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Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Hmm... well I didn't find any sort of Drizzt or Artemis write-up in any search. If anyone is interested I would still like to see a write up.


Why don't you post one of your own, Grasshopper? I'm sure there are plenty of masters here ready to complement your insights and point out where it fails.

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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Here's a few items I'm make sure to include:


Ave STR (8-13)

High DEX (23+) He's supposed to be blindingly fast

Ave CON (8-13)



Analyze Combat Technique

Climbing ???

Several CSLs

Fast Draw

KS: Underdark

KS: Mithral Hall

KS: Drow

KS: Kelvin's Cairn

Some form of Scimitar-based MA

Paramedics/Healing - minimum points

Rapid Attack

Ride Horse - minimum points

Survival: Underdark

Survival: Tundra

Survival: Woodlands


Two-Weapon fighting



Contact - Alustrair (sp?) from Silverymoon

Contact - Mithrill Hall Dwarves




Combat Luck

Combat Sense

Animal Friendship ???

Deadly Blow vs. Demons

Evasive (needs extra Limitations, used as a last resort)

Fearless ???

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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Here's a few items I'm make sure to include:


Ave STR (8-13)

High DEX (23+) He's supposed to be blindingly fast

Ave CON (8-13)



Analyze Combat Technique

Climbing ???

Several CSLs

Fast Draw

KS: Underdark

KS: Mithral Hall

KS: Drow

KS: Kelvin's Cairn

Some form of Scimitar-based MA

Paramedics/Healing - minimum points

Rapid Attack

Ride Horse - minimum points

Survival: Underdark

Survival: Tundra

Survival: Woodlands


Two-Weapon fighting



Contact - Alustrair (sp?) from Silverymoon

Contact - Mithrill Hall Dwarves




Combat Luck

Combat Sense

Animal Friendship ???

Deadly Blow vs. Demons

Evasive (needs extra Limitations, used as a last resort)

Fearless ???


Alot of the time in the books... he has drawn his scimitars so fast that to other people it looked as if they appeared in his hands... could you do that by putting IPE on his Fast Draw? What could you do to simulate that?

Well I was thinking

STR 13 (just because that's his D20 strength)

DEX 22+ (plus whatever his leg bracers give him)

CON 16 (his D&D con)

BODY 12-15 (wasn't that sure about this one...)

INT 17-19

EGO 17

PRE 15-20

COM 16-18


He would definitely have alot of Enhanced Perception.. and possibly extended range on his sight and his hearing. Some sort of Defense Maneuver if not DF Maneuver IV. He would most likely have some Mental Defense and Power Defense. Also I imagine him having a base speed of 5-6 not sure how much speed his leg bracers would give him.

but does anyone here know if he would have any kind of Danger Sense?

oh and what's Deadly Blow and what's Evasive?

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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Alot of the time in the books... he has drawn his scimitars so fast that to other people it looked as if they appeared in his hands... could you do that by putting IPE on his Fast Draw? What could you do to simulate that?

Well I was thinking

STR 13 (just because that's his D20 strength)

DEX 22+ (plus whatever his leg bracers give him)

CON 16 (his D&D con)

BODY 12-15 (wasn't that sure about this one...)

INT 17-19

EGO 17

PRE 15-20

COM 16-18


Sounds pretty good... I wasn't really sure about anything other than he was not that strong, but extremeley quick.


He would definitely have alot of Enhanced Perception.. and possibly extended range on his sight and his hearing. Some sort of Defense Maneuver if not DF Maneuver IV. He would most likely have some Mental Defense and Power Defense. Also I imagine him having a base speed of 5-6 not sure how much speed his leg bracers would give him.


Yeah, he'd get IR Vision, and 2-4 levels of Enhanced Perception.


Defense Maneuver IV - forgot that one.


Don't know about MDef or PDef.


I'd give him a SPD 4, and the leg bracers a +1-2 SPD


but does anyone here know if he would have any kind of Danger Sense?


I think he's pretty covered with his high DEX, Defense Maneuver and Combat Sense. I don't remember him "sensing danger" at the Danger Sense level.


oh and what's Deadly Blow and what's Evasive?


Deadly Blow is a FH Talent that allows Extra DC of Killing Attacks, simulating accurate blows in limited situations.


Evasive is a FH talent that simulates a "special knack for dodging blows, deadly traps, and sometimes even spells at the last second". Its Desolid with special limitations.

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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


All I can say is' date=' my character Drizz'tminster will blow this guy away... :winkgrin:[/quote'] A D&D character of a slightly lower power level than his isn't too unlikely to do just that, IMO. Especially if he has player character equipment.
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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Sounds pretty good... I wasn't really sure about anything other than he was not that strong, but extremeley quick.




Yeah, he'd get IR Vision, and 2-4 levels of Enhanced Perception.


Defense Maneuver IV - forgot that one.


Don't know about MDef or PDef.


I'd give him a SPD 4, and the leg bracers a +1-2 SPD


but does anyone here know if he would have any kind of Danger Sense?


I think he's pretty covered with his high DEX, Defense Maneuver and Combat Sense. I don't remember him "sensing danger" at the Danger Sense level.




Deadly Blow is a FH Talent that allows Extra DC of Killing Attacks, simulating accurate blows in limited situations.


Evasive is a FH talent that simulates a "special knack for dodging blows, deadly traps, and sometimes even spells at the last second". Its Desolid with special limitations.


