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Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak

Guest Veavitdpoh

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


Plus, Vehicles are a classic. Everyone likes having something to drive/pilot...


...and they help alleviate being slow.


(Incidently, SPD can be bought up for no real reason, as it's just a measure of combat effectiveness; acting less often than everyone else is not fun. I'd recommend more. :))

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


>Incidently, SPD can be bought up for no real reason...


Speed is expensive, though, and I built it to reflect that he's not a ninja - he's just a somewhat above-average Joe Normal who happens to be unbreakable.


In terms of movement, Leaping is about the only thing that isn't speedster/mystic territory. I'm willing, but he'll need outside help first... he hasn't had supers exposure, and I can't see him picking up Boots O' Bouncing at a K-Mart. As soon as I can justify it, though - IIF, Independent, Increased END, Leaping. Boing boing!

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


>It's an idea' date=' but I think she'd turn an ugly shade of NFW... [/quote']


A new shade. I like that. And no Veav, Michelle is right....I wouldn't. :)

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak




14 Str 4

20 PD 17

20 Rec 18

90 Stun 23


Total cost 62




60 Str 50

20 PD 8

20 Rec 0

90 Stun 0


Total cost 58.


You save 4 pts, and have a 60 str to boot, while having the exact same figureds as before.


However, since you don't want to increase Str, you can do the exact same thing with Con.




40 Con 60

20 ED 12

20 Rec 20

80 End 0

90 Stun 23


Total Cost 115




83 Con 146

20 ED 3

20 Rec 0

80 End -43

90 Stun 1


Total cost 107.


You save 8 pts, have exactly the same figured characteristics as before, and become much harder to stun in combat. :D

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


I do see one way to insure that attackers pay attention to this type of character even if he is low on offensive capability or movement. Annoy them so much that they want to hit you just to shut you up. :sneaky:


16 Taunts: Mind Control (8d6) (40 active points); Set Effect (“Attack Meâ€; -1); Limited Range (range of hearing; -1/4), Requires a Persuasion Roll (at -2; -1/4).

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


I do see one way to insure that attackers pay attention to this type of character even if he is low on offensive capability or movement. Annoy them so much that they want to hit you just to shut you up. :sneaky:


16 Taunts: Mind Control (8d6) (40 active points); Set Effect (“Attack Meâ€; -1); Limited Range (range of hearing; -1/4), Requires a Persuasion Roll (at -2; -1/4).


Oooh, neat idea!


To increase the chance you will be the target all the time, you may also purchase the following Disadvantages:

15 Distinctive Features - Looks and Sounds Like Carrot-Top (Easily Concealed, Extreme Reaction)

15 Social Limitation - Often Mistaken For Carrot-Top (Frequent/Major)



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


Since bumping strength is seen as out of concept, how about just bumping his hand-to-hand damage a couple of dice? I played an "indestructible man" character for a while, and one of the thoughts I had with him was "if his skin is as hard as steel, it must really hurt to get hit by him, even without the excess strength behind it".

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


>how about just bumping his hand-to-hand damage a couple of dice?


That's actually what I ended up doing, with basically the same reasoning. I don't have final approval on the character yet, of course, but he DOES have a pleasant HTH to go with a few martial arts skills. Now he can actually give some pain back. }:D


>I would really, really, *really* suggest buying up Speed to 5.


I probably will later... but again, this reinforces the idea that he isn't a super quite yet. If anyone's taking notes on this discussion it's probably a good idea - a speed of 3 is on the low end for this power level.


>16 Taunts: Mind Control (8d6) (40 active points); Set Effect (?Attack Me?; -1); Limited Range (range of hearing; -1/4), Requires a Persuasion Roll (at -2; -1/4).


It's a nice idea! The problem is... that requires my character being a dick. I'd rather avoid that.


Maybe I can take some form of Unlucky with a limitation: "target magnet"... except I'm already maxed out on disads...


>You save 8 pts, have exactly the same figured characteristics as before, and become much harder to stun in combat.


The stats you went from were actually from a build or two ago, so it didn't quite have the same effect - however, I did manage to keep it almost exactly the same while boosting CON about 3x. This is why this thread exists. Thanks!

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


>16 Taunts: Mind Control (8d6) (40 active points); Set Effect (?Attack Me?; -1); Limited Range (range of hearing; -1/4), Requires a Persuasion Roll (at -2; -1/4).


It's a nice idea! The problem is... that requires my character being a dick. I'd rather avoid that.


Maybe I can take some form of Unlucky with a limitation: "target magnet"... except I'm already maxed out on disads...


