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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Damn...now that's what I call a Distracting Costume power with

a vengeance.


Either that, or she's taken lessons from Seras Victoria on resisting





Major Tom :eg:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Maybe it's a Billy Batson-type thing? Where she changes from demure high schooler to Yowza! Now what would her transformation word be?





I can't even begin to speculate as to a transformation word for FF. What

I have noticed, though, is that there are two terms in this post that

don't really belong together: "demure" and "high schooler". This is as much

a contradiction in terms as are the phrases "military intelligence" and

"politically correct".




Major Tom :sneaky:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I can't even begin to speculate as to a transformation word for FF. What

I have noticed, though, is that there are two terms in this post that

don't really belong together: "demure" and "high schooler". This is as much

a contradiction in terms as are the phrases "military intelligence" and

"politically correct".




Major Tom :sneaky:


Yeah, well, I was just supposing... :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


FWIW, shes not a highschooler. She was just out of high school when the game started. Now she recently turned 20.


And yes, she has superhuman strength and agility. (Her STR is actually about 20, which I consider superhuman for a girl who is 5'4"). She can grow or reduce the length of her unbreakable nails, but thats the only real "transforming" she does.


So no, she doesnt have a "transformation sequence". Sorry guys.


Instead she just has to slide those stockings on one long leg at a time.....:cool:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


FWIW, shes not a highschooler. She was just out of high school when the game started. Now she recently turned 20.


And yes, she has superhuman strength and agility. (Her STR is actually about 20, which I consider superhuman for a girl who is 5'4"). She can grow or reduce the length of her unbreakable nails, but thats the only real "transforming" she does.


So no, she doesnt have a "transformation sequence". Sorry guys.


Instead she just has to slide those stockings on one long leg at a time.....:cool:


Now your just being cruel.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I'm thinking no secret ID here' date=' and no fitting through narrow doorways either.


Thats an interesting physical limitation. Can't fit through small spaces.


Not to mention counting for distinctive features, reputation/social limitation: famous (any press coverage would make her well known in certain circles), and hunted (watched) by most single men in the area.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Thats an interesting physical limitation. Can't fit through small spaces.


Not to mention counting for distinctive features, reputation/social limitation: famous (any press coverage would make her well known in certain circles), and hunted (watched) by most single men in the area.


I hardly think you can limit this one to single men.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Power Girl just got put in her place...


wait, she goes to a high school? whoa boy there must be hijinks



At the very least, the grade curve's gone to hell in a handbasket.


And Power Girl's not the only one who got put in her place. If the

pic is anything to go by, Pamela Anderson just got left in the dust.




Major Tom :D

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


FWIW, shes not a highschooler. She was just out of high school when the game started. Now she recently turned 20.


And yes, she has superhuman strength and agility. (Her STR is actually about 20, which I consider superhuman for a girl who is 5'4"). She can grow or reduce the length of her unbreakable nails, but thats the only real "transforming" she does.


So no, she doesnt have a "transformation sequence". Sorry guys.


Instead she just has to slide those stockings on one long leg at a time.....:cool:



Alright, now you've gone and piqued my curiosity. Is there any chance

that you'll ever post a character writeup of Feline Fury here on the





Major Tom :cool:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Alright, now you've gone and piqued my curiosity. Is there any chance

that you'll ever post a character writeup of Feline Fury here on the





Major Tom :cool:


Actually....*ahem*...the game she's in is run on Mutants and Masterminds.



I could still post her sheet, if youd like...

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Actually....*ahem*...the game she's in is run on Mutants and Masterminds.



I could still post her sheet, if youd like...



Yes, please.



Major Tom :D

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


She's an Asian porn star who's been augmented to have a build akin to Feline Fury's.



Ahhh...the Far East's answer to Morganna, in other words.




Major Tom :cool:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


FELINE FURY Missy Storm (PL 10, 196 total pp)


Ability Score Totals

STR 19 (+4), DEX 24/16 (+7/+3), CON 24 (+7)

INT 16 (+3), WIS 16/24 (+3/+7), CHA 16 (+3)



Attack +5, (+13 Melee, +15 Unarmed), Damage +4 (unarmed), +7 (Claws)

Defense +12 (22 total)(13 Flat Footed)

Grapple +19, Initiative +7



TGH +8 (Base 7, Costume 1), Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8/+12



Acrobatics 8 (+15/+11), Computers 2 (+5), Craft: Artistic 2 (+5), Diplomacy 2 (+5), Disable Device 15 (+18), Gather Information 7 (+10), Intimidate 2 (+5), Knowledge: Business 2 (+5), Knowledge: Popular Culture 2 (+5), Knowledge: Streetwise 2 (+5), Language 5: (English (native), Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish), Medicine 3 (+6/+10), Notice 3 (+6/+10), Perform: Acting 5 (+8), Perform: Dance 8 (+15/+11), Perform: Singing 7 (+10), Perform: Stringed instruments 2 (+5), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 6 (+9/+13 [+19 / 23 w/ Scent]), Stealth 13 (+20/+16), Swim 2 (+5)



