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Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


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Well, here she is. Inspired by my own offhanded use as an example while making a point in the Jane's Superhuman's thread, and the fact that she stood out enough for other people to mention her several times, I decided to actually put the character on "paper". Talk about an Omega-Class super!


What follows is pretty much the final draft of Omega Girl.


As always, feedback, suggestions, and questions are welcome. If anyone is interested in whipping up some artwork for her, I don't think I'd object too much... :whistle:


(Keep in mind that for most primary characteristics in my games, you'll rarely see anything over 30 except for STR -- I'm not fond of what is, IMO, characteristic bloat. So when I call a 25 INT and 25 EGO a superhuman intellect, it actually is in my games.)




Omega Girl

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

40 STR 30 17- Lift 6400.0kg; 8d6 [4]

30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

40 CON 60 17-

20 BODY 20 13-

25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14-

25 EGO 30 14- ECV: 8

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

16 COM 3 12-


10/25 PD 2 Total: 10/25 PD (0/15 rPD)

10/25 ED 2 Total: 10/25 ED (0/15 rED)

6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

20 REC 8

200 END 60

60 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 330


Movement: Running: 10"/20"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 4"/8"


Cost Powers END

350 Quantum Manipulation: Variable Power Pool, 140 base + 210 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (350 Active Points)

0 1) Raw Power: EB 28d6 (140 Active Points) Real Cost: 140 14

0 2) RKA 2d6+1 (standard effect: 28 STUN), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2), AVLD (Power Defense; +1 1/2) (105 Active Points) Real Cost: 105 10

0 3) Point Mass: RKA 2d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Does BODY (+1), NND (Density Control Powers; +1) (105 Active Points) Real Cost: 105 10

0 4) EM Pulse: Sight and Radio Groups Flash 10d6, Area Of Effect (12" Cone; +1) (110 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) Real Cost: 73 11

0 5) Teleportation 1", No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Ranged (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (76 Active Points) Real Cost: 76 8

0 6) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75

0 7) FF (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (x2; +1/2) (30 Active Points) Real Cost: 30 3

0 8) FW (15 PD/15 ED; 2" long and 2" tall), Hardened (x2; +1/2) (118 Active Points) Real Cost: 118 12

0 9) Flight 30", No Turn Mode (+1/4), combat acceleration/deceleration (+1/4) (90 Active Points) Real Cost: 90 9

45 Quantum Sense: Detect: Matter, Energy, Space, and Time A Large Class Of Things 14- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Rapid (x10): x10, Sense, Targeting

56 Quantum Manifestation I: Armor (15 PD/15 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (56 Active Points)

30 Energy Sink I: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

30 Energy Sink II: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

26 Complex Mind: Mental Defense (25 points total), Hardened (+1/4) (26 Active Points)

31 Quantum Manifestation II: Power Defense (25 points), Hardened (+1/4) (31 Active Points)

19 Quantum Manifestation III: Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points)

19 Quantum Manifestation IV: Damage Resistance (10 Mental Def./10 Flash Def./10 Power Def.), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points)

33 Quantum Restoration: Healing 2 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

50 Quantum Manifestation V: LS (Eating Character does not eat; Immunity All diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All poisons and chemical warfare agents; Longevity Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character does not sleep)



10 Follower: Professor David Smyth



3 Absolute Range Sense

3 Absolute Time Sense

9 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)

3 Bump Of Direction

18 Combat Sense 17-

33 Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Rapid (x10)) 17-

5 Eidetic Memory

3 Lightning Calculator

4 Speed Reading (x10)



20 +2 Overall

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Climbing 15-

3 Computer Programming 14-

3 Concealment 14-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Cryptography 14-

3 Deduction 14-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

3 Electronics 14-

3 Inventor 14-

3 KS: History of Science 14-

3 KS: Trivia 14-

1 Language: English (imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)

2 Language: Japanese (fluent conversation)

2 Language: Latin (fluent conversation)

3 Lockpicking 15-

3 Mechanics 14-

3 Navigation 14-

3 PS: Meditation 14-

3 Paramedics 14-

9 Power: Quantum Manipulation 17-

3 SS: Quantum Physics 14-

3 Security Systems 14-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Sleight Of Hand 15-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Systems Operation 14-

