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Looking for Black Paladin Plot Seeds


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Although I think that the Black Paladin is a great character, the Plot Seeds in CKC didn't exactly rock my boat. "Shades Of Black" is a great adventure, but what else could the dark warrior do? Whoever has some good idea for how to use the Black Paladin, throw'em at me... :)

One plot that crossed my mind was that maybe the Paladin would try to assassinate a Bishop or the Pope himself since he detests the church - would that be appropriate for him? Any comments?

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Re: Looking for Black Paladin Plot Seeds


OK, here's a thought that has been percolating in my mind for a while. Black Paladin is in search of an arcane ritual that will summon and bind "The Lady of the Lake" so that he can capture and use the famed sword Excalibur, for his own evil purposes.

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Re: Looking for Black Paladin Plot Seeds


BP is searching for a series of enchanted weapions left for him by his lady love. Each weapion is hidden all around the world (thay originaly were in England/France, but have since been discovered and now are in vareous hands).


Hear are some of the special weapions.

1) The Lance Of Darkness: It is said that anyone hit by the lance is doomed to become a living shadow forever.

2) The Sword Of Serpents: A forever poisoned sword able to 'snake' around any shield or protection.

3) The Dagger Of Destruction: A simple dagger which is able to aborb the soul of anyone scratched by it. While the soul is traped in the dagger, it's owner is able to comand the body as it was his own.

4) The Lash Of Pain: A whip used for whiping slaves, whoever holds it can project pain into the minds of others.

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Re: Looking for Black Paladin Plot Seeds




Funny you should mention that. BP has been one of my fav bad guys since CE came out, and I was thinking of something with him in it just this afternoon.


I was thinking of something like kidnapping Mel Gibson and maybe brainwashing him into renouncing the Church or some like. Or maybe making him into an uber-Nazi. something to disrupt the good that Mel has done eith the making of "The Passion of the Christ."



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Re: Looking for Black Paladin Plot Seeds


Here are a few suggestions. The first two require that the heroes (and players) not be aware of Black Paladin's Secret Identity.


Back Door to the Crypt: The PCs come into possession of an ancient mystic artifact, possibly by thwarting a magic supervillain's attempt to acquire it. Desiring to learn more about what they're dealing with, the heroes are referred to a local archaelogist with expertise in this field, Dr. John Black. Not long thereafter the PCs have to fend off BP's attempts to acquire the artifact for himself, using information about themselves and/or their headquarters which he weasled out of them.


If you don't want to be that direct, "John Black" may attempt to use this opportunity to ingratiate himself with the heroes, perhaps even start a romance with a female PC, in order to learn their secrets and prepare to betray and destroy them.


You Can't Choose Your Family: The relatives of John Black have been mystified by his change in behavior over the last decade, and his refusal to have anything to do with them. If any of them are acquainted with a PC, they might ask that hero to intercede with John on their behalf. This could cause the PC to stumble into the middle of one of Black Paladin's schemes.


Whether or not that happens, BP has had enough of his "relatives" interfering with him, and decides to kill them all once and for all. If the heroes are already involved with the Black family they'll have to protect them from Black Paladin's wrath; alternatively the Blacks may approach the heroes for protection, without even knowing why the Paladin wants them dead.


Embracing Kindred: BP determines that someone known to the PCs is one of his descendants, and has the potential to wield black magic. The Paladin kidnaps his descendant and attempts a ritual to awaken that potential and bind the character to his service. The heroes interrupt him and free the prisoner, but he or she has gained magical abilities as a result. This could be an origin for a new NPC or PC hero, one that the Paladin would have an interest in persuading to join him. Alternatively the character may have been corrupted by black magic and become a supervillain - this last is particularly effective if he doesn't reveal that he's been changed or now has powers, and continues to act as a friend to the heroes.

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