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Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


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Okay, I already have the character built. She is essentially a power armor character, but the power armor was an emergency/medic response unit. Except that the power armor is just some gauntlets and boots. Some of her powers include:


Healing: Basic Healing

Medica laser: RKA

Anesthesia: NND ranged blast


What I need help in is new powers and special effects. Some ideas I have are:


Chemotherapy: NND ranged attack delayed.

AID: Endurance aid


I also wanted to the idea of a Defibrilator (the electrical pads doctors use when people have heart attacks) but I don't know what kind of power it should be. I was thinking of a EB with no range, but seems a little boring.


Any other ideas? This is more of a support character than an offense giant.

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


Let's see...I had a medically-based group, "Critical Condition".


"Cardiac" had a "induce heart attack" power - I think I did it as a no-range, 8d6NND with a linked 4d6 END drain. :nonp:


"Cast" generated a plaster-like goop that he used as armor and for entangles. Maybe you could incorporate an "immobilizing foam" spray in one of the gauntlets.


Since the stuff does real healing, I'm assuming it's some kind of funky alien tech.


Maybe some sort of "medevac" power, like a long-range extra mass teleport?


Force wall bubble to protect her and her patient while she works on them?


Life support, including useable by others could be good. "OK - if you stay within 30 feet of me, you'll be immune to any disease. Let's go get Contagion."


X-ray vision.


Dispel/Drain vs. virus/disease based effects/powers.


Universal Translator or Telepathy to communicate with patients.


Oh - and welcome to the boards! :)

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


Good concept


I would use EB NND does body (Not living or regeneration) for the shock pads.


Better put it in a MP for various other electrical tricks: Sticky, Indirect, AE-1 Hex and other uses of a focused electrical burst.


Welcome to the HERO boards...we're basically friendly just don't mention Adjustment powers...



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Be careful what powers you give your heroine if she's a real doctor: her Hippocratic oath would prevent her from using medical tools as weapons.


So I'd stay away from medical lasers, chemotherapy, and defibrilation attacks. If the medical board hears she's zapping people into cardiac arrest, there goes her liscence to practice medicine.


And if she's actually billing herself as a medical responder or doctor, she may be opening herself to liability for malpractice claims from whomever she attacks. That's why the police might give emergency medical aid, but paramedics don't shoot criminals.


Restraining, protecting, and healing powers should be your focus.


Also, for simple anasthetics, I'd recommend a Flash vs. Touch (no, not much of a combat effect).

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


I don't know it would make holding those OAFs nearly impossible. Plus have you tried running with a foot that has fallen asleep? Or Incantations/Gestures/Restrainable those numbed hands and lips are just not working right are they?


Flash v. Touch can get nasty especially if you Drain v. DEX as a linked power.



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Flash v. Touch can get nasty especially if you Drain v. DEX as a linked power.

It's the Drain vs. DEX that would have those effects.


Flash vs. Touch just makes you auto-fail your Touch PER Rolls. So unless you use Touch as a Ranged Targeting Sense it doesn't have much of an effect in combat.

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


I created a character that was a healer... She was a field medic in the army during Desert Storm. She was exposed to chemicals that actiavted her latent mutant abilities. Her ability was to hyper-accelerate the healing process in living cells. She also had a "sixth sense" at diagnosing illnesses. She became a paramedic when she left the army. Her powers were all based on healing.


I designed her abilities with Aid (Stun) and I also was tinkering with giving her the ability of Regeneration (only on others) so she could trigger another character to take a recovery phase.



If I can find it again, I once saw an Iron Man-esque character who was a combat field medic. It used Doc Oc-like arms to assist in the proceedures.

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


It's the Drain vs. DEX that would have those effects.


Flash vs. Touch just makes you auto-fail your Touch PER Rolls. So unless you use Touch as a Ranged Targeting Sense it doesn't have much of an effect in combat.

