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My House Rules. Comments Welcome

Guest Worldmaker

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


250 pts isn't a bad starting place for certain characters ... but could be bad for others. For example, the beginning Spiderman, Robin and Superboy could be made easily on 250 pts. Are they the current versions? Nope. They've had some time to gain experience ... Spidey is far from the 250 marker now, but right after he got bit, that would be 250.

As far as Reed ... before the cosmic rays, he could be built on 250 pts .. after? That's debatable ... I'd have to go back and look at the old FFs, but I don't think Reed had all the tricks he does now in FFs#1-10. Once again, it's all about experience.

Is 350 pts a bad idea? I don't think so ... as time has progressed, people have wanted to be more like standard heroes rather than true starting heroes. Take someone like Batman. Though commonly referred to as "just human", he's not a common example of human. Without igniting a flame war here, I would say about 1/4 of his stats push past the 20 marker and into the legendary marker before 30, especially if you use 10 as the basis of starting stats (like I do :) ). If you look at the skills and equipment he totes around with, even at a starting level, he would exceed 250 and be closer to 350 IMHO. The same goes for Supes, GL, Captain America, Hulk and Captain Marvel ... especially in the current trend of reinvisioning a characters origin with a modern twist.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


Yep sure do. Biggest problems with Reed Richards was the Baxter Building, and buying all the science skills, though MSH only gives him Electronics, Physics, and Engineering, along with being an Inventor, but with Champions 1, they didn't have base rules yet. Player who built him for my campaign didn't have to worry about paying for all that. Guy didn't stick with him very long, and I didn't keep him around (Never was a fan of Reed Richards). Don't know if the same thing would be possible under Champions 3, 4, and 5, because one would have to come up with points for the base, the vehicles, weapons, etc. Actually was looking at the old character sheet and trying to figure out how it could be done. Unfortunately, probably not something that could be done under 250pts under 4th and 5th editions. Reed Richards is essentially a normal guy (None of his PHY stats would be above human normal under MSH) with stretching powers (best built with a Power Pool to simulate all the stunts he can now do with his stretching powers, though in the earlier FF comics, he didn't do many of the things he does now), INT and skills. Not really that hard to simulate without the base, vehicles, and gadgetry.


Original Spiderman was essentially a high school student with heightened STR, SPD, Clinging, Danger Sense, Web Shooters and some science skills. Marvel Universe puts his STR at 40-45 (my player's character had 40). If he had the same DEX as a spider, Champions only has that as a 15. Considering most of Spiderman's foes in the comics were normals or skilled normals, that might not be far out of line, though you'd want to give him levels vs ranged attacks (he does seem to be able to dodge bullets, though was easier to hit in hand to hand than you'd think he would be. The player who built the character actually had him with a DEX of 20 (which is where I'd put it). Biggest problem was figuring out what CON to use (the player finally settled on 30).


Again, major point ro temember is that these people were creating the characters as they first appeared in the comics, not the versions you have today.

See, the Reed Richards I knew had a rediculously high intelligence. In one of the earliest issues, he noticed one of the Great Pyramids was askew by an inch or so. He'd have basically every science skill in the book. His physical stats would be slightly higher than average and I would give him a combat skill level or two as he has a history as a scientific adventurer. Before the Fantastic Four origin, he had already prevented an alien invasion. He was also a veteran of World War II with appropriate military skills. And the gadget pool was part and parcel of the character to begin with.


Now, the Dex of 15 thing stuns me for Spidey. The Dex of 15 probably has a bit to do with the size of a spider. Based on what Spidey could do in a comic, from the very beginning and how his stats are proportionate for a spider of his size - that Dex 15 needs to go up quite a bit.


I take it you don't use the Champions Universe Characteristics Benchmarks?

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


250 pts isn't a bad starting place for certain characters ... but could be bad for others. For example, the beginning Spiderman, Robin and Superboy could be made easily on 250 pts. Are they the current versions? Nope. They've had some time to gain experience ... Spidey is far from the 250 marker now, but right after he got bit, that would be 250.

As far as Reed ... before the cosmic rays, he could be built on 250 pts .. after? That's debatable ... I'd have to go back and look at the old FFs, but I don't think Reed had all the tricks he does now in FFs#1-10. Once again, it's all about experience.

