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I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


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Sorry folks, updated and revised for less confusion.





350pt. Character Concept


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

25 STR 15 14- Lift 240 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage

29 DEX 57 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

25 CON 30 14-

15 BODY 10 12-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- (14-)

15 EGO 10 13- ECV: 5

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 (Potential: 10d6)

10 COM 0 11-

12 PD 5 7 Total: 12/18 PD (9 rPD)

12 ED 5 7 Total: 12/18 ED (9 rED)

6 SPD 21 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.

10 REC 0

50 END 0

40 STUN 0


Total Characteristics Cost: 175


Movement: Running: 16"/32" (Max: 32â€/64â€)

Leaping: 16"/32" (Resist Falling: 36â€/72â€)

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers & Skills

4 “Primal Scream†+10 PRE, Only for Fear Based PRE Attacks [-1], Incantation [-1/4]


7 “Gaze of the Predator†+20 PRE, Only for Fear-Base PRE Attacks [-1], Solely for the purposes of causing the Target to Delay his Actions in Combat [-1].


7 "Claws" Clinging: Restrainable [-1/4].


2 "Thick Fur & Tough Skin" Damage Resistance: 3rDEF, Not vs. Fire Based Attacks [-1/4]


6 "Animal Senses": Enhanced Perception: +2 with all Normal Senses


3 "Cat's Eyes" Nightvision:


10 "Hunter's Scent" Normal Smell (Smell/Taste Sense; Discriminatory, & Range [smell Only]): Analyze, Sense, Tracking Sense.


15 Elemental Control: Feline Powers

15 "Paws of Fury" Hand-to-Hand Attack: 5d6 HA, (10d6 w/STR) Autofire 4 Shots [+1/2], Hand-to-Hand Attack [-1/2] (37.5 Real Points/25 Active Points)


15 "Sharp Claws & Teeth" Killing Hand-to-Hand Attack: 1 1/2 d6 (3d6+1HKA w/STR) Armor Piercing, [+1/2], Reduced Penetration [-1/4], Restrainable [- 1/4] (37.5 Real Points/25 Active Points)


8 "Feline Leaping/Cat fall" Leaping: +10†(Total: 16â€/32â€) plus +20†Only to Resist Falling Damage [-1], x4 END [-1 1/2], Requires a Breakfall Roll [-1/2] (30 Real Points/15 Active Points)


18 "Swiftness of a Cat" Running: +10†(Total: 16â€/32â€) plus +20†“Crazy Burst of Speed†x4 END [-1 1/2] (60 Real Points/25 Active Points)


6 "Purring" Healing: 1d6, Concentration 0 DCV [-1/2], Extra Time 1 hour [-1/2], Requires a Meditation Roll [-1/2], Incantation [-1/4]


3 "Fur" Life Support (Safe Environment: Intense Cold):


10 "Feline Independence" Mental Defense: +10pts. (Total: 13pts.)



--- Martial Arts: “Neko Ryuâ€


--- Perks


--- Talents

12 “Feline Reflexes†Combat Luck: 6rDEF, Hardened [+1/4], Luck-Based [-1/2], Non Persistent [-1/4]


4 Double Jointed


Total: 145


Cost Skills: 35pts. END/Roll

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

0 AK: Campaign City (British Columbia) 11-

0 Climbing 8-

0 Concealment 8-

1 Contortionist 8-*

0 Conversation 8-

1 Criminology 8-

2 Deduction 11-

1 Interrogation 8-

1 KS: Criminal Law & Law Enforcement 8-

1 KS: The Superhuman World 8-

1 KS: UNTIL 8-

0 Language: English (Native)

2 Navigation (Land) 11-

0 Paramedic 8-

0 PS: Hunter 8-

3 Shadowing 15-

2 SS: Chemistry 11-

2 SS: Scent Analysis 11-

3 Stealth 15-

3 Survival (Forest) 12-

3 Survival (Mountain) 12-

1 Tactics 8-

3 Tracking 12-*

0 TF: Muscle Powered Wheeled Vehicles (Bicycle, Skate Boards, etc…)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 175pts.