Not necessarily. Think about Spiderman or Buffy (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Both of them tend to taunt their opponents and I wouldn't classify either of them as jerks.


And of course, there is no rule against taking more than the maximum number of disadvantages. You just don't get extra points for them.

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


There - got approval from the GM. Here's the final breakdown. Areas of weakness: flash, entangle, presence attacks (some defense, but not much). If a drain managed to get through, he would also be in some serious trouble - with that Power Defense, though, anyone powerful enough to drain through that is going to be serious trouble anyway. Building movement is a high priority, although the taunt attack should be enough to keep him in the game for now.


My thanks to everyone who contributed!


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

15 DEX 15

63 CON 106

20 BODY 20

13 INT 3

15 EGO 10

12 PRE 2

12 COM 1


20 PD 17

20 ED 7

3 SPD 5

20 REC 8

40 END -43

60 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

2 1/2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 156


Cost Power

15 Elemental Control: Bulletproof

15 Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED), Hardened (x2; +1/2 Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

15 Hardened (x3; +3/4 Armor Piercing and Penetrating x2) for 20 PD and 20 ED

15 Lack of Weakness (-30) for Resistant Defenses

15 Mental Defense (22 MD), Hardened (x2; +1/2, Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

15 Power Defense (20 PowD), Hardened (x2; +1/2, Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

15 Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Longevity 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)

15 Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6, Double Knockback (+3/4), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

15 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

15 Mental Damage Reduction, 50%


15 Damage Resistance (20 PowD), Hardened (x2; +1/2 Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

16 Damage Resistance (22 MD), Hardened (x2; +1/2 Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

5 Nerves of Steel: Characteristic PRE (+10; -1 Only Against Presence Attacks)

28 Healing BODY 1d6 (1 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1), Self Only (-1/2)

9 Taunts: Mind Control (4d6) (20 active points); Set Effect ("Attack Me"; -1); Limited Range (range of hearing; -1/4)

Powers Cost: 223


Cost Skill

3 Breakfall 12-

3 Combat Driving 12-

3 Concealment 12-

3 Conversation 11-

3 Demolitions 12-

3 Disguise 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 KS: Banks 12-

1 Language: Portugese (basic conversation)

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Streetwise 11-

2 Survival (Tropical) 12-

2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Motorized Boats, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

Skills Cost: 41


Cost Martial Arts (Capoeira)

4 Martial Escape (+15 STR vs. Grab/Entangle)

4 Martial Strike (+2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike)

3 Legsweep (+2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +1d6, Target Falls)

Martial Arts Cost: 11


Cost Perk

4 Money: Well Off

3 Anonymity

2 Reputation: Bulletproof (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +2/+2d6

Perks Cost: 9


Cost Talent

3 Lightsleep

7 Resistance (7 points)

Talents Cost: 10


Total Character Cost: 450


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Distinctive Features: Hairless (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Psychological Limitation: Avoids killing (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Glutton for Punishment (Common, Moderate) [Notes: Walks into damage just because he can take it.]

15 Hunted: Remora 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish) [Notes: Bulletproof, a carefully-engineered clonebaby, was intended to be the mount in a two-man team. Remora was the codename for the rider - a Predator-like symbiote, immensely strong, gifted with a host of destructive abilities, and able to project its consciousness into the bodies of others. Together, Bulletproof and Remora would have been nearly unstoppable. Bulletproof, on the other hand, didn't particularly feel like being a meat puppet for the highest bidder, and so jumped ship somewhere in Brazil. While his "contract" has been bought out by Adam, Remora has gone rogue and is making every attempt at hunting Bulletproof down and reacquiring his living armor the hard way.]

10 Social Limitation: Illegal Immigrant (Occasionally, Major) [Notes: Being "off the grid" is a blessing and a burden...]

10 Social Limitation: Vulnerable Clothing (Frequently, Minor) [Notes: Bulletproof is invulnerable. His clothes are not.]

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID: Bulletproof (Frequently, Major)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN fractal harmonics (Uncommon)

10 Susceptibility: fractal harmonics, 1d6 damage per Turn (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 100


Base Points: 350

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


28 Healing BODY 1d6 (1 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1), Self Only (-1/2)


2 questions about this power.


1) Are you using HD 2.37? I'm showing this power calculates out to 70 active, 25 real. My machine and SK show the Extra time as -1 1/4 (see below)


Healing BODY 1d6, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)


2)No Always On Lim? It would make the power activate every post-segment 12 that you were damaged. Without, it would require your activating the power, and waiting a turn... not to mention dropping the real point cost to 21.