Is 350 pts a bad idea? I don't think so ... as time has progressed, people have wanted to be more like standard heroes rather than true starting heroes. Take someone like Batman. Though commonly referred to as "just human", he's not a common example of human. Without igniting a flame war here, I would say about 1/4 of his stats push past the 20 marker and into the legendary marker before 30, especially if you use 10 as the basis of starting stats (like I do :) ). If you look at the skills and equipment he totes around with, even at a starting level, he would exceed 250 and be closer to 350 IMHO. The same goes for Supes, GL, Captain America, Hulk and Captain Marvel ... especially in the current trend of reinvisioning a characters origin with a modern twist.

I don't think most of the comics characters display the experience trends that you guys are assigning to them. In many cases, they appear fully proficient with their powers after a few issues. What has Cap done recently that he couldn't do in the 60s, that didn't involve a temporary power alteration plot? The biggest change in the Hulk for a long time is that he learned to hold his breath when confronting gas attacks. Captain Marvel, DC, has the Wisdom of Solomon which he hardly ever uses and seems very static when it comes to abilities and skills. Captain Marvel, MCG, is an excellent example of how experience could be spent for upgrades.


Based on what I've seen, I think it's a mistake to try to make comics characters conform to trends seen in a Champions campaign.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


If you look at the skills and equipment he totes around with' date=' even at a starting level, he would exceed 250 and be closer to 350 IMHO. The same goes for Supes, GL, Captain America, Hulk and Captain Marvel ... especially in the current trend of reinvisioning a characters origin with a modern twist.[/quote']


All this is only true of the "modern" versions of the characters.


If you go back to Detective Comics #27 and model the character that appeared in it, you may find that he can be built on around 200 points, or perhaps less. That's if you treat him as a heroic level character, who can buy his gear with money. If you make him pay points for it, he may go up to about 250 points.


Superman is a bit more expensive. I would go with about 300 points for him. You could spend a bit more if you felt like it.


The Hulk wouldn't need many points either. He just has to be ridiculously strong compared to everyone else who isn't ridiculously strong too. 250 points would be lots.


I haven't read Cap's first appearance.


The Golden and Silver Age GLs and Flashes probably require more points than the others.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


Reed Richards: And the gadget pool was part and parcel of the character to begin with.


I take it you don't use the Champions Universe Characteristics Benchmarks?

Well, I believe he was talking Champions I, so no gadget pool. And he did say it would be more difficult if not feasible at all with Champs 4 & 5.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


Okay... to bring this back to some semblence of the same topic it started out as, here are my new and after much thought very revised house rules:



Basic Rules



Source Text: Unless specifically contradicted or altered by a house rule, all material found in the following sources is to be considered official for the purposes of the Guardians Universe. This list can be added to at any time:

  • The Hero System 5th Edition Book (sometimes called the "Green Man Book", FRED, or the GMB).
  • The Hero System Bestiary.
  • The Ultimate Martial Artist.
  • The Ultimate Vehicle.
  • The Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook.
  • The UNTIL Superpowers Database


In addition, certain sections of Fantasy Hero, Ninja Hero, and Star Hero may be taken as official for the purposes of the Guardians Universe on a case by case basis.


Definition of "Attack Powers": The following are considered Attack Powers: Darkness, Dispel, Drain, Ego Attack, Energy Blast, Entangle, Flash, Hand-to-Hand Attack, Images, Killing Attack, Mental Illusions, Mind Control, Suppress, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Transfer, and Transform regardless of advantages or limitations purchased on them.


In addition, any power not in the previous list that has been purchased with the Useable as an Attack advantage, as well as any power not in the list above that is purchase with the Damage Shield advantage counts as an attack power.


Definition of "Magic": In the Global Guardians PBEM Universe, magic is defined as any power, skill, or other ability that has magical or divine origins, regardless of other special effects. A character who possesses such abilities is by definition magical.


Definition Of "Mentalist": In the Global Guardians PBEM Universe, a mentalist is defined as any character who not only possesses mental powers, but has special effects that are mental or psionic in nature as well. A character who possesses mental powers that do not have psionic special effects is not considered a mentalist.


Experience Point Awards: Experience points are to be awarded at the completion of an entire storyline, not the completion of a move.


Massive Damage: A character who suffers more than half his normal Stun and/or Body score in damage in a single attack must make a successful Constitution roll to remain conscious. If rendered unconscious by such an attack, the character recovers on his next phase unless the massive loss put him below 0.


Minimum Cost: The absolute minimum cost for anything, regardless of any other modifiers, is 1.


