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A character for a game...


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Here is a character I would like to play as a solo hero or in someone's online game. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, let me know. I also am looking for any suggestions about his background or design.Without further ado...SentinelSentinelPlayer: Bob Adams

Val Char Cost
30 STR 20
30 DEX 60
30 CON 40
10 BODY 0
18 INT 8
14 EGO 8
14 PRE 4
10 COM 0
10/28 PD 4
10/28 ED 4
5 SPD 10
12 REC 0
60 END 0
40 STUN 0
11" RUN02" SWIM017" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 158
Cost Power END
17 Microfiber Polymer Armor Costume: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Activation Roll 15- (-1/4) 0
31 Questonite/Resonatium Alloy Shield: Multipower, 62-point reserve, (62 Active Points); all slots OAF Unbreakable (-1)
1u 1) Duck Behind: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1) 0
1u 2) Shield Slam: Hand-To-Hand Attack +7d6 (35 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 3
2u 3) Edge Throw: Energy Blast 7d6, Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (52 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) 5
2u 4) Get The Goons: Energy Blast 5d6, Area Of Effect (6" Any Area; +1 1/4), Selective Target (+1/4) (62 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), No Range (-1/2), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4) 6
2u 5) Razors Edge: Killing Attack - Ranged 3 1/2d6 (55 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) 5
3u 6) Back At Cha: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Full Range (+1) (60 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Will Not Work Against Heavy Missiles (-1/4) 0
5 Instant Change (one set of clothing): Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (Public Costume into Stealth Costume and vice-versa) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Target Limited (-1/2) 1
11 Mobility Powers: Multipower, 11-point reserve
1u 2) Leaping +11" (17" forward, 8 1/2" upward) (11 Active Points) 1
1u 3) Running +5" (11" total) (10 Active Points) 1
33 Ultra Warrior Serum Powers: Reflex Memory: Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 25 base + 8 control cost, (37 Active Points); all slots Limited Power: Only for physical skills the characters sees in use Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 110
Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
Sentinel Style Martial Arts
3 1) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 +v/5, Target Falls
3 2) Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 8d6 Strike, Target Falls
4 3) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 9d6 Strike
4 4) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4 5) +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
1 6) Weapon Element: Shield: Boomerangs and Throwing Clubs
5 7) Offensive Trip: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike +v/5, Target Falls
5 8) Offensive Ranged Disarm: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, Disarm, 40 STR
Martial Arts Cost: 29
Cost Skill
3 Acrobatics 15-
3 Breakfall 15-
3 Bureaucratics 12-
3 Conversation 12-
3 Criminology 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 Oratory 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
3 PS: Graphic Artist 15-
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: Superheroes (3 Active Points) 13-
2 2) KS: Superpowers (3 Active Points) 13-
2 3) KS: Supervillians (3 Active Points) 13-
3 Stealth 15-
3 Streetwise 12-
3 Tactics 13-
Skills Cost: 45
Cost Perk
8 Contact: Arthur Jentzen "godfather" (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-
Perks Cost: 8
Val Disadvantages
20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Hero (Very Common, Strong)
20 Psychological Limitation: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Murder (Common, Strong)
20 DNPC: Aunt Joan 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)
10 DNPC: Melody Hunter 11- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)
25 Hunted: Demon 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
20 Hunted: Dr. Destroyer 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

Height: 1.92 m Hair: Blonde
Weight: 88.00 kg Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Samuel is a very good looking well muscled man who stands 6' 4 and weighs around 195. He has piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. He ususally wears casual button up shirts and docker style pants. In his Sentinel identity his costume has the ability to be polychromatic. For public appearances it has a red T shaped chest area with blue sides and leggings. His boots are and mask are red. His eagle insigia is golden with a blue circular field around it. The shield is in gold and red with the raised star shape and the rounded eagle shape overall. When on a night stealth mission the costumes colors are changed by pressing a special polarizing button on his belt buckle. The colors then change so the blue areas are black and the other colors turn to a medium grey. The shield also changes color as well.Personality: Sentinel is a strong patriot, but he is not blind to government corruption. He is committed to the ideals that founded America more than to any administration. He is also fully committed to stopping the kind of people responsible for the pain that has touched his family. While he is not vengeful he is determined. He is a true hero dedicated to helping protect all americans from the forces of darkness. Good and Evil are not only real concepts to him but also very black and white. There is very little grey in his worldview.Quote:"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and the Sentinel is here to collect your bill"Background: The man who would come to be known as Sentinel; was born Samuel Adams on February 29, 1976 at Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA.; Born to Olivia and James Adams, at least for the first twenty minutes of his life, then his mother who had not quit hemorrhaging, died and changed the course of their lives forever. James received the news from his chaplain onboard the U.S.S. Midway stationed in the Persian Gulf. Emergency leave was restricted to two weeks due to operational parameters. It wasn’t very long to finish all the arrangements that had to be made. His first good decision was to call his older sister Joan; she came out immediately from Norfolk, VA. Where she and her husband had lived until his death. They arranged to take the body back to Norfolk for burial, that’s where both of the families had come from.


After the funeral the lawyer drew up the papers giving temporary custody of Samuel and his older brother Jonathon, age 7, to his sister Joan. James had two years left on his enlistment and with all of his training the Navy wasn’t about to lose one of it’s best officers when things were looking like they might heat up again. James had joined near the end of the Viet Nam war, always one to push himself he had joined the Navy’s elite SEAL teams and persevered. By the time Samuel was born he was head of Seal Team Six the Navy’s covert team which carried out Black Ops all over the world. When his enlistment was up two years later he resigned his commission and moved to Norfolk to resume his life. With all of the training he had acquired and his family ideals going back to his ancestor John Adams he did the most natural thing to him, he joined the S.W.A.T. team of the Norfolk Police Department.


Life was pretty normal for Samuel growing up. When he was old enough he was enrolled in James River Christian Academy, his Aunt Joan insisted on it, she said it was for his proper Christian upbringing. It was in those halls that his mind soared, his discovery of the written word opened up worlds of possibilities. Stories of heroes, villains, and ladies fair, as well as the stories of the Mystery Men of World War Two and Super Heroes who were starting to appear more frequently.


His family found out while he was in third grade that he had developed bronchial asthma, and while not severe; it was just enough to keep him from doing the sports and outdoor activities that his father and older brother enjoyed so much. He turned his energies to other pursuits and delved into the world of heroes. His favorite game was super spy, playing heroes who saved the world at the last minute from the forces of evil. He played these games with his best friend from the Academy Jimmy Franklin. He and Jimmy spent lots of time together growing up. When they weren’t playing together Samuel spent his time drawing his favorite heroes and became very accomplished as an artist.


Through the stories his father told and the heroes he found in his history books, like his ancestor John Adams, Samuel fell in love with this country and the ideals it stood for.


“The price of freedom is eternal vigilanceâ€, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problemâ€, “All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothingâ€. These were the phrases he frequently heard around the Adams household. It was through his Boy Scout training that he developed his respect for those that step up and do their duty when called. Duty and moral fiber was instilled in the boys through not only their father but also the true Christian example of their Aunt Joan. “Love thy neighbor as thy selfâ€, “If a man knows the good he ought to do and does not do it to him it is sinâ€, and “Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend†were not just words but the lived out values which Joan taught Samuel and Jonathan by example.


Samuel still liked Superheroes of all kinds, in the news and comics that his brother John read with him, and the James Bond like characters that fueled his imagination. All these things gave Samuel a very idealistic and moral worldview. He was not like a lot of the kids he knew in the neighborhood. He and Jimmy frequently played superheroes and spy games together. They swapped comics and played computer games together.


There was also Mr. Snow his art teacher, who recognized the talent that was in Samuel and made the effort to encourage him whenever he got the chance. It was this encouragement that led Samuel into the art world that captivated him; he learned that there was nothing he could not bring to life through art. Samuel’s father saw the talent that his wife Olivia, herself a sculptress, had passed on to their youngest son. Every piece reminded James of why he had fallen in love with her and drew he and Samuel closer. It set Samuel on the course for his future, or so he thought at the time.


The other obstacles that Samuel had to overcome as a child were Derek Johnson and Scott Nelson; they were the neighborhood bullies and liked picking on children they knew they could beat or who they thought were weird. It only took Samuel one beating, while trying to get Derek to leave Jimmy alone, to know that he had to find a way to take care of those two. His dad had taught him that you have to face your fears and stand up for those weaker than yourself.