Total Character Cost: 350pts.


100+ Disadvantages

-20 Distinctive Features: Beast Man (Not Concealable, Always Noticed)

-15 Enraged: When Innocents Harmed (Uncommon, Go 11-, Rec. 11- )

-10 Hunted: Dr. Phillipe Moreau (As Powerful, NCI, 8-, Enslave)

-10 Hunted: UNTIL (More Powerful, NCI, 8-, Watching)

-20 Hunted: VIPER (More Powerful, NCI, 8-, Enslave or Torture)

-15 Hunted: Purifier (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Kill)

-15 Physical Limitation: Inconvenient Size (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

-5 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

-15 Psychological Limitation: Seeks acceptance from society (Common, Strong)

-15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Common, Strong)

-15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable (Common, Strong)

-15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major)

Experience: 0pts.

Total Disadvantage Points: -150pts.





Background/History: My name is Cougar, I have no memory of my past before being transformed by the infamous criminal geneticist Dr. Philippe Moreau.


Using a series of experiments including radiation, genetic manipulation, and mysterious chemical baths that transformed me into a human animal hybrid. Pain and torture were my first memories, but a strong conviction that I was originally human.


The experiment was a complete success and then I was handed over to VIPER. They began my physical training and mental conditioning, but before they could complete the indoctrination process the facility was attacked by UNITL Defenders, RCMP SERTs, and the mystic superhero Ravenspeaker defeating both the VIPER Agents and Moreau’s Animal-Men.


When my control collar deactivated I fled in the confusion. An hour later the facility self destructed, fortunately warning klaxons got everyone to safety.


I survived in the wilderness for a time. Scarring hunters, hikers, and poachers alike. Eventually Ravenspeaker tracked me down. His mystical senses recognized that I was not like Moreau’s Animal-Men, but originally human. He talked me into returning to civilization to which I reluctantly agreed.


Ravenspeaker took me to the UNITL Base in Vancouver, where he convinced the Agent Commander to help me. She agreed. First they tried to discover my true identity, but UNTIL’s Scientists could not decipher anything in my DNA, Psionic Specialists discovered only memories after my transformation.


Interviews with the VIPER Agents captured at Moreau’s facility claimed I was just some unlucky street kid they kidnapped of the street like the rest of Moreau’s experimental test subjects. They guessed that I was somewhere in my early teens.


The Agent Commander Patti gave me some new cloths tailored to my physique. Much better than my VIPER issued gear for in public wear.


They finally let me out in public several months later, but only with an escort. The UNTIL staff were good to me. Some reacted with hostility and some with curiosity, but the people on the street reacted with fear and prejudice. I quickly realized that my escort was as much bodyguard as diplomat.


Someone called the Police and the SPCA. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and fled back to UNTIL Headquarters and my room where I broke down in tears. I then realized that no one would ever accept me.


When the alert sounded I reacted instantly as VIPER had painfully trained me too. Donning my tailored and modified VIPER Body Armour and Utility Belt and sprinted for the Grav Sled bay before the UNITL Defenders and in the storage locker.


The UNTIL Defender ready unit boarded seconds after I closed the hatch. The Grav Sled rocketed out of the bay and minutes later began to descend, I could here the sounds of battle as they deployed into a war zone.


Sensing the transport lifting off I scrambled out of my hiding place and jumped into the middle of a war zone. Using Smoke Pellets and my “Animal Senses†I quickly found cover. Scanning the battleground I recognized the UNTIL Defender unit and RCMP SERT in desperate struggle with men dressed in high tech armour and equipped with an arsenal of SOTA weaponry. I recognized them as Shadow Soldiers agents of the Warlord from VIPER’s training files.


There were also several civilians trapped in the crossfire hampering UNITL’s and the RCMP’s efforts. I acted using more smoke pellets, navigating by scent, and using my leaping ability to rescue the civilians from the battlefield and get them to safety.