Minimum Endurance Cost: Unless a power has an Endurance Cost of 0, it requires an expenditure of at least 1 point of Endurance per character phase to maintain. For example, a flying character is required to expend 1 point of Endurance per phase to hover in place.


Pushing A Power: Characters may only push their powers when it is appropriately dramatic to do so. They may not push their powers just to get "a little extra edge". A pushed power counts as a presence attack, when appropriate. Powers which have an Endurance Cost of 0, or which have a set cost (like Desolidification) cannot be pushed.


The Rounding Rule: With the single exception of Speed, fractions are always rounded off to the nearest whole number. Speed does not round. Fractions of precisely ½ are always rounded in favor of the player. The Rounding Rule comes into play the picosecond a fraction of a whole number is encountered, not at the end of the calculations. Always round to two decimal places.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





The Rule of 23: In general, the maximum primary characteristic score for any normal human being is 23. If a character has no concept-driven reason to exceed the normal limits of human ability, those limits should not be exceeded.


Selling Back Characteristics: No more than two characteristics may be sold back per character. Characteristics so sold can never be lowered below 0.


Because of the amazingly cheesy nature of doing so, characters who sell back their Endurance are not permitted to purchase the Endurance Reserve power, and vice versa.


Speed is the one Stat that cannot be sold back. The fractional part remains, affecting either the cost of the next point of Speed during construction, or the use of Adjustment powers upon this Stat during the game.


Dexterity: It is difficult to train a person to be more agile and dexterous. Rather than spending experience points to increase a character’s Dexterity, it is recommended that the player purchase skill levels instead.


Constitution: Only To Determine When The Character Is Stunned is a -1 limitation.


Body: Only To Stave Off The Point of Death is a -1 limitation.


Ego: Characters who do not qualify as mentalists are limited to a maximum Ego of 23.


Speed: Technology cannot artificially increase a person's reaction time and agility. Thus, Speed cannot be purchased through a Focus or Battlesuit.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





All characters are required to have at least 25 points of skills. The following Skills do not count toward this total: Autofire Skills, Combat Skill Levels, Cramming, Defense Maneuver, Martial Arts, Penalty Skill Levels, Power Skill, Rapid Attack, Skill Levels, Two Weapon Fighting. For the purpose of this rule, points spent on Packages count only as the points spent, and not as the total points gained by the package.


If a character has spent at least 3 points on a Skill that is either a specialization of another skill, or is obviously closely related to another skill, the character effectively has an 8 or less roll with the Skill of which the first Skill is a specialization or close relation. For example: Civil War Man has spent 3 points on Knowledge Skill: History of the Civil War. Since the Skill is a specialization of Knowledge Skill: History, Civil War Man effectively also has an 8 or less roll in Knowledge Skill: History. These free familiarities are just like an Everyman Skill in that if the character wants to improve them, he has to pay the full price for the skill.


Due to the differences in culture, evolution, body language cues, and so on, a -2 penalty applies to all Interaction skills between Humans and Aliens. For example, a Human character trying to use his Persuasion skill on a Tautiq NPC suffers a -2 penalty because of the alien nature of his target. The same applies to a Tautiq PC trying to use Persuasion on a human.


All skills, whether background skills or not, maybe purchased at an 8 or less roll for 1 point, or an 11 or less roll for 2 points.


The minimum skill roll for all Characteristic-based rolls is 11 or less when the skill is purchased for 3 points.


Artist (3 Points): This Skill Enhancer lowers the cost of all Artistic Skills by 1. Note that in general, a character with this enhancer would most likely be a specialist in one type of art. For example, a character may be able to play several different musical instruments well, or be able to both sing and dance artistically, or be able to sculpt in a variety of materials. You rarely find artists who can cross wide artistic lines, such as a poet who is also a talented sculptor.


Artistic Skill: A character with this skill has a talent in a singular artistic area, and can create works of art, literature, dance, or music that are more than just amateur attempts. Each artistic skill costs 1 point for an 8 or less roll, 2 points for an 11 or less, and may be based on either Presence, Intelligence, or Dexterity (as appropriate) for 3 points. A +1 to the roll costs 1 point. Artistic Skills count as Background skills.


Athlete (3 Points): This Skill Enhancer lowers the cost of all Athletic Skills by 1.


