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Re: The New Circle


The Laugh



The sound repeated itself after the policeman had gone. Laughter echoed along the street for a moment. Then it faded away.


You realise that I made, earler, a villian for this thread named "The Laff" ( a sort of Joker/Rideler hibread, but only MORE CrAzYeR)? So, who would win in a fight, Laff or Laugh?

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Re: The New Circle


You realise that I made' date=' earler, a villian for this thread named "The Laff" ( a sort of Joker/Rideler hibread, but only MORE CrAzYeR)? So, who would win in a fight, Laff or Laugh?[/quote']


Probably your guy would win. My guy is more of a Pulp detective who operates in the shadows of the night.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Pinball 2

Character Name: Pinball

Real Name: William Braxton

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Red, hazel

Place of Birth: Littleville, Kansas

Date of Birth: 6/2/1948

Height/Mass: 5'2"/100 pounds.


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

30 DEX 20

12 CON 16

20 BODY 20

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

PRE 10

COM 10

PD 3

ED 3

10 SPD 3


END 32



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,12

Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Absorption 12d6 to running 60 pts, always on (-½), no range (-½), limited phenomena: impact damage (-½) 24 pts


+2 Running 4 pts, Only after damage is absorbed (-1/2), Triggered by high impact damage (-½), can only turn on impact (-1/2), can only stop when absorbed damage runs out (-½) non-combat velocity only(-1/2) 1 pt


Armor (20 pd) 30 pts, linked to running (-½) 20 pts


Damage Reduction 75% resistant 60 pts, Only works against high impacts (-½) Only when running (-½) 30 pts


Cost Skills

3 AK: Littleville 12-

3 PS: Chemistry 12-

3 PS: Physics 12-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Cramming 12-

3 Paramedics 12-


100 Points Disadvantages

15 DNPC: Dr. Nelson 14-

15 Secret Identity

15 Minor

15 Afraid of being hit

10 Reputation: Mad Scientist in Training 11-

10 Looking for cure

20 Accidental Change: Pinball 14-


CHA Cost = 102

Total Powers Cost = 77

Total Skills Cost = 21

Total Cost = _200


Background Information: Billy Braxton suffered a radiation accident when he was still a teenager growing up in Kansas. He was using a short cut to get home after being out after curfew. He hoped to sneak in his window and pretend that he had fallen asleep while doing homework.


Billy was caught in Dr. Nelson's experimental kinetic wave modifier beam in front of the scientist's house. The intense light appeared not to have done anything but bleach some of the color out of the surrounding area. His clothes had suffered from the same effect, but he was more worried about being caught than what had happened.


And the whole town did know about Dr. Nelson's experiments, if not what he was trying to do exactly.


The next day, Billy was knocked down by the local bullies in a surprise ram. They forgot their victim as they hurried into the school before the first bell. That simple push down propelled the boy a few miles at the speed of a car before he could slow down to a walk.


Billy hurried back to the school, and spent the rest of the day fearful of anyone touching him. As soon as he was through for the day, he hurried off somewhere to try and figure out what had happened.


He contacted Dr. Nelson for help later after some thought, and used working for the scientist as an excuse to cover their search for a cure.


Quote: "Not again!"


Personality: Billy was once carefree as any student in the 50's Midwest. After his transformation, he has become almost paranoid about an accidental impact, and obsessed with learning enough to cure his problem.


Appearance: Billy Braxton is a normal looking boy with red hair and hazel eyes. As Pinball, he has been described as a rolling ball of silver energy bouncing off anything in his way.


Powers: Billy has the unenviable ability to absorb impacts like falls, collisions, punches, gunshots, and turn that into speed which carries him along uncontrollably. He has learned to turn by bouncing off things in his path.


Plot Hook 1) Littleville is a speck on the road near the middle of Kansas. Why then is the surrounding cities and towns having speedster attacks?


Plot Hook 2) A middle aged Billy Braxton believes that a PC's knowledge of speed and physics can cure his now expansive condition. What lengths will he go to keep from being a human wrecking ball?


Plot Hook 3) Dr. Nelson's equipment has lain dormant in the clutches of the government for twenty years. Something happens and everything within a few miles of the base has been immobilized. The hunt is on for the doctor's assistant to see if he knows how to reverse the effect. Can the players find William Braxton before some foreign power or super terrorist?


GM's Note: This D-man was obviously based on Speedball created by Steve Ditko.

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Re: The New Circle


Mr. Nobody 1

Michael Evers sat behind the wheel of his car. He pursed his lips as he watched a square block of bricks and glass across the street. He could sit outside until the man he was following came out. He could go in and look around.


Evers decided that he should check out the situation. He was being paid to follow Lowell so a little bit of side snooping was necessary. Besides he needed to stretch the kinks out of his legs.


Evers pulled his old Chevy down the block and parked it with the nose pointing back to the place he was going to break into. He reached into his jacket and pulled out what looked like an ordinary pair of glasses. A book came out to complete the camouflage.


It would look like he had fallen asleep reading to anyone who spotted him sitting in the dark.


Evers pulled the glasses on, holding the book in his hand. His eyes rolled up in his head and he slumped over on the wide seat. The car would look deserted until a pedestrian got close enough to look inside the windows to see him supposedly sleeping.


Something not quite there crossed under the streetlight as it headed for Lowell's warehouse. Two orbs of darkness rotated in the air revealed by yellow radiance before vanishing in the dark again. The metal door next to a loading dock swung open, momentarily revealing those orbs floating inside the brick edifice, before closing again.


The twin spheres picked their way through the piles of cardboard boxes attracted to the sounds of voices echoing in the high ceiling expanse. One was Lowell. He didn't sound happy.


The floating balls hurried across the concrete floor. They paused at the sight of Lowell pulling a gun on another man with a loose tie and sleeves rolled up. The other man had his hands up in a warding gesture.


Evers had been paid to monitor Lowell, but allowing murder was out.


The two spots rushed forward. Unseen hands jerked the pistol up to point at the roof high above. Lowell turned to struggle with his attacker. Something hard smacking him in the face dropped him to the ground. His belt tied his hands on their own.


The other man grabbed the phone and called the police. The only thing he knew for sure was his boss had tried to kill him. He didn't understand what had stopped him. He didn't care. This was his chance to deal with the problem in such a way that he could get clear and save himself without killing someone else to live.


Lowell was going to jail for more than attempted murder. Every box in that storage place was filled with contraband of one kind or another. Letting the police have it would put the heat on his boss. It wasn't a perfect plan but had to serve until something better came along.


The floating dots drifted out of the warehouse and back to Evers's car. He sat up after they entered his glasses. He put the spectacles away as he blinked for a few seconds.


Time to give his client the bad news before the police did.


Evers drove off, looking for a phone booth.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Mr. Nobody

Real Name: Michael Evers

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, brown

Place of Birth: Santa Barbara

Date of Birth: 7/11/32

Height/Mass: 5'8", 145 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

8 INT 18

10 EGO 15

5 PRE 15

0 COM 10

PD 3

ED 4

6 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,6,9,12

Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Nobody's body: Clairsentience, sight and hearing groups, 16 x range 50 pts. Blackout (-½), IAF (-½), fragile (-1/4), difficult to obtain new focus (-1/4), only in places the character can reach (-1). 14 pts


Telekinesis 20 str, fine manipulation 40 pts. Linked to clairsentience (-½), only to mimic human body (-½), only where clairsentience is manifested (-½), Blackout (-½), IAF (-½), fragile (-1/4), difficult to obtain new focus (-1/4). 10 pts


Cost Skills

3 Deduction 12-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

2 Survival 12-

4 WF: common melee weapons, small arms

2 TF: common ground vehicles

3 Combat driving 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Fast draw 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Interrogation 12-

3 Bribery 12-

3 AK: Southern California 12-

3 KS: Underworld 12-

3 Cryptography 12-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

3 Paramedics 12-


3 Lightning Reflexes + 2 actions/all actions


4 Benny the Rat 11-


100 Points Disadvantages

20 Watched by Police 11-

15 Secret Identity

10 Rivalry with other detectives

5 Reputation: Hard Bitten Detective 11-

20 Seeks the truth

25 Hunted by the underworld 11-

5 DF: Detective


CHA Cost = 116Total Powers Cost = 24

Total Skills Cost = 60

Total Cost = 200__________________


Background Information: Mike Evers grew up in Santa Barbara, spending some time overseas in the Marines before coming home and joining the police. He worked his way up to detective, trying to solve cases without drawing too much attention.


Gangsters from Los Angeles had decided to move into the area, preparing to move into points north and reestablishing contacts in Canada for smuggling. Evers was among those fighting the invasion for the city. They shot him while he was on stake out.


Mike recovered, feeling that he had been set up by the department. He decided that he should take early retirement and investigate things himself. During the course of this investigation, he found an experimental device stolen from a government lab. This device looked like a pair of glasses. When he wore them, he passed out but could see things happening as if he was there in the room.


When he found that he could touch people and things with his other self, Mr. Nobody was born.


Quote: "Go ahead and shoot. I'm not really here."


Personality: Mike is dedicated to finding out what happened which has made him a single minded adversary to anyone trying to get away with something. His reputation lands him cases the police can't solve, and the mob prefers not to be solved.


All in a day's work for the invisible detective.


Appearance: Mike is an ordinary guy, that dresses in trenchcoat and a hat like movie detectives. Mr. Nobody is only two spots floating in the air.


Powers: Donning the experimental glasses, Mike releases a form of psychokinetic energy that mimics his form while he's passed out. Removing the glasses automatically draws the power back in.


Plot Hook 1) Mike Evers was right and somebody in the police department did want him dead, but not for the reasons he thought. The characters are summoned to the informant's death bed. Can they crack a 50 year old mystery with one word as the clue? What is Darling?


Plot Hook 2) An assassin has performed some impressive murders from up close. Cameras and security detect movement but not the attacker. A conference has come to town and a suspected target is among the dignitaries. It's time for the heroes to stop Nobody.


Plot Hook 3) A detective convention leads to a murder. Who was the victim, the killer, and how to keep dozens of detectives from investigating and muddying up the waters? Those are the first questions the heroes will have to answer.


Notes- Mr. Nobody was based on The Missing Man, created by Ditko, published by Pacific Comics, the first home of the Rocketeer, Starslayer, and Captain Liberty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Sombra 1

Ral Sombra checked his equipment again. Everything looked in the green. Time to go. Ral stepped on the launch pad, placing his hands in the grips at the end of metal poles affixed to the front of the gold-green hexagon. The D-Vest powered up as the door in front of him opened on a maelstrom of orbs and tiny stardust.


"Target acquisition is green." Dr. Yanez's voice was dry and clear over the announcement system. "Launch power-up is green. Firing sequence starts on my mark.




The hexagon slid forward into the stellar whirlwind, piercing the dimensional veil. Sombra felt the buffeting through his protective gear, closed his eyes. The trip took day long seconds of vertigo and stomach torturing before everything settled to calm horizons under a blue sky.