3 Tactics 14-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 896

Total Cost: 1226


1000+ Disadvantages

10 Distinctive Features: Asian Girl w/ Red Hair and Green Eyes (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 Distinctive Features: Quantum Aura (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

15 Hunted: VIPER 8- (As Pow - Group, NCI, Harshly Punish)

10 Psychological Limitation: Cautious (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Confident (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Driven to Use Powers for Good (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Insatiable Intellect (Common, Moderate)

10 Secret ID: Hannah Izumi: (Occasionally, Major)

141 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 85


Background/History: Hannah Izumi was a real "girl genius," fascinated by mechanical and electronic devices at the age when girls are stereotypically preoccupied with boy bands and unicorns. At 17, she already had a summer internship in the University quantum physics lab, working with the highly regarded Professor David Smyth. In the middle of a daring experiment, the lab was attacked by one of VIPER's supervillain teams. Hannah was knocked into the Quantum Vacuum Chamber and saturated with energy, permanently altering her body and giving her total control over the the basic stuff of reality. Such was the power she was given that even with no experience, she was easily able to defeat the supervillains. The confused and battered villains later described an incredibly powerful superhero wearing goggles, gloves, and a cape, and bearing the Greek letter Omega on her chest -- what was left of her lab gear and the Omega Delta t-shirt she had borrowed from her older sister's closest that morning.


Motivated by a certain sense of responsibility, and encouragement from Prof Smyth, Hannah took up the name the press had given her and started thwarting local crimes -- trivially easy given her massive power. The publicity of her origin, with the superhuman-hounding press foaming at the mouth over the possibility of a new or unknown superhero, drew enough attention as it was. Certain scientific facilities and several superhumans also registered the massive, barely controlled flux of power. It wasn't long before the Sentinels caught up with Omega Girl on one of her nightly jaunts. While there was some initial, slight misaprehension on both sides, but it wasn't long before they offered to help her to use her powers for far larger things than stopping one mugger at a time. Accompanied by her scientific mentor, Prof Smyth, she moved to their headquarters for an extended stay.


Prof Smyth is currently the only person who knows that Hannah is Omega Girl (other than Hannah, of course). She constantly works with him to expand her understanding of her powers, and in turn those powers are of great use to him in his studies. Despite what Heisenberg might say, at least one person is able to tell you both the position and momentum of a single subatomic particle.


Personality/Motivation: While possessed of voracious curiousity and intellect, and driven to understand how things work, Hannah was always an easy-going girl with a quick smile and sharp sense of humor. She was always confident in the ability of her intellect to overcome any obstacle she set it against. As Omega Girl, she is just as confident in the ability of her powers to overcome. In fact, she is so aware of the destructive potential of her powers that she becomes quite serious, even grim, when using them. She sometimes worries that if she loses concentration at the wrong moment, she could accidentally kill someone she doesn't intend to, effortlessly scattering his subatomic particles across the face of the Earth. While vastly powerful, Omega Girl is still a person of thought before action. She isn't given to rushing head-first into a situation unless it seems absolutely necessary.


Hannah still reads and watches the Discovery networks a great deal in her free time. Every bit of knowlege in her head expands the versatility of her powers. She doesn't have much of a personal life at the moment.


Quote: "If you're wondering why your blaster rifles failed to kill the hostages...I altered them while your leader was gloating. They're nothing more than expensive lightshow toys, now."


Powers/Tactics: Omega Girl always possessed a superhuman intellect. The incident with the Quantum Vacuum Chamber imbued her with impressive physical abilities, massive resilience, and a control over the quantum level of reality that is "limited" mainly by her impressive imagination, and the ability of the reality around her to "flex". Her Quantum Sense, Combat Sense, and Danger Sense all arise from this connection with the quantum world. It has been theorized that she could ignore almost any defense, simply reaching right past it to affect the subatomic particles on the other side.


Her human form is actually a manifestation of her self-image -- she sees herself as a young woman, and so she is. This hybrid physical / energy form is exceedingly difficult to harm. The only possibility of destroying her permanently would be to attempt to scatter her energy to the far reaches of infinity -- and even that may not be enough. No matter what happens otherwise, she will eventually reform.


