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Character Post: Android and Gadget

Guest WhammeWhamme

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Well, since one of my fellows did so, I thought I'd join the party.


-Seeds has house rules that make it likely a super vs super combat will do BODY to this guy (yes, to this guy).

-He's been toned down from a previous build to be less powerful.

-I do have my concerns about the 'breakable' limitation on the senses and stuff. I think it's relatively fair given the first point.

-Gadget is not really under my direct control, so I can't VPP cheese. (and removing the temptation = good. ;))



A Geeky guy, or several, building a perfect woman (whether through robotics, computer science, cloning, or genetic engineering...), has become a cliche of modern entertainment. It is lampooned, it is "done anew", it is "done seriously". It is, in short, expected. How ironic, then, that the first true case of something like that happening in the Seeds universe... was a girl, creating herself the perfect boyfriend.


Anne Knightly, prodigy and genius, has been advanced in her classes nowhere near as much as she deserves. Actually... she hasn't been advanced at all (although her studies are a bit broader and indepth than most) - her parents wanted her to live a "normal" life. She stills comes acroos that way, though - she looks younger than her age.


These two facts really didn't make her popular. So it's probably not surprising that when her loneliness and frustration deepened enough, that she would try to fix it with the genius that made her so different and outcast in the first place.


Android was the perfect man. And then a little more. In every way. Exactly what she wanted.


Of course, after creating him, living a "normal life" is probably no longer in the cards...



Android was designed to be "the perfect boyfriend". When it comes to interpersonal relations, this goes a little too far. He is always calm, always even tempered... and sadly, lacks passion. Which is sad, because his evolving processes have given him a genuine love for his creator.


The other "perfect" aspect is in his approach to crime and other unpleasantries. He is, er, beyond good, and verging on caricature. He is stuck with directives to be perfectly moral, obeying laws to the letter and trying to always be a good role model in every way.


Finally, he's perfectly mature. He is not arrogant about his own superiority. Despite being strong enough to throw around Tanks, fast enough to hit supersonic, and being one of the most good looking _beings_ in existence... among many other things... he just doesn't get excited about it. It's just not someting he considers worth mentioning, let alone bragging about.


Gadget, on the other hand, is very far from perfect indeed. Her less irritating negative traits are how she is not very talkative (except when she could answer a question, sigh), somewhat socially inept (as much because her intellect makes it hard to understand people as anything else), and her fascination with technology (Android has gotten her to agree to a strict "No messing with my circuits without telling me" rule... which she forgets fairly frequently).


Sadly, although she talks, acts, and understands things at a high level... her emotional maturity is almost as low as her physical maturity. Gadget can be very childish when frustrated, which causes her and Android no end of trouble.



Android looks like he just stepped off a magazine cover. Perfect long blond hair, perfect teeth, a devasting smile, melting blue eyes... bronzed skin, washboard abs, perfect muscle definition (without being musclebound), and a strong, confident gait and stance. He radiates sex appeal, calm, and security. A masterpiece, that.


Of course, this is all surface texture on the miracle of engineering that is his robotic frame. Should he be damaged, it is extremely likely his steely mechanical insides will be revealed. He has an extremely tough central frame that is roughly the shape of a human skeleton, albeit nearly solid metal, as well as numerous excess systems that line it's surface, providing many of his secondary functions.


Gadget looks to be in her early teens, and dresses tomboyishly. She is, physically, an attractive young woman, and looks set to grow into a beauty. However, she really doesn't believe this, since she looks much younger (and hence "less attractive") than most every female she associates with, so she doesn't really work with this. Bit of a pity, really.


Her usual appearance is practical clothes (usually sturdy jeans and a loose fitting shirt), long black hair tied black, and either glasses (she can, and often does, wear contacts, but it's just not always something she considers.). She has a fair degree of grace in her motion, thanks to an improved physique and quick reaction times.


Brown eyes, fairly pale skin.



