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UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign

teh bunneh

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


UNITY vs. Eurostar, Part II!



After following all the facts of the case so far, the heroes decided to visit Mrs. Nichelle Dubois, Ultrasonique’s ex-wife. They found a pleasant older woman living a comfortable spinster’s life in Paris. Nichelle told them that she does not really love Jean any longer, but she remembers how he was before his "illness" set in, so she still holds a certain fondness for him. They met in graduate school; he was a brilliant engineer who felt he could make the sun shine brighter if only he had the tools – a real dreamer. She visits him a couple of times a year in the asylum – his birthday, and usually around Christmas time – but he barely recognizes her any longer.


She went on to tell them that Jean used to have a brother (named Luc), but he died in a fire about 10 years ago. Police decided that Jean, in his madness, killed Luc. Luc was not married, but was seeing a girl at the time – Francis. She was quite broken up by Luc’s death, seeing as how she was pregnant at the time. Nichelle didn’t think she kept the baby, but she hasn’t been in touch with Francis since after Luc’s death. She did, however, have Francis’ address handy.


Nichelle mentioned how odd it was that everyone has such a sudden interest in Jean’s welfare. "Just an hour or two ago," she said, "A member of Interpol came to ask these very same questions." They asked her to describe him, and she said he was a tall man, bald, with a thick black beard and the most beautiful blue eyes. The team immediately knew that Rasputin had been here before them, so Ifrita rushed out to get to the address as quickly as possible. The rest of the team followed shortly after.


Francis wasn’t hard to track down. She was a young, pretty woman with her own flower shop. Ifrita went in her civilian ID to make sure everything was OK. She asked if her "companion" had come in earlier, and described Rasputin. Francis hadn’t seen the man, and tried to sell Ifrita some flowers.


The rest of the team arrived, and barged into the shop. They knew that time was short – whatever Rasputin was planning was going to happen soon – so they skipped the pleasantries. Francis was taken aback by this intrusion, and didn’t want to talk Luc or their child. New Man, knowing that what he was doing was wrong (but also knowing that this was too important to waste time on), mentally prodded her into believing that she should cooperate without question.


Straight Arrow, of course, did not know this. All he knew was that, with a sigh, Francis began telling them her story. She and Luc were to have been married, and she admitted that she had been pregnant with his child. But without Luc there, she couldn’t care for the child by herself, so she gave the baby up for adoption. The last she knew, the boy went to the Blessed Sisters of St. Martha orphanage, in Paris.


The shop was very busy, and a customer approached Francis, wishing to buy some roses. While ringing them up, Francis pricked her finger. A few moments later, after the customer had gone, she suddenly collapsed. Straight Arrow vaulted over the countertop to check on her. He ordered Ifrita and Red Dragon to do crowd control – "Don’t let anyone enter or leave!" he shouted. His examination revealed that her hand was turning purple and her breathing was shallow. They called Simian in so he could try to use his magic to heal her, then they rushed her to their plane and raced her to the nearest hospital.


Simian determined that she had been poisoned by an exotic, rare, and deadly snake venom, which was administered through the prick on her finger. The woman who bought the roses was long gone, but everyone knew it must’ve been the mistress of poisons, Scorpia, in disguise.


Meanwhile, they sent Ifrita and Red Dragon to find the Blessed Sisters of St. Martha and try to locate the child. As they were racing to the orphanage, they spotted a large black cloud of smoke or dust in the area. Arriving seconds later, they saw a terrible disaster – the building had collapsed! Rescue vehicles were not yet on the scene; children were wandering around lost and wailing; the nuns were covered with blood, screaming and crying. It was a vision out of a nightmare.


The heroes immediately rushed to help. Red Dragon ran into the rubble, looking for survivors. Ifrita corralled the nearest nun and had her help round up all the children and get a headcount. The rest of the heroes arrived a few minutes later, and their heroic instincts kicked in. New Man used his mental powers to search the rubble for survivors. Straight Arrow and Aurora used their X-Ray and Electro-vision (respectively) to do the same. Straight Arrow, Tank, and Red Dragon moved rubble quicker and more efficiently than any earthmover. Ifrita helped with crowd control while searching the area for any sign of those who committed this crime, and Simian healed those who were injured. It took hours, but together the team rescued more than a dozen survivors trapped in the wreckage.