Campaign Use: Deus ex Machinae. (Literally, given the origin of her powers.)

A superhuman amongst superhumans, and thus a reminder to the PCs of how they might appear to the average person.


Appearance: Athletic, attractive young Asian-American woman with her mother's auburn hair and jade eyes (Japanese father, American mother). Her current superhero costume consists of a black outfit -- boots, combat trousers, tight shirt with a gold omega emblazened on the chest , gloves, gold wristguards, and a black heavy jacket with gold omegas emblazened on the shoulders. She still wears goggles, too (they hide her very distinctive eyes).


Character and Original Content Copyright 2004 KWG

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhumans fame)


A slightly less rough draft of Omega Girl's follower and scientific mentor, Professor David Smyth.


Prof. David Smyth

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 [1]

11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

13 CON 6 12-

10 BODY 0 11-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6

12 COM 1 11-


2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12

5 REC 0

26 END 0

22 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 31


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 2"/4"

Swimming: 2"/4"



2 Well-Known Scientist: Reputation (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +2/+2d6



3 Lightning Calculator



4 Research Skill Levels: +3 with a group of similar Skills (15 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, -3)

3 Analyze: Technology 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 High Society 12-

3 Inventor 13-

0 Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

2 Language: German (fluent conversation)

1 Language: Japanese (basic conversation)

2 Language: Latin (fluent conversation)

1 Language: Russian (basic conversation)

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Oratory 12-

3 PS: Professor 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: History of Science (3 Active Points) 13-

2 2) KS: Philosophy of Science (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) KS: Superhumans (3 Active Points) 13-

2 4) KS: Trivia (3 Active Points) 13-

3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Chemistry 13- (3 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Hyperspace Physics 13- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Quantum Physics 13- (3 Active Points)

2 4) SS: Systems Engineering 13- (3 Active Points)

3 Systems Operation 13-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 70

Total Cost: 101


50+ Disadvantages

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

10 Psychological Limitation: Fascinated by Superhumans (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to Omega Girl (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Insatiable Intellect (Common, Moderate)

1 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 50


Background/History: Since the incident at the university lab, he has continued his work on the Quantum Vacuum Chamber, albeit with much more attention paid to security and safety. He has no confidence that the accident that gave Omega Girl her powers could ever be duplicated, as there are far too many unknowns involved. By all rights, Hannah should be dead, her constituent particles scattered to the far reaches of the universe.


Personality/Motivation: Professor Smyth has always been intrigued by superhumans. Imagine his surprise when he was actually caught up in the middle of a superhero's origin. He had been impressed with Hannah from the moment he met her, and when she asked him to accompany her when she joined the (insert world-class team name here), he didn't hesitate to take an extended sabatical.




Powers/Tactics: Prof. Smyth is not a superhero, and he knows it. He's not looking to join in the fighting. He's far from useless, however. He's a brilliant scientist, scholar, and inventor whom superheoroes can turn to when they need some strange piece of technology analyzed or neutralized. Given time, there are few problems within his fields that he cannot solve.


Campaign Use: A foremost expert on cutting edge physics, well-respected in his field.




Character and Original Content Copyright 2004 KWG

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhumans' fame)


Damn... she's cool. ;)


I take it that an omega level character is usually 1000+ points?




Thank you for the compliment. :)


There are various classifications schemes out there that group superhumans into different classes based on raw power, motives, threat level, etc. Quite a few of them use Greek letters to designate the various classification levels, and most of those use "Omega Class" to refer to the most powerful, most dangerous superbeings known.


When I used the name Omega Girl in the Jane's Superhumans thread, I was thinking of those schemes. And I really liked the phrase "She's a 1000-point redhead with a Cosmic VPP, and you just made her view the US government as a threat? Smooth, General -- real smooth."

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I know her VPP is cosmic, but I'd suggest giving her the Power skill anyway, to represent coming up with new uses of her powers on the fly(since "cosmic" in game terms only means it takes no time or skill roll to change, not necessarily that the PC can actually whip up any power instantly).


Her peak output would be 150 AP for pushed non-attack powers, and 34 DC for a pushed Haymakered attack. That's pretty formidable.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I know her VPP is cosmic, but I'd suggest giving her the Power skill anyway, to represent coming up with new uses of her powers on the fly(since "cosmic" in game terms only means it takes no time or skill roll to change, not necessarily that the PC can actually whip up any power instantly).