Android is essentially a speedster brick. He is superhumanly fast, tough, and strong. He has a high dgree of invulnerability. He flies, rather than runs, as the weight inherent in his design makes that impractical (he can float enough, antigravitically, to not weigh a tonne, but instead have a 'normal' weight), and can reach tremendous speeds, although accuracy and quick turns swiftly go out the window.


However, in a noncombative role, Android is extremely effective. He has amazingly enhanced processing abilities, and an extensive sensor suite, enabling him to sense frequencies and provide molecule counts of airborne particles. These capabilities, as non-core functions, are, however, more fragile and susceptible to going offline when damaged, than his primary motive and combative features.


His other non-core enhancement is combative but not general use; he can draw upon large amounts of the energy provided by his systems and focus it either into motion, strength, or "heat vision", a feature added more to emulate Superman than for any vital tactical role. These functions are not, however, terribly reliable.


Gadget is a genius, but in a fairly restricted way. She does not have any kind of insight into human behaviour (indeed, something the reverse), and can be surprised by events. However, her data processing abilities and creativity with science are outstanding, and she a brilliant inventor - she usually carries an assortment of devices with her, which she can modify 'on the fly' fairly easily (although with her fear of combat, only if not stressed).


Gadget has surreptiously added armoured fabric to her entire wardrobe; better safe than sorry, she figures. In addition to her intellect, her body is enhanced beyond what is normal; she is stronger and tougher than would seem reasonable for a fairly small young looking female (she's seventeen), and is remarkably (although not superhumanly) agile.


Both Android and Gadget have an incredible knowledge of school subjects (Android maintains something of a cover as a new student from out of town), and Android was also programmed with an encylopedic knowledge of cars and football (because he should be a better boyfriend than anyone else's at EVERYTHING, dammit!).


60 STR 70

75 DEX 35/38

40 CON 30

30 BOD 25

13 INT 23/38

26 EGO 23

15 PRE 25/38

10 COM 30

11 PD 25

19 ED 25

25 SPD 7

0 REC 20

0 END 60

0 STN 75




40 Aeronautic: Multipower (40)

u4 Combat Flight: 20" Flight

u4 Long Distance Flight: 10" Flight, Variable Advantage +½ (+1)

25 Artificial Form: 25/25 Damage Resistance

25 Artificial Physiology: 20 points of Power Defense, Inherent


8 Audio Filter: 10 points of Hearing Flash Defense*

4 Brighter Spectra: Enhanced Senses: IR Vision*

16 Channeled Overloading: Multipower (60), x5 Endurance Costs, 14- Activation*

u2 Heat Vision: 4d6 Ranged Killing Attack (30)

u1 Overload Combat Flight: +25" Flight (+25)

u1 Overload Lift: +10 Strength (+5)

8 Combat Sensors: Enhanced Sense: Targeting Hearing*

4 Darker Spectra: Enhanced Senses: UV Vision*

12 Empathy Regulator: +15 Presence*

2 Gyros: Bump of Direction*

5 High Speed Audio Processor: Rapid Perception: x100 Hearing*

5 High Speed Scanner: Rapid Perception: x100 Sight*

2 Internal Clock: Absolute Time Sense*

8 Internal Radio: Enhanced Sense: High Range Radio Hearing*

16 Non-Identitative Database: Universal Translator 17-*

8 Olfactory Analyzer: Enhanced Senses: Discriminatory and Analytical Smell/Taste*

2 Onboard Calculator: Lightning Calculator*

8 Overload Blocker: 10 points of Sight Flash Defense*

8 Overlay: 10 points of Lack of Weakness*

12 Overlaid Armour: 5/5 Armour*

4 Primary Audio Processor: Enhanced Senses: Analytical Hearing*

4 Primary Optic Processor: Enhanced Senses: Analytical Sight*

5 Primary Feedback System: +3 Dexterity, No Figured Characteristics (-½)*

12 Primary Processor: +15 Intelligence*


62 Self Contained Eternal Android: Total Life Support, Inherent

* = Breakable; if Android takes BODY, one of these powers is broken. (-¼)




