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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


This URL is subject to change but right now I'm in the process of setting up an open source game on my webpage. The initial game is a Fantasy RPG where you run around with rakes and axes and slay monsters and eventually a dragon.


I'm rewriting the game were you run around the office killing annoying coworkers and customers with staples, thumbtacks, and tropheys. I've got some other ideas, that I think the Hero crowd would like added in, but I've got my work cut out for me until it at least gets the feel I like.


Check out the game, get addicted and it will be worth it:


Too busy with other addictions! But keep me posted on your PBEM.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


why is this thread on the second page? Who do I blame this on...Ben?

I suppose as I do my late night/early AM posting sprees, I should take special care to reply to this thread last, thereby assuring it's on the top when I'm done.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay... I'm like majorly addicted to this game I'm making right now and with 52 hour work weeks... yeah. Busy.


The game, I would like 3 players if possible so if you have a third you can think of that would be nice.


You are all natives to the city, I have decided. I'm going Low-powered supers. It was an event that gave you superpowers, though I still need the details it was an explosion or exposure to a gateway. Or maybe you just don't know. I'll base it on what you have for characters.


All mental powers are ! in this setting but are not restricted.

I will allow Multiform but it will make me happier if you avoid it.


The setting is alternative earth Japan. But that doesn't mean you have to have a Japanese name. It is an alternate reality after all.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay... I'm like majorly addicted to this game I'm making right now and with 52 hour work weeks... yeah. Busy.


The game, I would like 3 players if possible so if you have a third you can think of that would be nice.


You are all natives to the city, I have decided. I'm going Low-powered supers. It was an event that gave you superpowers, though I still need the details it was an explosion or exposure to a gateway. Or maybe you just don't know. I'll base it on what you have for characters.


All mental powers are ! in this setting but are not restricted.

I will allow Multiform but it will make me happier if you avoid it.


The setting is alternative earth Japan. But that doesn't mean you have to have a Japanese name. It is an alternate reality after all.

How alternative? I am doing a character for another PBEM and should be able to send you a write-up this weekend. But if I'm "scooped", no hard feelings. :)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Um, the alternative world has Comic Book Physics and superpower humans can be "born".


My FtF campaign is going to be a bunch of players pulled through a portal to an alternate reality and in the process develop superpowers. The world is mostly run by bad guys with superpowers. I'd like to have a city in this world that is safe because of a long standing team of good guy supers. That would be you guys.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


And because I don't want to derail Q&A

A: They're like Superman and the bottle of Kandor. Every so often he'd stir it with a stick just to watch them fight it out like an anthill.

A: Well, kinda, but somebody seems intent on souring that mood. Time will tell. By the way, did Superman really do that???


Alan Moore talked about it in an interview. I might still have it.

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