Attractive 2, All-Out Attack, Animal Empathy, Attack Focus (Melee) 8, Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 1, Benefit (Celebrity) 1, Benefit (Wealth) 2, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 6, Eidetic Memory, Endurance 2**, Equipment (2 Personal +3 Team) 5, Evasion 1, Fascinate (Perform Skills), Fearless, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Critical (Unarmed 19-20), Jack of All Trades, Luck 2, Power Attack, Move-By Action, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Stealth, Perform: Dance, Medicine), Takedown Attack 2



(24) Regeneration 22 (Bruised 3 [1/rnd: No Action], Unconscious 1 [1/rnd], Staggered 4 [1/rnd], Injured 6 [1/rnd: no roll], Disabled 6 [1 round], Ability Damage 2 [1/hour]; PF: Regrowth, Resurrection 1 [1 week; Not if body Disintegrated])

(8) Enhanced Strength 8

(8) Enhanced Dexterity 8

(1) AP -- Enhanced Wisdom 8

(6) Enhanced Constitution 6

(1) Immunity 1 (Aging)

(1) Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison [Flaw: Half Effect])

(4) Super-Movement 2 (Wall Crawling 1, Slow Fall)

(1) AP -- Leaping 2 [standard 120’ leap]

(1) AP -- Speed 2 [115’ run; 26 standard squares]

(1) AP -- Super Senses 2 (Extended Vision 1 [x10], Ext’d Hearing 1 [x10])

(1) AP – Enhanced Skill 2 (+10 Sense Motive [Linked: Scent])

(9) Super-Senses 9 (Accurate Hearing, Accurate Scent, Tracking (Scent), Ultra Vision, Danger Sense (Radius), Ultra-Hearing, Distance Sense)


(4) “Retractable ClawsStrike 3 (Mighty; Extras: Penetrating 4 [Flaw: Lethal Only])

(1) AP -- “Wild StrikesStrike 3 (Mighty; Extra: Autofire; [Lethal Only, Full Action])

(1) AP -- “Flurry of BlowsAutofire 4 (Strength) ([Full Action])



(2) Sexy Leather Costume (Protection 1, Subtle)

(1) Team Radio [from Shadow Dragon]

(2) Cell Phone w/ Camera

(1) Expert Lockpicks (+2)

(1) Tracers

(1) Audio Bugs

(1) Waterproof Minilight

(1) GPS (in costume)


(15) Team Contribution


Car: 2008 Camero (ala Transformers); Black with gold racing stripes



(-3) Vulnerability: Pleasure Effects x2 (Uncommon, Major)

(-2) Vulnerability: Dazzles (+1 to Save DC’s) (Common, Minor)[Highly-attuned senses]


Abilities 33, Skills 21 (105 pts), Feats 44, Powers 72, Combat 22, Saves 9, - Drawbacks 5 = 196



* Our campaign uses some minor house rules. Most notably, that 1 Character Point gets you 5 Skill Points (not 4). Likewise, there are some campaign limits. Level 2 Attractive is the most anyone is allowed. However, since Feline Fury looks like Eliza Dushku, with THAT body....

* This is Feline Fury as she is today; two years of experience unde rher belt. She started at PL 10 / 150 points. Now she has 46 XPs spent. Even though our GM has decided not to raise the PL cap any time soon, she is still a heck of a lot tougher and more overall competent than she was two years ago, when she had the fighting ability and stealth skills of a Los Angeles cheerleader. ;)

* The listed Stats include her Enhanced Characteristics.

* Her Enhanced Wisdom is an Alternate Power to her Enhanced Dexterity, Basically this means that Missy can concentrate either on being agile, or her enhanced senses. Or being incredibly stubborn. This is why her Dex, Wisdom, and Will Saves have double entries. The first number listed is her "standard setting" with her focus on agility. The second number is when shes putting her mind to it ;)

* The claws count as Melee combat, but not Unarmed. This allowed me to buy some Attack Specialization which PL balances her, whether her claws are out or not. She pops the claws when she wants to do BIG damage, though she rarely if ever uses them against living targets.

* Her costume is made of incredibly durable materials...but it doesnt cover all of her. We decided to represent this as only 1 point of Protection, rather than mess with Activation Rolls (which they dont really have in M&M anyway)

* If there are any mathematic or rules interpretation errors...thats probably my fault


I hope this is useful / entertaining :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I'm pretty sure that you don't want that picture on your monitor at work. You will be criticised by feminists and anatomists alike. :eek:


Which is unfortunate, because Feline Fury is a very independant, willful, and self-reliant young lady. And there -are- people in the world built like that. Not many, granted, but they exist.

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