9 Ambidexterity, Full

5 Eidetic Memory





3 Acrobatics 17-

3 Breakfall 17-

3 Bureaucratics 17-

3 Climbing 17-

3 Computer Programming 17-

3 Deduction 17-

3 Electronics 17-

3 Forgery 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Cars 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Geography 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Literature 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: History 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Music 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Government Studies 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Sports Statistics 17-

3 Mechanics 17-

3 Professional Skill: Sports 17-

3 Systems Operations 17-

3 Scholar

3 Scientist

2 Science Skill: Astronomy 17-

2 Science Skill: Biology 17-

2 Science Skill: Chemistry 17-

2 Science Skill: Mathematics 17-

2 Science Skill: Physics 17-




26 "Follower": Gadget (132 point base, 302 points total)




10 Distinctive Feature: Amazingly Handsome and Confident (Concealable with Difficulty)

5 Distinctive Feature: No Natural Scent (Easily Concealable)

10 DNPC: Gadget 14- (Useful, Slightly Less Powerful)

15 Physical Limitation: Android Anatomy

15 Physical Limitation: Can Only Recover BODY Damage in a Suitably Equipped Repair Shop

10 Physical Limitation: Reprogrammable

15 Psychological Limitation: Always Calm and Collected

20 Psychological Limitation: Code of Conduct - Four Colour

15 Psychological Limitation: In Love with Gadget

0 Quirk: Does not act superior, despite capabilities

15 Social Limitation: Sentient Machine hiding it's status; no Legal Rights

10 Vulnerability: x1.5 Stun from Electrical Attacks

10 Vulnerability: x2 Stun from Magnetic Attacks




5 STR 15

39 DEX 23

20 CON 20

4 BOD 12

28 INT 38

8 EGO 14

0 PRE 10

4 COM 18

5 PD 8

4 ED 8

17 SPD 5

0 REC 7

0 END 40

0 STN 30




3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Climbing 14-

3 Computer Programming 17-

3 Cryptography 17-

3 Deduction 17-

3 Electronics 17-

3 Inventor 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Geography 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Government Studies 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: History 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Literature 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Music 17-

2 Knowledge Skill: Religion 17-

3 Mechanics 17-

3 Professional Skill: Clarinet 17-

3 Systems Operations 17-

3 Scholar

3 Scientist

2 Science Skill: Astronomy 17-

2 Science Skill: Biology 17-

2 Science Skill: Chemistry 17-

2 Science Skill: Mathematics 17-

2 Science Skill: Physics 17-




80 Gadget Pool

20 Control Cost: Needs Toolkit to change (-½), Devices Only (-½)

17 Hidden Armouring: 7/7 Armour, IIF (-¼)


10 Distinctive Feature: Attractive, despite her best efforts

10 Physical Limitation: Accelerated Metabolism ('good' drugs have unpredictable effects)

5 Physical Limitation: Late Maturation

10 Physical Limitation: Nearsighted (Correctable)

5 Physical Limitation: Short

15 Psychological Limitation: Acts Mature, but Isn't

10 Psychological Limitation: Always has an Answer

15 Psychological Limitation: Cannot resist tinkering with Machines

15 Psychological Limitation: Confused in Combat

5 Psychological Limitation: Doesn't know how to relax and have fun.

10 Psychological Limitation: Meek and Demure

10 Social Limitation: Nerd

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity

10 Social Limitation: Seen as a Know-It-ll

5 Social Limitation: Under Eighteen

20 Vulnerability: x2 Effect from Drugs and Toxins





Phew. Thoughts? Comments?



Added Quirk

Added appropriate desription for Quirk

Altered Social Limitation to reflect Android's status in the world.