Once rescue operations are over with, they went to talk to the survivors. The Sister Superior, with a broken arm and a concussion, explained what happened. Two men and a woman came in, looking for records for one of their "angels" (as she calls the children) from about 10 years ago. Normally, such information is private, but one of the men was from Interpol, and he had a warrant. She described the three of them as a tall, handsome, bearded fellow, a lovely redheaded woman, and a very large man whom she assumed was a driver or bodyguard.


Wanting to cooperate, she gave them access to the orphanage’s paper records. When the officer found what he wanted, he turned and said the words that will live in her nightmares forever – "Durak, bring this place down." The large man threw off his trench coat, revealing the world-reviled terrorist, and then he proceeded to tear down the support structures of the building like they were cardboard. She grabbed two children and dove under her desk just as the ceiling collapsed, and she thanks God she was able to survive. "It may be blasphemy, but I pray that you find those murdering bastards and make them pay for what they have done!" she told the heroes.


The paper records that Rasputin wanted were destroyed, but this is the year 2010. The orphanage’s records were put into a database years ago, and the database is linked to the Archdiocese' records. With a few quick phone calls, the heroes found what they were looking for with little trouble. They learned that the child’s name was Marshall, and that he had been given to a nice, middle-class family (Leroy and Blanche Neville) shortly after he arrived at the orphanage. The Archdiocese happened to have the family’s current address on record, since they were regular church-goers.


The heroes arrived just after dark and found the boy’s father outside. Marshall was late for dinner, and the father was just about to go looking for him. The heroes raced to the park, where the boy was supposed to be playing, but halfway there they discovered his bike, his cap, and his soccer ball tossed carelessly in the bushes near the side of the road. They also found Durak-sized footprints nearby, and learned from some local children that a VTOL aircraft had hovered over this area about an hour ago.


The heroes called the French Air Defense Department and asked if there were any unusual flight paths in this area recently. They learned that yes, there was an unauthorized violation of airspace, and that the offending aircraft headed south at high speed, eventually leaving French airspace heading towards the Mediterranean Sea.


New Man thought the plane was heading towards Malta. "It all started there, at the Castle of St. Angelo," he said. "It seems logical that it would end there as well." Ifrita mentioned that there was going to be a lunar eclipse that evening as well – the epicenter of which would be over the Mediterranean. The team headed there at best possible speed.


They landed their plane a few miles away and then moved quickly and quietly toward the ancient castle. Straight Arrow spotted some movement along the castle walls. Wanting to keep the element of surprise, they assigned Tank (who is neither subtle nor quiet) to go up the road while the rest of them snuck up to the wall and attacked the enemy. Unfortunately, just as they got up to the wall, New Man slipped and fell in some mud. He was filthy, and he couldn’t stop himself from yelling out!


Scorpia, Killer Frost, and Horrorsong were on guard along the wall, and they attacked the intruders. Scorpia hurled poisoned darts at Ifrita, and Killer Frost froze both her and Aurora in a block of ice. Straight Arrow bounced an arrow off a wall and into Scorpia, where it exploded. She returned the favor by dropping an explosive device off the wall to land at his feet. Horrorsong blasted Ifrita with a wall of sonic energy, which dropped her. Aurora hit Horrorsong with a taser bolt, which he merely laughed off, replying with a wave of sub-sonics that should have sent her running in sheer terror… but all it did was make her feel kind of headachey. Straight Arrow leapt up to the top of the wall, while Red Dragon futilely tried to climb up to get to the battle.


New Man flew up nearby, hugging the wall for cover, and scouted out what was going on. Red Dragon got to the top of the wall, only to have Scorpia charge him and kick him back off. Aurora zapped Horrorsong, putting him down and out of the fight, and Simian blasted Killer Frost into a wall, knocking her out. Straight Arrow demanded that Scorpia surrender, as she was now surrounded. She laughed and said, "Says you, ya fookin’ ponce!"


With that, the door behind her burst open and Kriegsmadchen and Penny Dreadful burst out. On the other side of the battlements, Durak smashed through the wall, threatening Aurora and Simian. The battle started up anew!