Samuel’s solution for this problem was talking his Dad into giving him martial arts lessons. After extracting a promise to use his training in self-defense only, his father finally gave in. It some time for him to become proficient but the first time he turned the tables on Scott and Derek and won, it was worth every sore aching muscle he had gotten in training. However, this experience also left Samuel with a very low tolerance level for those who would threaten innocents just to make themselves feel superior.


Life was going rather well for Samuel and his family until 1989 when the trouble started in the Persian Gulf, his brother John had followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the Navy and trained to be part of the SEALs two years earlier. He was on one of the teams that would recon behind enemy lines and paint targets for the “Smart Bombs†that were dropped on Iraq and were so successful in winning that war. John didn’t make it out of Iraq. During one of the raids a low powered Iraqi paranormal with ultraviolet vision spotted their position. In the best SEAL tradition John had gone back for an injured man and was shot and killed just as he hooked up his injured friend to the winch on the helicopter.


For his heroic actions the Navy awarded Jonathan Adams the Navy Cross. It was given to James and Samuel at a ceremonial luncheon after the memorial service. The ceremony took place at the White House in the Rose Garden with President Bush presenting the medal. It was Samuel’s first visit to the White House; He got a personal tour from the First Lady Barbara Bush, she reminded him of Aunt Joan. It was there that he first met the man who he was told was his godfather, Rear Admiral Arthur Jentzen, he had served with Samuel’s father in the SEALs and had overseen command of the SEAL teams of which John had been a part.


John’s death weighed heavily on both Samuel and his father. Samuel dealt with the pain through his art, taking on sculpting as his medium, his Aunt Joan gave him half of her craft room above the garage to be his art studio and help him with his focus, while helping the rest of the household keep their sanity. His father in his grief started being overly concerned for Samuel. It developed over a period of time, slowly at first, taking on the guise of concern for his family in the light of his profession.


Samuel’s godfather helped James get through those tough times and in the process began to develop a close relationship with his godson. They spent time together the three of them. They went hunting, fishing, and camping together. The time was well spent and helped Samuel’s father reconnect with his old friend while dealing with his grief and it made the relationship between James and Samuel much stronger. It also let Samuel get a chance to see a lot of the historical monuments, government buildings, and Navy ships in and around the Washington D.C., up close due to his godfather’s connections. He even got to tour the Pentagon, and see where all the combat decisions were made. It was a great educational experience and Arthur came to admire the ideals and outlook his godson had on the world.


Things in Norfolk had started to change too; the Police were being called in for more things that didn’t involve just normal crooks. There were gangs forming that contained or were entirely made up of members who were mutants or enhanced humans. Samuel read about them in the paper as well as listening to his father at the dinner table, not the he told them everything but some things couldn’t be avoided. James Adams however never let it be known that he was concerned about how the world was changing, he instead talked about how the evil and injustice must be faced and the men who propagated it conquered, how some must take a stand and hold the line for freedom, equality, and the basic human rights that he, John, and countless others had fought and sometimes died for. This point was driven home in October of 1992 and the battle of Detroit when many heroes and innocents died thanks to the tyrant Doctor Destroyer. The world was shocked and Samuel saw another reason the world needed men of strong conviction.


It was the Spring of 1993, that fate threw the next curve into Samuel’s life. The S.W.A.T. team had responded to a call that a gang was attempting to steal some eastern European artifacts, confiscated from the Nazi’s during the occupation, from a government warehouse. The S.W.A.T. team was called because it was one of the many Government building patrolled by the civilian authorities and not the military. After they had reconed the perimeter of the building, they set up to go in. It wasn’t until they entered the warehouse that they discovered what they were up against was no ordinary gang of skinhead thieves looking for souvenirs, but a well trained organized agency known as Demon. They were after the artifacts not for their monetary value but for their ability to lead their organization to an object of great mystic power.


One of the Demon agents, opened fire and wounded James. The firefight was so intense that the paramedics were delayed in coming until after the agents were taken into custody with the help of a team from Primus. While James was taken to the Hospital, Samuel and Aunt Joan were called and told of what took place. A patrol car was sent to bring them to the hospital. While James was being wheeled down the hall to the operating room Samuel walked beside him. His father asked him to make sure he would take care of his Aunt till he was up and around again, and not to blame the police force for his injuries, he would see him after surgery, then they wheeled him into the operating room. That was the last time Samuel saw his father alive. The injuries were much more extensive than anyone knew. James Adams died during the hours long operation to try to repair the damage.


Samuel’s godfather Arthur Jentzen arrived to help make the final arrangements. Aunt Joan seemed to be falling apart; James had been her last immediate family member. Now all she had was Samuel and it seemed to be taking more than it’s toll on her. It came to Samuel’s mind to join the military and carry on the tradition that his father and brother started. With his father’s words still in his heart and mind Samuel took it upon himself to go down and talk to the Navy recruiter. He found out from the recruiter that he would have to graduate in the spring, but since he would still be under 18 he would have to get Aunt Joan’s permission. He didn’t think that it would be that hard to talk her into it. When he first broached the subject she was dead set against it and it stymied Samuel, she told him that she didn’t want to lose him like she had lost all of the other members of her family. She told him that according to Arthur, who was the executor of his father’s will, they had been left enough money for them to live comfortably while he went to college and attained his degree in fine arts.


Samuel had different plans however; Samuel decided that maybe Arthur could help him talk his aunt into letting him join. When Samuel approached him with the request he was dumbfounded that Arthur sided with his aunt. Samuel said that it was just fine with him. He would wait until he was 18 and then go in on his own. He only wanted to get into the military because that was where Primus selected it’s agents from anyway. One way or the other he was going to be in a position to help rid the world of the scum like the ones that killed his father. Arthur told him that he should really think this over and try to look at it from his Aunt’s perspective. Samuel said he would but that he did not think that it would change anything.


A week later Arthur called to ask if Samuel could come into town and have lunch with him. Samuel met Arthur at Lews Hot Dogs. Arthur got their order to go and then headed for the park. He asked Samuel if he had thought over his plans. Samuel said that he was still planning on going into the military and on to Primus. Arthur’s tone changed as he leaned closer to Samuel. He looked around to be sure that no one was in hearing distance. Then he told Samuel that he had some friends who could test him to see if he even qualified for the Cyberline treatments that Primus used to create the Silver Avengers. Samuel was overwhelmed at the turn around and immediately said yes and wanted to know when and where it was going to happen. Arthur told him he would try to take him to the place today if they were available, but he was not to breath a word of this to his Aunt. Samuel agreed. Arthur placed a few cell phone calls and then said they should eat their lunch before it got cold so they could get going. Samuel was so excited he could barely eat.


After finishing lunch they got into Arthur’s car and drove to Washington to an out of the way office complex. Arthur flashed and ID badge and then ushered Samuel into what appeared to be a doctor’s office. There were no other patients in the waiting room and Samuel was immediately taken to one of the examination rooms where a doctor and nurse waited. Arthur smiled at the doctor and then told Samuel he would be in the waiting room when he was done. He also told Samuel that he would call Aunt Joan and let her know that they were having dinner together and that he would bring Samuel home after that.


The doctor gave Samuel a complete physical and took a complete medical history. They drew several tubes of blood and also took a urine sample. Then they took him down the hall and performed several X-rays. Next, the doctor took him across the hall where another doctor was sitting at his desk. He told Samuel to sit down and then asked him a series of questions about his childhood and what some ink blots looked like and did he hate his father. Just when Samuel thought it would never end the doctor said he was finished and showed him out to the waiting room where his godfather was waiting. Arthur thanked the doctor, who told Arthur that the results should be back in about a week.


Arthur and Samuel walked to the car. Samuel told his godfather that he thought they let him leave because they ran out of things to probe. Arthur told Samuel that he would call in about a week and reminded Samuel not to say anything to his Aunt Joan. He said he didn’t want to suffer her wrath if she found out she was helping Samuel. They went to dinner at the Capital Hilton and then Arthur drove Samuel home.


The week seemed to crawl by at a snails pace. It was all Samuel could do not to blurt out to someone what he was doing. He knew he had to keep quiet though or word might get back to Aunt Joan. He kept his time occupied drawing and studying up on the supervillains and agencies that appeared in the paper. He was going to be fully prepared when he applied to Primus. He was going to be so well qualified that they couldn’t turn him down. He went to the library and looked at every book and magazine article he could find. By the end of the week he was ready to bounce off the walls.