Deleted Mental Defense Power

Increased the power of the Channeled Overload powers, Added Flight to them

Added Bureaucratics and Forgery

Removed DF: Android

Added Physical Limitation: Reprogrammable

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I would suggest making his Social Limitation "No Legal Rights". He's a machine, the first AI in a world where its never been done before. Legally, he's a not a person he is, at best, Gadget's property and that would have some major drawbacks. He has less legal protection than a pet, people will in general not think of him as alive or having innate value beyond his technology or having a soul. He'll have to prove he is even sentient to some.


This is a bit dark, but you may want to consider a Psychological Limitation or quirk "Feels Superior to Humans" or "Can't relate to normal humans" because, frankly, he is superior. He's faster, stronger, more durable and intelligent by orders of magnitude in some cases. With his devices he's even more socialable and physically attractive. Why does he "serve" the weak fleshy things? Gadget's behavior protocols? Some innate "moral" sense (There's that programming again!) or habit? Currently he has no peers in most area though that might change if he meets and hangs out with Seedlings.


I wouldn't worry so much about the Ego (Unless that's a major part of your concept) and the Mental Defense. He's of the Machine class of minds meaning he's almost immune to most of the mentalists out there anyway.


A physical limitation: Reprogrammable might be worth something. If someone can physically get into his systems, they can alter him in fundamental ways and there's not much he can do about. His "Follower" can likely turn him off if she gets pissed or somebody gets their claws into her. (I made you and I can break you just as easily!).


Just some things to think about. I'm happy with modification. Some of my reaction was knee jerk I suspect. I'm new to this power level.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I would suggest making his Social Limitation "No Legal Rights". He's a machine' date=' the first AI in a world where its never been done before. Legally, he's a not a person he is, at best, Gadget's property and that would have some major drawbacks. He has less legal protection than a pet, people will in general not think of him as alive or having innate value beyond his technology or having a soul. He'll have to prove he is even sentient to some. [/quote']


True. OTOH, he doesn't exactly want people to know that. For all of the listed reasons above.


I think making it 'Sentient Machine in diguise; technically no legal rights' would cover the way it will hopefully works. (He looks like a human. As long as no one seriosuly damages him or opens him up, anyway. He could lose all rights in an instant, which makes his balancing act as tricky as that of any human with a Secret ID....)


This is a bit dark, but you may want to consider a Psychological Limitation or quirk "Feels Superior to Humans" or "Can't relate to normal humans" because, frankly, he is superior. He's faster, stronger, more durable and intelligent by orders of magnitude in some cases. With his devices he's even more socialable and physically attractive. Why does he "serve" the weak fleshy things? Gadget's behavior protocols? Some innate "moral" sense (There's that programming again!) or habit? Currently he has no peers in most area though that might change if he meets and hangs out with Seedlings.


Actually, I think you're understating it a little there. (Incidently, the 'looks' are breakable because damage could really mess up his interaction abilities).

He is, indeed, a superior being to non-super persons in just about every way to a quite large degree.


I saw the lack of that kind of ego as part of the perfection package. Point though. Hrmm. (thinks a bit).


His "mom" does match him in intellect. (Actually, other way round, to be more accurate, I guess).


Well, decision made. I'm going with the truly obnoxious option. He knows he's superior... and doesn't even think that's important. It's no real achievement.


I think that's probably more obnoxious than being all "I am so good!". :D


I wouldn't worry so much about the Ego (Unless that's a major part of your concept) and the Mental Defense. He's of the Machine class of minds meaning he's almost immune to most of the mentalists out there anyway.


And I suppose being vulnerable to those few whose powers DO go the right way is only fair. :)

The willpower does match the concept, but I guess the MD was overkill.


I'll funnel it into something else.