About this point, New Man heard something going on in the tower he was near, so he floated up to see what was going on. He saw Rasputin performing a dark ritual, and looking like he was about to sacrifice the boy! The mentalist called for help, then tried to grab the magic sword away from Rasputin – but the cagey Russian was too quick for him.


Aurora blinded Durak, and she and Simian began attacking him in his few weak points – his mind, and his un-insulated uniform. Straight Arrow went toe-to-toe solo against three very dangerous women, before Red Dragon finally managed to scale the wall to help him. Tank picked this moment to show up, and he rushed into battle to assist his leader. However, Penny Dreadful started crying when Straight Arrow hit her, and the team leader suddenly was overcome by a desire to protect this "innocent" from the ravages of the battle. He told Red Dragon to take care of Scorpia and Kriegsmadchen, and he grabbed Penny Dreadful and leapt to the top of the tower to help New Man. Ifrita, fully recovered from the beating she had taken earlier, raced to the top of the tower as well.


Red Dragon and Tank made short work of Scorpia, and Durak finally went down after repeated pummelings. Kriegsmadchen, realizing she was outnumbered and without allies, surrendered. Ifrita, New Man, and Straight Arrow all hit Rasputin with everything they had, sending the mad monk flying through the air. He plummeted off the edge of the tower and landed with a sickening crunch on the rocks below.


Ifrita rushed to help the boy while Straight Arrow gallantly lowered the ravishing Penny Dreadful to the ground. She blew him a kiss, obviously smitten with the hero, and hurried off into the darkness. Seconds later, Straight Arrow realized that he just allowed one of the villains to escape. Cursed pheromones! New Man flew down to recover the sword and secure Rasputin’s body, but though he spotted the sword nearby and saw that the rocks were covered with blood, the body was nowhere to be found.


The battle was over. The eclipse ended, and no Elder Gods descended from the heavens to destroy the world. Rasputin’s plans were destroyed, and most of Eurostar were taken prisoner. The boy was blissfully unaware throughout the whole thing, and (apart from a few bruises) was perfectly fine once he was returned to his parents.


UNITY Team C returned the sword to its proper home, and the Maltese authorities were very grateful for the help. The heroes found out later that the ritual could no longer be completed – even if Rasputin somehow managed to reacquire the sword and the boy. This night was part of a 500-year cycle, and the opportunity to summon the "Eyes in the Sky" wouldn’t come up again for centuries.


Ivan Vonovich was indicted on violating the international laws of antiquities and sent to trial, based in part on information collected by Ifrita, Red Dragon, and Tank.


And finally, Major Bec gave everyone a gold star for saving the child, capturing most of Eurostar, and stopping the end of the world. Yay, team!

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Straight Arrow's player (Lonewalker) corrected some of my errors in that recap:



Not to nitpick our esteemed GM's riveting prose but I thought I'd bring up the true results of our harrowing battle with Eurostar (who, for Aurora's reference, are the bad guys):


• Horrorsong: Tasered by Aurora but mind blasted into unconsciousness by Simian Fury.

• Killer Frost: Shaken by explosive and impact arrows from Straight Arrow but finally shocked into submission by Aurora.

• Scorpia: Slapped down hard by Straight Arrow.

• Durak: Simultaneously blinded, tasered, and mind blasted by Aurora and Simian Fury (teamwork rules!).

• Kriegsmadchen: Surrendered to Red Dragon and Tank after the rest of Eurostar was defeated.

• Penny Dreadful: Escaped thanks to her pheromones (Straight Arrow owns up to this one being his fault entirely).

• Rasputin: Double teamed by Ifrita and Straight Arrow. Apparently dead but should be back in about 12 issues or so.


And for our side:

• Straight Arrow: Bombed, stabbed, and kicked repeatedly by Scorpia, clocked by Kriegsmadchen, and punched and mind controlled by Penny Dreadful...but stayed conscious the whole time (bad day to be the archer).

• Red Dragon: Bombed slightly by Scorpia but otherwise unhurt (except for his pride). Currently working on the anime-leap power.

• New Man: Unhurt despite best efforts by Scorpia and Kriegsmadchen.

• Simian Fury: Unhurt despite Durak's best efforts (his monkey was freaking out though and will probably be in therapy for a few months).

• Aurora: Chilled by Killer Frost but otherwise still kicking.