When used in such a way, would the Power skill face the same -1/xAP penalty that applies when it's actually being used to make the changes to a (non-Cosmic) VPP?


Her peak output would be 150 AP for pushed non-attack powers, and 34 DC for a pushed Haymakered attack. That's pretty formidable.


I feel like I'm overdoing it until I open up CKC and I'm reminded yet again that Dr D is over 2500 points.



On a different note, I'm wondering if anyone will catch the two really obscure references in her origin, both originally unintentional on my part.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


Heh, pretty cool. And Omega Girl's so Omega she makes the browser widen! :D


BTW, I really like the Professor, Smyth, that's a great NPC for general use.


I missed out on the Jane's thread, just noticed a little going on there and pretty much stayed out at this point. What (if anything) am I missing at this point?

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


When used in such a way, would the Power skill face the same -1/xAP penalty that applies when it's actually being used to make the changes to a (non-Cosmic) VPP?




I feel like I'm overdoing it until I open up CKC and I'm reminded yet again that Dr D is over 2500 points.



On a different note, I'm wondering if anyone will catch the two really obscure references in her origin, both originally unintentional on my part.

Is one reference to what's-his-name, Pulsar?, the early Champions character who got his powers when VIPER attacked a lab he was working in?

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


Heh, pretty cool. And Omega Girl's so Omega she makes the browser widen! :D


BTW, I really like the Professor, Smyth, that's a great NPC for general use.




I missed out on the Jane's thread, just noticed a little going on there and pretty much stayed out at this point. What (if anything) am I missing at this point?


It gets pretty good at some points, and covers several topics. There's some rambling and snarkyness too. It started out discussing a proposed catalogue of military-focused analysis of superhumans, along the lines of the "Jane's ____________" books. It has since gone off onto tangents about how governments would deal with supers, superhumans and the law, society's reaction to superpowers, etc, so on, and so forth. It's one of those threads that I think anyone looking to write comics should read 10 or 12 times.


Omega Girl was, as I mentioned, something I came up with on the fly for an example. The True Origin of Omega Girl (as a concept)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I'm looking at this thread on someone else's computer,

and I see what Zornwil was talking about. Anyone

know what makes the character posting force the

window so wide?


The Description line. It's one long line....

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I reposted Omega Girl's character sheet with a slightly updated template, and it seems to have fixed the problem.


Made a few changes, such as adding a Power: Quantum Manipulation skill.


So, standing questions:


Any suggestions on a CU villain team that would be involved in trying to steal something from the lab where Omega Girl was working, thus setting off the incident that gave her her powers?


How far up the official CU foodchain would you place a character like this?


Any suggestions as to what to name her powers?

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhumans fame)


So, the thread about The New Circle, and the idea of tribute / adaptation characters, started me wondering...is there an established character that Omega Girl reminds you of?


Yeah, I am being a bit obsessive. I admit that I have Omega Girl "on the brain". But that's what happens when I create a new character.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I'm still trying to do a final draft of Omega Girl's writeup, and I've hit a snag.


I know we've been over this before, but not having any of the CUs high-end heroes published really puts me in a rough spot. I'm trying to make Omega Girl's background as true to the CU as possible, but I don't know exactly how her relationship with the Sentinels should be depicted.


It seems like the Sentinels are supposed to be the most powerful team of heroes in the CU, but give the scale between "200 point street-level or teen character" to "Dr. Allyourcharacterpointsarebelongtome", that doesn't really help me pin down their power and effectiveness levels.


We don't even know what kind of team the Sentinels are. Are they like the JLA, with massive resources at their disposal, or is someone other than NASA paying their utility bill? :winkgrin:

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I'm still trying to do a final draft of Omega Girl's writeup, and I've hit a snag.


I know we've been over this before, but not having any of the CUs high-end heroes published really puts me in a rough spot. I'm trying to make Omega Girl's background as true to the CU as possible, but I don't know exactly how her relationship with the Sentinels should be depicted.