Arthur called on Saturday and told Samuel that they were going for a drive to talk to some people. He told Samuel that he had already cleared it with his Aunt. Arthur picked Samuel up and they drove to Washington again. This time when they got to the small office building they entered the elevator. Arthur pressed a concealed unmarked button and a panel opened. He placed his hand on the plate and the elevator started down. When the doors opened Arthur led Samuel down the hall to a set of double doors. This time when Arthur pressed the button beside the door a device came out of the wall with a chin rest. Arthur placed his head there and the device scanned his retina. The doors opened into yet another hall, which was flanked by a series of doors and finally led to a conference room. There were several other people sitting around the table. Some were military people others were civilians. They looked very serious at first and then one by one smiled and stood to shake Samuel’s hand. They only introduced themselves as Mr. Jones, General Smith, Mrs. Johnson, and the like. None of them used their first names or wore any kind of identification. Arthur told Samuel to sit at the end of the table and then shut the door.


Arthur cleared his throat and then told Samuel that he had passed the physical tests just fine. He said that they were all looking forward to helping Samuel to realize his goal of helping rid the world of organizations like Demon and the other villains like them. Then Arthur surprised Samuel and said that he wouldn’t be going into the military or Primus however. He said that there was a much better program for Samuel to enter. He said that he and the others had seen that the country was in trouble and needed someone with his outlook and ideals to do more than any mere government agent could. They needed someone who was willing to become more than any man had before. He needed to become more powerful and agile than the average Primus agent if he was going to fight the kind of war that they were talking about.


They said that the country needed to be returned to it’s patriotic roots and the ideals of the original founding fathers. The Institute for Human Advancement had contacted several of the members due to their conservative outlook. It was a group that believed in getting rid of the mutant menace once and all who sided with it. The problem was that it flew it the face of everything this country stands for. The country was founded on the principle that “…all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights†The country needed someone like Samuel to remind them that all life is worth protecting, even mutants. They needed someone who is willing stand for the weak and the oppressed, even in the face of radicals from both extremes. It is the only way this country had a chance to survive, with the rise of paranormals, and protect all it’s citizens.


He told Samuel the he was going to be part of Project Liberty. Project Liberty’s goal was to give the country someone that they could count on and look up to, who had strong moral values, a love of the United States, and who would be willing to put it all in the line to help the American people. The current administration had already proven that they had no moral fiber and were not going to give their all to help the citizens of this great country unless it benefited their political ambitions. That is why this group was formed and why these people had chosen Samuel for the job. The organization was funded by private concerns but had extensive government contacts; this is why it had access to the technology needed for the project. Samuel was speechless for a few moments. So many thoughts swirled through his head. He took a deep breath and then asked what they wanted him to do.


Arthur told Samuel that he would be going through a series of extremely experimental treatments with what Arthur called the Ultra-Warrior serum. It would transform him into the epitome of what a man could become, surpassing even Olympic level athletes. He would then be taken through an extensive training regimen that would have caused even his father to collapse from exhaustion. He would be schooled in tactics, stealth, and the weaknesses of his adversaries. However, he would not be allowed to speak to anyone about these things or this facility. Utmost secrecy was required. In order to cover what he was doing Samuel would be enrolling in American University in Washington. There he would study Graphic Arts. This would keep Aunt Joan from being suspicious and would give him a good cover story for his future work. He would attend classes several times a week and in between he would receive his treatments and training. During breaks from school they would set up an apprenticeship cover so that he could stay in Washington and continue his preparation.


After graduation when the new college session began Samuel moved to Washington. The following few years were a blur. Between art school, the treatments, and training, there were times when Samuel thought he would go out of his mind with the harried pace. However, all he had to do was remember what happened to his Dad and watch the terrible things being reported on the nightly news and his resolve was strengthened again.


It was the summer of 1996 when he met Melody Hunter. She was a wonderful girl. She was a few years older than Samuel and worked as an analyst with Primus. Helping them track down leads on the bad guys. They became good friends and started dating regularly. They found that they had much in common as far as their views on the world and what needed to be done to correct it. They exchanged knowledge about supervillains and organizations like two kids trading baseball cards. Samuel was very careful not to let on too much about where he got his knowledge. He didn’t want to raise suspicion. He did tell his godfather about her though. He also took her home to meet Aunt Joan. Aunt Joan liked her immediately and as time went on dropped hints that she hoped this relationship would get more serious.


In 1997 Samuel received an experimental weapon to add to his capabilities. It was an aerodynamically balanced shield made of an alloy of Questonite and a meteoric metal dubbed Resonatium by the scientists who found it embedded in a spacecraft stored at Area 51. The shield was unique and virtually indestructible. At least as far as they had been able to test it. It was very light but strong enough to stop most firepower cold, while remaining very flexible so that it could bounce. With an attached device it could go from being an opaque dull golden color to a highly reflective golden color to an almost clear golden when properly polarized. It was also well balanced for throwing. He combined the use of the shield with his other martial training so that he and the shield became one weapon. It caused a great deal of excitement in the project and added new dimensions to his capabilities. He also received his Micro Fiber Polymer Costume at this time, which enhanced his defensive capabilities.


In August of 1997 Samuel was going in to start another training session when Arthur asked him to come to his office. Samuel was shocked to find Melody Hunter there. Samuel wondered how he had blown his cover and looked at his godfather hoping he wasn’t in too much trouble. Arthur told Samuel to sit down and not to worry. He said that they had been watching this relationship and had done a thorough background check on Miss Hunter. Then he told Samuel that they had decided to recruit Melody to help with the project. They needed a person inside with her kind of knowledge to help find the information that Samuel would need to fight his war on crime and crazies. They were going to be letting Melody be his information source and in return she got to be much closer to the action. No longer just a functionary she would be able to make a difference. Samuel was thrilled and thanked his godfather for being so sneaky.


From that point forward Melody was in all of Samuel’s briefings. She was working directly with Arthur to help Samuel prepare for his destiny. Arthur told Samuel that he and Melody would be his only contacts in the organization and that they had sole discretion as to which assignments he would be given. This meant that Samuel would be allowed a certain amount of autonomy in his work. The organization felt that this would help his mission and would help keep their involvement secret. Samuel and Melody both agreed to postpone marriage for a while. Samuel was going into a very dangerous line of work.


By the summer of 2001 Samuel had graduated with honors from American University and took his position full time with the “graphic design agency†which “hired†him after college to provide a continuing cover for him. About this same time Aunt Joan came down with a bout of bronchitis, it seemed to take all of the fight out of her. She was 65 now and her health declined. Samuel and Arthur convinced her to move to a nice home they found in Alexandria where she could work in the garden and enjoy not having to care for him anymore. She didn’t let him off the hook that easy and told him that he was still her pride and joy and she would worry about him till the day she died. Besides, he should live there with her and keep her company since he had not decided to marry that wonderful Miss Hunter yet. Samuel decided that the best way to keep the peace was to move in with his Aunt and did so.


Just a few short months later Samuel again got a lesson in why people like him were needed when on September 11th 2001 the nation was rocked as Al Queda terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon building. Samuel’s godfather Arthur Jentzen was in the building at the time and received injuries that resulted in the loss of his left eye and his legs being crushed. He would be wheel chair bound for the rest of his life. Fortunately, he survived and after being given a disability discharge he was kept on at the Pentagon as a civilian consultant. It also meant that his activities in the project were increased due to his new freedom of movement.


Samuel used his new abilities to track down several Al Queda operatives in the United States. Though his involvement was kept very secret his contribution closed down two cells in the Eastern United States.


When the treatments and training were completed Samuel was strong enough to be able to lift small cars above his head. He was more agile than any Olympic gymnast. He didn’t even need to worry about knives and most small arms fire anymore since they could not penetrate his skin. He was faster, could run farther, and jump higher. He was healthier than he had ever been and able to take incredible amounts of punishment without being knocked out or even phased. An unexpected effect of the treatments was his development of what the project scientists called "reflex memory" or the ability to reproduce any physical activity just from observing someone using it. In other words watching a martial artist allowed him to duplicate his moves. Watching a gymnast allowed him to perform their routines. This was a very exciting unanticipated side effect and added a new level to Samuel's capabilities.