Hmm well he is a drow and he can see in the dark... so wouldn't have have some sort of Nightvision? Well elves are resistant to effects of the mind so I thought 1-5 points of mental defense... and since Drizzt is resistant to spells I thought of Power Defense. Hmm as for the speed.... he's supposed to be the fastest of the group... and I doubt Regis Bruenor Catti-Brie and Wulfgar all have a speed of 3 or lower... so i think he might have a speed of 5 but 6 with his leg bracers.... Sorry I'm kind of new... FH=Fantasy Hero? if those are from FH where all can I find them? are there books out or something?

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Guest joen00b

Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Given how fast he tears opponents up, I wonder if Penetrating would be attached to the weapons, or just because he is holding said weapons. He's proven that with any scimitar, he can rip someone to shreds. Find weakness thrown in for good measure as well, and the FH skill: Teamwork. Throw in Combat Sense (I wouldn't say Danger sense so much, but it may be there with a reduced roll, as I think through the books), also, I'd give him some sort of autofire attack with 0 END when he becomes 'the Hunter' (accidental change, only mental change), and two weapon fighting of course.


It adds up fast with him, that's for sure.

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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


Don't forget something to make him the scrub-killer he truly is. In pretty much every book with him that I read, Drizz't got the opportunity to put some goblin-kin (or other suitable scrub-like foes) through the woodchipper. I'd say go for something in a HKA with AoE, add some inches of Movement to allow for his dashing all about, and Sweep it; it won't work against tougher foes, but it'll annihilate weak ones.

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Guest joen00b

Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


I think that would be a variation of the Follow Through skill in FH. Keep the rules, give it a different name, so in one phase, he could conceivably clean out the three hexes in front of him with damage. This would work well with the Armor Piercing/Penetrating mods with Find Weakness, Megascale on a race or army something like that, lmao. Ever notice how when he goes buckweasel in a large group of foes, none can get close to him? I'd call that an HKA Damage Shield personally.


Yeah, he could easily top 500 points.


And he'd absolutely punk Artemis with all the skills he ahs now. Artemis held his own when he was younger, but now Driz'zt has moved beyond even his skills.

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Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


What about Guen, his onyx cat (note how I didn't try to spell the full name ...)? I can't recall the FH rules on familiars, and I don't feel like reaching the 2 feet to pull the book off the shelf by my monitor, so I'll just propose that Mr. DoUrden has always fallen back on Guen. Based on the way he's "used" and what not, he seems like a slavishly loyal summon to me. Telepathic link. Really, in game terms, nothing more than a weapon.


Just a thought.


This is a neat idea though. I keep coming back to the newest series, thinking that it would be pretty easy to justify a lot of disadvantages on his character sheet from what we've seen there (not saying a thing, for spoilerific reasons).

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Guest joen00b

Re: Drizzt & Artemis Entreri


In D&D Terms, Guenhwyvar is a Figurine Of Wondrous Power. He stole it from an evil Dark Elf mage. The Figurines are slavishly loyal to their 'owners' (whomever has physical ownership of the figurine when the animal spirit within is 'called out' of the figurine) and have no choice to follow their orders. Guen and Driz'zt have a special bond because he treated the animal spirit with honor and like it was a friend.


Most people think of the animal spirits as magical constructs, but in reality, and what Driz'zt learned, is they are actual living beings. Guen was once a cat in the jungles and during the construction of the Figurine, it's spirit was bonded to the Figurine. How, when, where, etc were never given details, but the fact remains, Guen 'runs' in her own Plane of existence (the Astral Plane) until called forth.


Throughout the books, Guen has been nearly destroyed while on the Prime Material Plane, and it was shown the reason Guen needs to spend time in the Astral is to heal (secondary) and 'recharge' the figurine 'batteries' (primary) for ease of explanation. The magic that binds the spirit to the figurine is only so powerful, and it really expends energy to bring the cat to a physical form in the Prime material.


This could be bought quite a few different ways. For my game, it would fit in best, as a charged item with recoverable charges (only over time) and Limited Duration (X amount of time the cat can be called out) per day. The charges recover every week, and the cat can spend only so much time per week in the Prime Material. The exact amount of time s never said, Driz'zt instinctively knows. I would say like 16 hours per week, based on old AD&D rules for figurines.


It's important to note that Driz'zt does NOT have a psychic bond with Guen. He has simply been hunting with her for almost 70-100 years. How wel would you get to know the mannerisms of your pet were you to spend that much time with it, and each of you relying on one another to survive? Odds are pretty damn well. They know how each other fight, they know they're mannerisms, and they know each others tactics and strong suits, meaning they can work in tandem with no penalties (bought as Teamwork, only with each other), and since the Figurine would be bought as an Automaton (Guen really doesn't have STUN or Hit Points, per se, and she is a magical construct after all), so the character (Driz'zt in this case) would have complete control through a mind link for instructional purposes only in game terms. IT should also be noted that the animal spirit does have free will and an intelligence all it's own, but that goes against Automaton standard rules.


So, that kind of leaves it up in the air for the GM to bend and break rules as needed to make something of this nature. Most certainly, Guen would have around a 20-25 STR and 23-28 DEX, a few CSL's, Stealth, Ultravision, Teamwork, Tactics, and 1d6 HKA, then kind of rely on activation rolls for autofire (if both her front claws land, she should be able to land a bite and possibly to rear claw rakes.) and from the books, some form of Clinging, but only to her opponent. Perhaps that could be bought as linked to Persistent HKA or something. Again, that would be up to the GM to decide.


I'll leave it at that and let others add in their thoughts to give a more comprehensive and multiple look at the Figurine Of Wondrous Power: Guenhwyvar.

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