While I was recovering the last civilian to safety I was hit by a loud concussive force and slammed into the ground. I quickly leaped to my feet, a little unsteadily, and sought out my attacker. I saw a black man dressed in Shadow Soldier combat fatigues and recognized him as War Cry of the Warlord’s War Machine.


VIPER’s training was instinctive and I leaped to attack and only at the last moment pulled by strike from crushing his throat. While he tried to recover I struck again, knocking him into a squad of Shadow Soldiers. I turned and grabbed the last civilian and moved us to safety.


With the civilians out of the way the battle turned. War Bird sensing the tide had turned ordered a withdrawal and we had to let them go under the guns of their transports.


With the battle over and the wounded being attended Patti stalked over to me, chasing off a couple of Defenders and SERTs congratulating me, and proceeded to ream me out for endangering myself and others with my reckless stunts.


At first I was embarrassed, ears back, and shuffling my feet, but as she continued I felt my embarrassment turn to anger and rage. Finally I vented a scream at the sky. Both Defenders and SERTs startled raised their weapons at me. I could smell their confusion, fear, but mostly I could smell Patti’s concern.


She waited patiently for me to calm down. I looked down to meet her eyes, bowed my head contritely, and ears down. She gave me the look (“Wait until I get you home young manâ€) and then ordered me to wait right there. I sat down glumly and waited.


A while later I sensed two people approaching from behind. I recognized their scents as that of a mother and her little girl I rescued from the battlefield. They waited until I turned to look at her. The little girl stepped forward and in a small cute voice said “Thank you mister sooperheroâ€. I restrained a toothy grin and said “Your welcomeâ€.


Later it was the RCMP SERT Commander who came up and offered his thanks. I was surprised when he shook my hand. I said “It’s an honour to serveâ€. He smiled genuinely at that. “Not bad kid, not bad at all. Keep it up and you’ll go farâ€


By the time the UNTIL Transport arrived I was feeling better. I also realized that fear and prejudice can be countered by the respect and acceptance that comes with being a superhero. And I am going to try my best to become one.


Personality/Motivation: After what Dr. Moreau and VIPER did him. He’ll do everything he can to prevent what happened to him from happening to anyone else. That and being a Superhero is the only way this lonely young man will ever find the acceptance he seeks.


Quotes: “The Laws of the Wild do not apply to the Laws of the Street, but heh I’m adaptableâ€.


Powers/Tactics: Cougar’s superhuman and animal abilities give him a huge advantage over Normals, Criminals, and most Agents. He now has to rely on his natural abilities and look foreword too getting some advanced training and equipment. He hasn’t developed any specific tactics, but learned the hard way the scream and leap doesn’t always work. He tries to clear the battleground of innocent bystanders before leaping into the fray.


Cougar’s superhuman-animal abilities also make him a natural detective and with more training may develop into a living crime lab.



Campaign Use/Plot Seeds: Dr. Philippe Moreau, VIPER, and UNTIL. Ravenspeaker, Crimes against Nature, and Vancouver Super Crime.


Appearance: An anthropomorphized Cougar (Were Cougar), wearing specially tailored and stylized Jumpsuit, Boots, and Gloves.


Designer's Notes: Please keep in mind that he is a scientifically mutated Human.



Oh Boy!



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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Do you have access to the BBB? Reminds me a whole lot of Jaguar. Actually, I don't see any problem with the game balance. He's midrange in a lot of categories, which is fine as long as you don't have to have something you are the #1 BEST at. Some people do! You may wish to give him some sort of power which sets him apart. Some sort of empathy, mind control, telepathy, clairsentience, some form of Desolid, autofire on his hand to hand attacks, all good places to start looking. I find that Duplication and Summon and XDM are great for making up powers which are potentially powerful in their niche, and unique for not a lot of AP or RP.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Some of the items don't fit the concept, IMO.


For example, I wouldn't have the "extra limb" since feline tails aren't prehensile, or even particularly strong. Also, I don't necessarily agree with the fur being good for armor in any form, nor does the 'spatial awareness' really fit.


