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[Sell Me On] Vibora Bay


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I'm not a big system guru, and don't follow the "Champions" setting - this will be my first purchase. I also want to be able to use the Vibora Bay setting in Unknown Armies, Buffy, and possibly WoD (classic) if I ever get a chance to run it.


Can I do that, and can you give me reasons why you would reccomend - or not - the book. Pros, feel free to shill. I'm sold on the concept and kinda like proof of execution.

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Re: [sell Me On] Vibora Bay


I'm not a big system guru, and don't follow the "Champions" setting - this will be my first purchase. I also want to be able to use the Vibora Bay setting in Unknown Armies, Buffy, and possibly WoD (classic) if I ever get a chance to run it.


Can I do that, and can you give me reasons why you would reccomend - or not - the book. Pros, feel free to shill. I'm sold on the concept and kinda like proof of execution.


Well, I'm speaking for just myself here, but I like the layout of the city, the map and neighborhoods seem pretty clearly defined even when they aren't always fully detailed. The good news about the latter is there is plenty of room where you should be able to find anything and still have it blend in.


The 'vibe' of the City is nice, and well defined. Sort of New Orleans with a more Spanish flare... though that's oversimplyfing on my part. The NPCs presented, especially the heroes, is excellent. From Dr. Ka, who could be portrayed as being rather biased against any 'outside non human' agency (If a GM who wanted to portray him that way), to Black Mask X who reminds me a little of Black Canary from DC comics meets the Phantom and more... I actually enjoyed the heroes more than the villains, but that's me.


There are some links to various product reviews on this site, by the 'Our Products' section if you want to find them.


I think the major complaint I've seen is about some of the 'cartoony art' in the pages. I have to agree. Some of the art is great, and I really can't throw stones as I can't draw worth a lick myself, but the samples of 'cartoony' art just don't blend in well, and distract from the book instead of helping it. Other pieces of art, particularly the city scapes, I found very good indeed.



Hope that helps, and naturally YMMV.

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Re: [sell Me On] Vibora Bay


I've been thumbing through a friend's copy of Vibora Bay for several days now, and I'm fairly impressed. I think there's enough general info that it could be used with almost any game system. While designed for Champions campaigns, I think it also has real potential as a setting for a Dark Champions campaign. I do know I'm going to steal a few ideas out of VB for my upcoming Dark Champions game, even though we'll be playing the campaign in a modified Hudson City. (Since in our game universe metahumans have only been around for 6 years I'll have to modify the backstory a bit.)


Black Mask is as much a female Batman as anything else, and it would be easy to scale her back a bit. Considering how many Batman versions I've seen designed for Champions as 650+ points, her 700+ cost doesn't really raise any alarms.

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Re: [sell Me On] Vibora Bay


I'm not a big system guru' date=' and don't follow the "Champions" setting - this will be my first purchase. I also want to be able to use the Vibora Bay setting in Unknown Armies, Buffy, and possibly WoD (classic) if I ever get a chance to run it.[/quote']

Well, I haven't read all of the book (I just received it and another on Friday), but from what you're stating, this would be a great setting for your genre preference. So far, I'm more impressed with this book than I was with Millennium City (which I would NOT recommend for your stated preferences).


Now, I don't know about Unknown Armies, and the only Buffy I'm familiar with is the movie & TV show (not aware of an RPG), but I have played WoD and that genre along with the Buffy TV show would mend well with what I've read of the setting so far.

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