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Begginner Question


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this is probably not the msot correct place to ask this but since i have a 50% chance of being correct i am posting here.


i finally got fed up with d20 and started looking for some other system ( even crafting my own ) to use as base for my games. I looked at gurps nut the rules seems to be spread too thin across too many books, i looked at White-Wolf Games but integrating then in a coherent manner was nightmarish, I looked at stormbringer but too boring a system, RuneQuest is out of print and so i remembered about champions, came to the page and saw they are using now 5th edition and is called Hero System now, and have spread across genres. Maybe this could be it, i thought and after thinking it over i decided to give this a try.


Now for my question,


Since i am just beggining, what books would i need to get to play a fantasy based game? how about if i wanted a space game? Obvious answer is Hero Core + Fantasy Hero o Hero Core + Space Hero, what i am looking for is the not so obvious that i will end up kicking myself for not getting initially. Nothing derails a campaing more than having your players gathered around you and finding the rule you need is in another book.


On a side note, how much of a wait do i need to do to get the revised edition book, and if i decide not to wait, where can i buy the Hero System Book then as Amazon dont have it and the Online Store is out of stock too.?


thanks in advance, and i apologize for any too obvious questions i might have made.

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Re: Begginner Question


FREd is out of print atm, so you'll have to wait for 5ER for the main corebook.


Until then, get Sidekick. It's only about 100 pages or so, and only about 10$ or so. With almost everything in FREd (or so it seems - FREd basically expands it).


You also probably will want the Hero System Bestiary to get some creatures.


Then your Genre book. Perhaps the "Powers" book for the genre as well (FH Grimoire for FH and Spacer's Toolkit? for SH).


But, all you need to play is Sidekick. Until 5ER comes out, then you'll want 5ER. You'll probably want the above books, though, so you don't have to build everything.


Laz only has Sidekick, and FH on order

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Re: Begginner Question


I agree. If you can get your hands on FREd (the big black book) everything is in it. If not, Sidekick will work just fine. The genre books are mostly for background info to save you time as a GM. They also give you some additional ways to use what is already in FREd.


Highly recommend the bestiary to save time. Writing up critters is a pain and it also makes it easy to make custom monsters. It has nice things like normal Lions, Tigers and Bears too.


One of your best resources are these boards - 90% of us are more than willing to help folks.

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Re: Begginner Question


The Genre Books also provide examples of how to use Hero System to achive the feel that you are looking for. Fantasy Hero with it's Race and Profession packages, fantasy skill section, new talents and weapons and armor section are IMO invaluable to someone that is forming a Hero System campaign for the first time.


For that matter the Fantasy Hero book is one of the best supliments that I own and I own a lot. I find that it has excellent content for any game system that you would want to play with.


I just started to collect Hero System books this year and have had my two gaming groups switch to Fantasy Hero over the last two months. We enjoy the freedom that comes with Hero System.

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Re: Begginner Question


Welcome, lrojas! I think you'll find that HERO makes for a very interesting ride. Feel free to ask any questions you want - these boards are full of helpful types. :)


You're generally correct about the HERO System Fifth Edition (often referred to as FREd hereabouts - but that's another story) ;) plus the genre books being what you need to play a particular genre. Strictly speaking, all you absolutely need is the core rulebook. The entire system is included in that, and with work and imagination you could build everything you could want with that. The other books merely do a lot of that work for you... and do it very well, I might add.


At the moment 5E is out of print, as you know. The Revised version is tentatively scheduled for October of this year. In the meantime I would suggest that you look for the HERO System Sidekick, which is a slimmed-down introductory version of the HERO System for only $10.00 US. Although it lacks a few elements from the main rulebook, it's mechanically identical in almost every respect, and specifically designed to teach newcomers the system. It's also a complete playable game in its own right, and should be enough to tide you over until 5ER comes out. If you don't want to wait, though, there are still various game dealers who have copies of the previous edition, not to mention eBay the online auction website. I'll hunt around when I get the chance and post links to a few places that have it, if you'd like.


As for what you'll need to play, that will depend somewhat on what you're looking for. The various supplements rarely add anything in the way of new rules to the system; most of what they contribute is advice, guidelines, and system builds. The genre books such as Fantasy HERO and Star HERO offer copious advice on playing those types of games, in general and for HERO in particular. Other books have world settings, premade creatures/foes, spells, gadgets and the like. All optional, but all potentially useful.


