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Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?

Doctor Otaku

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This is kind of in relation to the thread on fictitious and/or super-cities. How many of us create and use fictitious nations to help populate our worlds? I'll give a couple of examples of nations that I use for my Neoverse setting.


The Republic of Honangua- A small island nation in the Caribbean about half the size of Jamaica. It's leader is the notorious despot and weapons merchant known as Dominar Acero. He rules with an iron fist with the aid of mercenaries that he has supplied power armor to and given them safe haven within the country.


The Kingdom of Tannu Tuva- A former autonomous region in Russia that silently severed its ties to Moscow after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Tuvans choose the mysterious Jade Dragoness as their queen. All that is know of her is that she is a powerful geomancer and rumors allege that she may be an actual dragon in disguise.


What are your examples?

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Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


This is kind of in relation to the thread on fictitious and/or super-cities. How many of us create and use fictitious nations to help populate our worlds? I'll give a couple of examples of nations that I use for my Neoverse setting.


The Republic of Honangua- A small island nation in the Caribbean about half the size of Jamaica. It's leader is the notorious despot and weapons merchant known as Dominar Acero. He rules with an iron fist with the aid of mercenaries that he has supplied power armor to and given them safe haven within the country.


The Kingdom of Tannu Tuva- A former autonomous region in Russia that silently severed its ties to Moscow after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Tuvans choose the mysterious Jade Dragoness as their queen. All that is know of her is that she is a powerful geomancer and rumors allege that she may be an actual dragon in disguise.


What are your examples?


I use them ocasionaly, but most of the story is at the city level for my games...

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Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


Only rarely, usually to incorporate some new element that I want that simply can't be easily derived anywhere else.


In my current campaign, the PCs were asked to go after a WMD program in Iran.


So generally I keep my campaigns "realistic." I am fairly careful about political statements (i.e., I avoid them as much as possible).

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Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


When I was creating my Äll The Worlds Heros" collection of characters I sort of created two "new"nations. "Palestine"(Basically the West Bank, but actually on BOTH banks of the Jordan river so that it is in both modern Israel and Jordan) and "Hispaniola" which is the nation ruled by an evil super scientist which encompasses the modern nations of Haiti and The Dominican Republic.

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Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


I've broken China and India up into Metahuman ruled city-states in most of my campaigns. It's the easiest way to explain why their huge standing armies of Metahumans haven't already conquered the rest of the world.


I don't like the mainstream comics "Well, allmost all of the Supers are in the USA" approach.

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Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


Tannu Tuva is actually a real place. It was its own kingdom lying along the Mongolian border up unto it was assimilated into the Soviet Union in 1920. Most notable item about Tuva are the throat singers who can pull off double harmonics with their song. (Sorry, had a "Ripley's Believe It Ot Not" moment there...)

I have a few other nations that I use that I built from existing nations or regions. Including a shadow nation inside the US. But that's something to be told later... :eg:

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Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


I created a country for my new campaign: Gélida ("Frozen" in spanish). It runs in the future and it has a new kind of government. It's placed in the antarctic peninsule where "now" (200 or 300 years in the future) the weather is 5ºC - 20ºC. The population is 50 millions more or less the half of the worldwide population because the whole humankind lives in antarctic continent. The government of this country will be corrupt of course ;). It's capital city is Marambio (it is an argentinian base in the present). A big cyberpunk metropolis.


I like it in the antactic continent for many reasons but I like that there is 6 months of day and 6 months of night.

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