The mental stuff...again, not really my idea of a feline character (except maybe a strong will to define mental defense).


Consider Acrobatics skill, or at the very least Breakfall. C'mon, man, cats are agile little bastards.


By the same token, you've made him a "Wilderness Specialist", so at the very least a "Survival:Wilderness" skill would be appropriate, as would Tracking and KS: Wilderness.


Consider giving him Damage Reduction, Physical, must be aware of attack (-1/2). A good way to simulate rolling with attacks, which cats are very good at. Maybe even attach a "must make Acrobatics roll" limitation.


If he really has 9 Lives (like DC's Wildcat), give him the "Ressurection" variant of Healing and give it 9 unrecoverable uses.


The "gaze of the predator" is a nice touch, by the way.


I'm not trying to hack on the construct, mind you, but offering my opinions on how I'd do it. Good overall concept, though.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


The only thing I immediately see is you should add the telepathic adv. to Mind Control: "Gaze of the Predator", possibly with the lim. Can not be spoken to more simulate the 'doe in the headlights' effect I think you're trying to make.



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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Some of the items don't fit the concept' date=' IMO.[/quote']


For example' date=' I wouldn't have the "extra limb" since feline tails aren't prehensile, or even particularly strong. Also, I don't necessarily agree with the fur being good for armor in any form, nor does the 'spatial awareness' really fit.[/quote']


Good point with the "Extra Limb"


I borrowed the Damage Resistance from the HERO System Bestiary's "Tiger"


The mental stuff...again' date=' not really my idea of a feline character (except maybe a strong will to define mental defense).[/quote']


I am trying to work out how Felines seem to read intent.

Mental Defense - "Feline Independance" Glad you liked it.


Mind Control - "Gaze of the Predator" Ditto


Mind Search - The Ultimate "Tracker" Skill How would you present it?


Telepathy - "Scent of the Prey" The Detective-ish Skill for "Animal Sense" ala Wolverine, SabreTooth, etc...


Consider Acrobatics skill' date=' or at the very least Breakfall. C'mon, man, cats are agile little bastards.[/quote']


Forgot to add that. Will have both.


By the same token' date=' you've made him a "Wilderness Specialist", so at the very least a "Survival:Wilderness" skill would be appropriate, as would Tracking and KS: Wilderness.[/quote']


Yep good suggestion "Four Stars"


Consider giving him Damage Reduction' date=' Physical, must be aware of attack (-1/2). A good way to simulate rolling with attacks, which cats are very good at. Maybe even attach a "must make Acrobatics roll" limitation.[/quote']


Actuallly I did at first, but it seemed abusive given his high DEF and Armor.


If he really has 9 Lives (like DC's Wildcat)' date=' give him the "Ressurection" variant of Healing and give it 9 unrecoverable uses.[/quote']


Expensive as all get out. That seems more Mystical than Scientific.


The "Gaze of the Predator" is a nice touch' date=' by the way.[/quote']


Thanks, glad you like it.


I'm not trying to hack on the construct' date=' mind you, but offering my opinions on how I'd do it. Good overall concept, though. [/quote']


No problem. That's exactly what I'm looking for.


The only thing I immediately see is you should add the telepathic adv. to Mind Control: "Gaze of the Predator"' date=' possibly with the lim. Can not be spoken to more simulate the 'doe in the headlights' effect I think you're trying to make.[/quote']


Sorry, but That was not clear for me. Must be a blonde moment.



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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Lots of good stuff already in terms of comments, and I agree, the concept is excellent, I like the way the background was written.


I would think about Mental Entangle instead of MInd Control, for this particular one.


Personally, while I get the general idea of the Environmental Movement for balance, I'm not quite sure how you intend it to be used, that might be best fleshed out a bit more at least in notes. When does it come in useful, when not, those sorts of limits defined.


I'm not really sure why the "not versus fire" would be a unique weakness. I know animals run from fire, but it's the only energy thing they really "know", not so much that it's a uniquely punishing element. You could just differ his Phys and Ener defenses?