Sombra took a moment to catch his breath before starting the job he had been sent to do. When he felt he was ready, he activated his scanner and shrank down to the size of a gly. He lifted into the air, following the signal source.


Sombra hoped this would be an easy retrieval. He had captured ten fugitives on this one world, and all of them had been deadly and unwilling to face the Queen's justice. Since summary execution was the sentence, he could understand why they would try to kill him on sight.


He might do the same thing if he were in their positions.


Sombra reached where the tracking beacon should be. Supposedly the units were impossible to remove once they had been inserted in the convicted. The hunter felt the system had not run into a criminal desperate enough to deal with it. Most tried to block the beacon with native materials.


Sombra landed on the roof of a small skyscraper, running the scanner in a circle to confirm the signal. The beacon gave a motionless hello, but he didn't see any body that should be there. An empty roof presented no cover.


Sombra followed the signal to a trash can. He grew to his normal size and poured the receptacle out. Among the trash gleamed a bloody napkin. One hand flipped the napkin open. A small chip blinked at him.


Then the world exploded.


Sombra hit the roof's edge and fell over. The D-Vest uttered a protest as it absorbed the damage from the trap. He activated his flight pods, ordering the devices to hold him in a hover so he could assess the situation.


This was a first in his experience.


Sombra floated above the fire. A careful inspection revealed that he was alone. It also told him that he would have to spend more time there than he planned. That could be bad.


Sombra shrank down and headed back to the insertion point. The loss of signal would be cited as proof of termination. He had to report in before something happened to stop him. If a fugitive could remove a tracking module and use it for a trap, killing a retriever should be a snap.


Sombra didn't want to give him the chance.


Sombra spotted his entry point. Once he pressed the recall, the door would open and he could pass back through. Ribbons of light erupted from the roof as he descended. Naturally the second part of the trap closing to prevent communication with home.


He had to get through. A squad of hunters had to be assigned to this. Phantas, his fugitive, stood amidst the men firing energy weapons. The white haired radical raised one hand, holding a box. One pale finger pressed the lone button on the box.


The door home closed for Sombra as he grew to giant size, reaching for his nemesis. Phantas smiled, then flickered out of existence as the large agent crashed into his mob, sending them flying into the air.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Sombra

Real Name: Ral Sombra

Nationality: Vectra

Hair/Eye Color: Blue/red

Place of Birth: Infantia City, Vectra

Date of Birth: The third day of Tierce, 2500 ABP.

Height/Mass: Variable


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 1842 DEX 24

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

8 INT 18

30 EGO 25

2 PRE 12

1 COM 12

PD 3

ED 4

6 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Flight Pods 10" Flight (20 pts), OAF (-1) 10 pts

Stun gun 5d6 energy blast (25 pts) OAF (-1) 12 pts

Force Field 40 pts (20pd /20 ed) OIF (-½) 26 pts


D-Vest 60 point multipower OIF (-½) 40 pts

3u Growth 60 pts OIF (-½), Lockout (-½) 30 pts

3u Shrink 60 pts OIF (-½), Lockout (-½) 30 pts

3u Stretching 60 pts OIF (-½), Lockout (-½) 30 pts


Scanner: Detect homing beacon 3 pts, OAF (-1) 1 pt

Key Shifter: Extradimensional Movement (20 pts), OAF (-1), Only at correct juncture (-1) 10 pts


24 + 12 pt Equipment Pool OAF (-1), Only Changed in Home Dimension (-½), 14 pts


Cost Skills

3 Climbing 13-

3 Combat driving 13-

3 Combat piloting 13-

6 Fast draw: small arms, energy weapons 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

9 TF: Air and ground vehicles hand gliding, parachuting, jet packs

5 WF: Common melee weapons, small arms, Energy weapons

3 Criminology 12-

3 Cryptography 12-

3 Deduction 12-

3 Demolitions 12-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

3 Navigation 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Survival 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 System operations 12-

3 Interrogation 11-

3 KS: Vectra Underworld 12-

3 KS: Terran Underworld 12-

3 KS: Dimensional Shunt 12-

3 AK: Vectra 12-

3 AK: Earth 12-

5 English: idiomatic


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Subject to orders

15 Workaholic

15 Expedient

10 DF: D-Vest

15 Hunted by Rogue's Gallery 11-

10 Watched by Agency 11-

10 Reputation: Relentless 11-

10 Rivalry with other retrievers

15 Secret Identity: Extradimensional Manhunter operating on Earth.

20 DNPC - Jasmine, Dr. Yanez's assistant 14-

10 Vulnerable to sonics 2 x body


CHA Cost = 137

Total Powers Cost = 122

Total Skills Cost = 91

Total Cost = ______350____________


Background Information: Ral Sombra grew up in what could be described as a middle class community in one of the major cities of his home world. He joined the law enforcement as a way of having a secure career. His arrest record and general tenacity earned him a slot in the fugitive retrieval unit.


When it became known that certain criminal elements were breaking across dimensional barriers to escape justice, Sombra was among those selected to pursue them.


Sombra spent the rest of his career split between his home dimension and protecting the Earth from criminal elements from his home world, and others native to his assigned beat.


The program ended at the time of V'han's invasion of Earth. Sombra and a few of his squad seemed to have been caught in the upheaval and died in action.


Quote: "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."


Personality: Sombra is a lone wolf, dedicated to hunting down the fugitives from his own dimension. He also tends to take the quickest line to the end of his searches, trying to return to his home as fast as possible.


Appearance: Sombra can pass for a human, with red hair and blue eyes. He wears his vest and equipment over a gray fatigue uniform.


Powers: Sombra's powers deprive from his equipment. His D-vest gives him protection with a force field, allows him to change his size, and can be extended in the shape of his limbs. The flight pods hooked to his belt allow him to fly. His other pieces of equipment include a detector for tracking the fugitives from his home dimension, and a portal maker for going home.


Plot Hooks 1) A representative appears and asks the heroes to help round up a fugitive in another dimension. The catch is the fugitive is on V'han homeworld and has to be stopped from talking about Vectra to her royal highness.


Plot Hook 2) A criminal known as Phantas has reappeared after several decades among the missing. Is it the same man as the criminal mastermind of the fifties? And why does he have a D-Vest.


Plot Hook 3) Several dimensions have merged into one inside the campaign city's limits. Heroes and villains from different time zones have appeared with the confluence. None know what caused the event, and there is some worry of another reality storm.


Note: This hero was created from Steve Ditko's Shade the changing man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


The Weirdling 1



The harlequin smiled as he stood on the roof. It had been a long week, and he was looking at the end of the road. All he had to do was gather some information. The police could take it from there.


Being a weird avenger of the night was a lot harder in real life than in the comic books.


He straightened out his tie, the cuffs of his shirt, and made sure his eyeglasses were in place. He checked his watch before descending the fire escape to the street. All the players seemed to be in place. Expected guards stood in front of the door to keep people like him away.


That's where the tools came in.


The strange figure clapped his hands together. A cloud of smoke erupted from the gloves. The guards had a chance to look over at the fog roaring at them. Then they fell down and went to sleep.


"I love that." The harlequin straightened his tie again before stepping over the doped watch dogs.


The colorful suit took on an all black appearance, then the intruder faded from sight. He moved along the halls until he reached the office he wanted to be in. He listened at the door, pushing the door open. He looked around before stepping inside.


A group of lowlifes and thugs stood around the desk of Carmine the Hammer Musso. The boss of bosses shouted at his underlings about the problems they were having with other gangs, cops, and rivals in their legal businesses. Most of all he was mad that some costumed weirdo could expose every secret any time he wanted.


The weirdo in question stood off to one side, noting things in his mind for use later. Leaking information had proven better than actual fisticuffs with the people involved. There was a certain harassment factor involved that he appreciated.


Why bruise a knuckle when the OCPD would gladly do it for you, even if most cops preferred to use a night stick on a crooked noggin?


"We need to find this Weirdling and get rid of him." The Hammer thumped his desk top. "Nothing else is to go on until we find him. Nothing. Spread the word around that we're posting a reward for anything on this guy until we get him. Am I understood?"


The long silence and the downturned faces told the boss he was understood. None of them could meet his rage popping eyes.


"What are you waiting for?" Carmine waved his hand. "Get to work. By this time tomorrow, I want everyone to be on the lookout and calling if they see him. As soon as he's dead, we can go back to business as usual."


"I doubt that." The harlequin let his invisibility fade as he swept his gloves around in front of him. A sleep cloud enveloped the men in the room as Carmine screamed for someone to shoot the intruder.


The cloud covered the burglar as he moved. Bullets from those outside the cover ripped at the thick cotton floating toward them. Too late they realized the poison cloud blocked the door, the only exit. Then a tentacle reached out and grabbed one of the awake men, dragging him into the mist of Morpheus.


The remaining men clustered behind the desk, flipping it up as a shield. They filled the cloud with lead until they ran out of bullets. They paused to reload when their guns clicked on empty one by one.


Mocking laughter drifted to the men as they shakily slipped bullets into their weapons. "You missed."


The smoke vanished. Carmine slapped his face. More than half of his crew lay snoring like babies on the floor. The other half stood, too scared to move.


"What are you guys waiting for?" Carmine looked at the awake men. "Get after him."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle



Character Name: The Weirdling

Real Name: Robert Stine

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Date of Birth: 9/25/1935

Height/Mass: 5'8", 175 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

10 BODY 15

11 INT 21

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

1 COM 12

PD 3

ED 4

6 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

The Weirdling's Standard Arsenal 60 pt multipower

1u Stealth Suit: Invisibility to sight 20 pts, IIF (-1/4) 16 pts

5u Sleep Gloves: Drain STUN 4d6 40 pts, AOE (6" cone +1),Visible(-1/4) restrainable (-1/2), OIF (-½) and Darkness 6" to sight 60 pts, linked (-½), Visible(-1/4) restrainable (-1/2), OIF (-½) 56

1u Tentacle Tie: Extra limb 5 pts OIF (-1/2), Limited manipulation (-1/4) and stretching 6" 30 pts, linked (-1/2) only with extra limb (-1/4) 19 pts.

1u Disguise Glasses: Images 10 pts, only to create disguise face (-1), IIF (-1/4) 4 pts

1u Master Key: Dispel locks and entangles 6d6 18 pts, restrainable (-½), gestures (-1/4), OAF (-1) 6 pts.

1u Shoes of Dexterity: Clinging 10 pts IIF (-1/4), and flight 10" 20 pts, linked (-½), only along solid surfaces (-1/4), IIF (-1/4) 18 pts.