(End decision? The skills to fake his past, and some more points into his 'I can't believe it's not pushing')


A physical limitation: Reprogrammable might be worth something. If someone can physically get into his systems, they can alter him in fundamental ways and there's not much he can do about. His "Follower" can likely turn him off if she gets pissed or somebody gets their claws into her. (I made you and I can break you just as easily!).


Just some things to think about. I'm happy with modification. Some of my reaction was knee jerk I suspect. I'm new to this power level.


Kneejerkiness understood. Been there. :)

Yeah, being reprogrammable does fit. I'll peg it a 10 pointer. It's not exactly easy to get at his programmable bits, and he's very complex (read: hard to screw over completely this way), but it is a weakness. Swapping it for one of the Distinctive Features... two in the ame sense group is cheap, and the Social Limitation really covers the 'horror' part.

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


True. OTOH, he doesn't exactly want people to know that. For all of the listed reasons above.


I think making it 'Sentient Machine in diguise; technically no legal rights' would cover the way it will hopefully works. (He looks like a human. As long as no one seriosuly damages him or opens him up, anyway. He could lose all rights in an instant, which makes his balancing act as tricky as that of any human with a Secret ID....)


And he doesn't have a birth certificate, ID, personal history, family. Someone with proper equipment might notice he doesn't have a correct body temp or certain vital signs. And as you said, something hits him hard enough machine oil not blood is going to come out :)


My suggestion was based on the premise that in this game which is going to be more "realistic" I hope Secret IDs likely won't last very long. Keeping his inhumanity a secret is probably a good one, but I don't think it'll last and even with it being a secret I think it brings with it problems.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


And he doesn't have a birth certificate, ID, personal history, family. Someone with proper equipment might notice he doesn't have a correct body temp or certain vital signs. And as you said, something hits him hard enough machine oil not blood is going to come out :)


My suggestion was based on the premise that in this game which is going to be more "realistic" I hope Secret IDs likely won't last very long. Keeping his inhumanity a secret is probably a good one, but I don't think it'll last and even with it being a secret I think it brings with it problems.


He's a pretty good good copy of a human being, and between them they hopefully have the skills to fake a history for him as long as no one looks too carefully. (This is why those 6pts went into Bureaucratics and Forgery. Well, that and the fact that I had no idea about what else to buy. :))


I mean, it's not exactly complex to keep body temp at human norms (and, indeed, given his functions, it's probably a good idea), and a fake heartbeat etc. would probably be good ideas (as well as, again, helping with the functions - no heartbeat would be odd).


But yes, bleeding a-complex-fluid-that-would-need-extensive-chemical-analysis-to-determine-the-exact-composition-but-is-obviously-not-red is a giveaway.


Still. The disadvantage can be altered to become full blown no-rights when it has to be.

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


He's a pretty good good copy of a human being, and between them they hopefully have the skills to fake a history for him as long as no one looks too carefully. (This is why those 6pts went into Bureaucratics and Forgery. Well, that and the fact that I had no idea about what else to buy. :))


I mean, it's not exactly complex to keep body temp at human norms (and, indeed, given his functions, it's probably a good idea), and a fake heartbeat etc. would probably be good ideas (as well as, again, helping with the functions - no heartbeat would be odd).


But yes, bleeding a-complex-fluid-that-would-need-extensive-chemical-analysis-to-determine-the-exact-composition-but-is-obviously-not-red is a giveaway.


Still. The disadvantage can be altered to become full blown no-rights when it has to be.


Any fake id can be seen threw, its ususally a matter of time and attention. Unless he has those skill -very- high, inconsistencies are going to add up. His body temp is likely slightly higher than a human, he's probably also heavier than he should be as he's made out of denser more solid materials. His thermographic pattern is different from human. He doesn't sweat. He probably set off certain chemical sensors, possibly metal detectors. Like I've said, there's no (or precious little) comic book science in this world. He wouldn't be fundamentally indistinguishable from a human being without powers to support it. The best way for him to maintain his autonimity would be to remain out of the public eye for as much as possible, which is a limitation and of itself. Of course, since he is a machine that doesn't mean the government can just instantly legally take him away unless he's a proven danger. He is STILL Gadget's property and unless she used illegal means to fund or procede in his construction she's got a legal case to keep him.

