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Champions Question

Super Squirrel

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I'm preparing for a Champions Universe campaign. Unfortunately, I only own Champions 5th Edition, MC 5th Edition, and Champions Universe 3rd Edition at this time. So my CU book is a bit out of date and I don't have the money to replace it yet. I was hoping that someone could help me answer a couple of CU questions for me. Understand that I will be buying the CU book in the near future.


1. Is Millenium City the Shadowrunner's Seattle of Champions Universe?


2. After a discussion with another gamer, we are unclear if Millenium City was the city of primary operation for the Champions or if it was San Angelo. If someone could clarify it would be helpful.


3. CU 3rd Edition has no mention of PSI Inc. whatsoever. MC has lots of reference to them but only what they are after in MC. What is PSI Inc.'s general purpose?


4. At least two timeline events refered to in MC are not listed in the CU 3rd Edition timeline. Is the timeline in CU 3rd just generall way off?


5. Any major timeline or legal changes from 3rd to 5th Edition of CU that I should be aware of?

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Re: Champions Question


I never got a copy of the 3rd edition CU, but I can help with a couple of these:


2. After a discussion with another gamer, we are unclear if Millenium City was the city of primary operation for the Champions or if it was San Angelo. If someone could clarify it would be helpful.


The Champions are headquartered in Millenium City. AFAIK there's no plans from either DOJ or GRG to put San Angelo into the Champions Universe.


3. CU 3rd Edition has no mention of PSI Inc. whatsoever. MC has lots of reference to them but only what they are after in MC. What is PSI Inc.'s general purpose?


PSI is a villain group, their main writeup is in CKC. Mind, Inc is PSI's "front organization". Mind, Inc promotes themselves as a self-help and counseling service, but feeds any potentially useful information such as blackmail info on a businessman or the names of people who may be developing psionic powers to PSI for future use.

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Re: Champions Question


1. Is Millenium City the Shadowrunner's Seattle of Champions Universe?

I do not know this reference so I will skip this question. Sorry.


2. After a discussion with another gamer, we are unclear if Millenium City was the city of primary operation for the Champions or if it was San Angelo. If someone could clarify it would be helpful.

Millennium City is the home of the Champions. San Angelo is a difference universe entirely, but you can put then in the same world if you want. There are no references to San Angelo in any CU product though.


3. CU 3rd Edition has no mention of PSI Inc. whatsoever. MC has lots of reference to them but only what they are after in MC. What is PSI Inc.'s general purpose?

It is Mind, Inc, not PSI Inc. Their purpose is to operate as a self-help facility in order for the villain group PSI to gain information about wealthy patrons. This is covered in Millennium City and CKC.


4. At least two timeline events refered to in MC are not listed in the CU 3rd Edition timeline. Is the timeline in CU 3rd just generall way off?

The timelines between 4e CU and 5e CU are different. They are two entirely different universes.


5. Any major timeline or legal changes from 3rd to 5th Edition of CU that I should be aware of?

Many. See above.

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Re: Champions Question


As to point 1.

Seattle in Shadowrun what Detriot now Millennium City is to Hero.


As to point 2

The Champions are based in Millennium City


As to point 3

PSI are written up in Crooks, Killers and Crusaders. There have been changes in line up with Psimon and Medusa running the show. No Counsellor Darke for example. Otherwise their aim is as was.


As to point 4

The timeline was completely rewritten with the start date brought forward for Mechanon and Dr Destroyer's first appearances for example. And of course the total destruction and rebuilding of Detroit


As to point 5

The introduction of the continuing character from American history, The Black Mask is one major change. Vibora Bay is another.

Then there are the new American paranormals from WW2

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Re: Champions Question


Gold Rush Games makes San Angelo, not Hero Games, therefore the Champions would not be stationed there. Though in your world you can do what you like.


I havent' played Shadowrun in over 15 years, but if I'm reading you right, you're asking if Millenium City is to Champions what Seattle is to Shadowrun? Yes, it's the central city of the core of Herodom. Though of course Dark Champions has Hudson City as it's epicenter (when that product comes out) and Mystic World has Vibora Bay (also as yet unreleased).

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Re: Champions Question


TO boldy rehash was others have already said:


I'm preparing for a Champions Universe campaign. Unfortunately' date=' I only own Champions 5th Edition, MC 5th Edition, and Champions Universe 3rd Edition at this time. So my CU book is a bit out of date and I don't have the money to replace it yet. I was hoping that someone could help me answer a couple of CU questions for me. Understand that I will be buying the CU book in the near future.[/quote']


Fifth Edition has completely rebooted the Champions Universe. Alot of the old elements are present in pretty much the same form, but often with different stats (PSI, Eurostar, Mechanon, Grond, Foxbat, Viper, etc). Others have been heavily changed from their 3rd & 4th edition versions (Dr. Destroyer, The Ultimates, Dark Seraph, IHA/Genocide, etc) and some have been changed so much that they are effectively new creations with an old name (The Champions, The office of Archmage, Ankylosaur, etc.)