It seems like the Sentinels are supposed to be the most powerful team of heroes in the CU, but give the scale between "200 point street-level or teen character" to "Dr. Allyourcharacterpointsarebelongtome", that doesn't really help me pin down their power and effectiveness levels.


We don't even know what kind of team the Sentinels are. Are they like the JLA, with massive resources at their disposal, or is someone other than NASA paying their utility bill? :winkgrin:


My take: It doesn't matter what their writeups are. I think none of them are omni-everything eternals, so even if points are same league, she'll come across as 'something more'. And even if she outclasses them, they'd have more experience and contacts than she does.


So just have her defer, but ure "she could take them" if need.



After all. SHE can'tread the CS. :)

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


My take: It doesn't matter what their writeups are. I think none of them are omni-everything eternals, so even if points are same league, she'll come across as 'something more'. And even if she outclasses them, they'd have more experience and contacts than she does.


So just have her defer, but sure "she could take them" if need.



After all, SHE can't read the CS. :)


That's more or less what I was thinking -- I agree what she would respect them as an established team with a very long track record of heroism and sacrifice.


I'm just wondering about the limits of what they can teach her. Introduce a character like Omega Girl to the JLA (at least, during the better depictions), and they have plenty to offer. It's a different story with some other teams.


Especially when looking at the JLU animated series, it appears as if the JLA has a large staff on hand at their base, with medical, technical, and even scientific resources and personel. The kind of place where Prof Smyth could continue his work while helping Omega Girl master her powers.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


Somewhat along the same lines...


It's interesting to me that our discussions semi-regularly turn to wondering why Takofanes, Doc D, and the other megathreats haven't suceeded in their goals, given what their write-ups indicated they are capable of. And yet, there's a general lack of interest in the kind of superheroes that could oppose them.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I think we were looking for a JLA, JSA, or (one of the heftier line-ups) Avengers-style superteam to oppose them... not a single heroic figure as powerful as they are.


Because /then/ you get into the Miracleman territory of '... so why is their still famine in Africa, then? Get to work! Transmute the bleedin' topsoil of the continent already!' and other such things.


Despite the fact that I'm playing somebody who could very well be Omega Girl's (significantly smaller) kid sister(*), I would not want to RP in a world with Omega Girl. We never said that the people who were worried about 'overshadowing' had *no* valid points... they did have a few.


Sadly, OG is one of those few, IMO.


(add) To quote from a post of yours in another thread:


In fact' date=' when the universe is cold and dead, when the stars have all gone out, when the presence of all other living things is a distant memory, when even the gods themselves grow old and weary...there will still be Omega Girl.[/quote']


Stuff like this can be a bit much.





(*) AAMOF, the political fallout of her existence has already started, and it took a /very/ firm full-court press by our world's equivalent of Superman to buy her even a little breathing room.


Not to mention that Starguard is not somebody I envision anywhere near so... /exceptional/ an ending for, as you do with Omega Girl. AAMOF, it's about even odds whether or not she'll stay in her current form for even the next several years... whether it be death, transcendence, loss/forfeiture of divine power and resumption of mortality, or being placed on the Throne of the Dimensional Empire in place of Istvatha V'Han(**) her story will have an ending. Almost certainly within one mortal lifetime.


(**) I say this both because it would be cool to see happen, and to poke my DM with a stick. :)

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


I think we were looking for a JLA, JSA, or (one of the heftier line-ups) Avengers-style superteam to oppose them... not a single heroic figure as powerful as they are.


Because /then/ you get into the Miracleman territory of '... so why is their still famine in Africa, then? Get to work! Transmute the bleedin' topsoil of the continent already!' and other such things.


Despite the fact that I'm playing somebody who could very well be Omega Girl's (significantly smaller) kid sister(*), I would not want to RP in a world with Omega Girl. We never said that the people who were worried about 'overshadowing' had *no* valid points... they did have a few.


Sadly, OG is one of those few, IMO.


(add) To quote from a post of yours in another thread:


In fact, when the universe is cold and dead, when the stars have all gone out, when the presence of all other living things is a distant memory, when even the gods themselves grow old and weary...there will still be Omega Girl.


Stuff like this can be a bit much.



(*) AAMOF, the political fallout of her existence has already started, and it took a /very/ firm full-court press by our world's equivalent of Superman to buy her even a little breathing room.