I don't have my 5ER handy, but I believe there were other combat effects from having no sense of touch; reduced OCV, maybe? I would definitely incorporate a DEX Drain into an an anesthesia-based attack.


I would also suggest that you incorporate a visor into your medical battlesuit. N-Ray (X-Ray), Telescopic, Infrared and Microscopic Vision would be very handy to someone administering emergency battlefield triage, as would a radio to request emergency medivac.

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


Suspended animation: Transform living person to comatose person (Stops Bleeding, prevents further deterioration by other means, like a virus or other continuous attacks). Would only work on unconscious or willing people probably. (No putting a fighting enemy into a coma)


Adrnaline Rush: AID to STR, END, and probably CON and BODY.


Counteragent: Drug that Acts as life support only for the purpose of fighting off organisms and bio NND attacks that require LS as the defense.


Diagnostic: Detect Illness

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


PG 351 352


Lack of Touch Sense imposes a -3 (or more) on DEX based Skills, OCV in HtH combat (some range if he has to shoot weapons) and any other activities requiring Dexterous action. In fact having your touch sense flashed makes you *blind* to any injury you might sustain STUN and Body.


Touch Flash is nasty! Who has Touch Flash Defense?

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


These are her powers right now. She is a 250 character build. I'm ALREADY playing her, so my question was aimed more towards finding out how I could improve her effectiveness and add cute little special effects.


Character Name: Therapy

Costume can be found here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v492/Fabian6/Therapy.jpg


MP: OIF Medi Gauntlets and Boots [100]

U [1] Healing (Simplified): 6D6 [60]

U [2] RKA 2D6 Surgical Laser, Penetrating [45]

U [3] 6D6 Energy Blast NND (anesthesia) Def: LS sleep [60]

U [4] Characteristic: Strength +40 Reduced End [60]

U [5] Images: Sight, only light or detect imaging, 1" radius [15]

U [6] Clinging [10]

M [7] 20 PD / ED Force Field [40]

M [8] Flight: 20" [40]


Armor: 8 PD/ED OIF Gauntlets/Boots, Act: 11- [24]

Armor: 2 PD/ED OIF Uniform, Act: 14- [6]


Detect: Organic Life [10], Analyze [5], Microscopic X1000 [9]

> Range [5] Total Cost: [29] Costs End, OIF Gauntlets (-1)



L.S.: Linked (Force Field), Costs End, OIF Gauntlets/Boots (-1 1/2)

> Pressure, Vacuum, Radiation, Cold, Heat, Breathing [19]



Combat Levels: +2 OCV with OIF Gauntlets/Boots [10]



End. Reserve: 70, Rec: 10 [17] OIF Gauntlets/Boots



Paramedic: 13-

Professional Skill: Physician: 13-

Scientist: 13-

Bacteriology Genetics Surgery

Fringe: License to practice medicine

Computer Programming: 13-

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


PG 351 352


Lack of Touch Sense imposes a -3 (or more) on DEX based Skills, OCV in HtH combat (some range if he has to shoot weapons) and any other activities requiring Dexterous action. In fact having your touch sense flashed makes you *blind* to any injury you might sustain STUN and Body.


Touch Flash is nasty! Who has Touch Flash Defense?

I don't remember reading that before. Very interesting.

Does it say anything about if that effects being "Stunned" (from taking more than your CON from a single attack)?

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Re: Need ideas for a medical/doctor type hero.


I don't remember reading that before. Very interesting.

Does it say anything about if that effects being "Stunned" (from taking more than your CON from a single attack)?


No it states that you are not immune to pain you just don't feel it. (Oxymoron there...pain is feeling....) It states the GM could give bonuses to resist pain rolls. I would say reading the rule that unless damage actually exceeds your CON you likely only notice that you were attacked and jostled but miss that dagger sticking out of your back until the 10 segments of Touch Flash from Ninja Master 's Atemi Strike wears off. If you are CON stunned you say "Self...Damn that should have hurt...If only my body would stop tingling."

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