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Telekinetic Silly Putty!


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It has been a while since I toyed with the HERO system, but I have found myself recently wanting to do some Champions gaming. Since my group prefers to play games with a "d" and a "20" in the system title (though I did manage to get them to start an X-Men inspired Exalted game), I am reduced to creating characters for my own enjoyment.


I probably should have started out with something easier, but what fun would that be? So, without further ado, please help me figure out how to model the following power(s) in FREd:


Telekinetic Silly Putty (TKSP): the character in question is able to create or summon a mass of psychokinetic engery that he can then shape to his whim. The only limitaton is that the TKSP cannot be broken, though it can be stretched and molded and can even operate multiple uses simultaneously. I went through the powers list and things that struck me were:


Armor (he covers himself in some or all of the TKSP, which absorbs damage)


Energy Blast (a "psuedopod" of the TKSP can reach out and touch someone, hard. There are lots of advantages and limitations that can be applied here, like Indirect and Area Effect: 1 Hex, etc..)


Entangle (again, lots of variations)


Extra Limbs


Flash (covering soemones head would be Sight and Hearing, maybe even taste/small, groups)


Force Wall


Gliding (he can form it into a parachute, should he fall off something tall)


Leaping (if he covers himself completely, he can "bounce" with it, or perhaps even recoil it into movement)


Life Support (a sealed bubble to survive under bad air and maybe radiation conditions. How long would it last?)






Now, I am not certain whether these should be in a a single multipower, more than one, or different frameworks depending on the ability. I am tempted to use a small VPP (20 points max) for some of the incidentals like Life Support, Gliding, and Stretching. Also, all the things that are able to be done at range are wierd, since he can send the TKSP away but it has to stretch to touch or attack anything.


Your thoughts would be much appreciated. oOnce I get a clearer idea on how to build the powers, I will come up with an actual character. :)



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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


TK Silly Putty? Cool :cool:


I'd actually suggest putting a selection of 'all the time' kind of powers in an EC, perhaps FF (no END), Swinging and Stretching?


In fact, I might go with an EC for basic powers, a multipower for the common attacks (EB, Entangle, TK?), and a VPP for 'cool stuff'.


And be sure to include Eidetic Memory, only for printed material (-1) :D

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


Welcome to the boards and a very good opener.

Intrope has a good idea with an EC for the usuable together powers, then possibly a MP or VPP for extas. Another thing to look into would be the power skill for some tweaking and a variable advantage.


Eidetic Memory or Cramming?

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


It would probably work best to put everything in a multipower without ultra slots or a big VPP, so you can divide the points between an offensive and defensive power. Otherwise, you'd be useless when the armor is on and defenseless when the entangle (or other attack power) is on.


Edit: Or an EC, like the other posters have suggested.


What about duplication or summon? You could form putty creatures at the end of pseudopods.

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


This sounds like a shapeshifter with a cool special effect to me. You might look at growth. You could also throw in a movement multipower, with running, gliding, swimming, flight, and maybe swinging. How often do you really want to use two different modes of travel at once?



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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


If I were making this guy (who's cool, BTW)....


Where does the TKSP come from, anyway? Does he always have it on him (literally), or does he have a small concentrated blob of it in a plastic egg in his pocket, or what? If it's not always around him, I'd buy a Cosmetic Transform: Instant Change (probably with IIF: Plastic Egg of Silly Putty) to represent the TKSP covering him more or less completely, and that would be its default state.




So then I'd buy the Armor, Physical Damage Reduction, and Life Support (Extended Breathing and a few others) all OIHID, and not in a framework of any kind.


Most everything else I'd either put in a single Multipower or in an EC, except for the Leaping (0 END) and Gliding, which would have their own movement-based MP, maybe with some Running to represent his "bouncy feet." Personally, I don't think there's any need for a VPP, but then again, I'm not nuts about VPPs unless absolutely necessary. Also, as a side note, Stretching should take the "Only With Extra Limbs" Limitation.


And naturally, the Eidetic Memory previously mentioned. :)

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


Allow me to expound a little:


The TKSP is actually a mass of telekinetic "material" the size of a beach ball or so. He "summons" it mentally (I wanted to avoid using that word, so as not to confuse you -- it is not itself sentient in any way). He can manipulate the TKSP like, well, silly putty, but he can also move *it* independant of himself.