I would like to point up a few general-use books that I'd recomment to new HERO gamers whatever genre they plan to play:


The HERO System Bestiary has writeups for real and fictional creatures of every background and power level, with guidelines for running them and for building your own.


The Ultimate Martial Artist stats out tons of real and imaginary martial art styles and weapons, and shows you how to design your own martial maneuvers. If you expect to use martial arts to any great extent in your campaign, this is very helpful.


The Ultimate Vehicle gives the same treatment as the two books above to vehicles of every type and era, and the HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook adds lots of prebuilt vehicles ready to use.


If you go to this page on the website, you'll be able to download some free documents which would help you get up to speed on HERO. I'd also suggest checking out the FAQs link in the blue banner at the top of this page.


Any more help you would like, you're welcome to come back and ask.

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Re: Begginner Question


thanks all of you guys.


it seems i have my job cut out for me then... i definitely would want the 5ER so i will wait on the core book maybe i will dispair and buy the old one before that or sidekick...


a couple of questions tho, Magic systems, as i understand it i have to write my own so any pointers regarding this would be apreciated. What does FREd stands for? is there a official IRC channel for this forum or this comunity? if so.. on what server/network does it reside?

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Re: Begginner Question


Since a revised core book is on the way, I would avoid buying it now even if your store has copies...


At a minimum to play you will need Sidekick.


Ideally you'd want a core book, and Fantasy Hero. From there it becomes a matter of taste.

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Re: Begginner Question


Speaking of pre-statted creatures ... does anyone know of a good website of creatures? I found one ... can't remember the name of it, but it's got a bunch of FH stuff in it.


Killer Shrike, when are you going to get your creatures section added?



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Re: Begginner Question


thanks all of you guys.


it seems i have my job cut out for me then... i definitely would want the 5ER so i will wait on the core book maybe i will dispair and buy the old one before that or sidekick...


a couple of questions tho, Magic systems, as i understand it i have to write my own so any pointers regarding this would be apreciated. What does FREd stands for? is there a official IRC channel for this forum or this comunity? if so.. on what server/network does it reside?


There is a kinda standard Magic System that is put out with the Grimoire and Turakian age. You can use that as a base and modify as you see fit.


The Side Kick book isn't a bad investment since it has all the base rules and can be used to help others learn how to play. There are 5$ "damaged" versions in the Hero Online Store here, though I am not sure how much the shipping would be to DR.

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Re: Begginner Question


thanks all of you guys.


it seems i have my job cut out for me then... i definitely would want the 5ER so i will wait on the core book maybe i will dispair and buy the old one before that or sidekick...


a couple of questions tho, Magic systems, as i understand it i have to write my own so any pointers regarding this would be apreciated. What does FREd stands for? is there a official IRC channel for this forum or this comunity? if so.. on what server/network does it reside?


If you decide to buy the Fantasy HERO genre book (which I would generally recommend BTW), that includes a very extensive chapter on designing your own magic system, looking at all the issues involved and presenting guidelines and options. The chapter also includes twelve example magic systems with a few sample spells for each.


The Fantasy HERO Grimoire is a copious collection of prebuilt spells that you can crib for your games. They're built to conform to the default magic systems in Hero's "high fantasy" game setting, but due to the modularity of HERO you can easily modify most of them to fit within your own concept. There are also several websites with prebuilt spells that we could direct you to if you like.


FREd has been said to stand for "Fifth Rules Edition" or "Fifth Revised Edition," but that's just a retcon. Before the 5th Edition rulebook was published there was a discussion on the forums as to what its "official" nickname should be. Steve Long remarked that "you can call it Fred if you want, as long as you buy a copy." Things kinda snowballed from there. ;)


I'm afraid I'm not computer savvy enough to answer your IRC question. I'd suggest posting in the "Company Questions" forum to attract the attention of the board moderator, Ben Seeman (nice guy BTW).

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Re: Begginner Question


Speaking of pre-statted creatures ... does anyone know of a good website of creatures? I found one ... can't remember the name of it, but it's got a bunch of FH stuff in it.


Killer Shrike, when are you going to get your creatures section added?




