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secure radio communicator

Guest bblackmoor

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Guest bblackmoor

Check out this description (below) for a piece of equipment: an Incognito communicator. A mere High Range Radio send/transmit is insufficient to approximate this gadget, in my opinion. What do you think is the simplest and/or cheapest way to approximate this communicator using Hero System?


Also, if you feel like modifying or clarifying this widget's description, or adding some functionality, feel free. I have started a Technology section on the WestGuard site, and I plan to eventually list the major fictional widgets that crop up in our games.




The most widely used secure communication technology used by well-funded organizations such as the FSPD and WestGuard is Incognito. Incognito is an implementation of the Ace-Roberts Secure Spread-Spectrum Public Key Communication Specification (Revision I), which was originally designed for the use of the New York superhero group Renegades during the 1990s.


The Incognito system uses spaciotemporal chaotic synchronization to ensure that secure transmissions are only decipherable by authorized recipients. Each transmitter and receiver belongs to a "cell" of transmitters, each holding the synchronization key to their particular cell. Initially, the Ace-Roberts specification only allowed for 3E16 synchronization keys, but Revision G of the specification expanded this to 3E242 possible keys.


Even if the chaotic synchronization algorithm is compromised (which is, in theory, impossible), the re-synchronized transmission must still be decrypted. Each transmission is encrypted with the public key of each receiver for which the transmission is intended. The receiver then uses its private key (which is, itself, also encrypted, and stored in firmware on the IC of the receiver) to decrypt the incoming message. Any compromised key pairs can be designated as "rescinded", at which time all transmitters in the cell will mark that key as no longer valid. Safeguards in the system ensure that keys are not rescinded accidentally or without the user's consent.

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Re: secure radio communicator


I would create these something like this:


9: Mind Link , Human class of minds, Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Affected as Radio Group instead of Mental (+0) (25 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)


In multiple comminucators can be linked in together, just increase the "Number of Minds" adder.


The mind link power implies that it cannot be tapped into (thus the incryption).

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


I wouldn't have thought about using Mind Link. That seems like it might be workable. Can you think of any weird side-effects that might crop up as a result of using a Mental Power to simulate a radio?

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Re: secure radio communicator


You can use mind link if you like, but I prefer to use mind link to represent systems that go beyond just radio communication in some manner, such as super-high-tech "neutrino comm" systems. Systems like this are generally not detectable by radio senses, and not usually jammable by any but the most exotic means.


For the purpose you describe, which ignoring all the pseudo-computer science speak is just a radio with good encryption, using any of the ordinary radio communciation senses works just fine. Contrary to what the movies and TV would have you believe, it is quite possible to create encryption that is impossible to break given any amount of computer power, and encryption that is impossible to break given any amount of computer power that could exist using the resources available in the universe (which is what you are describing with public-key encryption).


How good the encryption is seems to be an effect of special effect: the money, time, effort, expertise, and computing power brought to bear on creating and using a good encryption algorithm. With a system like this, your weak point is the "human" element. It's still possible for someone using your system to get their comm gear stolen.


Good luck.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


For the purpose you describe' date=' which ignoring all the pseudo-computer science speak is just a radio with good encryption, using any of the ordinary radio communciation senses works just fine.[/quote']


Some is pseudo, some isn't. It's a mish-mash of current COTS radio encryption systems mixed with some chaos theory treknobabble (this is intended for a superhero game, obviously). But I do not think ordinary HR Radio is sufficient. The crux of it is that people can't ordinarily eavesdrop on the transmissons. Standard HR Radio send/receive does not provide that protection. So how would you approximate it using the game system? I was considering simulating it with Invisible Power Effects.


It's still possible for someone using your system to get their comm gear stolen.


That was a deliberate decision.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


Here is the revised Incognito system, written up as Mind Link. I also added some caveats that people might not immediately realize. Opinions and advice are welcome.



The most widely used secure communication technology used by well-funded organizations such as the [[FSPD]] and [[WestGuard]] is Incognito. Incognito is an implementation of the Ace-Roberts Secure Spread-Spectrum Public Key Communication Specification (Revision I), which was originally designed for the use of the [[New York]] superhero group [[Renegades]] during the 1990s.


The Incognito system uses spaciotemporal chaotic synchronization to ensure that secure transmissions are only decipherable by authorized recipients. Each transmitter and receiver belongs to a "cell" of transmitters, each holding the synchronization key to their particular cell. Initially, the Ace-Roberts specification only allowed for 3E16 synchronization keys, but Revision G of the specification expanded this to 3E242 possible keys.


Even if the chaotic synchronization algorithm is compromised (which is, in theory, impossible), the re-synchronized transmission must still be decrypted. Each transmission is encrypted with the public key of each receiver for which the transmission is intended. The receiver then uses its private key (which is, itself, also encrypted, and stored in firmware on the IC of the receiver) to decrypt the incoming message. Any compromised key pairs can be designated as "rescinded", at which time all transmitters in the cell will mark that key as no longer valid. Safeguards in the system ensure that keys are not rescinded accidentally or without the user's consent.