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I wouldn't worry so much about the Ego (Unless that's a major part of your concept) and the Mental Defense. He's of the Machine class of minds meaning he's almost immune to most of the mentalists out there anyway.


Only half true. With a -3 ECV and -10 Effect (-5 Effect for Ego Blast) a mentalist can branch outside of their Class. It is listed as an option in 5E (my 5ER is coming...darned slow but coming) but I think it is so vital especially in games where strange aliens and other varieties of minds are commonplace.


The Seeds of Change from what I see does not fall in that catagory, but I thought the option should remain open.



-Oh I did indeed like the builds Whamme2

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


Only half true. With a -3 ECV and -10 Effect (-5 Effect for Ego Blast) a mentalist can branch outside of their Class. It is listed as an option in 5E (my 5ER is coming...darned slow but coming) but I think it is so vital especially in games where strange aliens and other varieties of minds are commonplace.


The Seeds of Change from what I see does not fall in that catagory, but I thought the option should remain open.



-Oh I did indeed like the builds Whamme2


I don't usually allow Mentalists to jump behind Machine and Living minds. I would consider for animal and alien, but just going "I'm a telepath, so with a little effort I can manipulate a non biological mind" doesn't seem to make allot of sense to me. As you said, its an option but its not one I agree with. In any event against a 26 Ego and 20 points of mental defense, i think "almost immune" still applies. :)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


Any fake id can be seen threw' date=' its ususally a matter of time and attention. Unless he has those skill -very- high, inconsistencies are going to add up. His body temp is likely slightly higher than a human, he's probably also heavier than he should be as he's made out of denser more solid materials. His thermographic pattern is different from human. He doesn't sweat. He probably set off certain chemical sensors, possibly metal detectors. Like I've said, there's no (or precious little) comic book science in this world. [/quote']


-Sure, ID not foolproof. But at least it exists.

-So, er, 17- is how high?

-Actually, precise temp is rather arguable. For him to not instantly overheat he'd need pretty sophisticated cooling devices. Still, when active, he'd definately run 'hot'. Also, see the one below the one below.

-He technically weighs a ton, I believe I noted; hence the flight capabilities.

-I'm not sure what thermographics are, precisely, but yes, he would have a nonhuman heat pattern, if not heat level.

-Yes, avoiding metal detectors is a good idea.


I mean obviously it IS detectable, but it's not easy. His primary function is to pass for human; being obnoxiously competent is his secondary function.


He wouldn't be fundamentally indistinguishable from a human being without powers to support it.


Uhm. Like what? Not following you here chief.


The best way for him to maintain his autonimity would be to remain out of the public eye for as much as possible, which is a limitation and of itself. Of course, since he is a machine that doesn't mean the government can just instantly legally take him away unless he's a proven danger. He is STILL Gadget's property and unless she used illegal means to fund or procede in his construction she's got a legal case to keep him.


Oh yes, staying low profile is indeed on his list of priorities.


As for the legality of his construction... yeah, let's not go into detail on that one. :D. Seriously, it's probably feasible to pull it off legally; it would require a lot more effort, however. Still, proving any thefts would be hard; whatever she started off with would obviosuly be heavily modified, and she's sneaky.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


Love it' date=' but just a thought - Gadget seems a little potent to be a DNPC. Just because he cares about her, she does have the potential for some sick abilities.[/quote']


Ah, but...


a) Also a follower for the usefulness.

B) She's... got issues. Actually, more of a lifetime subscription.


