tech cusses at it, I have some time to catch up on Hero.


I'm going to try and create a holy item based on the Jewish shofar (a horn used to rally the faithful and blown to signify certain holy days). It was also used in battle in ancient times. How would you model a horn that boosts the morale of the Believers who hear it? I'm looking into boosting the PRE of the user or an inherent PRE "attack."





I was thinking something more along the lines of an EC with two slots:


Slot #1: xd6 EGO Aid, Usable by others

Slot #2: xd6 EGO Attack


The two slots could be linked to go off simultaneously, with the EGO Aid strength-

ening the resolve of the hornblower's followers, while the EGO Attack would, natural-

ly enough, would seriously weaken the will of the enemy to resist.


The horn, obviously, would have the Focus Limitation on it (at what level would

be up to the designer); alternatively, you could also design it with an additional

two slots: the PRE Aid that you suggested, and what would, in essence, be an

anti-theft slot:

a zero-range energy killing attack that would immediately zap any unauthorized

person who attempts to use the horn.


Major Tom :angel:

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Re: Brainstorming: Shofar


Hi All,


I've designed a basic shofar that only effects a single user. Aid PRE was a good idea for implementing the increased ability of the user to influence people. I didn't want to pass the increased PRE on to others but I will probably use a chain reaction of "leadership" with an Area of Effect in the bigger version of the shofar. I limited the use to only "authorized" people with an RSR which means a defrocked priest could still use it. I think the more powerful will have a holy "boobytrap." A generic limitation means that it will probably only be used to increase friendly morale (unless someone wanted to rout his own people).


Thanks for all the ideas. Now to work on a holy boobytrap.


Here's the stats:


Ramshofar (Religious horn used to rally the Believers)

Cost    Power
7       Aid PRE: +3d6 (30 points);
               OAF (-1), Gestures (two hands, -1/2),
               Incantations (blow horn, -1/2),
               RSR (PS: Sankta Pruva, -1/2),
               Limitation: Only Works On Friendly
               Believers (-1)

       Use of Aid made in conjunction with a PRE
       attack (blowing horn). The PS: Sankta Pruva
       limits the use of the Ram Shofar to a user
       trained in the professional aspects of the
       Church(i.e. a Priest).

There is a larger version of the Ramshofar called
the Ibexshofar that has more power but is an OAF Bulky.

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  • 5 weeks later...

TNA: Artifact


HI All,


For your review, here is the initial design of a minor artifact that will be in the first story of "The New Abbey." Comments and feedback are encouraged.



Disk Gun

A rare artifact from a lost, possibly alien, civilization, the Disk Gun fires 
saucer shaped grenades that target a visible target directly or can fly 
around obstacles to home in on the most powerful source of radio energy 
within range (i.e. radio transmitters, radars, cell phones, etc.). The Anti 
Radiation Missile feature of the Disk Gun tells the user when there is a 
radio target in range; the user just pulls the trigger and the disk projectile 
seeks the target and attacks immediately. The user should insure that the 
nearest radio source is not friendly. If the disk misses it still explodes in or 
near the target hex.

14  Explosive Disk: RKA 1 1/2d6, Area of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), 
    Indirect (+3/4); OAF Difficult (-1 1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), 
    6 Charges (-3/4) 14
13  Anti Radiation Missile: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group),
    Increased Arc of Perception [360 Degrees], Targeting, 
    Telescopic (+8 versus Range); Passive, OAF Difficult (-1 1/2)
5   Homing Sensors: +6 OCV with Explosive Disk; OAF Difficult (-1 1/2)

32  Total Cost

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Re: Monk's Garb?


I think I will create two orders that are diametrically opposed on this matter for the campaign.


One rejecting technology. But would they be limited to one world? As star travel is a matter of technology. They could even be one of the heresies--albeit a minor an mostly unnoticed one. Maybe even confined to one planet; or, springing up independently on a number of planets.