Laz, for your purposes I'd suggest starting with this section of Michael Surbrook's wonderful website, "Surbrook's Stuff." I'd then recommend you check out the riches of the Fantasy HERO Treasure Trove - just scroll down to "Adventuring Resources."


I'm sure others will be along with recommendations I missed. :)

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Re: Begginner Question


Speaking of pre-statted creatures ... does anyone know of a good website of creatures? I found one ... can't remember the name of it, but it's got a bunch of FH stuff in it.


Killer Shrike, when are you going to get your creatures section added?



Eventually. It's just a very low priority since between the bestiary & MMM, and the ease of designing creatures from scratch the subject is pretty well covered.

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Re: Begginner Question


Thanks you two. Yeah, the Treasure Trove is the one I stumbled upon recently, although I thought there was some other one with a massive amount of creatures (that went AWOL on me :().


Also useful is the Ultimate Spellbook or somesuch - I don't have the link right now, but a google will get it. It's a bunch of premade spells.


Yes, KS, I realize how easy it is to create creatures, but I just want a generic Orc!



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Re: Begginner Question


Yes, KS, I realize how easy it is to create creatures, but I just want a generic Orc!




Just take an Orc Race Template from here:



add add one or more Profession Templates from here:



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Re: Begginner Question


once more thanks,


as is human nature, each answer brings forth more questions.


when making a character and selectingh a racial package deal and a class package deal, how do i figure out the costs? lest say i have 100 pts and up to 50 pts of disadvantages. and a racial package cost 15 pts, does this means i only have spent 15 pts out of the 100 i have available and the 50 pts disadvantages are still there for th grabing, even tho the package deal has advantages and disadvantages?

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Re: Begginner Question


Laz, I suspect you're looking for "The Ultimate Grimoire." There's a link to it at the bottom of the "FH Treasure Trove" homepage, among all the other cool stuff.


BTW, anyone who's interested in Gamma World a la HERO would do well to check out Ron Miller's Wasteland HERO website. It's explicitly inspired by Gamma World, but has lots of stuff useful for post-apoc gaming in general.

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Re: Begginner Question


once more thanks,


as is human nature, each answer brings forth more questions.


when making a character and selectingh a racial package deal and a class package deal, how do i figure out the costs? lest say i have 100 pts and up to 50 pts of disadvantages. and a racial package cost 15 pts, does this means i only have spent 15 pts out of the 100 i have available and the 50 pts disadvantages are still there for th grabing, even tho the package deal has advantages and disadvantages?


The official by-the-book way to do it is all Disadvantages from all sources count towards a character's max Disadvantage Points.



Personally I alter this rule slightly and exclude Race Package Disadvantages from this.


In other words, with all of my Race Packges at http://www.FantasyHERO.com it is assumed that the Disadvantages serve to reduce the actual cost of the Package and do not count towards a character's max Disads limit. Thus all Race Packages are bought for their final cost in my campaigns. The are self encapsulated so to speak.


This is all explained in this document: http://www.killershrike.com/FantasyHERO/HighFantasyHERO/racePackageNotes.shtml




The intention is for the Race Package Deals (and only the Race Package Deals) to be purchased for their Total Cost, so that the Disadvantages in the Package do not count towards a Character's Disadvantage Maximum. Individual GM's may not agree with this as it is a specific deviation from the Hero System Rules; in that case simply increase a Character's Maximum Disadvantages limit sufficiently to allow the Race Package Deal's Disadvantages on top of the Character's personal Disadvantages.

EXAMPLE: If making a High Elf character, that Character pays 15 Real Points for the High Elf Race Package rather than the Cost of the abilities in the Package (50 Character Points), and does not include the Disadvantages (35 Disadvantage Points) as part of his Personal Disadvantages. The entire Package can be listed as a single line Entry, "HIGH ELF: 15 Points", on the Character Sheet. "

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Re: Begginner Question


Currently I have 1892 spells up on my site (some are duplicates used by more than one type of caster).




Most of the spells are intended for the Wizard, Arcanis Magnicus, Sorcery, Sortiligists, Rangers, Paladins, and Clerics professions provided elsewhere on the site; the other Magic Systems don't use "Spells" in the same fashion and thus dont have entries in the database, though many of the base effects of the Charge based Spells could be used as the basis for the effects of other Magic Systems.