Not to be a munchkin, but 7 points is 7 points... :sneaky:

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


I am using 2.37 - this wouldn't be the first time it'd made a mistake. *does the math*


Healing 1d6 (10 active points), Can Heal Limbs (+5), Resurrection (+20), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), total 35 (*2) 70 Active Points... Extra Time 1 Turn post-segment (-1), Self Only (-1/2); 70 / 2.5 = 28. Page 120-121. Always On limitation not required, because Persistent states "stays activated unless the character deliberately turns it off ... a character does not have to turn on a Persistent Power; it's assumed to be on at all times, even when the character is unconscious".


As much as I'd love to take the extra points, I'm afraid what I had there was accurate. }:D *reviews further* Actually, I could take Always On as well, thereby preventing myself from turning Regeneration off... which would be a crying shame. *continues reviewing* Okay, Healing states 1 turn is -1, but the Extra Time states 1 turn is -1 1/4. Wonky. *searches for errata* *finds errata* Son of a gun, it wasn't changed. Which means it really is like that, you're right and I'm wrong. *ponders* You can't bring Regeneration faster than once per Turn. So add the Always On (-1/2) and adjust that time to 1 turn (-1 1/4), bringing it to 70 / 3.25 = 21.53, rounding to 21 for 7 extra points. I can jack it to 90 Active Points by doing 2 BODY per turn instead of 1...


...or I can drop Resistance to 4, freeing up 3 more points, and increase Spd to 4, making a lot of people happy.

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak



I can jack it to 90 Active Points by doing 2 BODY per turn instead of 1...


...or I can drop Resistance to 4, freeing up 3 more points, and increase Spd to 4, making a lot of people happy.




2 BOD/turn is tempting, but I wonder how often he's even going to take 2 BOD damage in a round. 20 Hardened (multiple levels hardened at that) PD and ED on top of 50% Dam Red (oh wait, no Dam Red vs ED. Okay, he can be hurt). Figuring 3.5 points per die... would take a 6-7d6 KA to even get his attention.


I tend to agree the speed is a good choice. Even with only 4 Resistance, you still have a 19 (effective) Ego vs Interrogation. The 4 Spd is still in the realm of NCM, so it's not out of reach for a "mere mortal." Heroic, but nothing the kid down the street couldn't match, if you follow.


BTW, the "Taunt" is outstanding. Kudos to S7Michelle for this idea.

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


This hasn't been brought up yet but....


Taking Damage Resistance turns your PD and ED into rPD and rED, same cost as Armor basically. If you have 6PD and buy DamRes of 6PD you are now a 0PD 6rPD character. (rPD counts vs Normal & Killing attacks.)


Adding Hardened to the Dam.Res. now makes your rPD and rED Hardened..


Why purchase Hardened for PD and ED since you, effectively, don't have any after the DamRes purchase. You're paying twice for the same thing.


That'll save some points.

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


This hasn't been brought up yet but....


Taking Damage Resistance turns your PD and ED into rPD and rED, same cost as Armor basically. If you have 6PD and buy DamRes of 6PD you are now a 0PD 6rPD character. (rPD counts vs Normal & Killing attacks.)


Adding Hardened to the Dam.Res. now makes your rPD and rED Hardened..


Why purchase Hardened for PD and ED since you, effectively, don't have any after the DamRes purchase. You're paying twice for the same thing.


That'll save some points.


Per the Ultimate Brick p. 36 (with more information on p. 33): "If a character buys Damage Resistance, the Advantages on his base PD/ED and the Damage Resistance have to match....Otherwise the advantage has no effect. A character can not, for example, buy Damage Resistence as Hardened unless his base PD/ED are also Hardened; if he does, the advantage has absolutely no effect."


The rule makes a lot of sense to me, because otherwise you are penalizing characters that buy armor as hardened instead of buying a high PD/ED and then putting hardened Damage Resistence on it.

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


Val Char Cost

14 STR 4

14 DEX 12

40 CON 60

40 BODY 60

13 INT 3

16 EGO 12

12 PRE 2

12 COM 1


20 PD 17

20 ED 12

3 SPD 6

20 REC 18

80 END 0

90 STUN 23


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

2 1/2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 230

I'm not going to touch your characteristics at all. It is your character and any changes could change your concept.


Cost Power

20 Bulletproof Body: Hardened (x2; +1/2 Armor Piercing and Penetrating) for 20 PD and 20 ED

30 Bulletproof Body: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED), Hardened (x2; +1/2 Armor Piercing and Penetrating). Total Points: 30 points.