He had honed his Martial Arts abilities to a fine edge and his training with the shield had really paid off. He had also developed an incredible sense of his surroundings during combat making it very difficult for opponents to surprise him or attack him from the rear. His education gave him extensive knowledge of the supervillains and villainous organizations currently operating in the world. On the downside an unfortunate side effect was discovered in which the treatments combined with his latent asthma, which left him vulnerable to chemical attacks.


However everyone considered the project an overall success. One of the downsides was that they were not able to find anyone else whose genetic makeup would allow them to take the treatment. This meant that at least for the foreseeable future there would only be one Ultra-Warrior.


In Late 2003 Samuel began putting what he knew to use. The project gave him the codename Sentinel. He was sent out to foil an attempt by a recently found to be alive Dr. Destroyer to take over a communications satellite. While the Doctor wasn’t there in person he did fight his henchmen. Samuel’s overconfidence in his new abilities almost caused his defeat when some reserve forces he had failed to see during his recon of the area attacked him. He did triumph in the end though and stopped the Doctor’s plans. This also earned him Destroyer’s enmity.


It was also at this time that he first started hearing rumblings that Demon was on the move in the area again and he began intense investigations into their activities. He foiled a couple of robbery attempts committed by them to secure funding. Later he was sent to the campaign city to investigate a mysterious theft of some Egyptian artifacts, which Melody said might have been linked to Demon…

Powers/Tactics: Sentinel combines his enhanced physique, physical training, and martial arts with his weaponmaster capabilities with the shield to be a very lethal human weapon. He also is very good at being protective with his shield being thrown to either attack enemies or to get between innocents or allies and enemy fire. He is a consumate tactician and will take a natural leadership position in combat helping to maximize his teammates capabilities.Campaign Use: Sentinel is a strong symbol as a hero and can be either a solo hero or part of a team.
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Re: A character for a game...


Why is it expendable?


Surely it doesn't break...


That was my first thought as well. Note that an expendeble focus is like a material component used in casting a fantasy spell. Using the power uses up the component. This is why those shield powers look so huge - you need one shield for each usage.


My 2 cents:


He's pretty easily imnpressed (14 Ego and 14 PRE) - he'd hesitate quite a bit in my campiagn, but I sometimes think I'm the only person who uses PRE attacks, given the frequency of similar stats I see.


I'd boost the activation roll for your shield Armor. It saves virtually nothing and makes it undependable at best. How often does Capt. America fail to catch an attack on his shield?


Since your area of effect is selective, why not use something other than "Any Area" to get a wider area of coverage? A cone might make sense, to hit a bunch of gons in an area. Make the cone no range and you've got a pretty decent arc from the character to choose from.


I doubt I would allow the EC - "Super Soldier Serum" as a common special effect doesn't do it for me. I'd probably allow it as a multipower, which would ultimately be cheaper anyway.


No way would I let the character have a 22d6 martial strike (with the shield element). This stems from the 12d6 HA for the shield, which stems from the mistaken application of expendable on the focus.

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Re: A character for a game...


I was wondering about the Expendable Lim on the Sheild powers. I don't think "Super Solider Serum" is tight enough for an EC, but that is really subjective.


The character's damage classes and such are a little high for my Bay City Campaign, otherwise I'd offer you a slot.

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Re: A character for a game...


Okay, I have posted some changes. First of all I originally interpreted expendability as what happens if someone takes the focus. Not as a charge style limitation. So my bad. I have changed that.


Got rid of the EC and changed it to a Multipower. So it is more legal now.


I chose any area for the "get the goons" power because I was trying to mimic Cap's ability to hit a bunch of agents around him. It didn't seem limited to a specific area like a cone. I understand trying to make the area bigger too. Just trying to decide which trade off duplicates this best. Added the 2x Area to it.


Hopefully you understand that a beginning hero may not have as high a presence as one with more experience.


Made some other minor adjustments to make him 350 points again. Does anyone else have any comments or suggestions? Or better yet a campaign you would like to use him in. I would really like to come up with a way to solo adventure him. I have never gotten to do this and I think it would be cool, since this is what most of the comics are.


Anyway thanks for the help


Bob Adams

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Re: A character for a game...


A few things that are missing from character


1 higher Com, you describe him as tall blonde and handsome, com 10 is not enough, just pay the points.


2 Martial block, you have several sweep manuvers but no block, ( why so many sweeps plus 2 unusual manuvers at that.)


3 what are you going to put in that VPP, skill levels HTH 5, Martial manuvers. a bit vague at the moment. ( in your first fight what would you ask for? are learned powers permanent or just for the duration, your paying efectively +1/4 advantage to be able to claim 25pt of physical skills/levels that you will learn from other MAs.)


4 Movement Mp, some explanation how you actively switch from being good a running to being good at jumping ( just buy the movement powers ) . Power constucts like this make me suspicious.


5 +7 dc HA, a sledge hammer only gets you about 4dc, gives you a 16 Dc martial strike which ( if fighting himself/clone) would one punch him. Basically your damage is too high. I immagine you want to use your VPP to give himself more Martial DCs as well.


I also agree that his ego and pre are to low for a super patriot, at least 18


How does he cope with his dad being a assasin? ( black opps can be anything and you dont get to say no ) does he know, how does it fit in his ethical view.


Three of his psy disads overlap tremendoely.


Code of the hero, what is that and would it happen to include the other two psy lims


Protective of innocents

will not kill .......sorry Code vs murder... so killing in the line of duty is OK ( hence the RKA) but you wont do premeditated? suspisicous again,


plus you get 55 point for your psyche lims.


You are hunted by Demon and Dr destroyer, you are a dead man. you have no defence against mental/mystical attacks and Dr D is stupidly hard. ( he wouldnt even notce you best attack apart from the 26Dc haymakerd martial strike shield combo with +6dc from VPP.)


Vorsch, my GMs oppinion, needs changes and details of the VPP.

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Re: A character for a game...


Just a few replys to some of my detractors. First the VPP is straight out of USPD. Reflex memory is a construct of the power exhibited by Taskmaster in the Marvel Universe. Reflex memory means that he can mimic any set of physical skills he has seen used. If he saw Cap throw his shield then he could throw it as well. If he saw Swordsman fight with someone then he could wield a sword that way. If he saw Hawkeye fire his arrows he could mimic that too. All this in addition to fighting styles and the like. Now does that mean he has the equipment to do it. No. Does it mean he has the ability to invent new ways to use the moves, only if he pays to make the skill permanent. It is merely a power to make him a little different than every other sheild thrower out there. By the way you cannot "see" DC of martial arts so I do not see how you think he can add those.



Why would a guy with a shield concentrate on Martial Blocks. He has a big metal blocker on his arm. and what multiple sweeps are you talking about? He has a legsweep, a martial throw, a martial dodge, and martial strike. Looks pretty well rounded to me. Then he also can throw his shield to trip or disarm. I see no problem there.



The movement multipower represents the effects of the treatments as opposed to just being natural talent.


The extra DC's of HTH not only represent the shield but how it is used to hit the opponent. Part of the damage of a sledge hammer comes from who is wielding it. So it is with characters. Just because you have powered armor doesn't mean you only get the damage from the metal plates.


Being a former member of the armed forces I will not even answer your comments on his father. It shows a lack of understanding of the military that is colored by Hollywood. Just suffice to say that we lost a lot of men in Iraq both during Iraqi Freedom and during Desert Storm who did not go into Iraq to assassinate anyone, but to recon and to paint targets so that the bombs would minimize civilian casualties. I would say that was the code of the hero.


Of course his Psy Lims overlap. So do yours and everyone elses. There are shades of your and my psychology that while appearing to overlap do not explain each other completely. If you read the Champions sourcebook they have explainations of Code of the Hero, protective of innocents, and others. Code VS Murder means that he will not kill wantonly but when his protective of innocents kicks in if it is the only way to save one he will use lethal force. In other words the traditional code vs killing says not under any circumstances. This says while he will try every other avenue and will even allow himself to be hurt first, there are times when killing is the only rational answer. His code of the hero means that he will be willing to help people in a much broader sense than protecting them. He will get cats out of trees, help old ladies across the street, run after purse snatches, etc. True heroism goes beyond his protection of innocents. The protection of innocents however goes deeper than just being a hero. It comes from his pain in his life.