Not to mention that Starguard is not somebody I envision anywhere near so... /exceptional/ an ending for, as you do with Omega Girl. AAMOF, it's about even odds whether or not she'll stay in her current form for even the next several years... whether it be death, transcendence, loss/forfeiture of divine power and resumption of mortality, or being placed on the Throne of the Dimensional Empire in place of Istvatha V'Han(**) her story will have an ending. Almost certainly within one mortal lifetime.


(**) I say this both because it would be cool to see happen, and to poke my DM with a stick. :)


Actually, I see the destiny I posited for Omega Girl as more lonely, melancholy, and sad than anything. It adds a new twist to her name, as well.


Overshadowing is a concern, and something I've worried more about as I've really looked at her during the process of writing her up. However, even with her powers, she can't be everywhere at once, and she can't work full and outright magic. At her scale, she's dealing with the massive threats most of the time, the things that most PCs couldn't handle at all anyway. Looking at the Champions Universe, I'm worried about the Big Bads overshadowing everyone and everything else, so adding a balancing factor like Omega Girl doesn't worry me that much.


EDIT: Going back to the original point that inspired her...I wonder if anyone still thinks that it would be a good idea for the government to try extorting cooperation out of her.



Evil thought...with the way temporal and dimensional "logic" works in the superheroic genre, maybe Starguard is Istvatha V'Han. :sneaky:


Tell me more about the political fallout of Starguard's existence, if you can.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


well, if the government is aware of alien races with advanced technology, who happen to possess super-WMD(antimatter missiles and so forth), and even extradimensional races who happen to possess vast powers not easily quantifiable(demons and so forth), then that would seem to overshadow everything in a semi-realistic interpretation of the CU setting.

So I wouldn't worry so much about one superhero having a cosmic level of ability. The government has a heck of a lot of other bigger stuff to worry about.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


> EDIT: Going back to the original point that inspired her...I wonder if anyone

> still thinks that it would be a good idea for the government to try extorting

> cooperation out of her.


Never did think it was a wise idea, think it was an even less good idea now.


> Evil thought...with the way temporal and dimensional "logic" works in the

> superheroic genre, maybe Starguard is Istvatha V'Han. :sneaky:


Oh dear /God/, no. That would mean her destiny is to fall to the Dark Side, and /no thank you/. I did not create our game world's most innocent being in order to tear it down later.


> Tell me more about the political fallout of Starguard's existence, if you

> can.


The short version is, UNTIL really wants her to be an asset under their control. And they were going to do it the smart way -- very politely ask. Starguard's new enough, and unsure enough, and good-natured enough, that a suitably polite and reasonable-sounding offer from a known 'good guy' organization like UNTIl would have worked tremendously well. Which our team leader already knew.


The additional complication is that in our game world several various mystical prophecies of impending apocalypse are coming to fruition, and as the world's most powerful known magical being of "white mana" -- however inexperienced and/or battle-unready -- Starguard is seen very much as a possible weapon against that.


Horus-Re saw this first, and quite firmly informed the UNTIL high command that... hmmm, where's the damn transcript? Ah, there.


"There is little more to add beyond that really, save for that she is under my guidance and protection as far as coming into abilities in full that she has already shown herself admirably equipped to handle. In part this is due very much to the strength and purity of her heart, which, were one to be without scruple, one might use against her to convince her to, say, take part in endless tests, or wade into battles she is not yet ready for."


And a little later on...


"I think I will need to say this very bluntly. Starguard will not be regarded nor approached nor attempted to be brought into serving as a force in this. Given what she is, if this is indeed occurring, she will find her own way to it."


As Horus-Re is not only a) the world's greatest superhero, B) possessed of significant public and political influence in his own right, c) a character who has paid for the President of the United States (among others) as a highly reliable Contact with a high access #, but is also d) one of the world's /other/ most powerful mystic defenders, and as such somebody UNTIL is going to need very much against whatever mystic apocalypse threatens...


... he was in a position to lay down the word and have them stick to it.


Which was really good, 'cause we didn't want to have to see the scene where he threw the _Ragnarok_ into the moon, as it would have derailed the entire campaign. :D


You can imagine what would be happening to Starguard's life right now if a fellow PC /hadn't/ been in a position to do this, though.