The other extreme would be a more mainstream order that embraces technology and gets around more.


Perhaps the restriction for the more moderate group would be limited to personal technology.


Just as many Amish accept a community telephone at the end of the street, they won't have one in their home. In a similar vein, these folk might accept riding on a starship, but would never be pilots or crew, and might even make use of computers (even if they require someone else to operate it for them), but would not carry personal information devices or other electronics upon their person.


They would be less prone to persecutory inquisition, I'd think. They might have a much stronger influence within the church on a political level, though. Perhaps the Church as a whole still has doctines (similar to what Major Tom suggested earlier) refuting that machines, having no soul, cannot prove the existance of the god, and that the god's work can not be done by those without souls, by machines, or by those without faith. This group might then be an important part of the church's intellectual and spiritual security, and thus the church tolerates (and, to an extent protects) the more hard-line anti-technologist sect.

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Re: Monk's Garb?


Perhaps the restriction for the more moderate group would be limited to personal technology.


Just as many Amish accept a community telephone at the end of the street, they won't have one in their home. In a similar vein, these folk might accept riding on a starship, but would never be pilots or crew, and might even make use of computers (even if they require someone else to operate it for them), but would not carry personal information devices or other electronics upon their person.


They would be less prone to persecutory inquisition, I'd think. They might have a much stronger influence within the church on a political level, though. Perhaps the Church as a whole still has doctines (similar to what Major Tom suggested earlier) refuting that machines, having no soul, cannot prove the existance of the god, and that the god's work can not be done by those without souls, by machines, or by those without faith. This group might then be an important part of the church's intellectual and spiritual security, and thus the church tolerates (and, to an extent protects) the more hard-line anti-technologist sect.


More to the point, the Amish decide what role new tech will play in their lives. They use cell phones at work to do business, but they have no place in the home. Rather than being "anti-technology", perhaps they have elaborate rules for how tech may be used. For example, only high priests may send and recieve interstellar communications, and followers may only travel between stars in groups of 12 or more...

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Re: Monk's Garb?


More to the point' date=' the Amish decide what role new tech will play in their lives. They use cell phones at work to do business, but they have no place in the home. Rather than being "anti-technology", perhaps they have elaborate rules for how tech may be used. For example, only high priests may send and recieve interstellar communications, and followers may only travel between stars in groups of 12 or more...[/quote']


Hi dbsousa,


I think that's a really cool idea. Do you want to give them a name? Maybe write up and post a character package here. If not, I'm sure I eventually will but it's neat to get input from others.



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Guest Major Tom

Re: TNA: Artifact


HI All,


For your review, here is the initial design of a minor artifact that will be in the first story of "The New Abbey." Comments and feedback are encouraged.



Disk Gun

A rare artifact from a lost, possibly alien, civilization, the Disk Gun fires 
saucer shaped grenades that target a visible target directly or can fly 
around obstacles to home in on the most powerful source of radio energy 
within range (i.e. radio transmitters, radars, cell phones, etc.). The Anti 
Radiation Missile feature of the Disk Gun tells the user when there is a 
radio target in range; the user just pulls the trigger and the disk projectile 
seeks the target and attacks immediately. The user should insure that the 
nearest radio source is not friendly. If the disk misses it still explodes in or 
near the target hex.

14  Explosive Disk: RKA 1 1/2d6, Area of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), 
    Indirect (+3/4); OAF Difficult (-1 1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), 
    6 Charges (-3/4) 14
13  Anti Radiation Missile: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group),
    Increased Arc of Perception [360 Degrees], Targeting, 
    Telescopic (+8 versus Range); Passive, OAF Difficult (-1 1/2)
5   Homing Sensors: +6 OCV with Explosive Disk; OAF Difficult (-1 1/2)

32  Total Cost


Finally... something that the Holy Brothers of the Eternal Chaingun can drool



Major Tom :angel:

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