As far as his hunteds go. Should I only chose hunters for a character based on if he can win against them? Superman had to fight villains that had Kryptonite and Used magic. He didn't run and hide so they wouldn't get mad at him just because he was vulnerable. The Demon hunted came from his father's death and his subsequently running into them himself. As far as Doctor Destroyer goes. He wasn't personally at the site of his defeat. He has lackeys for that. (Fifth edition clearly paints him as a person who frequently uses others for his plans) The 8 or less hunted means that he would take measures against him if his people run into him or he finds Sentinel messing in a secret plan. He may occasionally send someone to harass him if he sees him getting good press. It is not a burning 14 or less hunted. The good Doctor reserves that for much bigge fish.


If someone has a better way to design him while keeping the flavor of the character than by all means do so and repost him. I am not adverse to the changes I just know the type of character I was trying to make and still have him fit at 350 points. Not easy when trying to emulate Captian America and Taskmaster mix. But then again Cap wasn't everything he is now when he started either.


What would you lower change or eliminate to keep him at 350 points while still doing everthing you said. Don't just tell me whats wrong with the character but what you would do to fix it. I asked for advice not just criticism.

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Re: A character for a game...


I chose any area for the "get the goons" power because I was trying to mimic Cap's ability to hit a bunch of agents around him. It didn't seem limited to a specific area like a cone. I understand trying to make the area bigger too. Just trying to decide which trade off duplicates this best. Added the 2x Area to it.


It al depends what you want to simulate. Note that six hexes is limited to (say) six goons surrounding you, or some group within a 6 hex area. As you say, it's a tradeoff. If it doesn't work out like you expect, you can always buy additional slots with different areas later to enhance coverage.


Hopefully you understand that a beginning hero may not have as high a presence as one with more experience.


My experience is a 20 PRE is pretty common. Add 2d6 for actions/soliloqies and you end up with 21 rolled on average. That's a pretty average PRE attack. A good PRE attack will easily get +10, more commonly +20 on you. As long as you understand that, and it's in your conception of the character, I see no problem, but be aware that he is vulnerable to PRE attacks. I would describe him as pretty easily impressed for a Super.


Vorsch has a lot of good comments. I'd still call his DC's too high, and his DEF/DCV combo pushes the envelope as well, at least IMC. Un;less you're in the Edmonton area, he won't be IMC any time soon - other GM's may differ.


I'd note that I ignore the names of "Hunteds" since I generally enforce these as being "mystery hunteds" or change them for my campaign anyway.

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Re: A character for a game...Here is a revised version. Take a look and see what you think. Maybe this will take care of some of the concerns.SentinelPlayer: Bob Adams

Val Char Cost
30 STR 20
30 DEX 60
30 CON 40
10 BODY 0
18 INT 8
14 EGO 8
18 PRE 8
14 COM 2
10/28 PD 4
10/28 ED 4
5 SPD 10
12 REC 0
60 END 0
40 STUN 0
11" RUN02" SWIM016" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 164
Cost Power END
17 Microfiber Polymer Armor Costume: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Activation Roll 15- (-1/4) 0
30 Questonite/Resonatium Alloy Shield: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OAF Unbreakable (-1)
1u 1) Duck Behind: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 2
1u 2) Shield Slam: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 2
2u 3) Shield Throw: EB 10d6 (50 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1) 5
2u 4) Edge Throw: Energy Blast 6d6, Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) 4
2u 5) Get The Goons: Energy Blast 5d6, Area Of Effect (6" Cone; +1), Selective Target (+1/4) (56 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), No Range (-1/2), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4) 6
1u 6) Razors Edge: Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6 (40 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) 8
2u 7) Back At Cha: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Full Range (+1) (60 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Will Not Work Against Heavy Missiles (-1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 6
5 Instant Change (one set of clothing): Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (Public Costume into Stealth Costume and vice-versa) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Target Limited (-1/2) 1
3 Enhanced Leg Muscles: Elemental Control, 10-point powers, (5 Active Points); all slots Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)
3 1) Leaping +10" (16" forward, 8" upward) (10 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) 2
3 2) Running +5" (11" total) (10 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) 2
32 Reflex Memory: Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 24 base + 8 control cost, (36 Active Points); all slots Limited Power: Only for physical skills the characters sees in use Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 104
Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
Sentinel Style Martial Arts
3 1) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 +v/5, Target Falls
3 2) Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 8d6 Strike, Target Falls
4 3) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 9d6 Strike
4 4) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4 5) +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
1 6) Weapon Element: Shield: Boomerangs and Throwing Clubs
5 7) Offensive Trip: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike +v/5, Target Falls
5 8) Offensive Ranged Disarm: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, Disarm, 40 STR
Martial Arts Cost: 29
Cost Skill
3 Acrobatics 15-
3 Breakfall 15-
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Criminology 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 Oratory 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 PS: Graphic Artist 15-
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: Superheroes (3 Active Points) 13-
2 2) KS: Superpowers (3 Active Points) 13-
2 3) KS: Supervillians (3 Active Points) 13-
3 Stealth 15-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Tactics 13-
Skills Cost: 45
Cost Perk
8 Contact: Arthur Jentzen "godfather" (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-
Perks Cost: 8
Val Disadvantages
20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Hero (Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate)
15 Enraged: When Innocents Are Harmed (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-
10 DNPC: Melody Hunter 11- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)
20 DNPC: Aunt Joan 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)
20 Hunted: Viper 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
20 Hunted: Demon 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN From Chemical Attacks (Uncommon)
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

Height: 1.92 m Hair: Blonde
Weight: 88.00 kg Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Samuel is a very good looking well muscled man who stands 6' 4 and weighs around 195. He has piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. He ususally wears casual button up shirts and docker style pants. In his Sentinel identity his costume has the ability to be polychromatic. For public appearances it has a red T shaped chest area with blue sides and leggings. His boots are and mask are red. His eagle insigia is golden with a blue circular field around it. The shield is in gold and red with the raised star shape and the rounded eagle shape overall. When on a night stealth mission the costumes colors are changed by pressing a special polarizing button on his belt buckle. The colors then change so the blue areas are black and the other colors turn to a medium grey. The shield also changes color as well.Personality: Sentinel is a strong patriot, but he is not blind to government corruption. He is committed to the ideals that founded America more than to any administration. He is also fully committed to stopping the kind of people responsible for the pain that has touched his family. While he is not vengeful he is determined. He is a true hero dedicated to helping protect all americans from the forces of darkness. Good and Evil are not only real concepts to him but also very black and white. There is very little grey in his worldview.Quote:"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and the Sentinel is here to collect your bill"Background: The man who would come to be known as Sentinel; was born Samuel Adams on February 29, 1976 at Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA.; Born to Olivia and James Adams, at least for the first twenty minutes of his life, then his mother who had not quit hemorrhaging, died and changed the course of their lives forever. James received the news from his chaplain onboard the U.S.S. Midway stationed in the Persian Gulf. Emergency leave was restricted to two weeks due to operational parameters. It wasn’t very long to finish all the arrangements that had to be made. His first good decision was to call his older sister Joan; she came out immediately from Norfolk, VA. Where she and her husband had lived until his death. They arranged to take the body back to Norfolk for burial, that’s where both of the families had come from.


After the funeral the lawyer drew up the papers giving temporary custody of Samuel and his older brother Jonathon, age 7, to his sister Joan. James had two years left on his enlistment and with all of his training the Navy wasn’t about to lose one of it’s best officers when things were looking like they might heat up again. James had joined near the end of the Viet Nam war, always one to push himself he had joined the Navy’s elite SEAL teams and persevered. By the time Samuel was born he was head of Seal Team Six the Navy’s covert team which carried out Black Ops all over the world. When his enlistment was up two years later he resigned his commission and moved to Norfolk to resume his life. With all of the training he had acquired and his family ideals going back to his ancestor John Adams he did the most natural thing to him, he joined the S.W.A.T. team of the Norfolk Police Department.


Life was pretty normal for Samuel growing up. When he was old enough he was enrolled in James River Christian Academy, his Aunt Joan insisted on it, she said it was for his proper Christian upbringing. It was in those halls that his mind soared, his discovery of the written word opened up worlds of possibilities. Stories of heroes, villains, and ladies fair, as well as the stories of the Mystery Men of World War Two and Super Heroes who were starting to appear more frequently.


His family found out while he was in third grade that he had developed bronchial asthma, and while not severe; it was just enough to keep him from doing the sports and outdoor activities that his father and older brother enjoyed so much. He turned his energies to other pursuits and delved into the world of heroes. His favorite game was super spy, playing heroes who saved the world at the last minute from the forces of evil. He played these games with his best friend from the Academy Jimmy Franklin. He and Jimmy spent lots of time together growing up. When they weren’t playing together Samuel spent his time drawing his favorite heroes and became very accomplished as an artist.