Weirdling's Bag of Tricks: 50 + 25 point variable power pool, Powers can only be changed in lab (-½), foci only (-½). 37 pts


Cost Skills

3 Deduction 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Forensic Medicine 13-

3 Navigation 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

2 WF: Small Arms

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Inventor 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 KS: Hidden Texts 13-

3 KS: The underworld 13-

3 KS: The magical world 13-

3 AK: Oklahoma City 13-

5 Strike

3 Grab

4 Escape


9 Contact: The Spirit of Archimedes 8-

2 PI license

2 concealed weapon permit

2 money


100 Points Disadvantages

10 Reputation: Weird Avenger of the Night 11-

15 Secret Identity

20 Hunted by Criminal Underworld 14-

15 Psych Lim: Overconfidence

15 Jokester

15 Watched by the police 11-

10 DF: Mystic Aura


CHA Cost = 123

Total Powers Cost = 107

Total Skills Cost = 70

Total Cost = __300________________


Background Information: Robert Stine bummed around before joining the police force in Oklahoma City after the war. During the course of one of his robbery investigations, he discovered something called the Hidden Texts. Looking through it, he found a trigger that brought forth the Spirit of Archimedes. The long dead inventor taught Bob how to take objects and imbue them into mystical artifacts.


After a particularly brutal case, Stine felt that he had been stymied from inside the police force. Efforts to find out what happened were met with silence or warnings to drop his pushing. Bob quit, paying for an investigator's license and a permit.


Stine created his costumed identity of the Weirdling to help him pierce the underbelly of the city. Turning clothes into magic items granted him the weapons he needed to help protect the city without having everyone with a grudge dropping by his office or apartment.


Quote: "I hope you like pie."


Personality: Bob Stine is a man who thinks he can handle anything, and he prefers to do it with a joke, or some sarcastic comment. Since taking on the identity of the Weirdling, he has become prone to using things like pie throwers, stink bombs shaped like whoppee cushions, and squirting flowers on the people he doesn't like much to their annoyance.


Appearance: Bob's usual attire is a suit and tie that puts his clients at ease. The Weirdling dresses in a regular suit with a harlequin diamond pattern with each section a different color and his glasses turning his face into a smiling blank slate.


Powers: Bob has gained an array of mystical knowledge from reading the Hidden Texts and dealing with Archimedes. His skills are concentrated into transforming the mundane into mystic weapons. While he has had dealings with villains claiming to be mystic masters, he prefers to concentrate on more mundane enemies.


Plot Hook 1) The Hidden Texts hold more than Archimedes in its pages. Some of these less than pleasant spirits escape and begin terrorizing the city.


Plot Hook 2) Zorran the Artificer has decided that the Weirdling is one of his Lemurian cousins. He wants to know what his kinsman did with his fabulous artifacts but it has been fifty years since the man has been seen in Oklahoma City. Who can he get to help find the trail?


Plot Hook 3) Several cultists have come up with the theory that the Weirdling was a demon. What happens when they call something up to prove it?


Notes- The Weirdling was based on Steve Ditko's the Odd Man who only appeared in a reprint comic since his feature was canceled before it could get started.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Amalgam City is a small city not far from Haynesville, Kansas. It's sparsely populated, home of only one huge business that keeps most of the people working one way, or the other. It also has attracted numerous criminal elements due to its proximity to other cities in the region. Also something about the place appeals to things men weren't meant to know.


Mayor Mike Winston, pressured by Arnold Axel, the owner of Axel Automatics, invited heroes to set up a base in town. The idea was to protect the city, and the conglomerate, from the rising tide of darkness that conventional methods couldn't seem to stem. Heroes appeared to answer the call. Over the years members have come and gone, but the Legionnaires of Victory still protect Central Kansas and the rest of the world with the same passion as when they first started.


The current line up consists of All Star, superhuman magician, Invader, Atlantean synthetic super soldier, Legion, time traveler caught in the past, Creature Commando, an experiment that turned into a monster, Soldier, a skilled gadgeteer, Patrolman D, energy creature piloting a robot shell, The Avenger, a creation of the gods come to earth, Charlie X, mutant trying to rebuild his life.


The team uses funds from the city coffers and grants from AA, and other sources. Their base hides under the cover of a farm outside the city limits. A hover jet was provided for transportation for those members who could not fly on their own power.


The first case the LOV took on came because the invitations were sent. Heroes from across the region were assembling in one spot. Criminal organizations also assembled. This new team could not be allowed to be put together to oppose their various empires. Viper actively offered a reward for proof of killing one of the guests at the hero convention. Opposed on all sides, the core group formed around All Star. The battle ended shortly afterwards. A few of the heroes were killed, some of the villains were put in the hospital. Most of the invited survivors decided to work on their own teams not based in Amalgam City. A loose network formed up around the first Legionnaires that remains to this day.


The Legionnaires have fairly good ties with police organizations in the vast area they work in. They have worked with several other recognized groups like the Champions, and Sentinels, as well as their own looser affiliated members.


On the other side of the coin, most organized groups such as Viper, Demon, and Argent hate the team for various reasons. Charlie X has run into both PSI and the IHA much to their regret. Several enemies of Atlantis have tried to make a name for themselves by destroying Invader. Additionally the team has had to face threats from other places and times thanks to Captain Chronos.


All Star hopes to set up an academy for other superhumans to get them trained and ready for the future. He has talked with several people about getting the land, and schematics for such a thing. Teachers have been harder to find, but The real Defender (not the mook in the armor), and Champion have expressed interest in such a school.


All Star has high hopes his team will stand against an uncertain future. Hints from Captain Chronos and his own scrying suggest that the Legionnaires will be destroyed and sent into exile by the turn of the century. He plans to do everything in his power to avoid that fate if he can.


Still he knows it's better to prepare for the possibility that he will fail. So he does what he can to maximize his team, building favors, politicking for facilities and support, and hoping that he's wrong about what looms on the horizon.


All Star has also started to be bothered by the idea that Luther Black and DEMON are behind what he has seen. This has caused him to start seeking out Demon bases and doing whatever he can to shut them down. His efforts have brought the unholy triangle to his doorstep and he has had to deal with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


The Legionnaires of Victory 2

Background Information: Jason Tennyson was born the heir to a fortune, traveled the world, delved into solving crimes and puzzles about things men were meant to know. At one point, Jason uncovered a buried tomb in Egypt while trying to solve a crime. Poisonous gas erupted from a trap. Jason died, hands wrapped around the Scarab of Atum-Re.


Swept into an afterlife, Jason was confronted by a voice. Unable to see the presence behind that eerie sound, Jason was given a choice. Venture into the afterlife, or return to Earth to confront evil as a warrior of light. The amateur detective decided to return to Earth.


Jason spent untold years in the twilight learning spells and incantations, knowledge and lore. When it was deemed time, he returned to the tomb where he was poisoned. The time passed in the afterlife seemed almost a dream until Jason realized he had been asleep for almost a decade. He took the Scarab, his new weapon, and flew home to try and sort things out.


Jason checked on his affairs, putting in an appearance to show he was alive. His financial empire had grown in his absence. He decided to leave his management alone so he could focus on his new responsibilities.


He created the persona of All Star when trolls and zombies invaded Amalgam City. Spells were flung until he brought his first enemy to heel. When the invitation for the Legionnaires was issued a few months later, he decided to go to network with no intention of actually joining. The attack on the conference caused the others to form under his defensive umbrella, buying time to counterattack.


The core team and its support network formed around his leadership and power. Jason didn't know if he's ready to lead others into danger, but realized the world needed the assistance his group could provide.


Quote: "I think it's time you had a chance to sit down with Gozer. Say hello for me."


Personality: Jason displays two personalities. In his normal guise, he is cheerful, charming, interested in everything. As All Star, he is cold and remote, tending to remain silent unless he has something to say. He tends to keep information to himself unless he discovers a use for it.


Appearance: Jason wears casual business attire generally. Occasionally he dons a tux for forays into the night life. His premature gray hair offsets his youthful appearance.


All Star wears a red shirt and pants, blue gloves, boots, and belt. The Scarab of Atum-Re holds his blue cloak. He fashioned a full helmet of blue steel with a white star traced in its featureless surface.


Powers: All Star has been shaped by his experience on the other side into a very strong, fast, individual who can fly under his own power. He possesses knowledge about the mystical world, and working magic instilled by harsh training. He uses the Scarab of Atum-Re to enhance his already formidable spell magic.


Character Name: All Star

Real Name: Jason Tennyson

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Blond, blue

Place of Birth: Amalgam City.

Date of Birth: 10/19/1969

Height/Mass: 6'2", 200 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

55 STR 65

42 DEX 24

30 CON 2530 BODY 25

10 INT 20

40 EGO 30

15 PRE 25

2 COM 15

PD 13

ED 5

16 SPD 4

REC 18

END 50



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 10 DECV: 10

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Full Life Support 45 pts

Armor (30 ed/ 30 pd) 90 pts

Flight (50" flight) 100 pts


Magic 100 + 50 point variable power pool 150 pts


Scarab of Atum-Re: 6d6 Aid to magic pool 60 pts, IIF (-1/4) 48 pts


Cost Skills

3 Deduction 13-

3 KS: Archaeology 13-

3 KS: History 13-

3 KS: The underworld 13-

3 KS: Legends 13-

3 AK: The world 13-

3 AK: Amalgam City 13-

3 Cryptography 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Navigation 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

2 TF: Wheeled Vehicles

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Survival 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Systems Operations 13-

2 WF: Small Arms

3 Stealth 13-

3 Teamwork 13-

3 Tactics 13-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Fast Draw

3 High Society 13-

15 Money

1 Passport

10 Contact: Dr. Jones 11-

12 Lightning Reflexes + 8 to all actions

60 Danger Sense


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Watched by the Voice 8-

25 Hunted by Demon 11-

25 Hunted by Viper 11-

15 Reputation: Ruthless mage 14-

15 Secret Identity

15 Protective of innocents

15 Secretive

20 Subject to orders from the voice


326 mage experience


CHA Cost =240

Total Powers Cost = 433

Total Skills Cost = 162

Total Cost = __676____


Plot Hook 1) Mages from across the world are missing. All Star hasn't vanished yet. Can the players protect him.


Plot Hook 2) Amalgam City vanishes off the map. A mystic call for help goes out. Can the heroes locate the missing city.


Plot Hook 3) A monstrous evil has been summoned to the world. While combating it, the players realize that the thing is wearing the same helmet as All Star. Has the hero's secret master decided to reveal its secret purpose, or is a frame in progress?

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Re: The New Circle


Background Information: Stavas Hommond, land name Steve Hammond, was a minor guard in the Atlantean guards. He volunteered for treatments to enhance his natural abilities. The goal was to create a super soldier who could rival the Prince who had been away on the surface.


Stavas, when he found he was going to be used against the royal family, decided that wasn't in his best interest. He turned the cabal in after battling the soldiers trying to hold him. His new powers were invaluable.


Stavas made his way to the surface world, took on a new identity passing himself off as a mutant human supposedly to be sent into the ocean for nefarious purposes. Invader seemed to be the name that fit him.


