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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I hear he still IS alive, and currently touring the world in disuise with his good buddy Trebvis.

Who can forget Trebvis' immortal purrings...

"Love me tender, love me true... feed me some, I'll split in two.."


"You ain't nuthin but a Klingon! Fightin all the time! You ain't never picked a daisy and you ain't no friend of mine... uh huh!"


"Everybody except for Spock, was dancing to the Enterprise Rock!"

Wise Man Say...only Tribs rush in...but I can't help splitting up ov-er you...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


This has been a totally suck week.


Monday, we get to meet the cute little neighbor (across the street) dog. She's out running around, so we play with her, and talk to her owner for a while. Then we drive out to get our Pizza, and when we come back, the dog is dead. Killed by the three Blue Heelers two doors down. They hammered down their gate, jumped the puppy, and slaughtered her. Right after we drove out of the subdivision. If we had stayed a moment longer, we might have been able to round up the puppy, and keep this from happening.


Tuesday, I talk to my mom. Find out her very best friend commited Suicide. Well, it might have been an accidental drug overdose, but based on the warning signs/commentary, I really doubt it. He was depressed over his wife's death, and was having some legal issues. He was one of the people always on my side, no matter what happened. A great guy.


Wednesday, that's been the best day so far, mainly because that's Gaming Night. I had to pull some punches to avoid the TPK. Apparently, I was being too aggressive. Hmmm.


Today, well, work was hell (the last day before the real end of the quarter) and since it's raining here, people are doing totally stupid shit like turning left from the center lane right through my car. I've almost been killed 3 times today by people doing that.


And then, I come in here for a spot of light reading, and find various leftover blood baths.


Sigh. I just don't have it in me anymore.




Jeez, that is really bad. I'm sorry. Here's knocking wood, sending good thoughts, and hoping this is one burst of unpleasantness that's over.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


And then, I come in here for a spot of light reading, and find various leftover blood baths.


Sigh. I just don't have it in me anymore.


I'm sorry, man. :(

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


And then, I come in here for a spot of light reading, and find various leftover blood baths.





Yes, and not without hope. For example, I still find Soulcatcher condescending and he still thinks I make too many assumptions... however a missunderstanding was smoothed out and priority given where it is due regardless of these personality clashes.


Mutual tolerance if nothing else can be found :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Consider them delivered. :)


Kara and I both hope things stabilize soon and the medicine actually proves beneficial.

Ack, missed it, will have to find it and will do the same but I must sign off in a minute and do work NOW, but am certainly sending solid wishes and will sign on later and do the full deal.


Skaramine, I just wanted to add as to "I love being on the patio and using my wireless connection. :D" - yup, though I would like to get power on the porch as the battery on the laptop is terrible.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


That can probably wait until you get your pages done. :)

D'OH! :doi::idjit::stupid:




Between my Vulcan girlfriend and Nemesis... I'll finish this book yet!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


According to fdbaury, Bonedaddy, and Maelstrom, my use of the :rolleyes: image is proof positive that I am a smug bastard and an arrogant prick, and therefore people are justified in treating me like shit. I "bring it on myself", to quote them.


Of course, when other people use the :rolleyes:, they're just expressing their feelings and all else is right with the world.


Thanks a bunch, guys.


There will be no more treating anyone like shit. Period.


If anyone has a problem with that philosophy, please let me know. I'll be more than happy to discuss with anyone their rationalizations for treating other people poorly.


This crap needs to end.


This crap is going to end.


Any questions?

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Any questions?


Yeah. Was that bat-symbol like yellowness on Black Widow's boobs intentionally done by a talented photomanipper? Or was that just an original trick of the lighting from the mini-series cover.


I don't have the comic handy.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yeah. Was that bat-symbol like yellowness on Black Widow's boobs intentionally done by a talented photomanipper? Or was that just an original trick of the lighting from the mini-series cover.


I don't have the comic handy.




I believe it's the lighting from the original cover.


That doesn't negate my messge, though, Doug. lol


This sniping and petty crap has to stop. Nobody likes to be dogpiled on every time they say something. And nobody deserves it.

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