There are some errors in the Spell builds. I did them all in a pretty compressed timeframe, often on little sleep and into the wee hours, but overall they are usable as is. If you happen to spot an error, just email me a quick idea of what spell you think is in error. Ill eventually get to it :D



Click on the different links to load up various types of Spells.

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Re: Begginner Question


In other words' date=' with all of my Race Packges at http://www.FantasyHERO.com it is assumed that the Disadvantages serve to reduce the actual cost of the Package and do not count towards a character's max Disads limit. Thus all Race Packages are bought for their final cost in my campaigns. The are self encapsulated so to speak.[/quote']


Once again humans get shafted. :D


I am sure this has been covered ad nauseam in another thread. Not trying to fire up a debate. Just being a llama.

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Re: Begginner Question


Killing time at work waiting for a proc to run, so here is a trained Orc Warrior for you:



Orc Package + Medium Foot Package


18 STR

11 DEX

16 CON




15 PRE


5 PD (4r)

5 ED (4r)



32 END



7" Run

4" Leap

2" Swim


PER: 10-/14- Smell




Infravision: Infrared Perception

Powerful Nose: +4 PER Smell Group plus Tracking (Normal Smell)

Thick Skinned: Damage Resistance 4 PD/4 ED

Fast Healing: Regeneration: 1 BODY / Day



AF: Medium Armor Proficiency

AF: Shield Proficiency

WF: Common Melee, Common Missile

Penalty Skill Levels: +1 to Offset DCV Penalty of Medium Armor

Combat Skill Levels: +2 All Combat

PS: Warrior


Fast Draw


Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon

Rapid Attack (HtH)


Total Cost: 75 points

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Re: Begginner Question


More barbaric Orcs


Orc + Savage


18 STR

11 DEX

18 CON




15 PRE


5 PD (4r)

5 ED (4r)



36 END



7" Run

4" Leap

2" Swim


PER: 10-/14- Smell




Infravision: Infrared Perception

Powerful Nose: +4 PER Smell Group plus Tracking (Normal Smell)

Thick Skinned: Damage Resistance 4 PD/4 ED

Fast Healing: Regeneration: 1 BODY / Day




AF: Light Armor Proficiency

AF: Shield Proficiency

WF: Common Melee, Common Missile

Survival: Any 1 Environment

Combat Skill Levels: +2 All Combat


Rage 1/Day: 1 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each; -5 STR, -5 Dex, -3" Run for 1 Minute after Charge elapses; Cant use any Full Phase actions or anything requiring Concentration

+10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; No Figured Characteristics)

+5 CON (No Figured Characteristics)

+5 BODY (No Figured Characteristics)

+5 EGO

+2 with HTH Combat

-2 with DCV


Total Cost: 75 points

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Re: Begginner Question


Orc + Light Foot:


15 STR

12 DEX

15 CON




15 PRE


4 PD (4r)

4 ED (4r)



30 END



9" Run

3" Leap

2" Swim


PER: 11-/15- Smell




Infravision: Infrared Perception

Powerful Nose: +4 PER Smell Group plus Tracking (Normal Smell)

Thick Skinned: Damage Resistance 4 PD/4 ED

Fast Healing: Regeneration: 1 BODY / Day


Light Foot

AF: Light Armor Proficiency

WF: Common Melee, Common Missile, Slings

Precision: Find Weakness 13-: One Attack (choose)

Combat Skill Levels: +1 All Combat

Combat Skill Levels: +1 w/ Weapon of Choice

FAM: Acrobatics


Fast Draw


FAM: Stealth

FAM: Concealment


Total Cost: 75 Points

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Re: Begginner Question


Orc + Brawler


20 STR

15 DEX

15 CON




15 PRE


7 PD (4r)

4 ED (4r)



30 END



7" Run

4" Leap

2" Swim


PER: 10-/14- Smell




Infravision: Infrared Perception

Powerful Nose: +4 PER Smell Group plus Tracking (Normal Smell)

Thick Skinned: Damage Resistance 4 PD/4 ED

Fast Healing: Regeneration: 1 BODY / Day


Martial Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on

Basic Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike

Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll

Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +1d6 Strike, Target Falls

Evasion: (Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove)

+1 DC w/ Martial Arts (not counted in)

Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Not While Wearing Armor (-1/2)

Combat Skill Levels: +3 w/ Martial Arts




Total Cost: 75 points

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