Invader was among those who answered the invitation for the Legionnaires. His strength and fire powers were invaluable to the convention's defense.


Quote: "Let's take this into the water."


Personality: Stavas is not comfortable with surface dwellers, but is trying to impersonate a surface hero to the best of his ability. He knew he could not remain in his native Atlantis where he would be a reminder that he could threaten the throne. The Legionnaires know that is from far away, but try not to probe. Everyone has secrets.


Appearance: Stavas typically wears a blue and red body suit, a white I on the chest. He carries a shield from Atlantis out of habit, but has discarded the energy weapons, and traditional melee weapons used underwater. He uses it to protect others, and sometimes he throws it when he doesn't want to use his fire attacks.


Powers: Stavas possesses the normal underwater abilities of being an undersea denizen, able to live and breathe underwater. Additionally he can communicate with sea creatures. As a result of the experiments done on him, he can also burst into flame, hurl fireballs, and boil anyone who follows him into his native habitat.


Character Name: Invader

Real Name: Stavas Hommond/Steve Hammond

Nationality: Atlantean

Hair/Eye Color: Green/Black

Place of Birth: Atlantis

Date of Birth: 10/23/1945

Height/Mass: 6'2", 280 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

20 STR 30

60 DEX 30

30 CON 25

40 BODY 30

5 INT 15

10 EGO 152 PRE 12

COM 10

PD 6

ED 5


REC 11

END 50



OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Underwater Boosting: + 20 str, + 10 dex, + 10 con, + 10 body, + 15 pd. Only underwater (-1/2) 89 pts


8d6 Telepathy, 40 pts communcate only (-1/4), only sea creatures (-1), only underwater.(-½) 14 pts


12 pts Life Support: expanded breathing water, low pressure, high pressure, intense cold, intense heat.


Flame 80 pt multipower usable underwater (+1/4) 100 pts

10u 16d6 Energy Blast usable underwater (+1/4) 100 pts

9u 5d6 RKA usable underwater (+1/4) 93

5u 16d6 Absorb Fire (-½) 53

3u Telekinesis 52' str, only versus flame (-1) 39

1u Detect Heat 8 pts


Flight 20" usable underwater (+1/4) 50 pts


1d6 RKA Damage shield (+½) linked to flight (-½) 15 pts


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

10 + 2 ranged combat

3 AK: Atlantis 12-

3 AK: Oceans of the World 12-

3 AK: Amalgam City 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Tactics 12-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Shadowing 15-

3 Systems operation 12-

3 Combat piloting 15-

2 TF: Submersibles.

4 WF: Common Melee weapons, energy weapons


150 Points Disadvantages

10 Dependence on water 3d6/hr

25 Hunted by Viper 11-

15 Hunted by Rogue Atlanteans 11-

10 Watched by the Prince 8-

20 Honorable

10 Reputation: Atlantean Firebug 11-

15 Hatred of Water Polluters

15 DF: Blue Skin

15 Minor: Atlantean

15 Rivalry with other sea based heroes


164 underwater experience


CHA Cost = 167

Total Powers Cost = 308

Total Skills Cost = 39

Total Cost = __514__________


Plot Hook 1) Various underwater villains have decided to attack the local sea museum. Research by the players indicates a hunt for pirate loot. If they don't have a underwater hero on their side, maybe it's time to call for help.


Plot Hook 2) Intelligence reports indicate that Atlantis is going to suffer a coup, and then launch attacks on the surface world. The players need a guide in the underwater kingdom to find out what's going.


Plot Hook 3) Many people believe that Invader is one of the exceptions to the rule that undersea people stay below the waves. What happens when a colony of adapted underwater creatures are discovered living in the middle of town? Will it be an open hand offered, or a fist?


Background Information: The hero known as Legion started out as Mikhail Chan, a small cargo pilot working the reaches of space in the 31st century. Mikhail had a routine. He would pick up cargo outbound, trade at the next port, and then the next, until he completed a circuit of the area he flew in. That allowed him to maintain steady work without having to chase it.


Mikhail's problems started when he deviated from the routine. He had encountered several pilots who stated that they could cut days off his route if they wanted. They pointed him to a region of space devoid of life supposedly.


Mikhail was taken prisoner and experimented on. The end goal was to create a controllable SuperNova, a being with the powers of many crammed into one. Having no way to duplicate the process exactly, Mikhail was genengineered with DNA from races across the galaxy to start.


Mikhail was changed by the experiment, accessing the DNA and becoming a simulacrum of that species. The combined powers of the races implanted in him allowed him to escape and bring back the authorities.


Mikhail encountered several menaces, trying to help others with his new powers. During one such rescue attempt, the villain turned a time door on the hero and sent him into the past. Mikhail landed near a hero convention and decided to take part in the festivities.


Quote: "A Denebian Slime Devil should get us out of this."


Personality: Mikhail has maintained a good sense of humor about being stranded in the past. He has tried to go back to his own time and failed. He has decided that he should try to make the past a better place, perhaps making the future a better place by extension. He tries not to think about how he may be wiping out his own future.


Appearance: Mikhail is a blond oriental, who wears his brown flight suit with anti-gravity flight pods in action. When he accesses his powers, he transforms to a close match to that species.


Powers: Mikhail has the power to use the powers of species that have been implanted in his own DNA. This gives him a wide range of natural abilities from the aliens that populate the future. At this point, he only accesses one species at a time.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


4Character Name: Legion

Real Name: Mikhail Chan

Nationality: Citizen of the Federation

Hair/Eye Color: Blond, green

Place of Birth: Olympic City, Mars

Date of Birth: 11/26/2987

Height/Mass: 5'6", 125 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

42 DEX 24

20 CON 20

30 BODY 25

8 INT 18

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

2 COM 14

PD 4

ED 4

26 SPD 6


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Flight Suit: Armor (10pd/10ed) 30 pts OIF (-½) 20 pts

Flight Suit: Life Support (Self Contained breathing, vacuum, high and low pressure, radiation, cold and heat) 19 pts OIF (-½) 12 pts


Anti Grav pods flight 10" x 8 non combat movement 35 pts red end (0) (+½) OAF (-1) 26 pts


DNA 60 + 30 point VPP 90 pts powers must have the same special effect (-1/4) 72 pts

Shapeshift to touch/sight any humanoids 20 pts linked (-½) to VPP, can only change to match alien whose power is being used (-½). 10 pts


Cost Skills

6 TF: Spaceships, airplanes, hovercraft, helicopters, common ground vehicles.

3 WF: Energy guns, slug throwers

3 Combat piloting 17-

3 Combat driving 17-

6 Navigation: Air, Land, Space 12-

3 KS: Future History 12-

3 KS: Known Space 12-

3 AK: The Galaxy 12-

3 AK: Amalgam City 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 KS: Spaceship Engineering 12-

3 KS: Physics 12-

3 KS: The Underworld of the Future 12-

3 KS: The Underworld of the Present 12-


20 Universal Translator

3 Lightning Calculator


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Reputation: Visitor from the Future 14-

5 Watched by Captain Chronos 8-

35 Hunted by Argent 14-

15 Watched by Amalgam City Authorities 11-

15 Public ID

15 Psych Lim: Overconfidence

15 Psych Lim: Wants to go back to his own time.

15 Physical Lim: Knows little of 20th century Earth.

10 DF: Alien Features

10 Rivalry with other Time Travelers


37 time traveler exp


CHA Cost = 173

Total Powers Cost = 140

Total Skills Cost = 74

Total Cost = ______387____________


Plot Hook 1) Time seems to be unraveling around the player characters. They have limited options on how to handle the problem. They decide to contact anyone who has time travel experience from Tomorrow Boy to Legion in hopes of finding an answer.


Plot Hook 2) Evil mad scientist needs an army of accomplices with powers to accomplish some nefarious goal (maybe a noble goal like shutting Mechanon down). He decides the best way to do that is split Legion apart. Can the heroes handle the resulting rampage by the split apart hero? Can they get him back together?


Plot Hook 3) News of a possible means to travel to the future has surfaced. Legion has decided to try and use that to get back home. Captain Chronos arrives to stop him. Who do the PC's back?


Background Information: Lon Karloff had belonged to Primus as a field agent. He volunteered for a super soldier project out of a sense of patriotic duty. The injections seemed to work well at first, increasing his strength and speed.


Lon was injured during a field operation. His altered body went crazy, trying to repair the damage. Several Primus agents were killed as the healing process drained them dry. The project was discontinued. Lon was placed in holding until a tribunal could decide to place him in prison.


Lon was given a second chance as a solo agent after helping to stop an invasion of Stronghold. He was asked to have a minder with him, and make himself available for missions while Primus worked on a cure for his altered condition.


Lon ditched his minder, tried out for the forming Legionnaires. He had been wounded, but had retained enough control that he didn't attack anyone there to recharge. All Star realized that he needed help and took him on, eventually helping him to get control of his abilities.


Quote: "Do you mind? I trying to see which extradimensional invader I have to punch first."


Personality: Lon has had several horrifying experiences. He tries to be jovial and good humored, but knows that he is one step away from another holding cell if something goes wrong. This leads him to try and excel at any task he is given.


Appearance: Lon has gone from an average looking male, to a giant, yellowish, hairy almost caveman featured man. He possesses enlarged canines and his fingernails have grown into hardened talons. He has been known to carry Primus gear into combat, but relies on the abilities of his mutilated body. He is sometimes seen around town in Hawaiian shirts but wears a modified Primus agent uniform when in action with the Legionnaires.


Powers: Lon is one of the strongest of the Legionnaires, has excellent senses, and is very quick on his feet. His body is tough and when injured heals the wound in a matter of minutes, faster if he has a source of blood and flesh to draw on.


He also has limited shape changing ability. He usually uses this secondary power to sprout tentacles, stretching, and wings. He can use this to get around barriers in his way more often than not.


He works with it in the hopes of being able to change his appearance to one more normal looking than the one he is stuck with at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Character Name: Creature Commando

Real Name: Lon Karloff

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/yellow

Place of Birth: Haynesville, Kansas

Date of Birth: 12/9/1972

Height/Mass: 6'8"/350 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

60 STR 70

42 DEX 24

40 CON 30

40 BODY 30

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

- 2 COM 6

PD 14

ED 6

6 SPD 4

REC 20

END 60



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Shapeshifting 40 pt multipower

1u Tentacles 8 Extra Limbs 5 pts limited manipulation (-1/4) 4 pts

1u Wings: Flight 10" 20 pts restrainable (-½) 13 pts

2u Stretching: 8" 40 pts always direct (-1/4), no noncombat (-1/4) 26 pts

1u Entry: Desolidification 40 pts not through solids (-1/2), does not prevent damage (-1) Concentration (-½) 13 pts



Enhanced senses: nightvision, hearing (N ray perception), smell: discriminatory 20 pts


Hard to kill: Healing: 4d6 healing 40 points self only (-½) can heal limbs + 5 pts, 30 pts

Supercharge Healing: Transfer 2d6 body to healing 30 pts, must do body to target first (-½) 20 pts


Hard to Kill: 50% resistant physical and energy Damage Reduction 60 pts


Total Life Support 45 pts

Primus 50 + 25 Gadget pool OAF (-1), can only be changed at base (-½). 30 points


Cost Skills

12 WF: Common melee weapons, common missile weapons, small arms, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, flame throwers, shoulder fired weapons, emplaced weapons

9 TF: Common ground vehicles, tracked and wheeled military vehicles, small planes, large planes, combat aircraft, helicopters, basic parachuting.