Seriously, she's really quite demanding. And possessive. And can shut him off if need be. Okay, maybe Hunted would be closer to the mark there... :)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I don't usually allow Mentalists to jump behind Machine and Living minds. I would consider for animal and alien' date=' but just going "I'm a telepath, so with a little effort I can manipulate a non biological mind" doesn't seem to make allot of sense to me. As you said, its an option but its not one I agree with. In any event against a 26 Ego and 20 points of mental defense, i think "almost immune" still applies. :)[/quote']


So I should put the MD back?


It's not really an issue either way, I was just going off what you said.

(He still has the 23 EGO, because he has, like, willpower and stuff)

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I like the purchase of Gadget as a follower with the DNPC limitation to reflect the inherent "problems" she causes the player. Pretty clever and worth a few points for something that may bite you in the nether-regions later... nice combo, I made a mental note for possible personal use later with one of my chars/npcs.


...actually (I just thought of this), kind of reminds me of 'Modular Man' from the Wildcards series.

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Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


-Sure, ID not foolproof. But at least it exists.

-So, er, 17- is how high?



I'm not saying he's not good, just that its not perfect. Unless of course you want to buy a Deep Cover


-Actually, precise temp is rather arguable. For him to not instantly overheat he'd need pretty sophisticated cooling devices. Still, when active, he'd definately run 'hot'. Also, see the one below the one below.


He would be noticably hotter than a well human noticably is. Particularly in spots (near his processor and power core for instance)


-He technically weighs a ton, I believe I noted; hence the flight capabilities.

-I'm not sure what thermographics are, precisely, but yes, he would have a nonhuman heat pattern, if not heat level.

-Yes, avoiding metal detectors is a good idea.


I mean obviously it IS detectable, but it's not easy. His primary function is to pass for human; being obnoxiously competent is his secondary function.


On casual inspection, he would pass, but there are limits.


Uhm. Like what? Not following you here chief.


Simplest and most impenetrable would be a "Diguse Shapeshift" Normal Human vs all sense, then only something built as "Detect Androids" would spot him, but that wouldn't be something I'd really allow for this campaign.



Oh yes, staying low profile is indeed on his list of priorities.


As for the legality of his construction... yeah, let's not go into detail on that one. :D. Seriously, it's probably feasible to pull it off legally; it would require a lot more effort, however. Still, proving any thefts would be hard; whatever she started off with would obviosuly be heavily modified, and she's sneaky.


My point was that even if his secret was revealed legally government forces couldn't swoop in and carry him off to the chop shop. Now extra legally... but most Seedling will likely have to worry about that to some degree.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I'm not saying he's not good' date=' just that its not perfect. Unless of course you want to buy a Deep Cover [/quote']


OTTOMH, that's 2 points, right? Might be a good call.


He would be noticably hotter than a well human noticably is. Particularly in spots (near his processor and power core for instance)




On casual inspection, he would pass, but there are limits.


Fair enough.


Simplest and most impenetrable would be a "Diguse Shapeshift" Normal Human vs all sense, then only something built as "Detect Androids" would spot him, but that wouldn't be something I'd really allow for this campaign.


Yeah, that's not something I see him doing all the time. Maybe once or twice with the help of Gadget to help throw someone off track. But it loses the special feel if it's impossible to see through.


My point was that even if his secret was revealed legally government forces couldn't swoop in and carry him off to the chop shop. Now extra legally... but most Seedling will likely have to worry about that to some degree.




Interesting thought: Of the two, he's probably got less to worry about in that regard. For one, relative power levels. For another, taking the designer captive does a run around the 'reverse engineering' stage.


Eek. An army of Androids. Who needs cloning when the Assembly Line technique has been perfected over a century?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Character Post: Android and Gadget


I hadn't noticed this thread when I posted Kriegmädchen.


Some helpful stuff here. Interesting character concept, nice twist on the cliche.


Thanks. I try. :)


yeah, essentially, with 750, I tried to fit in everything I could think of. (Not weapons, because they don't fit the concept, but senses^2)

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