Through the stories his father told and the heroes he found in his history books, like his ancestor John Adams, Samuel fell in love with this country and the ideals it stood for.


“The price of freedom is eternal vigilanceâ€, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problemâ€, “All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothingâ€. These were the phrases he frequently heard around the Adams household. It was through his Boy Scout training that he developed his respect for those that step up and do their duty when called. Duty and moral fiber was instilled in the boys through not only their father but also the true Christian example of their Aunt Joan. “Love thy neighbor as thy selfâ€, “If a man knows the good he ought to do and does not do it to him it is sinâ€, and “Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend†were not just words but the lived out values which Joan taught Samuel and Jonathan by example.


Samuel still liked Superheroes of all kinds, in the news and comics that his brother John read with him, and the James Bond like characters that fueled his imagination. All these things gave Samuel a very idealistic and moral worldview. He was not like a lot of the kids he knew in the neighborhood. He and Jimmy frequently played superheroes and spy games together. They swapped comics and played computer games together.


There was also Mr. Snow his art teacher, who recognized the talent that was in Samuel and made the effort to encourage him whenever he got the chance. It was this encouragement that led Samuel into the art world that captivated him; he learned that there was nothing he could not bring to life through art. Samuel’s father saw the talent that his wife Olivia, herself a sculptress, had passed on to their youngest son. Every piece reminded James of why he had fallen in love with her and drew he and Samuel closer. It set Samuel on the course for his future, or so he thought at the time.


The other obstacles that Samuel had to overcome as a child were Derek Johnson and Scott Nelson; they were the neighborhood bullies and liked picking on children they knew they could beat or who they thought were weird. It only took Samuel one beating, while trying to get Derek to leave Jimmy alone, to know that he had to find a way to take care of those two. His dad had taught him that you have to face your fears and stand up for those weaker than yourself.


Samuel’s solution for this problem was talking his Dad into giving him martial arts lessons. After extracting a promise to use his training in self-defense only, his father finally gave in. It some time for him to become proficient but the first time he turned the tables on Scott and Derek and won, it was worth every sore aching muscle he had gotten in training. However, this experience also left Samuel with a very low tolerance level for those who would threaten innocents just to make themselves feel superior.


Life was going rather well for Samuel and his family until 1989 when the trouble started in the Persian Gulf, his brother John had followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the Navy and trained to be part of the SEALs two years earlier. He was on one of the teams that would recon behind enemy lines and paint targets for the “Smart Bombs†that were dropped on Iraq and were so successful in winning that war. John didn’t make it out of Iraq. During one of the raids a low powered Iraqi paranormal with ultraviolet vision spotted their position. In the best SEAL tradition John had gone back for an injured man and was shot and killed just as he hooked up his injured friend to the winch on the helicopter.


For his heroic actions the Navy awarded Jonathan Adams the Navy Cross. It was given to James and Samuel at a ceremonial luncheon after the memorial service. The ceremony took place at the White House in the Rose Garden with President Bush presenting the medal. It was Samuel’s first visit to the White House; He got a personal tour from the First Lady Barbara Bush, she reminded him of Aunt Joan. It was there that he first met the man who he was told was his godfather, Rear Admiral Arthur Jentzen, he had served with Samuel’s father in the SEALs and had overseen command of the SEAL teams of which John had been a part.


John’s death weighed heavily on both Samuel and his father. Samuel dealt with the pain through his art, taking on sculpting as his medium, his Aunt Joan gave him half of her craft room above the garage to be his art studio and help him with his focus, while helping the rest of the household keep their sanity. His father in his grief started being overly concerned for Samuel. It developed over a period of time, slowly at first, taking on the guise of concern for his family in the light of his profession.


Samuel’s godfather helped James get through those tough times and in the process began to develop a close relationship with his godson. They spent time together the three of them. They went hunting, fishing, and camping together. The time was well spent and helped Samuel’s father reconnect with his old friend while dealing with his grief and it made the relationship between James and Samuel much stronger. It also let Samuel get a chance to see a lot of the historical monuments, government buildings, and Navy ships in and around the Washington D.C., up close due to his godfather’s connections. He even got to tour the Pentagon, and see where all the combat decisions were made. It was a great educational experience and Arthur came to admire the ideals and outlook his godson had on the world.


Things in Norfolk had started to change too; the Police were being called in for more things that didn’t involve just normal crooks. There were gangs forming that contained or were entirely made up of members who were mutants or enhanced humans. Samuel read about them in the paper as well as listening to his father at the dinner table, not the he told them everything but some things couldn’t be avoided. James Adams however never let it be known that he was concerned about how the world was changing, he instead talked about how the evil and injustice must be faced and the men who propagated it conquered, how some must take a stand and hold the line for freedom, equality, and the basic human rights that he, John, and countless others had fought and sometimes died for. This point was driven home in October of 1992 and the battle of Detroit when many heroes and innocents died thanks to the tyrant Doctor Destroyer. The world was shocked and Samuel saw another reason the world needed men of strong conviction.


It was the Spring of 1993, that fate threw the next curve into Samuel’s life. The S.W.A.T. team had responded to a call that a gang was attempting to steal some eastern European artifacts, confiscated from the Nazi’s during the occupation, from a government warehouse. The S.W.A.T. team was called because it was one of the many Government building patrolled by the civilian authorities and not the military. After they had reconed the perimeter of the building, they set up to go in. It wasn’t until they entered the warehouse that they discovered what they were up against was no ordinary gang of skinhead thieves looking for souvenirs, but a well trained organized agency known as Demon. They were after the artifacts not for their monetary value but for their ability to lead their organization to an object of great mystic power.


One of the Demon agents, opened fire and wounded James. The firefight was so intense that the paramedics were delayed in coming until after the agents were taken into custody with the help of a team from Primus. While James was taken to the Hospital, Samuel and Aunt Joan were called and told of what took place. A patrol car was sent to bring them to the hospital. While James was being wheeled down the hall to the operating room Samuel walked beside him. His father asked him to make sure he would take care of his Aunt till he was up and around again, and not to blame the police force for his injuries, he would see him after surgery, then they wheeled him into the operating room. That was the last time Samuel saw his father alive. The injuries were much more extensive than anyone knew. James Adams died during the hours long operation to try to repair the damage.


Samuel’s godfather Arthur Jentzen arrived to help make the final arrangements. Aunt Joan seemed to be falling apart; James had been her last immediate family member. Now all she had was Samuel and it seemed to be taking more than it’s toll on her. It came to Samuel’s mind to join the military and carry on the tradition that his father and brother started. With his father’s words still in his heart and mind Samuel took it upon himself to go down and talk to the Navy recruiter. He found out from the recruiter that he would have to graduate in the spring, but since he would still be under 18 he would have to get Aunt Joan’s permission. He didn’t think that it would be that hard to talk her into it. When he first broached the subject she was dead set against it and it stymied Samuel, she told him that she didn’t want to lose him like she had lost all of the other members of her family. She told him that according to Arthur, who was the executor of his father’s will, they had been left enough money for them to live comfortably while he went to college and attained his degree in fine arts.


Samuel had different plans however; Samuel decided that maybe Arthur could help him talk his aunt into letting him join. When Samuel approached him with the request he was dumbfounded that Arthur sided with his aunt. Samuel said that it was just fine with him. He would wait until he was 18 and then go in on his own. He only wanted to get into the military because that was where Primus selected it’s agents from anyway. One way or the other he was going to be in a position to help rid the world of the scum like the ones that killed his father. Arthur told him that he should really think this over and try to look at it from his Aunt’s perspective. Samuel said he would but that he did not think that it would change anything.


A week later Arthur called to ask if Samuel could come into town and have lunch with him. Samuel met Arthur at Lews Hot Dogs. Arthur got their order to go and then headed for the park. He asked Samuel if he had thought over his plans. Samuel said that he was still planning on going into the military and on to Primus. Arthur’s tone changed as he leaned closer to Samuel. He looked around to be sure that no one was in hearing distance. Then he told Samuel that he had some friends who could test him to see if he even qualified for the Cyberline treatments that Primus used to create the Silver Avengers. Samuel was overwhelmed at the turn around and immediately said yes and wanted to know when and where it was going to happen. Arthur told him he would try to take him to the place today if they were available, but he was not to breath a word of this to his Aunt. Samuel agreed. Arthur placed a few cell phone calls and then said they should eat their lunch before it got cold so they could get going. Samuel was so excited he could barely eat.