3 Combat driving 13-

3 Combat piloting 13-

3 AK: Amalgam City 12-

3 AK: The United States 12-

3 AK: Haynesville 12-

3 KS: Supervillains 12-

3 KS: Underworld 12-

3 KS: Heroes 12-

3 KS: Law 12-

3 KS: Prominent Police 12-

3 KS: Superhuman history 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Deduction 12-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 Bugging 12-

3 Navigation 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Teamwork 12-

6 Lightning Reflexes +4 for all actions

2 Perk: local police powers

5 Contact: Captain Steele, PRIMUS agent in charge 11-


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Watched by Primus 11-

30 Hunted by Viper 11-

30 Hunted by Demon 11-

15 Afraid of Blood Lust

15 Must Excel

5 Reputation: Berserk killer 11- (known to a small group)

20 Subject to Orders

15 Public Identity


169 Monster Experience


CHA Cost = 214

Total Powers Cost = 205

Total Skills Cost = 100

Total Cost = ___519_______________


Plot Hook 1) Lon Karloff wasn't the only monster created by PRIMUS's special projects. What happens when a group of them arm themselves and begin a war on PRIMUS and normal humans in a quest for blood? Can the Players stop them?


Plot Hook 2) Viper has grabbed a sample of the Creature Commando's blood and flesh and tried to reproduce the experiment that made him for their own foot soldiers. They succeed in creating a blood sucking beast that takes over their nest and begins to prey on the citizenry. Does Viper hand over the location, or try to use the monster for their own ends?


Plot Hook 3) Lon Karloff apparently suffers a breakdown and goes on a spree leaving drained victims wherever he goes. Or is he? Who is the Vampire stalking the city?


Background Information: The man known as Soldier is really seven men. He is the Deever brothers; Bruce, Clark, Carter, Barry, Harold, Oliver, and Raymond. Born at the same time, they have shared a link all of their lives. Then one day they found they could all merge together into one man who was each of them, and something more. They debated what they should do with their gift until a few of the local bullies tried to molest a schoolmate. The Deevers attacked, using their template to do what they had to do.


The Deevers started patrolling the city, with each brother taking turns at being in charge. They amassed a small reputation battling street crime. When the Legionnaire tryouts were announced, they jumped at the chance to move into the big time. When the tryouts were attacked, they realized they might have stepped out of their league.


That didn't stop them from outlasting other street level vigilantes killed during the conflict. All Star extended the invitation to them to join the team thinking they were one man. Instead he got a small squad of heroes.



Quote: "Make way for the one man army."


Personality: The Deevers tend to be almost the same despite being seven different men. They share the same tastes, outlooks, and interests. The only way to tell them apart is by the way they talk and act.


Bruce is moody and grim. Clark tends to be helpful and looks out for others. Carter is conservative and argues with Oliver who tends to take things to the opposite extremes. Barry is the only brother interested in chemistry. Harold is the risk taker of the group, almost fearless. Ray is the shrinking violet.


Appearance: The Deevers are all athletic men with brown hair and eyes. Their civilian clothes run the gambit depending on their jobs. As Soldier, their costume is a weird composite of armor, clothing, and weapons. It essentially looks like a knight, a cowboy, and Robin Hood got into a fight and one of them walked away wearing parts of the others' clothes.


Powers: The Deevers have a mind link which allows them to share their feelings, skills, and information. They can also merge into one man with higher strength, dexterity, speed. They use various weapons they designed themselves from six guns that shoot rubber bullets, trick arrows, or a cloud of striped gas to cover their movements during combat.


The arsenal reflects whomever is in charge when they are summoned together. Each brother can use the others choices, but most have a preference that Soldier uses when he appears. Bruce has mastered some basic martial arts and uses his hands mostly, while Oliver uses the aforementioned trick arrows, and Harold uses the six guns.


And sometimes they will split up with each wearing a part of the costume so they can get the element of surprise against an enemy.


So far they have the city believing they are one man who happens to be able to split up which protects their identities to some degree. Most people wouldn't believe the opposite was what was really going on unless they had proof.


And the Deevers don't plan to give any such proof away.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle





Character Name: Soldier

Real Name: Deever Brothers

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Amalgam City

Date of Birth: 1/2/1980

Height/Mass: 5'9", 170 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

20 STR 30

45 DEX 25

20 CON 20

40 BODY 30

11 INT 21

40 EGO 30

10 PRE 20

COM 10

PD 6

ED 4

5 SPD 4

REC 10

END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 10 DECV: 10

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Multiform (Deever Brothers) 102 pts


Weapons 60 pt Multipower OAF -1 30 pts

6u Arrows 12d6 Energy Blast, Variable effects +1/2, Variable advantages +1 OAF -1, Gestures-1/2

1u Arrows 6d6 Entangle Requires a Wall -1/2, OAF -1 Gestures -1/2 No defense -1 ½, Cannot Form Barriers -1/4 13 pts

3u Arrows Grappling line 60" Swinging OAF -1 30 pts

3u Sword 12d6 HA hand to hand attack (-½) OAF -1 30 pts

3u Revolver: 12d6 Energy Blasts only versus PD Stun Only -0 OAF -1 30 pts


Sleep Gas: Drain 2d6 Stun 20 pts Ranged +1/2 NND + ½ Area Effect 6" +1 OAF-1, Visible -1/2 24 pts


Armor: (20 PD/10 ED) 45 pts OIF -1/2 30 pts

Armor: Self Contained Breathing 10 pts OIF -1/2 7pts


Cost Skills

3 AK: Amalgam City 13-

3 KS: Underworld 13-

2 TF: Wheeled Vechicles

3 Combat driving 14-

3 KS: Sports 13-

3 KS: Martial Arts 13-

3 KS: Martial Underworld 13-

1 WF: Swords

4 Block

4 Disarm

4 Strike

1 Weapon Element Sword

3 KS: Chemistry 13-

3 PS: Chemistry 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Forensic Medicine 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

2 Survival Woods/Jungles 13-

3 Tracking 13-

2 Navigation: Land 13-

1 WF: Bows

2 Weaponsmith 13-

2 WF: Small Arms

3 Stealth 14-

2 Animal Handler 13-

3 KS: Writing 13-

3 PS: Writing 13-

3 Research 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Interrogation 13-

3 KS: History 13-

3 KS: Birds 13-

3 KS: Anatomy 13-

3 KS: Bird Anatomy 13-

3 Climbing 14-

3 Oratory 13-

4 TF: Jets, small planes, helis, jet fighters

3 Combat piloting 14-

2 Navigation: Air 13-

3 Systems Operations 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 PS: Military 13-

3 KS: Science 13-

5 Cramming 13-

3 Teamwork 13-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Secret Identity

25 Hunted by Underworld 11-

25 Hunted by Viper 11-

15 Watched By Primus 11-

10 Reputation: Erratic Vigilante 11-

10 Rivalry with other street level heroes

15 Psych Lim: Protective of Amalgam City

20 Code versus Killing

10 DF: Psychic Noise

5 Accidental Change when asleep 8-


187 experience pts


CHA Cost = 191

Total Powers Cost = 209

Total Skills Cost = 137

Total Cost = ________537__________


Character Name: Soldier

Real Name: Deever Brothers

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Place of Birth: Amalgam City

Date of Birth: 1/2/1980

Height/Mass: 5'9"/170 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

15 DEX 15

16 CON 18

10 BODY 15

10 INT 20

40 EGO 30

1 PRE 11

COM 10

PD 3

ED 3

5 SPD 3


END 36



OCV: 5 DCV: 5 OECV: 10 DECV: 10

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Mind Link, no line of sight 35 pts, only to other brothers -1 Feedback -1


Cost Skills

All (13)

3 AK: Amalgam City 13-

3 KS: Underworld 13-

1 TF: Wheeled Vehicles

3 Combat Driving 12-

3 KS: Sports 13-


Bruce (23)

3 KS: Martial Arts 13-

3 KS: Martial Arts Underground 13-

1 WF: Swords

4 Block

4 Disarm

4 Strike

1 Weapon Element: Sword

3 + 1 Dex


Clark (23)

3 KS: Writing 13-

3 PS: Writing 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Research 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Interrogation 11-

3 KS: History 13-

2WF: Small Arms


Ray (23)

3 Electronics 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

3 KS: Sciences 13-

3 System Operations 13-

5 Cramming 13-

3 Teamwork 13-

1 + 1 Int


Oliver (23)

2 Survival: Forests 13-

3 Tracking 13-

2 Navigation: Land 13-

1 WF: Bows

3 Weaponsmith 13-

3 Stealth 12-

2 Animal Handler 11-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 + 3 Str


Carter (23)

3 KS: Birds 13-

3 KS: Anatomy 13-

3 KS: Bird Anatomy 13-

2 Navigation: Land 13-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Climbing 12-

3 Oratory 11-

2 Survival: Woods 13-

1 + 1 Int


Harold (23)

4 TF: Small and Large Planes, Helicopters, Fighter Jets

3 Combat Piloting 12-

2 Navigation: Air 13-

2 Survival: Woods 13-

3 System Operations 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 PS: Military 13-


Barry (23)

3 KS: Chemistry 13-

3 PS: Chemistry 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Forensic Medicine 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

2 +1 Con


50 Points Disadvantages

15 Secret Identity

10 Reputation: Erratic Vigilante

10 Rivalry with other street level heroes

15 Psych Lim: Protective of Amalgam City


CHA Cost = 102

Total Powers Cost = 12

Total Skills Cost = 36

Total Cost = _____150_____________


Plot Hooks 1) The players come across a closed research facility. It looks abandoned and cleaned out hastily. A discarded file mentions the fact the research was about building squads of troops who could merge into one super soldier. Is the research still going on? And what happened to the test subjects?


Plot Hook 2) The characters have been left a clue to a robbery in the form of a puzzle. The problem is the same puzzle has been sent to other heroes across the nation. What is being robbed and why gather so many vigilantes together?


Plot Hook 3) The team psychic has an encounter with someone who carries a mental noise signature that promptly vanishes inside a crowded area. He then encounters Soldier who also has a similar signature few days later. Hilarity ensues.


Background Information: Phillip Robertson worked as a stuntman and physical effects designer. He enjoyed the job despite increases in technology away from physical effects for new CGI paintings. His latest job was to test fire a rocket plane with pilot to be filmed for a new hero show. Everything looked okay, so Phil decided to be the pilot and ride the plane to a planned landing in the Pacific.


