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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


lol It wasn't too far a stretch. "Hey, lemming, remember how you combined Nicole Kidman with a bat symbol? Could you do the same with my picture?"


I'm pretty sure I wasn't the first to think of it. :)

The first to suggest it. And thanks. Once I trimmed out the wall, the rest was easy.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Stop' date=' you're scaring me! I now see our cats waking us up all somehow purring/meowing the tune "3 Blind Mice" as they start to torment the dog and the 2 of us humans![/quote']

And you'll probably be trying to turn on the lights, but realize that you have hit the switches, it's still dark. :eek:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


What is the best Schwartzenegger movie?


Its a toss up between Predator and Running Man for me.

Actually, my favorite is one that tanked at the box office...Last Action Hero. But then again, I've always been a sucker for metafictional stuff, and having characters in a movie comment on some of the improbable things dismissed as genre conventions really brought a smile to my face.


"You know, tar actually sticks to some people."



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


And you'll probably be trying to turn on the lights' date=' but realize that you have hit the switches, it's still dark. :eek:[/quote']

And like Rorschack in the Watchmen they attack from the refrigerator! (I mean wouldn't they? They'd fit better and it's a much-vaunted food source)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Man, Rosarch was an awesome character (having just reread the watchmen.) My favorite part is when he beats up that guy, and then beats up the other guy, and then allows Moloch to live because he is dieing of cancer.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


The thing is when it comes to the entire dressing animals up in human clothing deal is that I do find it funny. This is because some stupid person has robbed an animal of its dignity, and that makes me laugh both at the stupid person and his poor pet. It's kind of like seeing a blind person trip over something that was carlessly dropped by a co-worker... Except actually funny.


that being said, I think there are times when an animal getting dressed up doesn't make the owner look like a stupid jerk. For example that delightful cat with the cool collar, that is alright as it is similar to what Cat's wear around the house. It just says- Look at me, Im out on the town and all of hollywood is my litterbox.

The other exception is when you are getting paid alot of money to do this to the animal, then it is ok. This also works for things like medical research and getting your pet to defuse mines and do basic computer programing.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I liked True Lies best. Kara liked Conan the Barbarian.


Arnold's put out some pretty enjoyable movies. :)


One of my little guilty secrets is that my second favorite Arnold movie is The Last Action Hero. #1 is, of course, True Lies, but then it gets extra points because Tom Arnold for once in his "career" did an okay job in an acting roll.

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Re: Misinterpretation


I'd probably rank Conan The Barbarian as my favorite Arnold movie, then Predator, then The Terminator. T2 was also very good and T3 was quite fun. The cheese-fest called Commando holds a special place in my B-movie heart. I never thought of True Lies, Total Recall and The Running Man as anything more than entertaining boilerplate SF-spy adventures. Each has some cool action and clever bits, but nothing terribly compelling for me.



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Re: Misinterpretation


Actually, spinning off threads from LRTE is sorta defeating the purpose, so why not do this:


Let's make all the "spin off" threads internal to LRTE. In order to do this, once it becomes obvious that we are doing a spin-off (like the "misinterpretation" thread) every time we post to this "subthread" we need to include something like this:


Spin-Off: Misinterpretation


As the first line of our response post. Sure, it'll make LRTE a little harder to read, with posts on wildly different subjects co-mingled and intermingled, but at least it'll keep LTRE growing rapidly instead of losing some of its "steam" to "child" threads. :)


So, you're saying that you think we should start a completely new thread outside of LRTE for "misinterpretation"?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


What is the best Schwartzenegger movie?


Its a toss up between Predator and Running Man for me.

Definitely the Terminator trilogy, then maybe The Running Man, then probably Predator...

It's funny, but when I actually start to think about Arnie's movies, I realize how bad, or at least cheesy, most of them really were, but he's so entertaining to watch that I just don't care...

See, it pays off to buy a high PRE.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I should know the reference but can't recall it now. Basically you ask me "Did you sleep with that man's wife?" and I reply first "Why are you so fixated on this man? I've known thousands of people and yet this man comes up again and again!" and on from there until I'm cornered somehow. I think you'd have allow reasonable questions and answers back and forth' date=' like in reponse to the above the answer might be, "Because that man says you slept with his wife. Where were you on the night of 1/15, when his wife was out?" And so on. You'd have to disallow "no comment" or "don't recall" as they'd just kill the game. I think it might be a bit complex though.[/quote']

Ah, similar but not the same... Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (or is it Rosencrantz? Damn, now neither one looks right...anyway...) was a play, then a movie (or was it a movie, then a play?), which I highly recommend... It's basic premise is it's Hamlet told from the POV of the two minor lawyer characters who appear in only 2 or 3 scenes in the whole play (it's been awhile since I've seen the movie or studied Shakespeare, can you tell?)... IIRC, their only purpose in the play is to reveal to Hamlet that his Uncle/Father-in-law is trying to kill him, and then die offstage when H. foils the plot. The movie is more thematic than narrative, revolving around the two of them wondering why the universe seems to be conspiring against them, since they naturally don't realize their lives are incidental to the plot...


Anyway, the game "Questions" is just what it sounds like; it's like verbal tennis... each person has to respond to a question with a question, with a statement, a repetition or pure rhetoric being considered a missed volley...

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


And like Rorschack in the Watchmen they attack from the refrigerator! (I mean wouldn't they? They'd fit better and it's a much-vaunted food source)

Ours haven't figured out how to open the fridge. Then again, maybe they haven't let on that they know.

great, Jenn just went to the Bay Area and I'm in the house with SEVEN cats! Thankfully, they don't cooperate with each other.

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