After finishing lunch they got into Arthur’s car and drove to Washington to an out of the way office complex. Arthur flashed and ID badge and then ushered Samuel into what appeared to be a doctor’s office. There were no other patients in the waiting room and Samuel was immediately taken to one of the examination rooms where a doctor and nurse waited. Arthur smiled at the doctor and then told Samuel he would be in the waiting room when he was done. He also told Samuel that he would call Aunt Joan and let her know that they were having dinner together and that he would bring Samuel home after that.


The doctor gave Samuel a complete physical and took a complete medical history. They drew several tubes of blood and also took a urine sample. Then they took him down the hall and performed several X-rays. Next, the doctor took him across the hall where another doctor was sitting at his desk. He told Samuel to sit down and then asked him a series of questions about his childhood and what some ink blots looked like and did he hate his father. Just when Samuel thought it would never end the doctor said he was finished and showed him out to the waiting room where his godfather was waiting. Arthur thanked the doctor, who told Arthur that the results should be back in about a week.


Arthur and Samuel walked to the car. Samuel told his godfather that he thought they let him leave because they ran out of things to probe. Arthur told Samuel that he would call in about a week and reminded Samuel not to say anything to his Aunt Joan. He said he didn’t want to suffer her wrath if she found out she was helping Samuel. They went to dinner at the Capital Hilton and then Arthur drove Samuel home.


The week seemed to crawl by at a snails pace. It was all Samuel could do not to blurt out to someone what he was doing. He knew he had to keep quiet though or word might get back to Aunt Joan. He kept his time occupied drawing and studying up on the supervillains and agencies that appeared in the paper. He was going to be fully prepared when he applied to Primus. He was going to be so well qualified that they couldn’t turn him down. He went to the library and looked at every book and magazine article he could find. By the end of the week he was ready to bounce off the walls.


Arthur called on Saturday and told Samuel that they were going for a drive to talk to some people. He told Samuel that he had already cleared it with his Aunt. Arthur picked Samuel up and they drove to Washington again. This time when they got to the small office building they entered the elevator. Arthur pressed a concealed unmarked button and a panel opened. He placed his hand on the plate and the elevator started down. When the doors opened Arthur led Samuel down the hall to a set of double doors. This time when Arthur pressed the button beside the door a device came out of the wall with a chin rest. Arthur placed his head there and the device scanned his retina. The doors opened into yet another hall, which was flanked by a series of doors and finally led to a conference room. There were several other people sitting around the table. Some were military people others were civilians. They looked very serious at first and then one by one smiled and stood to shake Samuel’s hand. They only introduced themselves as Mr. Jones, General Smith, Mrs. Johnson, and the like. None of them used their first names or wore any kind of identification. Arthur told Samuel to sit at the end of the table and then shut the door.


Arthur cleared his throat and then told Samuel that he had passed the physical tests just fine. He said that they were all looking forward to helping Samuel to realize his goal of helping rid the world of organizations like Demon and the other villains like them. Then Arthur surprised Samuel and said that he wouldn’t be going into the military or Primus however. He said that there was a much better program for Samuel to enter. He said that he and the others had seen that the country was in trouble and needed someone with his outlook and ideals to do more than any mere government agent could. They needed someone who was willing to become more than any man had before. He needed to become more powerful and agile than the average Primus agent if he was going to fight the kind of war that they were talking about.


They said that the country needed to be returned to it’s patriotic roots and the ideals of the original founding fathers. The Institute for Human Advancement had contacted several of the members due to their conservative outlook. It was a group that believed in getting rid of the mutant menace once and all who sided with it. The problem was that it flew it the face of everything this country stands for. The country was founded on the principle that “…all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights†The country needed someone like Samuel to remind them that all life is worth protecting, even mutants. They needed someone who is willing stand for the weak and the oppressed, even in the face of radicals from both extremes. It is the only way this country had a chance to survive, with the rise of paranormals, and protect all it’s citizens.


He told Samuel the he was going to be part of Project Liberty. Project Liberty’s goal was to give the country someone that they could count on and look up to, who had strong moral values, a love of the United States, and who would be willing to put it all in the line to help the American people. The current administration had already proven that they had no moral fiber and were not going to give their all to help the citizens of this great country unless it benefited their political ambitions. That is why this group was formed and why these people had chosen Samuel for the job. The organization was funded by private concerns but had extensive government contacts; this is why it had access to the technology needed for the project. Samuel was speechless for a few moments. So many thoughts swirled through his head. He took a deep breath and then asked what they wanted him to do.


Arthur told Samuel that he would be going through a series of extremely experimental treatments with what Arthur called the Ultra-Warrior serum. It would transform him into the epitome of what a man could become, surpassing even Olympic level athletes. He would then be taken through an extensive training regimen that would have caused even his father to collapse from exhaustion. He would be schooled in tactics, stealth, and the weaknesses of his adversaries. However, he would not be allowed to speak to anyone about these things or this facility. Utmost secrecy was required. In order to cover what he was doing Samuel would be enrolling in American University in Washington. There he would study Graphic Arts. This would keep Aunt Joan from being suspicious and would give him a good cover story for his future work. He would attend classes several times a week and in between he would receive his treatments and training. During breaks from school they would set up an apprenticeship cover so that he could stay in Washington and continue his preparation.


After graduation when the new college session began Samuel moved to Washington. The following few years were a blur. Between art school, the treatments, and training, there were times when Samuel thought he would go out of his mind with the harried pace. However, all he had to do was remember what happened to his Dad and watch the terrible things being reported on the nightly news and his resolve was strengthened again.


It was the summer of 1996 when he met Melody Hunter. She was a wonderful girl. She was a few years older than Samuel and worked as an analyst with Primus. Helping them track down leads on the bad guys. They became good friends and started dating regularly. They found that they had much in common as far as their views on the world and what needed to be done to correct it. They exchanged knowledge about supervillains and organizations like two kids trading baseball cards. Samuel was very careful not to let on too much about where he got his knowledge. He didn’t want to raise suspicion. He did tell his godfather about her though. He also took her home to meet Aunt Joan. Aunt Joan liked her immediately and as time went on dropped hints that she hoped this relationship would get more serious.


In 1997 Samuel received an experimental weapon to add to his capabilities. It was an aerodynamically balanced shield made of an alloy of Questonite and a meteoric metal dubbed Resonatium by the scientists who found it embedded in a spacecraft stored at Area 51. The shield was unique and virtually indestructible. At least as far as they had been able to test it. It was very light but strong enough to stop most firepower cold, while remaining very flexible so that it could bounce. With an attached device it could go from being an opaque dull golden color to a highly reflective golden color to an almost clear golden when properly polarized. It was also well balanced for throwing. He combined the use of the shield with his other martial training so that he and the shield became one weapon. It caused a great deal of excitement in the project and added new dimensions to his capabilities. He also received his Micro Fiber Polymer Costume at this time, which enhanced his defensive capabilities.


In August of 1997 Samuel was going in to start another training session when Arthur asked him to come to his office. Samuel was shocked to find Melody Hunter there. Samuel wondered how he had blown his cover and looked at his godfather hoping he wasn’t in too much trouble. Arthur told Samuel to sit down and not to worry. He said that they had been watching this relationship and had done a thorough background check on Miss Hunter. Then he told Samuel that they had decided to recruit Melody to help with the project. They needed a person inside with her kind of knowledge to help find the information that Samuel would need to fight his war on crime and crazies. They were going to be letting Melody be his information source and in return she got to be much closer to the action. No longer just a functionary she would be able to make a difference. Samuel was thrilled and thanked his godfather for being so sneaky.


From that point forward Melody was in all of Samuel’s briefings. She was working directly with Arthur to help Samuel prepare for his destiny. Arthur told Samuel that he and Melody would be his only contacts in the organization and that they had sole discretion as to which assignments he would be given. This meant that Samuel would be allowed a certain amount of autonomy in his work. The organization felt that this would help his mission and would help keep their involvement secret. Samuel and Melody both agreed to postpone marriage for a while. Samuel was going into a very dangerous line of work.