The rocket exceeded expectations by a 1000%, carrying Phil into low orbit through a radiation cloud, then back to Earth. The vehicle crashed, exploding on impact just off the beach. It left a radioactive man behind, turning the sand into glass.


Phil built a makeshift suit to contain his new body with the assistance of his fellow engineers and builders. He became a recluse for a long time before someone spotted the Amalgam City tryouts and his former employers were loading him on a plane to Kansas.


Phil cut loose with his radioactive body, realizing that he could still do something with his life even though he had essentially turned into a freak. When the team gathered together, his shell proved good enough to take a beating, while his burning self dismembered anything mechanical with lightning swiftness.


Newsmen named Phil Patrolman D for the almost letter that was formed by his closed plastron.

Quote: "I'm ugly? You're not that good looking yourself."


Personality: Phil is prone to bouts of self pity over his appearance, and the state of his life. That leads to anger at the world, and the need to punch something. Phil will allow this to lead him into situations where he could be hurt by greater numbers, clever devices, or ambushes.


Appearance: Patrolman D is a robotic shell that resembles a plain bronze marionette. The chest is actually a hatch that opens to reveal his inner self to the world. His real self is a flying silhouette with glowing eyes.


Powers: Phil basically has two bodies. One is the outer shell that functions as a robot with armored strength. The other is the radioactive silhouette that can fly, burn things with a touch, even change shape to a limited degree.


The robot is powered by Phil and shields others from his powers. When he leaves, it patiently waits for him to return to it. He has looked into better materials and ways to repair damage faster to keep the danger to the Legionnaires to minimum in case his shell is broken in battle. So far he has been able to build two lesser shells for housing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Character Name: Patrolman D

Real Name: Philip Robertson

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: None/Yellow

Place of Birth: Amalgam City

Date of Birth: 1/23/1965

Height/Mass: Shell is 6'5, 500 pounds. Phil's real body has a variable height and weight.


Cost Characteristic Value

30 STR 40

45 DEX 25

40 CON 30

40 BODY 30

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

- 4.5 COM 5

PD 8

ED 6

5 SPD 4

REC 14

END 60



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Release the Energy Man Within: Duplication 70 pts, Easy Recombination + 5, Altered Duplicate (+1/4), Character is left behind and helpless -1, 46 pts

Robot Body: Armor (30 pd/10 ed) 60 pts

Robot Body: Full Life Support 45 pts


Cost Skills

3 Combat Piloting 14-

3 Combat Driving 14-

8 TF: All Flying Aircraft, Parachuting, Common wheeled vehicles

6 Navigation: Air Sea Land 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 KS: History of flight 12-

3 Climbing 14-

3 System Operations 12-

3 Demolitions 12-

2 Survival: Temperate climes. 12-

3 Tracking 12-

3 KS: Explosives 12-

3 PS: Explosives 12-


1 Perk: Pilot's license


150 Points Disadvantages

30 Hunted By Viper 11-

10 Reputation: Freak in a Tin Can 11-

15 DF: Radioactive Aura

20 Vulnerability: 2 x body from magnetic attacks

15 3d6 Unluck

15 Secret Identity

20 Psych Lim: Self Destructive

25 Accidental Change: When Shell is destroyed


38 pts experience


CHA Cost = 186

Total Powers Cost = 151

Total Skills Cost = 51

Total Cost = _____388_____________


Character Name: Patrolman D

Real Name: Philip Robertson

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: None/Yellow

Place of Birth: Amalgam City

Date of Birth: 1/23/1965

Height/Mass: Shell is 6'5, 500 pounds. Phil's real body has a variable height and weight.


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

45 DEX 25

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

-4.5 COM 5

PD 3

ED 4

15 SPD 5


END 40



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Flight: 20" flight Always on (-½), Reduced end (+½) 40 pts

3d6 Hand Killing Attack 45 pts, linked to flight (-½), no strength bonus (-½), does not work against radioactive shielding (-½) 18 pts

Desolidification 40 pts Str affects real world (+1), not through solid objects (-½), Does not protect against damage (-1), Only to protect against Radioactivity (-1), linked to flight (-½) 20 pts


Radioactive Body: Life Support 45 pts


Cost Skills

3 Combat Piloting 14-

3 Combat Driving 14-

8 TF: All Flying Aircraft, Parachuting, Common wheeled vehicles

6 Navigation: Air Sea Land 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 KS: History of flight 12-

3 Climbing 14-

3 System Operations 12-

3 Demolitions 12-

2 Survival: Temperate climes. 12-

3 Tracking 12-

3 KS: Explosives 12-

3 PS: Explosives 12-


1 Perk: Pilot's license


150 Points Disadvantages

30 Hunted By Viper 11-

10 Reputation: Freak in a Tin Can 11-

15 DF: Radioactive Aura

20 Vulnerability: 2 x body from magnetic attacks

15 3d6 Unluck

15 Secret Identity

20 Psych Lim: Self Destructive

25 Accidental Change: When Shell is destroyed


CHA Cost = 136

Total Powers Cost = 123

Total Skills Cost = 51

Total Cost = _310_________________


Plot Hook 1) Local scientists report a trail of radioactive particles crisscrossing the city. They contact the heroes to ask what is going on. The group discovers that Patrolman D has lost his body and is frantically searching for it. Unfortunately that search is causing particles from his diminishing body to rain down on innocent civilians in harm's way. Who has the protective shell, and what is the gain for this crime?


Plot Hook 2) Dr. Mike Rowe has discovered a method to keep excess radioactivity down. It's a special paint that covers the target and seals the isotope, or source, until the radiation is gone. It's been proven safe in tests. The only supply has been stolen from his lab. It's up to the heroes to figure out why.


Plot Hook 3) Patrolman D's armored shell has been found in the campaign city. There is no sign of any pilot, or a power source. What has gutted the mechanical marvel and dumped his suit?


Background Information: The Avenger was born in the land of legends, the product of unnatural forges at the behest of the living myths wandering the realm. His duty is to protect Earth, and by extension the other realms attached to it.


Ever since Luther Black tried to usurp the power of the Ravager, the gods that populate the lands of legend have been aware of his threat. There's little they can do to oppose him on the material plane. The decision was made by the leaders of the pantheons to create an armored creature that could take the battle to the Edomite and hopefully destroy him before things got out of hand. Smith gods gathered their resources and created a hollow shell that would hold touches of power from the other gods. The last gift was life and the understanding of what would happen if Black succeeded.


The Avenger was sent to Earth to carry out its mission.


The Avenger calculated it would need allies to help complete its mission. The invitation for the Legionnaire gathering fell into its hands thanks to a hapless almost crime fighter it encountered. When the battle broke out, the Avenger used the gifts it had received to defend innocents that were in the crossfire. That earned it a place on the new team.


The Avenger spends most of its time tracking down Demon, and averting disasters with the help of the rest of the Legionnaires. The local Demon morbanes are not pleased with this new enemy disrupting their plans at every turn.


Quote: "The Hammer of Thor says suck it."


Personality: The Avenger acts almost alive, wandering the city, taking part where it can. The only thing that reveals its almost mechanical nature is the mention of Demon, and the appearance of secondary trouble from beyond the veil. That causes it to lash out with ruthless finality to hunt and destroy its enemy.


Appearance: The Avenger is gold skinned humanoid given a toga and sandals to wear. Sparks replace what would be eyes on a normal human.


Powers: The Avenger has been given abilities from the gathered myths of the Land of Legend. It can fly, grow, shrink, control the weather and insects, shoot lightning, and is extremely durable and strong. Occasionally it will add a new trick to its repertoire, almost as if it has many more gifts than what it has displayed so far.

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Re: The New Circle





Character Name: The Avenger

Real Name: The Avenger

Nationality: Legend Construct

Hair/Eye Color: Gold, red sparks

Place of Birth: Land of Legends

Date of Birth: 01/25/1995

Height/Mass: 6'2"/ 322 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

40 STR 50

75 DEX 35

40 CON 30

40 BODY 30

2 INT 12

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 20

8 COM 26

PD 10

ED 6

5 SPD 5

REC 16

END 60



OCV: 11 DCV: 11 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 2,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

The Avenger' Greatest Gifts 100 pt multipower.

5u Weather Control change environment 8" radius, +/-4 temperature levels, 32 pts varying effects +1/12, 48 pts

5u Growth: Growth 50 pts. +50 str, + 10 body, + 10 stun,-10 knockback, 70,000 kg, -6 DCV, +6 per rolls, +4 to reach 12" x 6"

5u Shrinking: Shrinking 50pts, .064 tall, .0032 kg, - 10 to perception rolls, + 10 DCV, + 15" knockback. 50 pts

4u Talking to bugs: Mind Control 5d6 only with insects 25 pts, telepathic (+1/4), AOE one hex (+½) 44 pts

5u Flight: Flight 25" 50 pts

5u Lightning: 6d6 Energy Blast, 30 points, Indirect always from above (+½) 45 pts


Talking to Bugs: 8d6 Telepathy 40 points, only with insects, linked to mind control (-1/2) 26 pts


Golden Body:

Armor (25 pd/25 ed) 75 pts

Damage Reduction 50% physical and energy reduction, 60 pts linked to armor -1/2 40 pts

Healing: 3D6 30 pts Self Only (-1/2), Reduced End (0) (+1/2) , persistent (+1/2), extra turn (-1), linked to armor (-½) 20 pts

Total Life Support 45 pts, linked to armor -1/2 30 pts


Bag of Godly Dirty Tricks 50 + 25 pt variable power pool 75 pts


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 16-

2 Animal Handler 13-

3 Climbing 16-

3 Combat Driving 16-

3 Deduction 11-

3 Fast Draw with Lightning

2 Gambling 11-

3 High Society 13-

3 Interrogation 13-

3 AK: Amalgam City 11-

3 AK: Land of Legends 11-

3 AK: Babylon 11-

3 Lockpicking 16-

3 Paramedics 11-

6 Navigation: Land, Sea, Air 11-

3 Riding 16-

3 Seduction 13-

3 Shadowing 16-

3 Stealth 16-

8 Survival: Temperate Climes, Arctic, Desert, Exotic places 11-

3 Tracking 11-

3 Tactics 11-

3 Teamwork 11-

2 TF: Chariots, Riding Animals

8 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Siege Engines.

3 Weaponsmith 11-

3 Grab

4 Punch

3 Throw

4 Choke

4 Nerve Strike


150 Points Disadvantages

30 Hunted by Demon 11-

10 Watched by the Pantheons 11-

30 Hunted by Viper 11-

10 Reputation: Golden Defender of Justice 11-

20 Public Identity

20 Subject to Orders

20 Psych Lim: Built to oppose Luther Black

10 DF: Gold Humanoid dressed in historical fashion


391 Exp points


CHA Cost = 240

Total Powers Cost = 395

Total Skills Cost = 106

Total Cost = ____741___


Plot Hook 1) A major event has caused the Avenger to be recalled to the Land of Legends for an unknown time. At the same time, things have started piercing reality around Amalgam City. Is there a connection? Can the players find it while the Legionnaires defend reality?