I think the healing/purring is really neat!


I like Mind Search as an uber-tracking device, with lims for "must be a physical path travelled between them", but also consider Enhanced Senses or (ugh, I know, it's over-used) Detect with appropriate scale (Megascale with just Direction, then Analyze and such in normal range?).


Those are my thoughts for now. Very well done in any case.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Lots of good stuff already in terms of comments' date=' and I agree, the concept is excellent, I like the way the background was written.[/quote']


Thanks getting lots of practice writting lately. Mostly bad. ;)



would think about Mental Entangle instead of MInd Control' date=' for this particular one.[/quote']



I thought of it as strength of will.



Personally' date=' while I get the general idea of the Environmental Movement for balance, I'm not quite sure how you intend it to be used, that might be best fleshed out a bit more at least in notes. When does it come in useful, when not, those sorts of limits defined.[/quote']


Cats are notorios for walking and running along narrow surfaces and I thought this might be an good way of representing it.


Got a better way? Please?? :)


I'm not really sure why the "not versus fire" would be a unique weakness. I know animals run from fire' date=' but it's the only energy thing they really "know", not so much that it's a uniquely punishing element. You could just differ his Phys and Ener defenses?.[/quote']


Fur meets Fire Felines go "WOOF!!!"


I think the healing/purring is really neat!


Thanks, saw a Documentory awhile back where scientist determined that cats purring helped heal broken bones. Feline Saliva had something too.


I like Mind Search as an uber-tracking device' date=' with lims for "must be a physical path travelled between them", but also consider Enhanced Senses or (ugh, I know, it's over-used) Detect with appropriate scale (Megascale with just Direction, then Analyze and such in normal range?).[/quote']


Good Limitation Thanks :)

I checked out detect and have a Scent Tracking power, but it seemed limited to me. Know any good Prefabs?


Those are my thoughts for now. Very well done in any case.


Thanks I appreciate it and respect your suggestions.





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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


You could use Presence in place of Mind Control "Gaze of the Predator".


I was thinking of it a more a Primal Instinctive reaction. Strong willed individuals can resist. The Limitations on Mind Control are more specific to what I was looking for. A set effect rather than using the more random Presence Effects.


I don't want them to flee, not yet anyway, I want them frozen like a "Deer in Headlights" Effect.


Is there a better way to reprent that?





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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


A friend pointed out that I could use Presence in place of Mind Control "Gaze of the Predator".


I was thinking of it a more a Primal Instinctive reaction. Strong willed individuals can resist. The Limitations on Mind Control are more specific to what I was looking for. A set effect rather than using the more random Presence Effects.


I don't want them to flee, not yet anyway, I want them frozen like a "Deer in Headlights" Effect.


Is there a better way to reprent that?


With respect to my friend




Overall one of the best "feline" concept characters I have seen.


On this point about PRE Attack vs. Mind Control. I don't think you are giving PRE Attacks their due. They don't just make people run, they make people listen to you or consider what you are conveying. A "Predator's Stare" definitely meets this criteria and if you want strong-willed characters to be able to resist the gaze a PRE Attack still works because the Defender chooses to use PRE or EGO against PRE Atacks. Another way to go might be an Entangle escaped with PRE/EGO, which is kind of what was mentioned before. I think as long as the GM understands the Power Effect, a PRE Attack works just fine.


Also on the point of "Ultimate Tracking" have you considered using Clairsentience? Often overlooked in lieu of Detect, but it may serve your purpose here.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Thanks' date=' saw a Documentory awhile back where scientist determined that cats purring helped heal broken bones. Feline Saliva had something too.[/quote']


It’s still in the research stage, but many scientists of the field believe it’s a form of biomechanical stimulation, similar to that used in human physical therapy. It has to do with the vibrational characteristics and the Hz rating, but there’s evidence to suggest cats’ purring helps in the healing of broken bones, tendons, and even a certain amount of stress release (for cardio). Purring, it should be noted, is not a vocalization of any sort—not like meowing or hissing or anything else. It’s a physical manifestation similar to a heartbeat.


