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Guest Worldmaker

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Guest Worldmaker

I need some help coming up with villains for a superheroic-level game set in the Sunken city of Atlantis. Most of the villains will either be mutant monsters or mystical whatevers, and the inherent tech level is a bit low (with magic subbing for tech whereever possible).


Anyway, I'm running low on villain ideas, not to mention villain names. Has anyone out there come up with some good aquatic villains? And if so, do you mind sharing your ideas?

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Re: Atlantis


Some of those included in the pre-5e version of "Atlantis" by Patrick Bradley are Red Tide, Siren, Lethal Eel, Starfish, Mako, and Stingray. There are also Giant Sea Horses, Hippocampi, Kraken, Leviathan, Intelligent Dolphins, Sea Serpents, Abyssal Worms, Giant Lobsters, and Lobster Men.


I know this because I'm in the middle of updating some of them to 5e. Of course, since they're copyrighted, I can't put 'em up here :(

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Behold Dagon


Scott Jackson swam like his life depended on it, because it did. He still couldn't get the chain off his foot as it pulled him further and further below the waves. Damn that aquatic freak anyways. An entire Spanish wreck full of gold from the freaking aztecs, relics that would be worth a fortune even if they weren't of precious metals, and the so called 'Prince of Atlantis' had to play law. Not only had his men been totally unprepared to take on the super hero, the waves had knocked Jackson overboard, and the metal chain about his leg continued to drag him.


Can't tell which ways is up! He almost cried it out. Scott could release a bubble, follow, but god, he was nearly out of air anyways. He was going to die.




The soft sound of steel settling on stone alerted him that he'd found ground. Couldn't be the ocean floor, he'd be crushed. Coral reef maybe?


Driven by something he didn't understand, he coasted along it's surface. This was imposible. The 'land' was a stone sphere that neither rose nor settled into the water. There was a small hole in the base of it.


With my luck, I'll get eaten by an eel. Desperate for any chance of air, Scott slid into the passage. It tore and cut at him, but he came up and found himself in an air pocket.


"Huuhhhh" He gasped, and found he was breathing fresh air. "How , what the hell?" He lay there, curled into a fetal position for a time in the darkness. "How am I even alive?"


You are alive because I will it.


Scott knew stories about guys going insane from going to deep. He never really paid much attention them, he knew how to prevent the bends and the other basics. He never needed much more.


"Who, what was that??" He still couldn't see.


Your lord, your master, your salvation.


He laughed, "Yeah, right. This you hero? Some game? You've been busting up my business for months now. You playing me?"


There was a terrible pause, then a chilling response of

Air Breather, this is no game. I can enable you to escape here. I will give you power, and means to wealth, if you wish it.


This sure didn't sound like the hero he'd come to hate, "What's in it for you?"


Freedom. Revenge upon the heirs of Atlantis who's forefathers trapped me here, unable to touch the sea, even as my prison is enwombed within it.


"There really is an Atlantis? That #$#$ is really a prince?"


I do not know who you speak of, air breather, but yes, Atlantis is real. Free me, and we shall share revenge upon that city, and all its princes.


What do I have to lose?, though Scott, and he nodded. "Sure, what do I have to do?"


Say the name by which the Atlantians called me. Touch the stone about you, and you shall know it. We shall be as one.


He touched the rock, and felt him... felt IT, he opened his lips, licked them nervously, then whispered, "Dagon."


Four minutes later, the rock orb that had been formed over a thousand years ago burst asunder. The old shell was no longer needed, a shell of flesh had been found. Trapped it still was, but at least it was mobile, and at least it's power could shake Atlantis anew!


The hybrid spoke, letting the ocean water fill the lungs uncaringly "We are Dagon!"


Yes, shake Atlantis until it broke, and with it, the spells that seperated Dagon from its rightful godhood.



The Being known as Dagon is a hybrid of a hateful Elder God and a very mortal man of vice. This form is limiting, merely being incredibly strong, and having the ability to taint the sea creatures about it into monsterous servants. Jackson is almost totally sublimated by the spirit of Dagon, but Dagon does use 'we' while in the flesh shell, and Scott sometimes seems to peek through at the oddest moments.


Both sides are united in revenge - great and petty both, upon Atlantis.

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Re: Atlantis


Don't forget the corrupt brother of the king (assuming your going with Atlantis having royality) trying to over throw the rightful ruler..



Or the decendant of a long line of kings (from ancient times) who wants to bring back the monarchy if by Atlantis is currently ran by another form of goverment.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Behold Dagon


The Being known as Dagon is a hybrid of a hateful Elder God and a very mortal man of vice. This form is limiting, merely being incredibly strong, and having the ability to taint the sea creatures about it into monsterous servants. Jackson is almost totally sublimated by the spirit of Dagon, but Dagon does use 'we' while in the flesh shell, and Scott sometimes seems to peek through at the oddest moments.


Both sides are united in revenge - great and petty both, upon Atlantis.


I'm stealing this. Verbatim.


You don't happen to have a character sheet, do you? This seems to... well done to be thrown together.

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Re: Atlantis


I need some help coming up with villains for a superheroic-level game set in the Sunken city of Atlantis. Most of the villains will either be mutant monsters or mystical whatevers' date=' and the inherent tech level is a bit low (with magic subbing for tech whereever possible).[/quote']


If you have a Digital Hero subscription, look for Leviathan in issue 4.

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Re: Atlantis


Aenomia- A water wierd bound to protect the city of Atlantis. You could give her hydrokenesis, water desolidification (make the sfx that affects her electricity, which is risky to use under the ocean), give her a nnd suffication that she can use while desolid, some regeneration and really high swim speeds. You could also give her 50% physical damage reduction since she's made entirely of water. For tactics have her tk someone (a non-brick) and drag him away so she can drown him in her whirlpool, stay desolid and keep pestering the party, or do hit and run tactics. For story purposes have her as a magical guardian that can only be summoned by having a seal broken, and if the party can close the seal again then she's banished back to her plane.

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Re: Behold Dagon


I'm stealing this. Verbatim.


You don't happen to have a character sheet, do you? This seems to... well done to be thrown together.


Thank you for the praise :)


And, sorry, I'm afraid I don't have a character sheet for Dagon. While I think I'd considered a few ideas along this line before this thread, it just sort of suddenly all came together for me (typos and all) here, so I posted it quick before I lost it. I wasn't even really sure how many points Dagon should be roughly.

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Re: Behold Dagon


Thank you for the praise :)


And, sorry, I'm afraid I don't have a character sheet for Dagon. While I think I'd considered a few ideas along this line before this thread, it just sort of suddenly all came together for me (typos and all) here, so I posted it quick before I lost it. I wasn't even really sure how many points Dagon should be roughly.

Seems like a standard brick with some extra powers in swimming and aquatic life support. The sea life tainting, I would build as a summon. Limitation on having "material" on hand. Looks like a fun visit to Sea World!


Great work per usual Hermit. I don't have an Atlantis, but looks stealable for my game after filing off the serial numbers. :D

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