Plot Hook 2) The Avenger has busted several Demon bases. He asserts that the mastermind in charge keeps getting away during the assaults. He asks the local heroes for assistance.


Plot Hook 3) The Avenger is destroyed on television by a powerful demon. Days later, he reappears explaining that he is just a replacement for the original Avenger. Is he?


Background Information: Charles Beauregard Ecks, Charlie X, learned at an early age that he could read minds around him. Always a frail boy, he tried to use this native talent to improve his sickly nature so that he could do things that other boys his age did. His constant effort trained his talent to move things around him to assist him, then to enhance his body.


Charlie came to the attention of PSI. His abilities should have been a wonderful addition to their arsenal once they had him trained. The mutant didn't agree. He arranged for PSI and members of the IHA to meet. The resulting conflagration allowed him to escape into nonexistence for a few years, just drifting wherever the road took him.


Finally he drifted into Amalgam City a few days before the Legionnaire tryouts. When the villain brigades attacked, he used his telekinesis and telepathy to hit and run, even flying around the field for brief moments. He couldn't stop others from getting hurt or killed, but a host of villains were taken thanks to him targeting their weaknesses and informing those heroes who could act, or simply flinging nonflying bad guys high into the air on his mental strength alone.


Charlie accepted the extended invitation and has been a member of the Legionnaires ever since, even becoming involved in the training program for junior legionnaires headed by Defender and Champion.


Quote: "A little push is all it takes."


Personality: Charlie knows well how people keep things hidden. He himself keeps his telepathy hidden, amused by others trying hard to keep their secrets from others. He believes that his gifts should be used to help others. That makes him and PSI natural enemies. He has opposed them whenever he detects their plans. His attitude has made more villainously inclined psionics to steer clear of him.


Appearance: Charlie has developed from a skinny, short boy into an athlete with exceptional strength and dexterity. His hair changed to a brilliant red sometime in his teen years.


Charlie wears civilian clothes such as jeans and sweat shirts. He is the team coordinator and back up blaster. He prefers that to actually going toe to toe with a powerhouse on his own. If he is cornered, he has been known to throw a villain straight up in the air and letting him hit the ground.


Powers: Charlie is a telepath capable of sifting through a person's mind in a matter of seconds. Generally he uses this ability to learn things, as well as a warning in case of attack. Everything he picks up in this way is stored away in his mind until he needs it.


Additionally Charlie has taught himself telekinesis that he uses in various ways. First is the traditional strength at range picking things up. He also uses it to enhance his physical abilities. He creates solid energy with it that allows him to fly, create walls, even fire blasts from his eyes.


Charlie also has a knack for gadgets that he can assemble on the fly with his powers. He uses this to target vulnerabilities that his powers cannot touch on their own. Sound guns to disorient psionics, EMP blasts for power suits, even glue traps for bricks have been known to appear in his hands when he needed them.


As the team coordinator, Charlie also uses his friends to his advantage when possible during combat, or for general tips about life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Charlie X

Real Name: Charles Ecks

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Red/blue

Place of Birth: Millennium City

Date of Birth: 2/20/76

Height/Mass: 5'8", 175 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

24 DEX 18

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

15 INT 25

40 EGO 30

10 PRE 20

1 COM 12

PD 3

ED 4

2 SPD 3


END 20



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 10 DECV: 10

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Telepathy 6d6 30 pts visible (-1/4) 24 pts

Mind Scan 6d6 30 pts Linked to telepathy (-½) cannot use the link to attack (-1) visible (-1/4) 11 pts

Mind Control 6d6 30 pts Linked to telepathy (-½) eye contact (-½) Concentrate (-½), visible (-1/4) 11 pts

Ego Attack 3d6 30 pts linked to telepathy (-½) Must be able to see target (-½) gesture (-½) visible (-1/4) 11 pts

Mind Link with eight minds 25 pts linked to telepathy (-½) visible (-1/4) 14 pts


Telekinetic Force Field: Armor (15 pd/15 ed) 45 pts Concentrate to activate (-1/4) visible (-1/4) 30 pts

Telekinesis: 30 str 45 pts linked to armor (-½) affects whole object (-1/4) visible (-1/4) 22 pts

Telekinetic Blast: 9d6 Energy Blast 45 pts linked to armor (-½) 30 pts

Telekinetic Flight: Flight 20" 40 pts linked to armor (-½) visible (-1/4) 23 pts

Telekinetic Force Wall: Force Wall (8 pd/8 ed) 40 pts linked to armor (-½) 27 pts

Telekinetic Grip: 9d6 Entangle 45 pts linked to armor (-½) cannot form barriers (-1/4) 26 pts

Telekinetic Booster: 4d6 Aid to strength, dexterity, constitution, and speed 40 pts. Linked to armor (-½) Self only (-½) visible (-1/4) 18 pts


Gadget 20 + 10 VPP Pool 30 pts OAF (-1) 15 pts


Cost Skills

3 Mechanics 14-

3 Electronics 14-

3 System operations 14-

3 Computer programming 14-

3 KS: PSI 14-

3 KS: IHA 14-

3 AK: Amalgam City 14-

3 AK: Millennium City 14-

3 Stealth 12-

3 PS: physical sciences 14-

3 KS: physical sciences 14-

3 KS: Psionics 14-

3 KS: Mutants 14-

2 Survival 14-

2 TF: wheeled vehicles

3 Combat driving 12-

5 Cramming 14-

5 Eidetic memory


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Hunted by IHA 11-

20 Hunted by Psi 11-

10 Rivalry with other psionics

10 DF: Mutant

15 Psych Lim: Hates IHA

15 Psych Lim: Hates Psi

20 Psych Lim: Secretive

15 Physical Lim: Migraines

15 Public Identity

10 Reputation: Mind controlling mutant 11-


108 experience points


CHA Cost = 140

Total Powers Cost = 262

Total Skills Cost = 56

Total Cost = _________458_________


Plot Hook 1) Charlie X has been chosen as a spokesman for mutant rights. Unable to attend a conference, he contacts the local heroes and asks any mutants on the team to attend in his place. That hero is kidnaped. Does the kidnaping have anything to do with Charlie, or one of the hero's enemies taking revenge? The players have to sort it out before the conference suffers.


Plot Hook 2) Members of the IHA are turning up dead. Mortal wounds seemed to be inflicted with heavy solid hits like a super fast punch, or a telekinetic push. Charlie X has to be tracked down and questioned about the deaths. Only no one knows where he is, or is unwilling to tell.


Plot Hook 3) Psionics all over the world are dropping into comas where they stand. Is it an attack using biological warfare, or something more insidious preying on their minds. Someone is going to have to go in mentally and look around inside a victim's mind.


Background Information: The hero known as Four came about as an experiment to duplicate Patrolman D's accident in such a way as to deliberately create superhumans at will. If it could be proven, governments would line up for the process.


The experiment worked, but the pilot and the researchers attached learned the price was too high for the results.


Brad Tempest found that his body was composed of energetic molecules that rendered him invisible, stretchable, stronger than he had been, but also giving off a burning effect when he touched something. The only good thing about it was his new state wasn't radioactive.


Brad decided to get in touch with Patrolman D and try to hash out some kind of solution to their problem. If he could solve the mutations while keeping the powers, the process would become viable.


Brad arrived just in time to take part in the battle of Amalgam City. His invisibility and related powers proved an asset. When he was offered an invitation to be on the team, he accepted. Partly he wanted to find a cure, but also he had put his powers to good use for once. Why not keep doing that?


Quote: "I feel like a peeping tom."


Personality: Brad prefers research and looking for ways to return his appearance back to normal. On the other hand, mixing it up with Viper or Demon is a welcome break from the lab when he is just spinning his wheels.


Appearance: Brad used to be a fairly normal looking guy with brown hair and brown eyes. Now he's invisible and capable of altering his height and width at the drop of a hat.


Powers: Brad's main power is invisibility which is always on. The molecules of his body vibrate much more frequently making him more energy than matter. He uses this to alter his shape, fly, and set things on fire. Additionally he has found that he can perform incredible feats of strength thanks to the energy pumping him up.


A recent development is the ability to take some of his energy and create force walls with them. He practices with it, wondering what other powers will derive from his energy abilities.


Character Name: Four

Real Name: Brad Tempest

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: None/none

Place of Birth: Amalgam City

Date of Birth: 2/21/1970

Height/Mass: variable, 50 pounds.


Cost Characteristic Value

40 STR 50

33 DEX 21

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

10 INT 20

10 EGO 15

PRE 10

COM 10

PD 10

ED 4


REC 14

END 40



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 4,8,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Invisibility 20 pts Reduced End +1/2 (0) Always on (-½)


Energy body 80 pt Multipower

4u Stretching 8" 40 pts

4u Energy Blast 8d6 40 pts

4u Flight 20" 40 pts

4u Force Wall 8 pd/ 8 ed 40 pts


Cost Skills

3 KS: Physics 12-

3 KS: Quantum Mechanics 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 KS: Superhero History 12-

3 KS: The Underworld 12-

3 AK: Amalgam City 12-

3 TF: Planes

2 TF: Wheeled vehicles

3 Combat Piloting 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

2 Navigation: Air 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Systems Operations 12-

3 Computer Programming 12-


9 Dr. Emil Vril: Contact in the government 11-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Physical Lim: Invisible

20 Psych Lim: Seeking a cure for condition

25 Hunted by Argent 11-

30 Hunted by Viper 11-

15 Watched by Government Agency 11-

15 Secret Identity

10 Reputation: Victim of the government conspiracy 11-

20 Subject to orders


CHA Cost = 133

Total Powers Cost = 112

Total Skills Cost = 55

Total Cost = _______300___________



Plot Hook 1) Someone has stolen the plans that Brad Tempest and his agency had adopted for their super soldier program. Additionally he is using those plans. The evidence is the trail of giant radioactive monsters plaguing the city.


Plot Hook 2) Four has been seen around town. At least Brad Tempest has. The government has reported him KIA due to the failure of his project tests. They are very interested in who this Brad Tempest is, and call in a favor from the heroes.


Plot Hook 3) Four has agreed to test a new power system that drains off some of his energy so that he becomes visible again. People begin falling into comas around Amalgam City. Is it an effect of the power drainer, or something far worse. The hero team has been called in to find out which and arrest Four if he is responsible.


Notes about the Amalgam City Academy for the Gifted: The ACAG will hopefully be set up outside the city limits where it can be defended without the costs to civilians. Only gifted superhumans or exceptional normals will be accepted for training at first. Classes will be kept small.


All Star has asked the Defender to head this new facility. The alien mage agreed almost instantly. He enlisted a forgotten heroine named Champion, and started building grounds and buildings with his powerful energies.