Here is a good link.


As for the saliva bit, I believe that’s something to do with the antiseptic/germicidal characteristics of the animal’s saliva. No links, sorry.


In regards to the tracking, Dark Champions has a semi-tracking power based on Mind Control with a butt-load of limitations. They use it to simulate how a character might know where someone is located. In fact, DC has bunches of skill-powers that might be useful (Ultimate Stealth, for example).


Or browse this thread for a list of reader-contributed super skills.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


It’s still in the research stage' date=' but many scientists of the field believe it’s a form of [i']biomechanical stimulation[/i], similar to that used in human physical therapy. It has to do with the vibrational characteristics and the Hz rating, but there’s evidence to suggest cats’ purring helps in the healing of broken bones, tendons, and even a certain amount of stress release (for cardio). Purring, it should be noted, is not a vocalization of any sort—not like meowing or hissing or anything else. It’s a physical manifestation similar to a heartbeat.


Here is a good link.


God I love Herodom, thanks man.


As for the saliva bit' date=' I believe that’s something to do with the antiseptic/germicidal characteristics of the animal’s saliva. No links, sorry.[/quote']


Good to know.


In regards to the tracking' date=' Dark Champions has a semi-tracking power based on Mind Control with a butt-load of limitations. They use it to simulate how a character might know where someone is located. In fact, DC has bunches of skill-powers that might be useful (Ultimate Stealth, for example).[/quote']





Appreciate it



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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Overall one of the best "feline" concept characters I have seen.


On this point about PRE Attack vs. Mind Control. I don't think you are giving PRE Attacks their due. They don't just make people run, they make people listen to you or consider what you are conveying. A "Predator's Stare" definitely meets this criteria and if you want strong-willed characters to be able to resist the gaze a PRE Attack still works because the Defender chooses to use PRE or EGO against PRE Atacks. Another way to go might be an Entangle escaped with PRE/EGO, which is kind of what was mentioned before. I think as long as the GM understands the Power Effect, a PRE Attack works just fine.


Hmmm... Think I need to open that Revised Big Black Book I got and reread Presence. Thanks appreciate it.


Also on the point of "Ultimate Tracking" have you considered using Clairsentience? Often overlooked in lieu of Detect' date=' but it may serve your purpose here. [/quote']


Are their any Published or Written Characters or Prefabes I can playger.... uh hem I mean follow their good example?


Thank you



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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


I'd also raise Cougar's CON to 30 (but keep his figured characteristics the same) and have him purchase both Shadowing and Stealth.Not only are cats notoriously good at sneaking up on their prey,but it seems clear that VIPER were planning to turn Cougar into a super-assassin,and those skills are vital for any assassin,superpowered or otherwise.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Are their any Published or Written Characters or Prefabes I can playger.... uh hem I mean follow their good example?



Fenris is the best reference for an animal character that I can think of. He's in the CKC.


I've been running some of the numbers, too, and while I'm not actually finished yet, the character costs about 400 pts right now, and that's after losing the martial arts.


Is this a character you intend to play at some point? If so, did you have a point cap for him?


I made a similar feral hero on 300 pts a while back. He's not quite as extensive as Cougar is, but he's decent.


Um...I have no idea how to post a character. I'll get back to you on that...

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Mechanics and Power Levels for some of the Powers were left open for suggestions.


Game Balance.


He's a Martial Artist, a Low Level Brick, and a Detective-ish.


Not sure exactly what kind of feedback you are looking for. He'd work quite well in my games... I'd be a little leery of the amount of resistant defenses... but then, that just makes him a little more "bulletproof" than the concept seems to require... but hardly a big deal.


I think you could lose the Gliding... as Leaping allows you to subtract your leaping from distance fallen to reduce damage... so that gets you the "Cat Fall" right there.


This would be a solid starting character for one of my games... especially a darker, edgier campaign. I actually start my new characters at 300, not 350... but that's just my preference.


Anything specific you were looking for?