• Ifrita: Sliced by Scorpia then plastered into submission by Killer Frost (mega ouch) but came back in time for the final reel.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Damn.... Now that was cool!!!


keyes-bill... you are a gaming pusher... and I am your loyal junkie!!


I really enjoy how your stories flow and the arcs which they travel through.


This story was really good and I am taking notes. You should be proud of yourself.. you are doing a great job.


I also enjoy the characters' interactions and how they actually work as a team. The group I play with only has 3 members beyond myself. It makes it hard to break up when the average # of heros is 3.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


• Straight Arrow: Bombed, stabbed, and kicked repeatedly by Scorpia, clocked by Kriegsmadchen, and punched and mind controlled by Penny Dreadful...but stayed conscious the whole time (bad day to be the archer).


And he also helped take down two of Eurostar, and took down one all by his lonesome.


50 points for the Briton, and I think we all know who man of the Match goes to, thank you very much. :celebrate

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Straight Arrow is not a happy archer. He's currently working on revamping his home's security systems. With his position in UNTIL, he has access to some fairly high tech gear and he'll be incorporating some of those ideas with his own.


Oh, and maybe he'll throw in a few bear traps, alligator pits, death lasers, and rabid attack dogs...just for variety. :winkgrin:


"Break into MY home, will you? " :eg:



aka Straight Arrow


Have you concidered Mental Defenses vs. Mental Illusions?

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Damn.... Now that was cool!!!


keyes-bill... you are a gaming pusher... and I am your loyal junkie!!


I really enjoy how your stories flow and the arcs which they travel through.


This story was really good and I am taking notes. You should be proud of yourself.. you are doing a great job.


I also enjoy the characters' interactions and how they actually work as a team. The group I play with only has 3 members beyond myself. It makes it hard to break up when the average # of heros is 3.


If you want more, and if you're into Fantasy Hero, check out last year's FH campaign ("The Black Blood River Expeditionary Company") over on the other board. :)





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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


It's actually not terribly bad except for casting Keanu Reeves where they should have cast someone like Paul Bettany.


I'll bet you're right. I really liked Bettany in Master and Commander and A Knight's Tale; he could probably pull off Constantine. :)



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Here's the next UNITY Adventure recap for y'all! :)



UTC’s mission: UNTIL has finally completed its early warning and orbital defense system – a giant satellite and space station known as Yggdrasil. Now that it is finished, the leaders of the world and the press have been invited to see the great unveiling. UTC is to attend the opening to meet with the dignitaries, and to ensure that nothing goes wrong


Because of the great number of dignitaries, UNITY is sending reps from all three of its teams to show off their power. The heroes consist of:

• Quasar (UTA)

• Pharaoh’s Daughter (UTA)

• Seeker (UTA)

• Myrmidon (UTB)

• El Picaro (UTB)

• Dragonwing (UTB)

• Straight Arrow (UTC)

• Ifrita (UTC)

• New Man (UTC)

• Red Dragon (UTC)

• Aurora (UTC)

• Tank (UTC)


The space station (which the heroes had not yet seen) is huge. It has a full-time crew of over 400, and is nearly as large as a small town. It orbits just over the north pole to defend the northern hemisphere. The southern station (called Vanaheim) is expected to be completed in less than two years. Yggdrasil has all of the most advanced technology available (much of it acquired from the alien invasion, though UNTIL of course officially denies this).


The station’s Artificial Intelligence system is the most advanced computer on (or above) the planet. It is actually semi-sentient and programmed with a code of honor and a series of safeguards that will prevent it from going rogue (the guys who designed it have seen all the same movies you have!). It is known as LOKI (Logical Online Knowledge Integration) and was quite congenial to the heroes.


Yggdrasil is armed with a complex laser-grid defense system that is designed not only to protect the station, but also the earth itself. It is known as the MuSPeL (Multi-Shot Periapsis Laser) System.


Finally, the most advanced system: Bifrost, Yggdrasil’s teleportation system. The heroes were each given an advanced tracking device that allows them to teleport to and from the satellite to or from anywhere in the northern hemisphere (subject to some limitations – high mountains, electrical storms, other types of magnetic interference, that sort of thing). The accuracy is not great (yet) – it can beam them to within 1 arc minute (roughly 1.25 miles) of their target.