In game terms, an Incognito communicator may be written up this way:


'''"Incognito" (8 Real Points)'''

Mind Link , Human class of minds, Any Willing Target,

No LOS Needed (25 Active Points); Only With Others Who

Have Mind Link (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One

Sense Hearing (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental

Awareness (-1/4)


This form of Mind Link may only be used to communicate with others who have the Incognito communication system, and who have all shared the same unique synchonization key. Furthermore, the Incognito system does not provide ordinary "clear" radio communications: for that, the character must buy the appropriate Enhanced Sense.

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Re: secure radio communicator


Looks really good, bblackmoor.


Oh, FYI, if you have the Champions source book, they have a ridiculously expensive radio that is interesting (24 real).


I will admit that I didn't come up with the mind link idea myself... have seen it in many places... :slap:

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Re: secure radio communicator


I think the Mind Link would do the trick just fine, but another way of looking at it is that you are sending a transmission that can be intercepted, potentially, so HR Radio hearing should be fine for that, but in a 'language' that is not understandable, so you could buy it as a normal radio transmitter and a focus based language super skill. Given enough time and effort, you may be able to crack the 'language', but the universe would probably end first...

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


The simplest thing would just be a "secure transmitter" Adder for the Radio sense group, but I am loathe to create new Adders.

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Re: secure radio communicator


We used/use MindLink.


While you could, in theory, buy HRRP (focussed) and a very high cryptography roll (to balance out code breaking attempts) it was much simpler to just use mindlink.


And just because it DOES use mindlink, the SFX means that it can still be decrypted.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


HRRH with +1/2 Invisible Power Effect' date=' +1/4 Personal Immunity. It's a radio, that broadcasts signals that are "invisible" to radio detectors unless they have the same "Immunity".[/quote']


I like this. The Mind Link was close, but it bugged me for some reason. I think this pegs what I am aiming for with this specific power.

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Re: secure radio communicator


HRRH with +1/2 Invisible Power Effect, +1/4 Personal Immunity.


It's a radio, that broadcasts signals that are "invisible" to radio detectors unless they have the same "Immunity".

How could a radio signal be invisible? Undecipherable, yes. Invisible, no. Anyone with HRRP would hear the radio signal.


The simplest pure HRRP is a complex power: HRRP + Cryptography Skill.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


How could a radio signal be invisible?


"Invisible" is just a game term. It can apply to any sense group, not just vision. Don't get hung up on terminology.

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Re: secure radio communicator



Originally Posted by Blue Jogger

HRRH with +1/2 Invisible Power Effect, +1/4 Personal Immunity.


It's a radio, that broadcasts signals that are "invisible" to radio detectors unless they have the same "Immunity".



Thats the simplest, most elegant, and straightforward way I've seen to do a secure comlink.. Kudos!! (SNAG! for my games..)



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Re: secure radio communicator


"Invisible" is just a game term. It can apply to any sense group' date=' not just vision. Don't get hung up on terminology.[/quote']Who said anything about sight? Invisble to hearing. How can a radio signal be invisble to hearing? That's like putting a light bulb that is invisible to sight in your reading lamp.


Invisible doesn't make any sense. The definition of invisible is that it cannot be perceived by a sense group. That is not what the construct is meant to do. It is meant to provide an 'un-decryptable' method of communication. There are much more logical and straight-forward concepts than IPE.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


Invisble to hearing. How can a radio signal be invisble to hearing? That's like putting a light bulb that is invisible to sight in your reading lamp.


I take it that you don't use invisible power effects very often in your games. An invisible radio transmission is far more feasible than most invisible powers. You are being way too literal. Don't get hung up on the terminology.


Incidentally, the piece of equipment you describe, a light that is invisible to normal sight but can be seen by the person with "immunity" to the invisibility, actually exists.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


The definition of invisible is that it cannot be perceived by a sense group. That is not what the construct is meant to do.


Oh, and actually, yeah: that is what it's meant to do. I should know, it was my idea. I just wasn't sure of the best way to approximate it with the game system. Now I am.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: secure radio communicator


Shoot. Hero Designer won't let either of those Advantages be applied to HR Radio (and experience has shown that suggesting changes to HD is a waste of time). It does permit Concealed, though, at -1 per 1pt, which is close. I could stack -20 worth of Concealed onto it. That would triple the price, and I'm not sure it's worth triple the price. I may as well stack a 20 point Cryptography roll onto it at that point. Which I may wind up doing now. Grumble.

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Re: secure radio communicator


I would create these something like this:

9: Mind Link , Human class of minds, Any Willing Target, No LOS Needed, Affected as Radio Group instead of Mental (+0) (25 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense (Hearing) (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)

Whether or not this would be interceptable based on SFX is up to the GM, but given that a telepath (etc) cannot intercept mind links, I would argue (and I believe the Champions source book, or Star Hero uses this construct as well) that this goes far enough to ensure that the transmissions are not decryptable in normal situations. Of course, the GM is always free to allow some specific spuervillain, etc., to decrypt the signals as a plot device. However, since the intent is an undecryptable radio transmission, I, as a GM, would allow it. However, if someone gets their hands on one of these... all bets are off!

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