Athletic Skill: This skill is the ability to perform a certain sport or other physical activity well. It gives a practical knowledge of the rules of the game, and some brief knowledge of its history (star players, famous arenas, etc.). Each athletic skill costs 1 point for an 8 or less roll, 2 points for an 11 or less, and may be based on either Strength or Dexterity (as appropriate) for 3 points. A +1 to the roll costs 1 points. Athletic Skills count as Background skills.


Cloak: The Cloak skill from the 4th Edition Ultimate Mentalist is being used.


Facade: The Facade skill from the 4th Edition Ultimate Mentalist is being used.


Language Skills: Characters automatically gain literacy in any language they have paid at least three points for, assuming that the language has a written component.


For Braille, American Sign Language, and other "languages" which are actually alternate ways to communicate with languages one already knows, a character should spend 1 Character Point for Literacy (Braille) or Fluency (ASL), or the like. That allows the character to use that method of communication with any Language he knows. For sign languages like the one used by the Plains Indians, which are separate and distinct languages of their own, normal Languages rules apply.


Humans and Aliens adds +1 to the cost of each level of fluency when learning each others languages. For example, a Tautiq would have to spend 5 points to speak English idiomatically.


Land-dwellers add +1 to the cost of learning Atlantean, and Atlanteans add +1 to the cost of learning surface languages.


Professional Skills: A character with a Professional Skill is required to also possess other skills which are appropriate for that profession. For example, a character with Professional Skill: Auto Mechanic should also possess the Mechanics skill to at least some degree, as well as other appropriate skills, such as Knowledge Skill: Automobile Makes and Models, and so on.


Science Skills: Science skills dealing with medicine, biology, and the study of living beings in whatever fashion must be bought separately for both native Terran life and Alien life. For example, a doctor who wanted to be able to treat both Human and Tautiq patients would have to have both Science Skill: Human Medicine and Science Skill: Tautiq Medicine.


Skill Levels: Skill levels cannot be applied to Talents.


Skill Enhancers: Skill enhancers must be purchased during character construction or not at all. In addition, the possession of a skill enhancer must be explained in the character's background.


Spell Research: The Spell Research skill from the 5th Edition Fantasy Hero is being used.


Transport Familiarity: The following are not considered modes of transportation and are thus not appropriate for Transport Familiarities: Any Riding Animal, Hang Gliders, SCUBA, Skis, and Surf Boards. For riding animals, take an appropriate Riding skill. Hang gliding, surfing, and skiing are Athletic Skills, and should be purchased as such. Scuba is a means to breathe underwater while the character is swimming. If the player wishes his character to be Scuba certified, he should purchase Knowledge Skill: Scuba.


Veil: The Veil skill from the 4th Edition Ultimate Mentalist is being used.


Weapon Familiarity: Characters who regularly carry standard weapons (guns, knives, and so on) must pay the points for those weapons. In addition, they must buy Weapon Familiarity with those weapons.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome



Ego: Characters who do not qualify as mentalists are limited to a maximum Ego of 23.


Speed: Technology cannot artificially increase a person's reaction time and agility. Thus, Speed cannot be purchased through a Focus or Battlesuit.


(1) Do mages, divine beings, or other concepts get a by on the ego rule?


(2) what about a fully cybernetic battlesuit; the computer enacts commands at the speed of thought?

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





Contact: A contact may be purchased without being defined. In the course of an adventure, when the players are trying to figure out "do we have a friend in such-and-such department of the government" (or profession, or country, or wherever), the player whose character has an undefined contact could then ask the GM, "Is it reasonable for my undefined contact be someone who fits the bill?" If the GM agrees, the Contact is defined from that point onward.


The one issue that players should be aware of is that federal agencies, particularly the covert ones, don't communicate much and so often that creates a source of frustration itself. Anyone wanting broad and deep knowledge would need to cultivate multiple agency contacts.


Favors: It is possible to take a Favor without defining it when it is purchased. In the course of an adventure, when the players are trying to figure out "do we have a friend in such-and-such department of the government" (or profession, or country), the player whose character has an undefined favor could then ask the GM "Is it reasonable for my undefined favor be from someone who fits the bill?" If the GM agrees, the Favor is defined at that point.


Follower: A Non-Player Character may be a Follower, or he may be a Dependent NPC. He can never be both. While a Follower can sometimes get into trouble, and a DNPC can sometimes be helpful, for the most part if the NPC is primarily helpful he's a Follower and if the NPC is primarily a hindrance, he's a DNPC. Followers may never have Followers of their own.



