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Archer ideas?


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One of my favorite superhero "archetypes" has always been the Archer, especially the trick/gadget/checklist variety. Obviously Hawkeye and Green Arrow are the icons in this area, but there have been others, and some characters can be considered partial examples of the type.


It would be hard to be completely original when working in this archetype (and what fun would that be?), but in an effort to make my own archer character a little more interesting, how about posting your own archer ideas? I know some ideas have already been documented in other threads (on gadgets, specific characters, etc.), but i didn't see anything framed specifically for those Bombastic Bowmen out there! ('nuff said)


Any ideas would be appreciated, including:

- character concepts, names, or portraits;

- ideas for arrows, weapons and other gear;

- other powers that work particularly well in this kind of character (or don't);

- actual writeups of your favorite arrows, MPs or complete characters;

- interesting incidents in play;

- lessons learned for running or GMing these kinds of characters,




(apologies if this has been covered before...i did some searching and didn't find what I was looking for elsewhere)

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Re: Archer ideas?


To get things rolling I'll throw out one of my favorite arrows: the "door-kicker"!


My archer, named Hunter, is a cross between Hawkeye (obviously) and the Punisher, with a little Wolverine thrown in (tracking and senses, mainly). He has a background in chemistry and has cooked up a couple of interesting payloads to deliver via his arrows.


The "door-kicker" is a shaped-charge explosive arrowhead, but rather than the typical shaped-charge that is designed for increased penetration along the axis of the flightpath of the projectile, this charge is designed to channel the explosive force outward in a vertical plane from the point of impact. This makes it perfect for shattering various walls and doors.


This is bought as 1" of tunnelling, through fairly high DEF (10 or 12). Obviously usable at range, and probably with the "limited medium" limitation at the -1/2 level (walls and doors only). He uses this arrow to open holes in doors or walls, either up close or from range (prior to using a swingline arrow to enter the bad guys' hideout, for instance).


More complications could be added to the power, such as Side Effects reflecting the damage to the immediate area, or various linked attacks or flashes for anyone caught in the vicinity of the blast (although my idea is that almost all of the explosive force is kept within the wall/door, minimizing collateral damage).

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Re: Archer ideas?


Maybe you could have some sort of electronic bow. It could use smart materials or somesuch to give a boost of power to your arrows. Computerized rangefinders could feed into the tensioning mechanism to adjust for range. Maybe a bow could fire a wave of sonic energy instead of an arrow. I like the idea of an archer who doesn't use the same old explosive / diamond tip / flash / net arrows.

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Re: Archer ideas?


I have been playing the bowman now for about two months (do a serch on the name, you will find a thread on him as I was building him)


One thing I have learned is this:


Take a ranged Martial Art, Include one "normal" slot (I used defensive shot). Now you can take certain abilities with that one move and use it for your whole MP (afterall you are using the same manuver over and over again). Find Weakness is an obvious choice, in my case it is a wonderful ability.


Find Weakness & AP attacks are wonderful things, esspecialy with AF mixed in (I have two types of arrows thAt are AP AF-3, one is 2d6 RKA, the other a 7d6 EB)


Another good arrow, especialy if you don't want to hurt any one follows from my quiver:


2u 8d6 EB, AF-3, 12 Recoverable Charges, OAF, Reduced Penetration, Beam

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Re: Archer ideas?


Maybe you could have some sort of electronic bow. It could use smart materials or somesuch to give a boost of power to your arrows. Computerized rangefinders could feed into the tensioning mechanism to adjust for range. Maybe a bow could fire a wave of sonic energy instead of an arrow. I like the idea of an archer who doesn't use the same old explosive / diamond tip / flash / net arrows.


One idea from an old, and quite bad cartoon I enjoyed as a kid is an archer who's bow is energy (or at least the string is), that fires off energy bolts,


The bolts can still do the old standbys (Stun bolt, Kill Bolt, Exploding Bolt, Light bolt, even a Binding bolt), but instead it is all in the Bow. Also you could build this kind to be either 0 end or use a recharging End Reserve, so you never run out of arrows

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Re: Archer ideas?


I have an archer created for our campaign name Bloodthorne. He has numerous gadgeted arrows and the like. We also previously had a female with a crossbow full of gadgeted arrows named Huntress. This was prior to the heroine of the same name in DC (early 80's). No relation other than name though. She was more of a Green Arrow/Hawkeye Type. I can post the stats for either one if you would like.


Bob Adams

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Re: Archer ideas?


