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Cellular Phones


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So, I'm trying to figure out how to outfit some agents with cell phones. This is what I've come up with:

Cellular Phone:
Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (Active Points 10); Cellular Bands Only (-1/2), Phone (-1/2), OAF (-1)
Real Cost 3


Cellular Bands Only (-1/2 Limitation): This sense can only detect transmissions on cellular bandwidths, and cannot be used to monitor normal radio transmissions (such as radio stations, shortwave radios, and police bands).


Phone (-1/2 Limitation): This sense can only detect transmissions directed at it from other phones, and may only transmit to other phones (user must know the number of the other phone).


And obviously, the Fragile Focus because it's a cell phone and if you've ever dropped one, you know it doesn't take much to break them.


Can anyone think of/know of a better way to build this?

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Re: Cellular Phones


Very similar to the way I do it. I just leave out the Cellular Bands Only Limitation and allow them to surf the internet.


My my near future campaign world, they can also receive local AM/FM radio and television broadcasts and satelite TV with a an extra charge.


One phone isn't any cheaper or more expensive than the other (point wise), they just fit into the timeframe better. (the same way SS: Medicine, Electronics and so on whould, even though this is a Power not a Skill)

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Re: Cellular Phones


I'd be inclined to ditch the "phone" limitation making a -0 "Only cellular bands." mostly because I would force any communication device to state which bands it's limited to by default.


Looks good otherwise.

I took that route for a while until my players complained that for 2 more points (0-1 more after OAF and Affected as Hearing/Sight as well as Radio) they could have HRRP. So I allow the Lim. Encourages variety (and for the team to get radios/communication gear really cheap).

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Re: Cellular Phones


I took that route for a while until my players complained that for 2 more points (0-1 more after OAF and Affected as Hearing/Sight as well as Radio) they could have HRRP. So I allow the Lim. Encourages variety (and for the team to get radios/communication gear really cheap).


Personally I haven't charged for mobile phones unless they were substantially better than something that you could get after 10 minutes in a shop filling in a form and promising to pay them £10 a month.


For some other equipment I've charged a 1pt perk to get access.


Partly this was to avoid the whole comparison of real world technology with the cool stuff I want them to pay points for and partly because I couldn't be bothered with the details. :)




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Re: Cellular Phones


In our campaign cell phones are free and our team uses them for recalls and the like. However, since the characters didn't pay points for it it's only as reliable as the real thing and only works in places where cellular towers reach. Underground? Forget it. Way out in the boonies? Probably not. Inside a shielded building? No way.


You might consider adding a "Real Device" Limitation analogous to the "Real Weapon" Lim for -¼ to represent their general frailty and tendency to crap out at the worst possible moment.

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Re: Cellular Phones


Personally I haven't charged for mobile phones unless they were substantially better than something that you could get after 10 minutes in a shop filling in a form and promising to pay them £10 a month.


Ditto... (Sort of like when I was running my long Fantasy Hero campaign, I didn't bother writing up healing potions. "Drink this and you get back 1d6 Body" was the extent of it.)


For some other equipment I've charged a 1pt perk to get access.


Partly this was to avoid the whole comparison of real world technology with the cool stuff I want them to pay points for and partly because I couldn't be bothered with the details. :)





I like that 1 pt Perk idea! Good stuff; may have to yoink that one. :)

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Re: Cellular Phones


That sounds good' date=' but give it an 8- activation roll and it will be about right...[/quote']




That's actually not a bad idea, though I'd make it a 14- or maybe just a -1/4 Limitation: Subject To Failure, and then leave it to the GM to decide when it goes out.


I also like the idea of a 1 pt Perk: Cell Phone. I may just do that instead.


Though most of the characters (everyone but the mentalist) in my campaign have helmets with very, very sophisticated heads-up displays and built in computers (modelled after the Communication Card in Gadgets in Gear, but including features like MapQuest and the ability to scan broadcast media and alert the wearer to crimes being committed and superhuman activity).

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Re: Cellular Phones


I'm wondering: We joke about the fact that you buy points for everything, but is there any sort of HERO limitation for "Easily Aquired Equipment" All in all, a cellphone and radiotelepathy come out very similar - but anyone and his uncle can get a cellphone. On the other hand, say the game takes place in 1920... then the limitation wouldn't apply. I.e: anything that you can go to the corner store and pick up, I think, should cost less mostly because that means that your enemies - and anyone else for that matter - can as well...

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Re: Cellular Phones


Whatever you can run into the cornerstore and buy doesn't really apply in my cames. There's a lot of useful things you can buy in those places (for instance, you could by a sword at the mall for about the same as you'd spend on activation fees for a cell phone. Granted, not a good sword, but you can sharpen it and if nothing else it'll make a damn sturdy club (at least a HA +2d6 AP). That doesn't mean I'd let any character carry one. Same with cell phones. You can also check out the tool section of any Home Depot.

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