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Whoa... did I miss it? No acrobatics or stealth? Maybe I looked to quickly' date=' but those are essential.[/quote']


I missed out on listing all his skills. I was trying to get his stats and Powers/Abilities figured out.


Love the purring/healing bit. Just for himself' date=' or for others as well? That is cool. [/quote']


Self Only, he's a Scientific Mutation not a Mystical one. Cool Idea though a little big for most people's laps ;)


I'd also raise Cougar's CON to 30 (but keep his figured characteristics the same) and have him purchase both Shadowing and Stealth.Not only are cats notoriously good at sneaking up on their prey' date='but it seems clear that VIPER were planning to turn Cougar into a super-assassin,and those skills are vital for any assassin,superpowered or otherwise.[/quote']


I know that he was going into Dragon Branch (and may still if VIPER gets ahold of him). As an assassin hmmm... I don't know. Definitely A Spec Ops Type.


Is this a character you intend to play at some point? If so' date=' did you have a point cap for him?[/quote']


Yep, it's for a Standard Superhero Campaign


Got rid of Martial Arts


He is coming in pretty high point level. Time to dig out the calculator. Keep in mind that his "Faz Sense" is either Danger Sense or Spatial Sense. I think I'll lose the "Paws of Fury" at least for now.


I do not think the Mental Powers fit the concept


I guess I was just going overboard





P.S.: What do you think of his disadvantages?

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


P.S.: What do you think of his disadvantages?



I know this is gonna come across as nitpicking, but I'm just tryin' to get a better grasp on the ideas behind the numbers.


The DF is fine, I suppose, but wouldn’t it be concealable by an overcoat and a hat? Maybe something a LITTLE more involved, but could it be done? Less points, true, but you can make those up elsewhere.


Also, the “Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulationâ€, while probably realistic, isn’t my favorite, if only because I know my GM would use it the next time this character had to dial a phone or something. Granted, this is a personal preference only. There’s certainly nothing wrong with it.


I always like disads like “DF: stinks when wetâ€, or “Physical Limitation: Purrs when contentâ€. Just for S&Gs. Heck, give him the Social Limitation “only eats raw meatâ€. That’ll make for a few interesting RP sessions.


What’s an “inconvenient size� Should that maybe be a “DF: Imposing stature�


How, exactly, does an UNTIL Commander—someone with serious training, experience and resources—become a DNPC? Just curious, mind you, but my GM wouldn’t allow such a thing, especially if he’s a contact, too.


The Psych Lim “Code of the Heroâ€â€¦I don’t know about your games, but mine generally assume you’re a hero unless otherwise noted. If it’s allowed, cool. I think it’s a good psych lim.


Are “specieists†(is that a word?) common in your campaign setting?

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


Thanks getting lots of practice writting lately. Mostly bad. ;)





I thought of it as strength of will.


As alluded to since my post, you can basically do an Entangle BOECV and target EGO, but I need to look at the book or possibly even search the board, as common as this sort of thing "should" be I don't really do Mental Entangles. I, uh, do Mind Control... but no, really, usually for different purposes than what you have, for your purpose it's worth at least considering a Mental Entangle - or the PRE Attack suggested, which is also valid (perhaps moreso, you can just buy it up as Limited PRE, normally I believe -1).


Cats are notorios for walking and running along narrow surfaces and I thought this might be an good way of representing it.


Got a better way? Please?? :)


This is good, personally, though, I'd just go with his Clinging, DEX, and Acrobatics (though I realized just as I was thinking about this he doesn't have that, then saw RDU Neil's same comment) combo. I can't see a GM unwilling to say he can't move freely on narrow surfaces with this, but your GM (or you as GM) may feel that just doesn't cut it. I don't see anything overtly wrong with EM, just wanted to be clear. One remaining question/point - if you want him to walk a tightrope or similar such surfaces, I could see that in EM, but would urge you to clarify such. If you don't think tightrope or such is applicable, I really think you don't need EM, I'd just do as I stated earlier in this paragraph. Obviously IMHO.


