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Supervillian: What Would You Do?

Dr. Confoundo

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In response to the very cool write-ups of recognizable comic book character equipment in the book Gadgets and Gear, in addition to the fact that I have a whole set of Marvel HeroClix that I've been wanting to use, I ran an adventure two sessions ago with recognizable supervillians (with their names and costumes changed slightly) who had been summoned from a set of action figures by the mischevious son of the god Loki. However, something happened that I wasn't planning, and now I'd like to open it up to you.




You are Nathan Oswald, founder and CEO of Oswald Industries. Unknown to most, however, is the fact that you are also The Blue Boggart, supervillian extraordinaire. You and the other members of the Spiteful Six (Mudman, Triceritops, Drogan the Tracker, The Buzzard, and Professor Squid) were in battle with your collective arch-nemesis, The Stupefying Arachni-Kid. About to unmask the meddlesome insect (who you are convinced is that miserable worm, Parker Porter), you and the rest of Spiteful Six were dazzled by a blinding light, and a sickening wrenching sensation.


When your equilibrium returned, you found yourselves in a new location; what appeared to be an out-door mall of some sort, with hundreds of confused spectators staring at you under a shining summer sun, instead of the blustery New York evening you had seen a few seconds before. And what was worse, Arachni-Kid had vanished! But the poster on that advertising kiosk has a huge color picture of your foe, advertising some sort of stunt show? Following the posters, and passing the enormous sign that welcomed you to Universal Studios (whatever *that* may be), you and the Six made your way to where your arch-foe was hiding, and soon vengeance would be yours.




Something is incredibly wrong here! Not only did Arachni-Kid put up no sort of fight when you and Professor Squid captured him, when you finally unmasked him, expecting Parker Porter, you instead found an unknown man, naming himself Charlie and claiming to be a stuntman.


Then, when those meddling heroes showed up (as they always do), you didn't recognize a single one of them. A couple might have been members of that West Coast Rectifiers offshoot, and another looked kind of like The Penalyzer, except without that stupid white skull on the front of his costume. Of course, they could just be new on the scene... you've got better things to do that study up on every new cape that comes along. Then they started talking to you like you were a fictional character, telling you to get back into a comic book they were carrying... obviously they weren't just new, they were idiots as well.


But what finally threw you for a loop was what happened to Drogan The Tracker. After trading blows with one of the heroes, a punch from the big one finally put him down, knocking him into a wall. But the next minute when you glanced back, he had disappeared, and what looked like a broken toy replica of him lay in his place. The same thing happened to The Buzzard next, and then to Professor Squid: instead of lying there, blissfully unconscious after a beat-down by the capes, their bodies twisted and shrank, becoming toy action figures of them, seemingly down to the last detail.


Before the same could happen to you, and while the heroes were trying to subdue Mudman, you made your escape. Riding your glider away from the scene (though what seemed like some sort of amusement park?), you made your way into the wide valley of homes and stores below. Where are you, and what is going on?




So the situation is this: The Blue Boggart (Marvel's Green Goblin) is loose, by himself, in Los Angeles. He is trapped in a world that thinks he is a comic-book character, with no way back home.


What would he do next?

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Re: Supervillian: What Would You Do?


If he knows that people think he's a comic book character? Terrify the masses and attempt to find this world's Parker Porter and see what he's doing ...

As a possible plot hook, I think it'd be interesting to have him inhabiting the body of the person who's playing him in Archni-Kid III: Blue Boggart's return! Or to have him attempt to take said actor out, as there can only be one BB ;)

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Re: Supervillian: What Would You Do?


So the situation is this: The Blue Boggart (Marvel's Green Goblin) is loose, by himself, in Los Angeles. He is trapped in a world that thinks he is a comic-book character, with no way back home.


What would he do next?


Well, if he's smart, he retires to a life of pacifism! If getting knocked unconscious one time is going to kill you (so it seems) then there are better things to do than get into constant physical struggles.


He probably has the skills to recreate a financial empire and strike at them as a mastermind behind the scenes if he still feels the need to be bad.

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Re: Supervillian: What Would You Do?


Try and find someone that can return you to your world, then threaten them into doing it.


Try and find someway to prevent you from turning back to a toy.


Find the person that did this to you and let them feel the wrath of the Blue Boggart!

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Re: Supervillian: What Would You Do?


well lets see you need the all purpose 4 part action plan.


1/lay low ins a scummy squat/derelict building sewer etc

whilst assessing the situation.

(in this case its sort of liek an evil episode of sliders)

2/perform a range of daring robberies for pin money and key componants

(in this case recruiting local muscle is important)


3/construct your infernal device or kidnap a scientist and his beautiful daughter and coerce him into doing it

(probably the scientist one in this case whilst the blue boggart is probably a brilliant if psychotic scientist he will have to deal in the difference in the laws of physics in this universe from his own)

4/complet masterplan to either gain immortality god liek power the world etc

(but we al;l know thsi will never happen but his eventual destruction may return him to his own universe)

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