By the summer of 2001 Samuel had graduated with honors from American University and took his position full time with the “graphic design agency†which “hired†him after college to provide a continuing cover for him. About this same time Aunt Joan came down with a bout of bronchitis, it seemed to take all of the fight out of her. She was 65 now and her health declined. Samuel and Arthur convinced her to move to a nice home they found in Alexandria where she could work in the garden and enjoy not having to care for him anymore. She didn’t let him off the hook that easy and told him that he was still her pride and joy and she would worry about him till the day she died. Besides, he should live there with her and keep her company since he had not decided to marry that wonderful Miss Hunter yet. Samuel decided that the best way to keep the peace was to move in with his Aunt and did so.


Just a few short months later Samuel again got a lesson in why people like him were needed when on September 11th 2001 the nation was rocked as Al Queda terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon building. Samuel’s godfather Arthur Jentzen was in the building at the time and received injuries that resulted in the loss of his left eye and his legs being crushed. He would be wheel chair bound for the rest of his life. Fortunately, he survived and after being given a disability discharge he was kept on at the Pentagon as a civilian consultant. It also meant that his activities in the project were increased due to his new freedom of movement.


Samuel used his new abilities to track down several Al Queda operatives in the United States. Though his involvement was kept very secret his contribution closed down two cells in the Eastern United States.


When the treatments and training were completed Samuel was strong enough to be able to lift small cars above his head. He was more agile than any Olympic gymnast. He didn’t even need to worry about knives and most small arms fire anymore since they could not penetrate his skin. He was faster, could run farther, and jump higher. He was healthier than he had ever been and able to take incredible amounts of punishment without being knocked out or even phased. An unexpected effect of the treatments was his development of what the project scientists called "reflex memory" or the ability to reproduce any physical activity just from observing someone using it. In other words watching a martial artist allowed him to duplicate his moves. Watching a gymnast allowed him to perform their routines. This was a very exciting unanticipated side effect and added a new level to Samuel's capabilities.


He had honed his Martial Arts abilities to a fine edge and his training with the shield had really paid off. He had also developed an incredible sense of his surroundings during combat making it very difficult for opponents to surprise him or attack him from the rear. His education gave him extensive knowledge of the supervillains and villainous organizations currently operating in the world. On the downside an unfortunate side effect was discovered in which the treatments combined with his latent asthma, which left him vulnerable to chemical attacks.


However everyone considered the project an overall success. One of the downsides was that they were not able to find anyone else whose genetic makeup would allow them to take the treatment. This meant that at least for the foreseeable future there would only be one Ultra-Warrior.


In Late 2003 Samuel began putting what he knew to use. The project gave him the codename Sentinel. He was sent out to foil an attempt by a Viper to take over a communications satellite. Samuel’s overconfidence in his new abilities almost caused his defeat when some reserve forces he had failed to see during his recon of the area attacked him. He did triumph in the end though and stopped Viper's plans. This also earned him Viper's enmity.


It was also at this time that he first started hearing rumblings that Demon was on the move in the area again and he began intense investigations into their activities. He foiled a couple of robbery attempts committed by them to secure funding. Later he was sent to the campaign city to investigate a mysterious theft of some Egyptian artifacts, which Melody said might have been linked to Demon…

Powers/Tactics: Sentinel combines his enhanced physique, physical training, and martial arts with his weaponmaster capabilities with the shield to be a very lethal human weapon. He also is very good at being protective with his shield being thrown to either attack enemies or to get between innocents or allies and enemy fire. He is a consumate tactician and will take a natural leadership position in combat helping to maximize his teammates capabilities.Campaign Use: Sentinel is a strong symbol as a hero and can be either a solo hero or part of a team.
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Re: A character for a game...


Yeah, why don't you write a background for this guy? It's a character, not a tax return!




I think it's a big improvement over the first version. The only real suggestion I'd make is that he could/should have some other 0-point Psych Lims like "Patriotic" and "Black-and-white morality." "Code of the Hero" is just so... I dunno... blah. To me, anyway. It could be replaced with some more specific Psych Lims, like "Protective of innocents" and "Honorable" and "Code vs. Killing" (at Uncommon, Strong-- it lets him kill if there's no other choice, unlike Total). And then maybe you could drop that Enraged, which, IMO, seems a little out of place. Regardless, these are only suggestions, and none of the existing Disads are really a problem as I see it.


Also, listen-- when you post a character and people criticize the character, don't take it personally. They're not criticizing you. They're criticizing your work, and therefore, by extension, you. :P

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Re: A character for a game...


Okay here is my sample revision, explanation of changes at the end.




Player: Bob Adams


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

30 DEX 60

30 CON 40

10 BODY 0

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

28 PRE 18

14 COM 2


10/20/30 PD 4

10/20/30 ED 4

5 SPD 10

12 REC 0

60 END 0

40 STUN 0


10" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

10" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 174


Cost Power END

20 Microfiber Polymer Armor Costume: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


31 Questonite/Resonatium Alloy Shield: Multipower, 62-point reserve; all slots OAF Unbreakable (-1)

1u 1) Duck Behind: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points);

1u 2) Shield Slam: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, 0 end (30 Active Points), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

1u 3) Missile deflection all: +5 OCV ( 30 Active points )

3u 4) Shield Blunt edge Throw: EB 6d6 Ap, 0 end (60 Active Points);

3u 5) Shield Sharp edge Throw: RKA 2d6 Ap, 0 end (60 Active Points);

3u 6) Shield edge strike HKA: 2d6 Ap 0 end ( 60 active points )

3u 7) Get the goons: Eb 5d6 AAR selective x2 radius, ( 62 Active points )


5 Instant Change (one set of clothing): Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (Public Costume into Stealth Costume and vice-versa) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Target Limited (-1/2) 1


8 Running +4", 10" total

4 Leaping +4", 10" total


32 Reflex Memory: Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 24 base + 8 control cost, (36 Active Points); all slots Limited Power: Only for physical skills the characters sees in use Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)

3 Reflex memory skill 13<


Powers Cost: 118


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

Sentinel Style Martial Arts

3 1) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4 2) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 9d6 Strike

4 3) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 4) Martial Block

4 5) Martial Disarm

1 6) Weapon Element: Shield: Boomerangs and Throwing Clubs,


Martial Arts Cost: 20


Cost Skill

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Oratory 15-

3 Persuasion 15-

3 PS: Graphic Artist 15-

3 KS: Superhumans 13-

3 KS: Superpowers 13-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Streetwise 15-


Skills Cost: 30


Cost Perk

8 Contact: Arthur Jentzen "godfather" (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-


Perks Cost: 8


Val Disadvantages

20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe

10 Psychological Limitation: Deeply patriotic ( Common, strong )

20 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Hero (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate)

10 DNPC: Melody Hunter 11- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)

20 DNPC: Aunt Joan 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

20 Hunted: Viper 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Demon 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

10 Reputation 11< super patriot

Disadvantage Points: 150



Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 350


As a superpatriot / symbolic character i have increased Pre to 28,


Got rid of the activation on armour, seems like a full body suit and i just dont like having only 10 non resistant defence if i blow an activation.


For the shield i immagine it could have a sharp and blunt edge profile, which you could use at range and HTH. (if it can be thrown for Rka then a Hka based on the same edge seems reasonable )

got rid of reflection but boosted chance of blocking, a shield just dosent justify reflection to me.


Bought running and leaping seperate, an EC for these seems a little off, like buying a EC of primary stats with "superhuman physiology" as the rationale.


I dont know what it says in the USP but how exactly does your mimicry pool change ( especially in combat ) , you have no skill roll or does not require skill advantage. USP may explain it but i doubt that id like the explanation.


id still like to know exactly you would like to put in this pool, an example you gave was copying Caps shield throw skill but this wouldnt fit in the pool ( 6d6 Eb etc, what is it you want?)


If it was my character i would buy a 20pt Physical enhancement pool, no skill roll, 0 phase, only to enhance physique-1/2 for 40 pts. ditch the running and leaping save you 7 points. Stronger tougher faster on demand.


Cropped the MA and skill list, you can still do most of what you did before except a little better due to the higher Pre. Dropped the DC because i presume its for a 12DC game and with the shield you were on 13DC.

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Re: A character for a game...


what does hero designer do?


Drag the process down becuase you can't find what you want.


Print out a sheet with only half the info you wanted (again, because you don't put notes in right - I'm sure the SW can do it).


Cut your multipower slot off in mid-page.


Excel works just fine for me. I'm sure someone proficient with Hero Designer can make it do great things, but I like to customize my format, detail some things, etc. which a canned SW package makes tougher.

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