New Perquisites


Fringe Benefit: Top Man (5 Points): This fringe benefit indicates that the character is one of the "top men" so often referred to in the highest of governmental circles. In short, the Top Man is an expert kept on retainer by a government (or by a particular agency of a government) as a consultant and "problem solver".


This Perk does not give the character access to just any information he wishes to look at. It means that he is on call and may be asked to help with a particular problem -- the GM control's the character's access to information.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





Combat Luck: Player Characters may not begin with more than two levels of Combat Luck. Generally one level is sufficient for most character conceptions. Characters whose entire concept revolves around being lucky may purchase up to four levels with approval of an auditor.


Lightning Reflexes: Mentalists and Mystics can buy Lightning "Reflexes" which apply to EGO instead of DEX at the regular cost.


Minor Talents: For the most part, Minor Talents are a very limited form of Luck. Call them "Murphy's Law in Reverse." Its just one of those tiny ways in which life seems to work out for the character. Each Minor Talent costs 1 point.


Some possible minor talents include: Always Gets A Good Seat At A Restaurant, And Never Gets A Bad Waiter, Always Has Correct Change, Always Picks The Fastest Line, Never Sunburns, Never Gets Picked For Jury Duty, Never Receives Junkmail Or Spam Email, Remembers His Dreams, etc. There are an infinite number of possible ways to define Minor Talents; however, these abilities should be too rare or trivial to be of much use to the character in anything but specific situations.


New Talents


Attractive (4 Points): A character with this new talent is attractive and knows how to use that asset. The character gains +2 with Presence-based skills. This bonus only applies when the person(s) being interacted with are attracted to the character.


Impressive (4 Points): A character with this new talent is incredibly impressive and understands how to best use that quality to get his point across. The character gains +2 with Presence-based skills when dealing with people who have a Presence less than his.


Natural Wit (5 points): A character with this talent can think quickly on his feet, and is a master of banter and give-and-take, friendly or otherwise. The character gets a +2 bonus to all rolls that rely on his verbal dexterity. If making a Presence attack verbally, add an extra die. This Talent was created by Shelly MacTyre and adapted for use in the Guardians Universe.


Ventriloquism (3 Points): This talent allows the character to speak without moving their lips.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





Absorption: A character cannot use his own powers and abilities on himself in order to absorb them. A single instance of Absorption cannot feed into itself.


Damage Resistance: Please note that Damage Resistance is not, in itself, a Defense. Rather, it is a modifier to the character's other defenses. Thus, advantages that are purchased on the actual Defenses (such as Hardened) are not purchased on Damage Resistance but rather on the defense itself.


Desolidification: A character who is Desolidified may be affected by any power purchased with the Affects Desolidified advantage, any non-physical power which does not cause direct damage (such as Images or Flash attacks) and mental powers. In addition, they can be affected by any attack power that is linked to one of those powers if the special effects would so dictate.


Characters who are Desolidified can affect the physical world with attacks that have mental special effects (with the exception of Psychokinesis), as well as any non-physical power which does not cause direct damage (such as Images or Flash).


Technically a character with Desolidification can turn his power on and off to make people miss as a zero phase action relying on a good Fast Draw or Dexterity roll. This is abusive and is not allowed.


Dispel: Characteristics cannot be dispelled. They may, however, be Suppressed.


Duplication: Note that if the original character is killed, but has at least one active duplicate in existence, that duplicate may take over as the "original character" automatically. (Though the GM may want to consider storylines involving Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, as the shock of the original's death probably will have some effect on the character.)


Enhanced Senses: Unless specifically constructed otherwise, all characters are assumed to have the five basic human senses.


Entangle: Entangles are not automatically considered to have an area effect. If you wish your Entangle to have an area effect, you have to purchase it with the Area Effect advantage.


Hand-to-Hand Attack: Strength is not additive to the Hand-to-Hand Attack power if the latter is bought with advantages while the former isn't. Example: Martial Arts Man buys +3d6 Hand-to-Hand Attack with the Armor Piercing Advantage. Because his base Strength is not also bought as Armor Piercing, the Hand-to-Hand Attack is considered a separate, non-additive power.


Hand-to-Hand Attack does not affect Hand Killing Attacks, NNDs, or anything other than Normal Damage done by the character's Strength and damage from Martial Arts maneuvers.