Um, you can drop the First Bulletproof Body from there. The second one makes your standard defenses Resistant. Thus the 20 point Bulletproof Body is redundent.


10 Rock Solid: Lack of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses.

30 Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Longevity 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)

10 Practiced Victim: Mental Defense (10 MD) (7 points), Hardened (x2; +1/2, Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

If you want to "soak" damage. I'd drop hardened (AP and Penetrating), raise it to 20 and add a limitation that it only effects Ego Attacks. Mind Controls aren't the kind of damage you soak and it gets you better effect. And even still, drop Penetrating. 1 point per die with a 16 ego means the GM needs to have at least 16d6 to have an effect.

7 Practiced Victim: Damage Resistance (10 MD) (5 points), Hardened (x2; +1/2, Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

Drop this completely. There is no such thing as killing Mental Powers.


15 You Can't Take That: Power Defense (10 points) Hardened (x2; +1/2, Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

Drop Hardened x2 and use the extra points to make it 15. If your going to keep one level, make it AP.


7 You Can't Take That: Damage Resistance for 10 Power Defense (5 points), Hardened (x2; +1/2, Armor Piercing and Penetrating)

Same as above. No such thing as killing Adjustment powers.


28 Healing BODY 1d6 (1 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1), Self Only (-1/2)

Powers Cost: 157



Skills Cost: 41

Perks Cost: 9


Cost Talent

3 Lightsleep

10 Resistance (10 points)

Talents Cost: 13


Total Character Cost: 450

Disadvantage Points: 100


Base Points: 350


...system gurus, where am I being inefficient? What am I overlooking? I know damage resistance would be useful, but it's expensive as all get-out...

See what it looks like when you take all of that extra off. I would buy up your speed and movement powers so that you can be really decent at doing move throughs. Heck, if your going to be built for soaking damage up, why not be good at putting out the damage at the same time.

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


Few points for SuperSquirrel:


Um, you can drop the First Bulletproof Body from there. The second one makes your standard defenses Resistant. Thus the 20 point Bulletproof Body is redundent.


I already pointed that out and was referenced to The Ultimate Brick pg 36 and 33. see the posts a bit before yours.


If you want to "soak" damage. I'd drop hardened (AP and Penetrating), raise it to 20 and add a limitation that it only effects Ego Attacks. Mind Controls aren't the kind of damage you soak and it gets you better effect. And even still, drop Penetrating. 1 point per die with a 16 ego means the GM needs to have at least 16d6 to have an effect


Yes - but you do get to subract MD from effect rolls, it's not "damage" but it certainly works against Mental Powers with a die roll (Mind Control etc..)


Though you're right, you shouldn't need Damage Resistance: Mental DEF, you can have Killing Mental Damage: Killing Attack: BOECV, Does BODY. ouchie. should be ultra rare.

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Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


I'v played characters like this, without superhuman strength but nearly impossible to damage.


I'd suggest having strong defenses all around, both physical and mental. And just because you're invulnerable doesnt mean you're big and bulky, you can make the guy acrobatic if you want. When I made mine character I made sure he had a way to dish out damage, besides just having a strong unarmed attack (trained normal type level) he also had a weapon capable of either stunning or lethal damage.

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Guest Veavitdpoh

Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


I can't imagine why there wouldn't be killing damage for mental or ego attacks. Just because it won't happen most of the time doesn't mean it can't...


As for why the redundant defenses on same? Part of the background. As per his enemy, he was intended to be mind-controlled from the start - but he resisted, learned to throw it off, escaped. It would be mind-bogglingly silly for him to get suggested at by the first villain he encounters and not have a fighting chance.


>Heck, if your going to be built for soaking damage up, why not be good at putting out the damage at the same time.


'cos of the character concept. "Low-strength, high-soak".


>And just because you're invulnerable doesnt mean you're big and bulky, you can make the guy acrobatic if you want.


Oh, I intend to. I haven't made him Cirque du Soleil acrobatic, but I've certainly set the stage with that capoeira - http://www.wushucentral.com/videos/zerogravity/tp2_3_of_5.zip and http://www.wushucentral.com/videos/zerogravity/tp2_4_of_5.zip for anyone unfamiliar with the art. It's a sight to behold, and I'm planning on continuing to improve him with it.


>various posts regarding Hardened vs Armor Piercing/Penetrating and Resistance


It's my first character. Frankly, I'm still a little confused about how the PD/rPD system is affected by some of this stuff... y'all argue it out and I'll do the math once someone is declared the victor. }:D

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