Alot of the silly, lame, and redundant parts of the Champions Universe have quietly been done away with all together.


It is really better to look at the current continuity as a new world that was "inspired by" the older editions rather than a continuation of them.


1. Is Millenium City the Shadowrunner's Seattle of Champions Universe??


I'm not sure what you are refrencing?


In the new Champions Universe, Detroit was obliterated in the early '90s during a Summer Speical mega crossover style throwdown between Dr. Destoyer & minions vs. most of the assembled superheros of north america. There were giant radioactive monsters, orbital lasers, heroic last stands, noble sacrifices, and a master villian who seemed to have died but didn't leave a body behind. (He resurfaced in early 2003 with even nastier minions & more diobolical plans)


Millenium city was built from scratch on the ruins and is only now reaching completion. It boasts the best of everying modern (comic book) science can create. Computer-Driven Cars, Gleaming futuristic archetecture, multi-level skyways, etc. If you want to defend the "city of tomorrow" this is the place to do it.


2. After a discussion with another gamer, we are unclear if Millenium City was the city of primary operation for the Champions or if it was San Angelo. If someone could clarify it would be helpful.



Millenium City is the primary city of operations for the Champions Universe in 5th Edition.


San Angelo & several support books for it were published in the mid '90s during the dying days of 4th Edition. It was not put out by Hero Games but was a licenced property put out by Gold Rush Games. It was meant to stand on its own as a seperate game line. There was talk of reviving it for 5th Edition, but GRG has been rumored to be in financial trouble and nothing has yet been seen.


As the two cities are in very different parts of the country and each have a very different flavor, I just plopped them both down in my home game, but they are not officially part of the same continuity.

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Re: Champions Question


3. CU 3rd Edition has no mention of PSI Inc. whatsoever. MC has lots of reference to them but only what they are after in MC. What is PSI Inc.'s general purpose?


Editted in some links


First, as others mentioned it's PSI and Mind Inc.


Mind Inc. is a thinly veiled parody of a certain group claiming to be a religion that operates as a corporation -- a certain group that is also imfamous for suing the living daylights out of anyone that even talks about looking at them funny and their affinity for clams. If you don't know who I'm talking about yet, one more clue: its founder was a science fiction author whose best selling work was made into a widely (and deservedly) panned film -- giving more evidence that the "best selling" status of the original book was dubious.


When incorporating Mind Inc to your campaign it's best if you get the joke and research the source. If not, impersonate your favorite cult and make a lot of clam jokes ;)


PSI's motivation is a simple one: power. Trick is that they're satisified with being a "behind the scene" power -- in fact they feel that the government is not a true power (and depending on your campaign they may even be right). For my own campaign, I had to turn that on its head (my version of PRIMUS is run by a 2000-pt Golden Avenger) -- making them something of a selfish rebellion (more interesting in existing despite the government than existing to spite the government).

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Re: Champions Question


Thank you everyone with your answers thus far. For the most part my initial questions were answered. Sorry that #1 was so confusing. Yes, in Shadowrun, if your a Shadowrunner, chances are you are playing in Seattle over any other city of the world. I'm going to reword one of the questions I have asked in hopes to get the answer I am looking for.


As stated, CKC covers the group known as PSI. Mind Inc, their front operation is in MC. However, while I know what Mind Inc is, I would like to know the general purpose behind the group. Not enough that it would subsitute purchasing CKC. I do plan on getting it, just I'm a bit tight financially right now.


To pull directly from Champions (pg. 165), I'm curious about the Agency's Goals. I might down the road ask about Method but for now, the Goals are what is important.

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Re: Champions Question


PSI's motivation is a simple one: power. Trick is that they're satisified with being a "behind the scene" power

Are we talking political power or "military" power? I'd assume as they are a Mentalist based organization they are after economic/political power by having mentalists in key locations.


Does that sum them up properly?

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Re: Champions Question


As stated, CKC covers the group known as PSI. Mind Inc, their front operation is in MC. However, while I know what Mind Inc is, I would like to know the general purpose behind the group. Not enough that it would subsitute purchasing CKC. I do plan on getting it, just I'm a bit tight financially right now.


To pull directly from Champions (pg. 165), I'm curious about the Agency's Goals. I might down the road ask about Method but for now, the Goals are what is important.


#1> Depending on your campaign, Survival may be very high on their list. My campaign has more of an anti-psi backlash and a more realis... er, more intrusive Registration Act so this is true for PSI in my campaign.


#2> Power, especially behind the scenes power (or "real power" as Psimon would say it). PSI should be a player, if not *the* player, in underground/mob style activity in your campaign. Given a choice between subverting a mob boss or a federal Senator, PSI would go after the mob boss.


#3> Knowledge about psionics. This is a large part of Mind Inc's purpose -- to find other psionics so they have more of a sample base.

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