Life Support: Note that a character must have a very good rationale for taking Immortality. For the most part, either your character has a body chemistry based on or composed of a long-lasting substance, such as silicon, steel, or pure energy, or your character has Regeneration that allows you to regrow lost limbs or return from the dead. For most other concepts, the most that should be taken is a lesser amount of Longevity.


Life Support (Longevity) cannot be taken with any variation of the Costs Endurance limitation, the Only in Hero Identity limitation, the Focus limitation, the Battlesuit limitation, or on only one form in a Multiform. Either the character is immortal, or he isn't; "part-time" immortality is not permitted.


Mind Link: Mind Link does not cost Endurance.


Multiform: The most expensive form (not including the cost of the Multiform) pays the cost of the Multiform power. If two or more forms have share the distinction of being "most expensive" by having identical costs, the player may choose which one pays the cost of the Multiform.


Depending on the concept of the character possessing the Multiform power, the various forms may be required to share some or all Skills, Perquisites, and Psychological Limitations.


When a Multiform character earns experience, the points are added to the base form's total. Note that all the forms are still one character; a character with three forms does not earn three times the experience as a single form character.


Shapeshift: Shapeshifting cannot be made Always On, though it can be made Persistent.


Swinging: This power does not cost Endurance.


Telekinesis: For the purposes of holding an object, Telekinesis is a continuous power. For the purposes of applying damage (such as when Telekinesis is used to throw, punch, or squeeze a character), Telekinesis is an instant power.


Telepathy: When used only for communication over an already established telepathic link, using telepathy is a 0 phase action, just like any other soliloquy.


Transform: Transforms which can create anything useful will require an appropriate skill roll. For example, Transforming a cement block into a TV set would require an Electronics roll and a Science Skill: Engineering roll. If the roll failed, you’d end up with something that looked like a TV but did not actually work.


Transformation effects Entangles and can affect Force Walls depending on the special effects of each.


Transformation attacks against inanimate objects have an automatic doubling of effects. In other words, double the amount of Body rolled by the Transformation is considered changed by the attack when it is made against an inanimate object.

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Guest Worldmaker

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Armor Piercing: Not Armor Piercing Against Resistant Defenses is a +¼ advantage.


Damage Classes: The following advantages increase the DC of an attack power: Area Effect, Armor Piercing Attack Versus Limited Defense, Autofire, Based on Ego Combat Value, Cumulative, Does Body, Does Knockback, Double Knockback, Explosion, Megascale, No Normal Defense, Penetrating, Sticky, Useable on Others, and Variable Advantage.

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Guest Worldmaker

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Always On: Powers purchased with this limitation cannot also be purchased with the Linked limitation. Similarly, no other power may be linked to a power that is Always On.


Focus: Any primary characteristics purchased through a Focus must take the No Figured Characteristics (-½) limitation. Focus cannot be taken on the same powers as the Battlesuit, Cybernetics, or Only In Hero Identity limitations. Multipowers, Elemental Controls, and Variable Point Power Pools count as single powers for the purposes of focus destruction.


Increased Endurance Cost: 1½ x Endurance (-¼) may be taken as a limitation.


Linked: Enhanced Senses may not be Linked to other Enhanced Senses, and Life Support may not be Linked to other Life Support. Powers which are Always On cannot be Linked.


No Figured Characteristics (-½): Combat Values, Running, Swimming, Leaping, and other such effects derived from Primary Characteristics are never considered Figured Characteristics for the purposes of this limitation.


Only In Hero Identity: Only in Hero Identity cannot be taken on the same power as the Battlesuit, Cybernetics, or Focus limitations.


Characters who have powers purchased with this limitation must include a clear and compelling role-playing justification for why they aren't in their "Hero Identity" 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Side Effects: This limitation may be taken on a power even if it doesn’t require an activation or skill roll. In such a case, the player must define a reasonably possible condition under which the side effect would occur. If no other definition is given, the GM should assume that the condition is Whenever the Power is Used.


Variable Limitation: Players are forbidden from making the limitation a situation such that the situation can never apply to the character. For example, you cannot make the limitation Does Not Work On Tuesday when it just so happens that today is Thursday.


Visible: This limitation cannot be taken on any Movement Powers other than Teleportation as the effects and source of such powers is almost always readily apparent to anyone watching.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





The First Rule of Power Frameworks: The auditors reserve the right to refuse to allow any Power Framework, even if the Framework in question is otherwise legally constructed.