One variant on the archer character that I've used in the past is for a Mexican hero called Atlatl, after the traditional Aztec dart-thrower of the same name which is his trademark weapon. For the most part he functions like a traditional super-archer with gimmicked projectiles; one distinct difference came about when I noticed that an atlatl throwing stick, with its handle at one end at right angles to the stick, bears a vague resemblance to a tonfa, one of the standard karate weapons. I gave Atlatl a modified version of the throwing stick that he could also wield like a tonfa. It's made of special alloy and has a dual-hinged handle with a powerful spring mechanism which enhances the force of his overhand throws when he hurls his darts, and of his side-to-side strokes in HTH combat. In conjunction with his extraordinary eye-hand coordination, Atlatl can also deflect incoming projectiles with it.

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Re: Archer ideas?


I am currently awaiting shipment of my 5ed, but one of my favorite archer characters was Bowcaster. I bought all of his arrows as no range OAF -Arrows (aerodynamic and balanced obviously) and built a multipurpose weapon pool that had +30 STR -1 only to launch arrows (bow form) as the 1st slot in the 2nd MP.


He had about 20-30 points in MA, and light armor.


I liked him alot. When I get the new rules I'll probably update him.



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Re: Archer ideas?


I'm currently playing the Masked Archer in a Golden Age game.


So far he's developed:

Knockout arrow

Suction cup arrow

Red Ray arrow (an arrow with a energy ray attached)

Web arrow

Mummification arrow


In the future he will build:

Roman candle arrow

Dynamite arrow

Vampire arrow - Magnetically homes in on metal and blows it up.

Radio arrow

Underwater arrow

Liberty arrow – Displays a ‘Buy war bonds and stamps’ message

Crop dusting arrow

Thousand arrow arrow (multiple warhead)

Space folding arrow

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Re: Archer ideas?


I'm currently playing the Masked Archer in a Golden Age game.


So far he's developed:

Knockout arrow

Suction cup arrow

Red Ray arrow (an arrow with a energy ray attached)

Web arrow

Mummification arrow


In the future he will build:

Roman candle arrow

Dynamite arrow

Vampire arrow - Magnetically homes in on metal and blows it up.

Radio arrow

Underwater arrow

Liberty arrow – Displays a ‘Buy war bonds and stamps’ message

Crop dusting arrow

Thousand arrow arrow (multiple warhead)

Space folding arrow


Cool stuff. Some of the arrow concepts I've seen are wacky enough that a Golden Age campaign would really be the best place for them...that's a great idea.


I'd like to hear the "special effect" or explanation of the Red Ray arrow, and also see details on the mummification, roman candle, vampire and crop dusting arrows...sounds like great stuff!

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Re: Archer ideas?


Any ideas would be appreciated, including:

- character concepts, names, or portraits;

- ideas for arrows, weapons and other gear;

- other powers that work particularly well in this kind of character (or don't);

- actual writeups of your favorite arrows, MPs or complete characters;

- interesting incidents in play;

- lessons learned for running or GMing these kinds of characters,



Hi one of my players has an archer (i didn't see him for months so he's not a regular of my team).


character concepts, names, or portraits :

- Concept : magical japanese archer.

- name : Kyudoka

- picture : see in Fred, the picture of an super-archer by Storn; the player litterally fell with. (don't remember the page, it's near the description of "damage resistance" IIRC)


Background resume (rather Dark Champions rated): the PC is a former american student who happened to date the daughter of a powerful yakusa oyabun(unknowingly of her father of course). regularly, the girl secretly met her lover by night, discretly sneaking out of the family house.

Alas, a gang war started between the Yakusa and the italian mob. And one night, while the two lovers were playing hooky; the Italian mob kidnapped the girl and tried to bribe the Oyabun with her life.

Things went awry. a gunfight ensues. the girl was killed.

The father took the PC for responsible (not with some reason after all) and had his men seize him, beat him to death and thrown from a bridge.

The PC barely survived and was offered revenge by a strange japanese old man in traditional garb.


Powers : the PC can summon a bow and arrows at will by calling them (i.e. replace OAF by Gestures (two hands), Incantations (to call arrow) and STR minimum.


Arrows :

the classic (basically all RKA)

Kobushi ("the trooper") : the basic arrow (0 END)

Akisame ("The autumn rain") : Autofire

Kyuudousha, ("the pathfinder" or "the guide") : no range modifier

Tekkoudan ("the armor-piercing") : guess ?

Taifuu ("the typhoon") : explosion

Uragirimono ("the traitor") : Indirect


Shunmin ("the spring sleep") : EB, NND (no need to sleep)


Kumo-Ya ("the spider arrow") : Swinging and entangle (the basic web arrow)



Incidents in play : none : he hurt another -invisible- PC with his explosion but nothing serious


lessons learned for running or GMing these kinds of characters : See the "sniper syndrome" thread :)

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