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How would you build this


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I am creating a Martial Artist character who has duplication. I would like to have her be able to "create" weapons that she can use with her martial arts style. I would like it to be possible for her to be able to create any of the weapons that she can use in any fight. Maybe fight one she makes a Katana, fight two she creates a Three-section staff, etc. I would like the duplicates to be able to create different weapons. (example Duplicate one creates a tonfa, while dupilcate two creates a Bo Staff, etc.)

I was going to try to use transform but it states that you should not use transfrom to create weapons out of thin air, you should use HKA and sfx to do that. Thing is is that not all the weapons are Killing attack weapons. I want to be able to make a Tonfa and a Katana using the same power. The weapons I want to create would be right out of the Ultimate Martial Artist. No beefing up the weapons or anything along those lines. Just standard weapons from the book.


I thought of just tossing a few points into a custom power and adding a few advantages and limitations to try to come up with something. But that seems to be more of a pain trying to figure everything out.


Sooooo how would you go about doing this?

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Re: How would you build this


I'm not sure Variable SFX is necessary. The way I see it, VarSFX is an advantage because it lets you tune an attack to match a vulnerability or a limitation on a defense. But in this case, all the weapons are likely to match the same vulnerabilities/limitations--so VarSFX isn't needed. (Would you make someone take VarSFX to be able to shoot an EB of any color?[1])


In a fantasy game I would require VarSFX though: it's reasonably common for Fantasy creatures to be vulnerable to blunt weapons but not edged ones, so being able to switch from a sword to a mace is an advantage. But I can't imagine that it would be an advantage for a Super in all but the rarest of cases.


[1] I grant that a DC energy projector who can shoot any color beams has a mighty advantage--against *1* person. But, only lame-o's would be vulnerable to a *color* :P

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Re: How would you build this


Have a look at Master Ninja.


37 Groovy Ninja Weapons!: Multipower, 56-point reserve, (56 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2) [Notes: Requires weapons, strip searching or entangling Master Ninja blocks MP. Individual weapons may be taken away, but he always has more.]

3u 1) Any Blunt Ninja Weapon: Hand-To-Hand Attack +9d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) 2 end

4u 2) Any Sharp or Pointy Ninja Weapon: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6 (5d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) 2 end

3u 3) Any Thrown Ninja Weapon: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) 2 end


You may want to add +1/4 worth of Variable SFX, but otherwise the above would work fine.

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Re: How would you build this


I second Nexus' suggestion. Have an MP with one slot HTH variable SFX, second slot HKA variable sfx, a third RKA varliable sfx (ranged bladed weapons), etc. The most limited version of variable lim can be set to a narrow group such as edged weapons, etc. This means that the player would not be able to say "Oh, I summoned a silver sword for the werewolf and a fire bo staff for Iceman."


If you don't want to use an MP, try a VPP 0phase change, no skill roll, limited powers (only real weapons). Figure out the AP of the biggest weapon in the UMA and go with that. I think an VPP is a bit overkill in this situation, but it would work.


With respect to your duplicate question, each duplicate will be able to use whatever powers they have (unless otherwise limited) without reference to the other duplicates. Therefore, Dup A could be using slot A and Dup B using slot B.


Edit: Oddhat's MP is what I was thinking... except with the optional variable SFX.

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Re: How would you build this


When I had a character that I wanted to "create weapons" I defined it as a Variable Power Pool with the limits "limited class of powers" and "all powers built as focus". About 30 or 40 points is enough to create any weapon in the Ultimate Martial Artist, including things like Stretching for polearms and bonus CVs for the right items, but it is hard to have more than one or two at a time. You can apply advantages/limits to reflect how the character summons the weapon(and how long it takes to summon it) and how it goes away.


For my character it looked like this:


VPP 30 point base

Control Cost no roll(+1), half phase to summon weapon(+1/2), -1 limited class of objects(only Japanese/Chinese weapons)(-1) all powers OAF(-1), though it may be more appropraite to make it -3/4. Real Cost for CC: 12 points.


This let the character mystically summon any traditional martial arts weapon of Chinese or Japanese origin as a half phase action. In order to make the weapon go away he needed physical contact with the weapon or some part of the weapon if it was broken.

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Re: How would you build this


The Complete Weapon pool (60 active points), restrainable(-1/2) 40 points

1)Sharp Weapons- Upto 2dk AP hka(+1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2), Restrainable(-1/2) 8m(yes, multi, see below)

2)Blunt Weapons- Upto +6d6 pentrating(+1/2) HA(-1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2) , restrainable(-1/2) 6m

3)Thrown Sharp- upto 1d6+1 AP(+1/2) HKA, ranged(+1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2), restrainable(-1/2), range based on str(-1/4) 3u

4)Thrown Blunt- upto 4 1/2d6 HA(-1/2) penetrating(+1/2), Ranged(+1/2) at 0 end cost(+1/2), restrainable(-1/2), range based on str(-1/4) 3u

5)Long or flexible weapons- upto 2" stretching at 0 end cost(+1/2), no NCM(-1/4), No Velocity Damage(-1/4), restrainable(-1/2) 2m(this allows for long pike-like weapons or chain weapons)

6)Specialized design weapons- +3 skill levels with any three maneuvers, restrainable(-1/2) 1m(tonfa/sai/other specially designed weapon for specific maneuvers)

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Re: How would you build this


That's good. I don't have any resources w/ me in the office, and I'm just firing this off of the top of my head, but "Summon" might be a power worth looking at, given what you're trying to do - that being conjure up a specific weapon out of a predefined group of weapons. Not sure if that'd end up being more/less point effecient for you (if efficiency is even a concern) but it might be worth looking into.

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Re: How would you build this


Thanks for all the great info guys. I deceided to go with the VPP. That worked out very well. And it cost less then I expected a VPP to cost. I always figured they cost alot for some reason. But it worked out just right.

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