The Second Rule of Power Frameworks: All Power Frameworks, without exception, must have a consistent and tightly conceived theme. Throwing a bunch of powers together without a common thread is not permitted.


Focus Destruction: A Multipower, Elemental Control, or Variable Point Power Pool counts only as a single*powers each for purposes of focus destruction.


Restrictions: The following may never be purchased through any Framework: Automaton Powers, Duplication, Extra Limbs, Find Weakness, Knockback Resistance, Luck, Multiform, Naked Advantages, Perquisites.


Variable Point Power Pool Only: The following may not be purchased through a Multipower or Elemental Control, but are allowed when purchased through a Variable Point Power Pool, assuming that said powers fit the concept of the VPPP: Endurance Reserve, Enhanced Senses, Flash Defense, Lack of Weakness, Life Support, Mental Defense, Mind Link, Power Defense, and Skills.


Special Exception for Skill Levels: Skill Levels are permitted in an Elemental Control or Multipower under one condition, and that's if they are bought as powers that cost Endurance to use.



Elemental Control


Buying Characteristics in an Elemental Control: Only one characteristic may be purchased in an Elemental Control by a single character. In addition, only a single instance of the characteristic in question may be purchased by the character. The purchase of a characteristic within an Elemental Control must fit into the concept of the Elemental Control, and dependent upon the approval of the auditors.


New Advantage: Drains, Transfers, Dispels, And Suppresses Only Affect A Single Elemental Control Slot at a Time[/i] is a +1 advantage taken on the control cost of the Elemental Control






Characteristics: Characteristics purchased through a Multipower are required to take No Figured Characteristics (-½).


Charges: If you take the charges limitation on an entire Multipower, the charges limit the total number of times that you can use the Multipower; ie: 4 charges on a Multipower containing an EB and a RKA, means that you can fire the RKA four times, the EB four times, or any combination between, but you cannot fire the RKA four times and the EB four times.


Movement Multipowers: These are generally cheesy and thus will not be allowed. The primary exception to this rule are speedsters, for whom Movement multipowers are incredibly in concept.


New Limitations: Full Phase Delay To Change Slot is a -½ limitation. Half-Phase Delay To Change Slot is a -¼ limitation.




Variable Power Pool


The First Rule of Power Pools: Variable Point Power Pools should be very rare. To that end, when your character comes under audit and has a VPPP, the first question you will be asked is "Can you create this character just as well using a Multipower rather than a VPPP?" If the answer to this question is "Yes", the auditors will rewrite your VPPP as a Multipower.


List of Powers: A character with a power pool is required to design a list of powers that are useable in the Power Pool. This list should be a dozen or so powers long to begin with, though the player is free to add more powers to the list as the campaign progresses at any time (with GM approval, of course). During play, all of the powers the character uses in the Variable Point Power Pool must come from this list. Not being able to add to the Power Pool list counts as the Limited Class of Powers limitation, and is worth -½.


New Limitation: Adding Powers to the Power Pool List Requires a Skill Roll is a -¼ taken on the Control Cost of the Power Pool. Usually, the skill involved is Inventor or Power Skill.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome





Dependence: Characters who are addicts are very rarely heroic. Please keep this in mind when choosing this Disadvantage.


Dependent NPC: A Non-Player Character may be a Follower, or he may be a Dependent NPC. He can never be both. While a Follower can sometimes get into trouble, and a DNPC can sometimes be helpful, for the most part if the NPC is primarily helpful he's a Follower and if the NPC is primarily a hindrance, he's a DNPC.


Distinctive Feature: Hair color is not distinctive enough to be taken as a Distinctive Feature, unless your hair color is a shade not normally found in human beings (such as neon orange or lime green). Belonging to a particular ethnic group is not distinctive enough to gain this disadvantage.


Hunted and Monitored: No hunted should be taken higher than 11 or less, or else the campaign will eventually evolve into "Which hunter is going to show up this week." Monitored may still be taken at 14 or less.


Any hunter that is specifically invented by a player for his character must be approved beforehand by Jack, Rebecca, and the GM of the appropriate campaign. If the new hunter is approved, the player of the character in question must provide a full background and character sheet for the hunter by the time the character enters play.


With very few exceptions (none of whom are Player Characters), no single being can marshal the power and resources of a government or even a government agency. Thus, any government or government agency taken as a Hunted or a Monitored by a character is automatically More Powerful, generally not restricted to a single area, and automatically has Non-Combat Influence.


