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Power Help: Killer Bee!


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The Killer Bee is a bee theamed assasion who wears bee based power armor and weapions. Basicly he can fly (Flight), shoot honycombs which expell yellow goo on impact (Entangle), shoot 'stingers' (Ranged Killing Attack), and has a long 'stinger sword' (Hand Killing Attack). What I need help on is...


1) In game speak, what exactly is the normal effect of bee poison? He laces his stingers with the stuff (including his sword).


2) He can also shoot some sort of 'pollen ball' which makes the target hit more atracted to bees. I beleve this should be in two parts, Summon swarm of bees (I should look in The HERO System Beastery for more info on that), and the acual 'atraction' (Transformation?).


Also, if you have any other sergestions for powers/weapions beyond 'insect control', it would be most aprecated.


Thank you in advance.



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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


Bee Poison: Usually a NND Drain, RKA, or EB that only kicks in if the HKA does BOD damage. That would be a -3/4 to -1 disad in most cases in a supers game. From the sound of it you'd buy it with the "Does BOD" advantage because the intent is to kill. A Delayed Continuous effect so it does it's damage every five minutes is also possible.


Pollen Ball: I'd do it as a one hex AOE continuous uncontrolled NND vs full body covering or at least 10 pts resistant PD. Again, having the attack do BOD would not be inapropriate.. Buy it with duration charges to represent the pollen rubbing off and the bees losing interest. Now that I've thought it through it's a pretty nasty power.

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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


Following the Bee motif


UV vision


Enhanced sense of smell, discriminatory and tracking


a weak or possibly heat vulnerable entangle ala thick wax, in entomology its called Propolis


possibly a small suppress vs stun or con to reflect barbed stinger darts, ie ones that stay embedded in the flesh and are hard to remove without harming the victim.


Darkness area defined as a swarm of bees surrounding the Killer Bee or possibly as a change environment with minuses to per rolls and other effects

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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


Note: I don't know everything about bees, and most of this is from personal experience and watching an episode of NOVA about 10 years ago, so I might be a bit innacurate (should be good enough for a game though).


I've only been stung by a bee once, and it wasn't that bad. I just put some ice on it and the swelling went away in about an hour. Didn't even cause much pain. At most, a single, normal sized bee sting would do 1d6 NND.


Of course, you might be putting lots bee sting into your weapons, and that can cause problems for the target. Basically, a bee sting is nothing more than a really nasty deterrant (it kills the bee that stings you). It causes some discomfort/pain and swelling. Lots of bee stings cause a lot of pain and enough swelling to close blood vessels. Enough bee stings will close up the lungs too. This is why swarms of killer bees are so dangerous.


For a swarm of stings, or a single massive dose of bee venom, I'd write it up as an KA NND Does BODY with Gradual Effect (every Turn). The NND would be versus an immunity to bee stings, and things like Self Contained Breathing or Does Not Bleed would reduce the damage. I wouldn't buy it with "other KA must do BODY" so he can use his venom to poison his targets in other ways.


You could buy the above (or whatever you decide to use) with the Variable Advantage (choose from Ranged, Reduced Endurance, Trigger, etc) to simulate the various methods he can use it (put it on a blade, excrete directly onto target, poison food or water, etc.


As for other "insectish" powers, how about an Eyes of the Swarm Clairsentience ability? Wait, you said he uses Power Armor? Maybe he has a Robotic Bee Swarm (Summon Bees) he can release to deliver his venom, spying and infiltration.

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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


Thanks for the help.


Hear is what powers I have planed for him.


1) Armor (power suite)

2) Flight (insect winged flight, via power suite)

3) Stingers (RKA) with Bee Vemmon (linked KA), fired from wrists

4) "Honey" Ball (Entangle, with sticky advantage)

5) Pollen Ball (Summon 1 Bee Swarm, with aproprate limitations about it haveing to be in the area) Note: He has no ability to 'talk' to or comand the bees. THay arive, are atracted to the victom hit by the Pollen Ball, but will not attack anyone unless provoked.

6) Bug-like Helmet (360 degree sight, atena picks up radio and TV singles (but not cable))

7) Bee Drones (Clarsentience with the limitation Physical Manifisation, all thay are is "looking devices" which brodcast what thay see via TV waves).

8) Stinger Sword (HKA, no poison with this one)


This is enougth, I think, to make a cool supervillian.

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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


How weird and spooky do you want him to be? Here's a power idea. Let him see through the eyes of bees. Give him Clairaudience only through the eyes of bees. (See my ant-man post)


Give a few levels of megascale and he can see things around 100 mile radius. The limitation only through the eyes of bees is probably worth at least +1/2 to +3/4 because bees are inactive at night. This would make him pretty powerful in the info gathering realm.

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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


How weird and spooky do you want him to be? Here's a power idea. Let him see through the eyes of bees. Give him Clairaudience only through the eyes of bees. (See my ant-man post)


He's a guy in a power suite, not "Swarm Jr."


Othoe I AM reminded by the littel known DC supervillian Bug-Eyed Bandet. Anyone remember him?

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Re: Power Help: Killer Bee!


Yes and Antman wears a helmet...So?


He is not ment to be "Antman with bees" (If I would of wanted that, I would create a modified version of the old DC hero The Red Bee). Instead, he is a robber type villian who was inspiered by the fact that he is alergic to bee stings, and had his equipment designed for him by others.


This, he realy dosen't like to handel the darn things (he hiers or steals bee vemon for his stingers).

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