Research was done and students were invited to enroll in the new institution. If Defender fails, he knows his new school will be shut down. More importantly, it will be a black mark on his record. So he does whatever he can to keep the kids safe and moving forward.


Among the first crop of students is G-la, Titan, Outsider, Loser, Patrolman X, Power Ranger, The Ultra, Winter Guard, Ranger, and several others. They are receiving training and a small amount of a controlled environment so they can be more like themselves.


The rumors of a teen team operating out of the ACAG is dismissed by Defender in public, but he is sure that some of his students have modeled themselves into Young Legionnaires. He is not quite sure if this is the development he was hoping for.


Notes: Obviously for those still reading this thread the Legionnaires aren't built on one hero but on hero teams like the amalgams Wanderer was asking about in another thread.


All Star is the very early JSA, Invader is from Roy Thomas's first attempt to write about heroes of the forties, Legion is the Legion of Superheroes, Creature Commando comes from Robert Kanigher's Weird War Tales where the government created Project M, and used monsters as a psychological weapon, Soldier the Seven Soldiers of Victory, another team from the forties first reused by Len Wein, Patrolman D, the earliest incarnation of the Doom Patrol, Avenger, the five founding members of the Avengers from Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, Charlie X also from Lee and Kirby, this time the X-Men, and Four, the last team from Lee and Kirby.


I hope to do sheets for the Young Legionnaires, hopefully before the 6th edition comes out. Thanks for the comments and advice that has been given. I still have a list of independents to do and another team or two, but I think I am going to finish the other things I am working on first before returning to this thread so it might be a while before I post something else here.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: The New Circle


Rider 1-

Waldo Newsome glanced at the driver's side mirror. He didn't like what he saw trailing behind his car. He pushed the gas pedal down, grinning as he started pulling away. No phantom was going to catch him.


Waldo had picked the car up outside of a chain grocery store. Two twists with his slim jim, some rewiring underneath the dash, and he had something he could chop. He drove casually through the neighborhood, eyes open for cops.


He didn't want to get caught with a hot car.


That's when he saw that thing behind him. It rode a horse of fire, long black cape billowing behind it. The ghost, whatever it was, had a bag for its head. Waldo noted the rope hanging from its neck at the end of a long knot.


He had seen enough westerns to know what that meant.


Waldo hit the gas. His latest ride slipped forward as the tires dug in, then accelerated away from the horseman. It wasn't the brightest move, but being chased by the cops had to be better than dealing with something that wasn't human.


Waldo breathed a sigh of relief at the thought he had lost the horseman. Too many guys were winding up burned, in the hospital. He didn't want to be one of those fallen members of his brethren.


Suddenly a fiery thing reared up in front of Waldo's stolen car. He twisted his wheel hard to the left. His chevy ran into the brick wall of a store. Waldo's head snapped forward against the steering wheel, turning the world a shade of gray.


Hands pulled the door open. Waldo tried to turn his head. He found the going slow and painful. The hooded man leaned in to grab his neck and face. The quick exam showed that the thief was hurt but he would live. A quick search produced a cell phone. An emergency operator demanded answers. Only an address was given.


The Rider whistled his horse into existence. He swung a leg over the phantom's back. A quick snap of the reins sent the ghost into a gallop. Before the sirens of the police arrived, he had vanished into the night.


The police called an ambulance for Waldo. His story was checked. Of course the stolen car was charged to him since he was driving it when he smashed into the wall. A phantom rider chasing him across town like the headless horseman was discounted due to the huge bump on his head.


After all, why would a ghost chase a car thief across town, and then cause him to wreck?


Waldo spent a couple of days in the hospital until he was excused to report to court. The judge asked how he pled while his court appointed lawyer held him up to steady him in front of the judge. He thought about pleading not guilty, spin a yarn how he had been placed in the car. The cops had beaten a confession out of him while he was alone and hurt in his sick bed.


He thought about it and pled guilty.


Waldo figured he would get a five to ten, maybe parole after three if he stayed out of trouble. He could do that standing up. When he got out, he would find a way to go straight. He could look around for a job and stick with it.


Waldo winced at the harsh sentence he did receive in the light of his criminal record. He thanked the judge, shook the lawyer's hand, and let the bailiff lead him away. He would be in the jail for a while waiting for his paperwork, then he would go to prison for a while. It wasn't exactly perfect, but he would do the best he could until he was released. He needed to call his mom while he was waiting, let her know.


Waldo walked to his cell, and sat down. He looked up at the ceiling. He figured he would have plenty of time to be doing this in the future. Time to think wasn't necessarily the best thing to have in a place like the Pen, but it was time that he did that to find a way to fix the rest of his life.


His eyes closed, then snapped open. He imagined he had seen a man with a hood on his head walking the cell block. He went to the barred door. He looked up and down the corridor. A guard stood at one end, reading some paperwork. No one else was in sight. Other inmates went about their businesses without any excitement.


Waldo sat back down, putting what he had seen down to his imagination. It wouldn't be the first time he had seen something that wasn't there. He needed to get a handle on that if he wanted to serve his years without going crazy. Prisoners didn't like crazies in their midst.

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Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Rider

Real Name: Corwin Holly

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Brown

Place of Birth: Long Island, NY

Date of Birth: 7/23/1977

Height/Mass: 5'8", 178 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

6 STR 16

42 DEX 24

28 CON 24

8 BODY 14

20 INT 20

16 EGO 18

8 PRE 18

2 COM 14

PD 3

ED 2

6 SPD 4


END 28



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Spell 30 pts Multipower, only in hero identity (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4). 17 pts

2u 5d6 Luck 30 pts, only in hero identity (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4) 17 pts

1u 5D6 energy blast 30 pts, no range (-1/2) only in hero identity (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4) 13 pts

1u Missile Deflection vs all ranged attacks 20 pts, only in hero identity (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4) 11 pts

2u 20 str Telekinesis 30 pts, only in hero identity (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4) 17 pts

1u 15" teleport 30 pts, visible (-1/2), not through solid barriers (-1/4), must pass through intervening space (-1/4), only in hero identity (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4) 5 pts


Pistol 30 pts Multipower, only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (pistol) (-½) 17 pts

2u Musket ball-6d6 energy blast, 30 pts, only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (-½) 17 pts

2u Cloud of Powder- 3" Darkness 30 pts, only in hero identity(-1/4), physical manifestation (-½) 17 pts

2u Spider net- 3d6 entangle 30 pts. only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (-½) 17 pts

2u Burning Magnesium- 6d6 flash 30 pts only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/2)

17 pts


Phantom Horse 60 pts Multipower only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (horse) (-½) 34 pts

3u Ghost Gallop 30" flight 60 pts, only when touching surfaces (-1/4), only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (-½) 30 pts

3u Hoof Strike 12d6 energy blast 60 pts no range (-1/2), only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (-½) 26 pts

4u Desolidification 40 pts, usable by two others (+1/2), only in hero identity (-1/4), physical manifestation (-½) 34 pts


10 Mental Defense


Cost Skills

1 TF: Small ground vehicles

3 Horsemanship

3 Stealth 13-

2 Survival 13-

2 Navigation 13-

3 Computer programming 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Demolitions 13-

10 Wealthy

3 AK: Base City 13-

3 KS: History 13-

3 KS: The underworld 13-

3 KS: The mystic world 13-

3 Paramedic 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

2 Animal Handler 12-

27 Danger sense

25 + 5 dcv


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Secret ID: Corwin Holly

10 Famous: Corwin Holly, Millionaire

10 Rep(11-) ghostly guardian

10 Rep(11-) millionaire playboy

10 Vengeful

15 Overconfidence

5 DF: sapphire ring

10 DF: Mystic aura

10 Vuln (2x stun) drains

10 Vuln (11/2 x stun and body) silver

20 DNPC (normal, 14-) Jeeves

25 Hunted by Demon 11-


CHA Cost = 136

Total Powers Cost = 103

Total Skills Cost = 111

Total Cost = ______350___________



Background Information: Corwin Holly is the last scion of the Holly family. He inherited the family businesses but not the acumen or training to run things the way they should be run. He faced losing everything and being put on the street with the amount of debt the Hollys had accrued and passed on to him.


Corwin needed something to reverse things. He walked his empty mansion for days, watched over by Jeeves, the family butler. Lost in thought, he found several journals and a hood hidden in a secret compartment in his library. Corwin idly flipped through the pages.


The story written in the various inks and hands told him that the family had been defending the city from the earliest days of its inception. They used their wealth to build things up, and when enemies and villains appeared to ruin it, they donned the hood and rode out in the night to dispense justice. Many a miscreant met a fiery end thanks to their ghost powers.


Holly donned the hood and said the words inscribed in the journals, not really believing what they had described. He felt a subtle change and knew everything was true as the long cloak and Revolutionary clothes garbed him. Rechecking the list of spells, he called on luck in the hopes that it would help his businesses.


A few days later, Holly's staff discovered a new process that turned everything around. Soon his companies moved ahead, pulling themselves out of foreclosure and bankruptcy. Holly felt it was because he had called on the family lore for help. And with that call, he knew he had taken on a burden to help the city like his forefathers had for the last hundred fifty years.


The Rider must ride again.


Quote: The Rider prefers to laugh instead of talking to the criminals he terrifies.


Personality: Corwin Holly prefers to keep to himself where possible. He likes to think he can handle any challenge, and repays any slight. He also feels burdened by the family responsibility but knows that the Rider's abilities have saved his personal standing, and possibly his life as well as making differences in those he has decided to protect.


Appearance: Holly is considered a prize catch for any gold digger, and dresses to fit the occasion. His costume as the Rider is that of a caped, hooded man in black long jacket, pants, boots gloves, and tri-corn hat. The sight of him riding his flaming horse through town is enough to frighten some to turn themselves in for their latest crime.


Powers: Holly's powers break down into three parts stemming from simple control over spirit energy. Reading the notebooks has led him to believe that he can create spells to add to his repertoire if he works on his concentration and will.


Firstly, Holly can increase his physical powers slightly, calling on ambient power in the air to create essentially poltergeist activity. This allows him to move things, create a static shock, create accidents to make things go his way.


Holly can create a pistol of energy to use as a channel to fire directed energy at a target. He can vary the effects slightly.


The last thing Holly can do is summon a spectral horse to carry him through obstacles, even lash out with a kick if necessary.


Holly's tampering with the spirit world has given him a mental shield against anything trying to invade his mind, and the perception of danger. He has noted that it is a force that points him at any sudden danger that unexpectedly appears almost as if his predecessors are reaching beyond the grave to warn him.


GM's Notes- I cheated on this character. I had him lying around in my files since the game he was in folded. Obviously I got my inspiration from characters like the Ghost Rider, and the Grim Ghost from Atlas. If the game had continued, I probably would have added summoning and more power to his multipowers until he was more like a real mage than a pretender.

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