Before the dignitaries arrived, UTC got a full tour of the facilities and got to meet the rest of UNITY. Quasar pulled Straight Arrow aside for some “leader chat.†Quasar assured his junior that things would get better as the team worked out its bugs, and that the bickering and disagreements were merely the result of so many strong people working together. Straight Arrow couldn’t help but notice that Quasar seemed quiet, withdrawn, and depressed throughout their talk. He resolved to look up Quasar’s file and see if something happened to him recently. After their talk, Quasar left the station and disappeared into space, up until it was time for the dignitaries to arrive.


Straight Arrow took the time to meet with the rest of UNITY as well. He found Pharaoh’s Daughter to be rather intense and a little bit stuck-up. Seeker was a nice guy with a great sense of (self depreciating) humor. Straight Arrow danced around the question for a while, and Seeker came out and said what the Brit was thinking. “What’s a normal guy like me doing hanging around with the heavy hitters on Team A?†he asks. “Maybe they saw something in me. Couldn’t guess what it might be, though. I’m just an ignorant boy from the Outback.†Dragonwing was a shy but pleasant young woman. She didn’t have much to say, though she certainly noticed that Red Dragon was checking her out. Straight Arrow also wandered the corridors of Yggdrasil, chatting amiably with LOKI. He found the computer to be quite nice to talk with – friendly and helpful.


Red Dragon got along swimmingly with El Picaro. The two swordsmen excused themselves to go to the gym and work off some tension. El Picaro was happy to see the heroes again – “Last I saw you, you were covered in worm ooze. So much nicer to see you under happier circumstances.â€


Aurora attached herself to Seeker, who got her a beer and proceeded to tell her all about his adventures in outer space. She pretended to be amazed that he and his team had made it as far as Alpha Centauri.


Myrmidon took Ifrita aside and had a private chat with her, under the pretense of giving her a tour of the facilities. What did they talk about? I cannot say… ;)


The dignitaries arrived with great fanfare, and were nothing but impressed by what they saw. The heroes noticed Senator Goodkind among them, and he greeted them warmly, like old friends. The tour took up most of the day and went very well. At the end of the tour, Commander Currie and the rest of the staff (and UNITY) were saying their farewells to the politicians (who were reluctant to leave this amazing place).


About then, each member of UNITY got a private message from LOKI. “I hate to interrupt,†it said, “but there has been an unauthorized activation of Bifrost. Someone is beaming aboard.â€


Before anyone could react, the Bifrost platform opened up and who should appear? None other than Grond!


The heroes reacted immediately. Some of them rushed to move the civilians out of the way while others raced to stop the rampaging monster. The heroes met with little success –- Grond is the most powerful creature on the planet, and he shrugged off their mightiest blows, moving through the space station with a purpose and smashing everything (and everyone) he encountered. The heroes managed to knock him downward several levels (so he would be further away from the Bifrost and MuSPeL systems), but were not doing much damage to the beast. Luckily, they managed to move all the civilians out of the area and towards the emergency evacuation pods, and no one was hurt.


New Man realized that his mental attacks were having little effect on the beast – even though he was certain he read in Grond’s file that the creature was vulnerable to such things. He concluded that something was blocking his powers. As the fray moved down the corridor, he got left behind, so he decided to take one of the maintenance tunnels as a shortcut.


But just as he was climbing into an access hatch, he looked back and saw Bifrost open. Six people appeared. They took no time to get their bearings – they seemed to know exactly what they were doing and where they were going. They headed immediately towards the area where LOKI’s mainframe is kept!


New Man radioed the others to inform them what just happened. Straight Arrow began to give orders – Ifrita, Dragonwing, and Aurora (the fastest) were to grab New Man and head after the newcomers. The rest of UNITY would stay and keep trying to stop Grond.


Just then, Myrmidon’s voice cut through the radio. “NO!†he screamed. “Grond is MINE!†His blood brought to a boil by the fury of battle, the mighty Greek ordered Straight Arrow’s team to take care of the new threat; he meant to defeat Grond or die trying.


Reluctantly, the leader of UTC followed his orders, gathered up his own team, and rushed to LOKI’s mainframe. Along the way, they found several UNTIL teams unconscious but unharmed. Also, LOKI himself kept protesting that there was nothing wrong – his sensors detected no unauthorized personnel in that area. Straight Arrow reasoned that Grond’s rampage had damaged the sensors.