Fur meets Fire Felines go "WOOF!!!"


That's fair, I just think of that as more an issue with long hair cats, with short hair cats I think of it as more like humans, but that's purely personal taste.


Thanks, saw a Documentory awhile back where scientist determined that cats purring helped heal broken bones. Feline Saliva had something too.


Good Limitation Thanks :)

I checked out detect and have a Scent Tracking power, but it seemed limited to me. Know any good Prefabs?


Not a Prefab as such. Someone's suggestion of Clairsentience is actually a good one. A question for you, how absurd (if you'll pardon the term) is this ability? Can a mere particle trail on a level undetectable even to science be tracked? Or does there have to be a real actual remnant of scent, albeit one well beyond the level a cat or bloodhound (you know, if you could compare a bloodhound and a rocket, the bloodhound is much higher...(sorry, tangential joke)) could track at all in real life? Makes a difference (IMHO) in terms of Limitations and whether one applies and whether this "simply" should be a Tracking Scent that has an extreme PER roll or such.


I think Detect and Clairsentience are both kind of ugly as they get so heavily used/abused (they're right below Transform that way) but there's nothing wrong with them. If this ability is "any particle of scent anywhere - land, water, air", then personally I'd go Detect any particle of scent with appropriate mods/enhancers (sorry, book not with me, at work, so I can't just give you a write-up).


Thanks I appreciate it and respect your suggestions.






You're very welcome, I appreciate that in return! :) Although my answers aren't all that complete, it would be easier if I were not at work and could either sit and concentrate or (better) rummage through resources.

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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.


I know this is gonna come across as nitpicking' date=' but I'm just tryin' to get a better grasp on the ideas behind the numbers.[/quote']


No problem this is a work in progress after all.


The DF is fine' date=' I suppose, but wouldn’t it be concealable by an overcoat and a hat? Maybe something a LITTLE more involved, but could it be done? Less points, true, but you can make those up elsewhere. [/quote']


He's 8' tall, and over 400lbs


Also' date=' the “Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulationâ€, while probably realistic, isn’t my favorite, if only because I know my GM would use it the next time this character had to dial a phone or something. Granted, this is a personal preference only. There’s certainly nothing wrong with it.[/quote']


It has more to do with certain skills that require fine manipulation. Say a penalty to use certain devices. It was another HERO System Bestiary Disad.


I always like disads like “DF: stinks when wetâ€' date=' or “Physical Limitation: Purrs when contentâ€. Just for S&Gs. Heck, give him the Social Limitation “only eats raw meatâ€. That’ll make for a few interesting RP sessions.[/quote']


That certainly would :) I'll give it some thought.


What’s an “inconvenient size� Should that maybe be a “DF: Imposing stature�


I borrowed that one from Millenium City's local Super Ape and another experiment of Dr. Phillipe Moreau.


How' date=' exactly, does an UNTIL Commander—someone with serious training, experience and resources—become a DNPC? Just curious, mind you, but my GM wouldn’t allow such a thing, especially if he’s a contact, too.[/quote']


He has sorta adopted her as his new mother (talk about something the cat dragged in). I was planning on continuing to associate with UNTIL and eventually joining.


The Psych Lim “Code of the Heroâ€â€¦I don’t know about your games' date=' but mine generally assume you’re a hero unless otherwise noted. If it’s allowed, cool. I think it’s a good psych lim.[/quote']


It's more a Code of Honor thing. I like Codes of Honor.


Are “specieists†(is that a word?) common in your campaign setting?


See the Super Ape in Millenium City again.






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Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.




Heck, give him the Social Limitation “only eats raw meatâ€. That’ll make for a few interesting RP sessions.


Oddly, I seem to run across this a lot! Seriously, I seem to see a number of characters with this.


And let me say, re cats, our cats eat just about anything... I know, that wasn't your point, I'm just adding needless verbiage here - let's call it color! :D Although I will add when I was a kid we had a cat that strongly preferred vegetables - he would actually eat the vegetables off a plate and leave the meat, no kidding!

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