Tarot is quite easily as powerful and resourceful as a government (and compared to some governments, is even more powerful and resourceful). Thus, Tarot is always More Powerful, has no area restrictions, and automatically has Non-Combat Influence.


Normal Characteristics Maxima: Characters who take Normal Characteristic Maxima are basically normal people. They should never spend more points overcoming the limitations on Characteristics imposed by this physical limit than are gained by taking it. This rule only applies to inherent characteristics, and not to those characteristics gained through foci.


Physical Limits: It is highly recommended that the Master List of Limitations be consulted during character construction.


Psychological Limits: It is highly recommended that the Master List of Limitations be consulted during character construction.


Social Limitation: It is highly recommended that the Master List of Limitations be consulted during character construction.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


(1) Do mages, divine beings, or other concepts get a by on the ego rule?


(2) what about a fully cybernetic battlesuit; the computer enacts commands at the speed of thought?



1. Yes, and thanks for pointing out the omission. The rule has been rewritten to include mystics.


2. That is beyond the current technology of the universe, even to the "supertechnology" level.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


1. Yes, and thanks for pointing out the omission. The rule has been rewritten to include mystics.


2. That is beyond the current technology of the universe, even to the "supertechnology" level.

On 2: I don't like that. It seems either arbitrary or paranoid. Either you just don't like the sfx or there is a presumption that speed/dex bought in a focus is somehow more abusive than various other things a player could do. If you are going for Four-Color, I just don't buy this restriction.
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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


I will admit I was curious about the No Focuses DEX and SPEED part too.


The CU (Which is admittedly not the GGU despite playing with the same basic ruleset) allows it, as does the subject matter. Both Iron Man and Booster Gold are noted as possessing greater speed and agility in their Battlesuits.


Secondly, in the light of this ruling would a focus that is based on chemical stimulus provide DEX and SPEED Alteration in the GGU? I imagine a Russian Battlesuit with mechanical STR increases and a catheter shunt that pumps the operator up with designer chemicals that increase his reaction times.



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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


I will admit I was curious about the No Focuses DEX and SPEED part too.


The CU (Which is admittedly not the GGU despite playing with the same basic ruleset) allows it, as does the subject matter. Both Iron Man and Booster Gold are noted as possessing greater speed and agility in their Battlesuits.


Secondly, in the light of this ruling would a focus that is based on chemical stimulus provide DEX and SPEED Alteration in the GGU? I imagine a Russian Battlesuit with mechanical STR increases and a catheter shunt that pumps the operator up with designer chemicals that increase his reaction times.



Catheters in Comic Books! :eek:
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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


On 2: I don't like that. It seems either arbitrary or paranoid. Either you just don't like the sfx or there is a presumption that speed/dex bought in a focus is somehow more abusive than various other things a player could do. If you are going for Four-Color' date=' I just don't buy this restriction.[/quote']


I think its the SFX. I mean, I'd probably allow it if we were talking combat drugs, rather than "electronic feedback amplification" or somesuch.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


I think its the SFX. I mean' date=' I'd probably allow it if we were talking combat drugs, rather than "electronic feedback amplification" or somesuch.[/quote']


What about magical armor that enhances the wearer's reaction time? It's all comic book pseudoscience anyway.


How is armor that enhances reflexes less believable than, say, a guy who can catch fire with no fuel, and thus become lighter than air and fly?

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


What about magical armor that enhances the wearer's reaction time?


That's magic. Magic is different. The rule specifies technology, not magic.




How is armor that enhances reflexes less believable than' date=' say, a guy who can catch fire with no fuel, and thus become lighter than air and fly?[/quote']


The issue isn't believability... its internal consistency. The technological level of the GGU does not permit such a power.

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Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


The issue isn't believability... its internal consistency. The technological level of the GGU does not permit such a power.


Okay. So could a character whose backstory brings him from the future, or some far distant world with more advanced technlolgy have this ability? Sorry, but it seems arbitrary to select this one ability and define it as "beyond the scope of current technology" unless you're also going to deny other abilities, of more tenuous "technological" merit. For example, what about:


- A Faster Than Light Drive?


- A time machine?


- Boot jets with no momentum or inertia problems (just land and you're fine; position shift).


- a gun that fires visible laser beams


- a device that transforms lead into gold


I just find it odd that, in all that comic book pseudoscience and magic, this one item is so inconsistent with the campaign that it can't be allowed.

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