Example: The Silly Putty Keeper (or whatever his name is) is performing crowd control while the other heroes stop the Giant Robot or whatever from destroying City Hall. He sees a mother and child about to get smooshed by falling debris, so he send the TKSP over to form a dome around them. At that time, the Giant Robot breaks up into hundreds of Smaller Yet Still Evil Robots, one of which comes after the TKSP. it throws out psuedopods to bash the robot while still protecting the mother and child. Unfortunately, when a SYSER comes after the Silly Putty Keeper, his TKSP is half a block away protecting the mother and child and he is, momentarily at least, defenseless.


Hope that helps.



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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


Since you are stating that the stuff goes off and does things that he asks and while it is away he has no access to it. I would say that *alas* Summon "TKSP" is the way to go. You can give it your Speed and DEX and state that it operates on your INIT. That or some weird variant on Duplication.


Plus I would suggest he have a MP for a little bit of the TKSP stuff he keeps with him all the time. That way he is not *totally* defenseless.


Get Idea BTW :D



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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


Hm... after that update of the situation, it sounds like one of several things:


  • A slavishly loyal Summon with Mind Link, possibly an automoton so as to have things like "Immune to STUN"
  • Some kind of wacky duplication with 100% alteration
  • Lots of powers with indirect, uncontrolled, and lockout, all controlled by a computer mind with Mind Link and Clairsentience


Yeah, this could be just about anything.

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


I actually wrote my version of this character up last night, and it worked out okay in 350 points. But then I didn't save it, so....


I like the Duplication idea, personally, because it gives you total control over the TKSP's actions.

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


I think this is a common oddity of thinking that happens to players of this beloved game. We all too often think about how to take a concept and make it as versatile and playable as possible...min/max-ing it to death. I am as guilty as anyone here as I can't remember the last character I made up that didn't have both a MP (for Attacks) and an EC (for defenses and movement). I think what Reynard is trying to do is great! "I have only X amount of this TKSP, it can't be everywhere and do everything." I think this is best represented as a MP with Multi slots. X Active Points in Multipower = X amount of TKSP. It definitely won't be as powerful as the MP/EC combo but it is great character concept. I would recommend a large Active Point MP (maybe 100) with a Pow Lim of...No slot may exceed 60 AP (-3/4?). Hope that helps...


Great concept Reynard!

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


I don't think there's anything wrong with having an MP and an EC for the same character if it makes sense. F'rinstance, I don't see a problem with having Running, Leaping, Swinging, and Gliding in one MP for the PC while he's covered in the TKSP, and having several other powers in their own MP and/or an EC, as appropriate.

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Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty!


Okay, here is my first shot at this.


I decided that doing this as a Duplicate would be the easiest. It is a 350 point, completely different duplicate with 0 phase recombo and full feedback. This costs the original character 100 points. Basically, the core characters summons Ecto the Id, the ectoplasmic manifestation of his own telekinetic power. i have not worked out what he looks like himself, but here is Ecto:


10 Str 20

15 Dex 15

10 Con 15

10 Body 15

10 Int 20

20 Ego 20

0 Pre 10

0 Com 10

0 PD 4

0 ED 3

5 Spd 3

0 Rec 7

0 END 30

0 STUN 32



15 EC: Ectoplasmic Form (15 pnts)

17 Desolid (cannot pass through solids)

15 Stretching 6"

15 Affects Physical World (+2) on Strength

15 Flight 12" (usable under water +1/4)



120 Extoplasmic "Attacks" MP (60 pnts; APW +2, No range -1/2)

6u Energy Blast 12d6

6u Entangle 6d6

6u Force Wall 12PD/8ED (4" Wide, 3" Tall)



45 Full Life Support


10 +2 CSLs w/Multipower


There were a few things I was going to add, but I ran well over 350 points (Life Support usable by others, linked to Force Wall; more varaitions on EB and Entangle, etc..). Also, I was trying to figure out a way to have the main character be forced to pay for Ecto's endurance. I am not sure how to accomplish it. And finally, I need disads for this ting. Any suggestions?



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