The heroes reached LOKI and found the blast doors wide-open. They cautiously looked inside, and saw six people who they did not recognize: A man dressed in a black cape and cowl; a thin woman dressed in a skin-tight red, white, and yellow uniform, her face painted like a mime; a very large, very fat black man in black tights with a red bird silhouetted on his chest; a short, dark green gargoyle or demon of some sort, a dark-skinned man wrapped in what appeared to be scrap metal, and a shapely woman whose naked body was covered head-to-toe in circuitry...



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Re: The Team


Not meaning to derail this thread, but I have a small answer for Scifi_Toughguy, who said:


Yes. I'd also be curious to hear from other people on this.


I have simply never had any 'respect' for 'super heroes' who were just guys with bows and arrows. I must admit that I also never really read the archetypes comics so my bias is obvious.


Your distain for the "supers" who were nothing more than bow uers is exactly WHY many people enjoy them. On the same line with batman, greenarrow and hawkeye are nothing more than highly skilled people. They werent BORN with special abilities and they didnt have to FIND a special suit or something....They use skill, training, ingenuity, and the belief that they too can make a difference....


So, thats my .2cents, but Im partial to them as well....Hope that answers some questions....

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


• Straight Arrow: Bombed, stabbed, and kicked repeatedly by Scorpia, clocked by Kriegsmadchen, and punched and mind controlled by Penny Dreadful...but stayed conscious the whole time (bad day to be the archer).


And he also helped take down two of Eurostar, and took down one all by his lonesome.


50 points for the Briton, and I think we all know who man of the Match goes to, thank you very much. :celebrate


Yes, a right stellar day for this humble agent. But you wouldn't believe the grief I'm still getting over letting Penny Dreadful trick me into letting her go.


(Make one bloody mistake...) :mad:



aka Straight Arrow

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Re: The Team


Not meaning to derail this thread, but I have a small answer for Scifi_Toughguy, who said:




Your distain for the "supers" who were nothing more than bow uers is exactly WHY many people enjoy them. On the same line with batman, greenarrow and hawkeye are nothing more than highly skilled people. They werent BORN with special abilities and they didnt have to FIND a special suit or something....They use skill, training, ingenuity, and the belief that they too can make a difference....


So, thats my .2cents, but Im partial to them as well....Hope that answers some questions....

I like the bat. I just think bow and arrow themed guys are weenies. Hawkeye is like captain america with a bow instead of a shield. Maybe its just hard to make the bow iconic while the bat symbol and the shield are. Perhaps if they could do a B&A guy with a cool costume I could buy into it but green arrow and Hawkeye have pretty lame costumes as far as my tastes are concerned.

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Yes, a right stellar day for this humble agent. But you wouldn't believe the grief I'm still getting over letting Penny Dreadful trick me into letting her go.


(Make one bloody mistake...) :mad:


...And you'll be paying for it forever. Heh heh heh. :eg:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Cheer up Lonewalker. Straight Arrow is still my personal favourite. This is all due to his characterisation and has nothing to do with the fact that he is a fellow Briton . . .


I appreciate the solidarity. I'm afraid that Straight Arrow is about to do something that's bound to get himself slapped upside the head by his teammates.... :slap:


"You did what?!?" :stupid:

"Trust me. It was for the greater good." :rolleyes:

"What's your definition of 'good'?" :tsk:

"How about saving your lives?" :think:

"..." :straight:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


There is an old saying.....


You save a thousand people you are a hero...

You make one mistake and you are a screwup for the rest of your life.


If ever there was a living embodiment of that statement, it'd be poor Straight Arrow. :winkgrin:



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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


...And you'll be paying for it forever. Heh heh heh. :eg:


Hm. I simply must buy off that Code against Killing Psych Lim. That would allow me to solve a number of lingering problems... :eg:



aka Straight Arrow

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Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


Hm. I simply must buy off that Code against Killing Psych Lim. That would allow me to solve a number of lingering problems... :eg


Oh no.... he's going IMAGE on us!!!


Clear out!! Before he is united with a beautiful female martial arts assassin, a huge brick who is a greater thinker, a rebellious dark brooding character and a short older character that has an attitude problem. Oh wait... this isn't a Liefield comic so we may be safe.

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