There's also the mostly-unrelated problem that as the world's most powerful known metahuman healer, there's a long list of folks -- several tens of milions, in fact -- who'd like to have a moment of Starguard's time. We're only glad that she hasn't yet demonstrated whether or not she can heal AIDs sufferers, too, or else the list would grow by another several million. But that's less of a 'political fallout' as it is a 'keep Starguard from working herself to death trying to fulfill her Psych Lims and heal what is, for all intents and purposes, a nigh-limitless ocean of human suffering'.

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Re: Omega Girl (of Jane's Superhuman's fame)


> EDIT: Going back to the original point that inspired her...I wonder

> if anyone still thinks that it would be a good idea for the government

> to try extorting cooperation out of her.


Never did think it was a wise idea, think it was an even less good idea now.


Oh, I wasn't refering to you. There were a couple of people whose names I'm not recalling at the moment who thought it would be advisable.


> Evil thought...with the way temporal and dimensional "logic" works in the

> superheroic genre, maybe Starguard is Istvatha

> V'Han. :sneaky:


Oh dear /God/, no. That would mean her destiny is to fall to the Dark Side, and /no thank you/. I did not create our game world's most innocent being in order to tear it down later.


Depends on what originally motivated Istvatha V'Han. IMO, while unyielding conquest by force / threat of force isn't the most ethical or moral of courses, she's far less evil or malicious than Skarn, Tyrannon, Doc D, Takofanes, or Mechanon. What if there is some great, great evil that Isvatha is trying to prevent, and only she knows the exact course that must be taken, and that course includes absolutely secrecy on her part?


I understand what you mean, though, and taken in that light, the idea loses a lot of its appeal.


> Tell me more about the political fallout of Starguard's existence,

> if you can.


The short version is, UNTIL really wants her to be an asset under their control. And they were going to do it the smart way -- very politely ask. Starguard's new enough, and unsure enough, and good-natured enough, that a suitably polite and reasonable-sounding offer from a known 'good guy' organization like UNTIL would have worked tremendously well. Which our team leader already knew.


The additional complication is that in our game world several various mystical prophecies of impending apocalypse are coming to fruition, and as the world's most powerful known magical being of "white mana" -- however inexperienced and/or battle-unready -- Starguard is seen very much as a possible weapon against that.


Horus-Re saw this first, and quite firmly informed the UNTIL high command that... hmmm, where's the damn transcript? Ah, there.


There is little more to add beyond that really, save for that she is under my guidance and protection as far as coming into abilities in full that she has already shown herself admirably equipped to handle. In part this is due very much to the strength and purity of her heart, which, were one to be without scruple, one might use against her to convince her to, say, take part in endless tests, or wade into battles she is not yet ready for."


And a little later on...


"I think I will need to say this very bluntly. Starguard will not be regarded nor approached nor attempted to be brought into serving as a force in this. Given what she is, if this is indeed occurring, she will find her own way to it."


As Horus-Re is not only a) the world's greatest superhero, B) possessed of significant public and political influence in his own right, c) a character who has paid for the President of the United States (among others) as a highly reliable Contact with a high access #, but is also d) one of the world's /other/ most powerful mystic defenders, and as such somebody UNTIL is going to need very much against whatever mystic apocalypse threatens...


... he was in a position to lay down the word and have them stick to it.


Which was really good, 'cause we didn't want to have to see the scene where he threw the _Ragnarok_ into the moon, as it would have derailed the entire campaign. :D


You can imagine what would be happening to Starguard's life right now if a fellow PC /hadn't/ been in a position to do this, though.


There's also the mostly-unrelated problem that as the world's most powerful known metahuman healer, there's a long list of folks -- several tens of milions, in fact -- who'd like to have a moment of Starguard's time. We're only glad that she hasn't yet demonstrated whether or not she can heal AIDs sufferers, too, or else the list would grow by another several million. But that's less of a 'political fallout' as it is a 'keep Starguard from working herself to death trying to fulfill her Psych Lims and heal what is, for all intents and purposes, a nigh-limitless ocean of human suffering'.


Thanks for the detailed answer. Good stuff.

Is Starguard posted anywhere, that I might take a look at her?

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