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Design a ME Team


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Nucleon bids you hello mortals! He needs Help! Help Him with your tremendous imagination powers and create a Middle Eastern combat team, would-be heroes but as of now a tense third party my players are going to encounter as part of their current global adventure.


They should be a team of 5-7 NPCs, of respectable power and should (as all heroes that are not American...) have some cultural traits that reflects their environment, but Nucleon would like these elements not to be too caricatural. He would also like culturally meaningful names, if you can. The area they would guard goes from Egypt to Iran, comprising the Arabic peninsula as well as North Eastern Africa.


Nucleon don't ask for complete Character sheets; A simple concept description for each, with the occasional temperamental or origin quirks should suffice. A small paragraph should do it, or even a one-liner if your communicating skills are that efficient.


He would also like a brief description of this team' structure, bases, ressources and vehicule if they have such perks. Are they religious integrists? Do they seek to liberate their people from modern-day tyrants? Are they progressists or do they favor old ways and traditions?


Thanks in advance, Mortals!

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Re: Design a ME Team


Essentially, if I read correctly, you want an arab team that represents the Muslim World.


First off, their religious status would directly impact their status in each country. I would also expect such a team to be mostly, if not all, male.


Good ideas include:


"classic arabian warrior" (flying carpet, scimitar, etc...such as Marvel's Arabian Knight"


"owner of a magic lamp" or genie master; or a genie


a wizard (very common in arabian literature)


desert/sand/eartch control (think of some of the SFX from the Mummy movies)


skilled thief/sailor/martial artist -- could even own a magic boat


"Saladin" -- descendent or reincarnation of one of Arabia's greatest warriors.

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Re: Design a ME Team


How's this? :)


Fist of Allah

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

35 STR 25 16- Lift: 3.2 tons; 7d6

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

25 CON 30 14-

15 BODY 10 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

10 COM 0 11-

20 PD 13 Total: 35 PD (15 rPD)

19 ED 14 Total: 34 ED (15 rED)

5 SPD 17 Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

12 REC 0

60 END 5

45 STUN 0 Total Char Cost: 171


Movement: Running: 25"/50"

Tunneling: 8"


Cost Powers END

30 Sword of the Dao: Multipower, 60-point powers, OAF (Sword; -1)

3 1) Blast of Stone: EB 12d6 6

3 2) Earth Erupt: EB 8d6, Explosion (+½) 6

3 3) Shards of Stone: EB 8d6, AP (+½) 6

3 5) Blade of the Dao: HKA 2½d6, AP (+½) 6


45 Skin Like Rock: Armor (15 rPD/rED) 0

10 Earth Dweller: LS: Breathe underground, Longevity: Immortality


40 Earth Sorcery: Multipower, 40-point powers

2 Road of Stone: Running +19", Side Effects: Earth Underneath Suffers 2d6K (-½) 4

4 Swim Through The Earth: Tunneling 8" Through DEF 8 Material 4

2 Wall of Stone: Entangle 4d6, Only to Form Barriers (-1) 4

2 Control Earth: 25 STR TK, Only Against Earth/Rock (-1) 4

-4 Heavy As a Rock: -2" Swimming 0



10 +2 with Sword of the Dao

2 AK: The Middle East 11-

2 AK: Egypt 11-

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Conversation 14-

2 KS: Ancient Muslim World 11-

2 KS: The Spirit World 11-

3 Oratory 14-

3 Persuasion 14-

3 Power 12-

3 Tactics 12-


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 179

Total Cost: 350


200+ Disadvantages

20 Distinct Features: Rock-like Skin (Not Concealable, Major Reaction)

15 Enraged when Culture or Religion is Insulted (Common, go 11-, rec 14-)

15 Watched by US State Department 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Public ID, Watching)

20 Watched by Egyptian Government 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, LGA, Public ID, Watching)

5 Watched by Various Muslim Organizations 14- (Less Pow, NCI, LGA, Public ID, Watching)

15 Physical Limitation: Unfamiliar With Modern Concepts (Frequently, Greatly)

15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Keeper of Soloman's Seal (Infrequently, Fully)

25 Psychological Limitation: Fanatical About His Faith (Very Common, Total)

5 Reputation: Angry Arabic Superhero (8-)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity

Total Disadvantage Points: 350


Background/History: Thousands of years ago, the sorcerer and wise man Solomon created a magic seal, in which he imprisoned the armies of the Jinn until such time as they would no longer be a threat to mankind. The Seal of Solomon has shown up many times throughout history, each time granting great power to its wielder.


And once, it is said, the Seal fell into the hands of the prophet Muhammed, who used its power to perform God's works on earth. It is believed that the prophet (blessings be upon his name) freed some of the Jinn captured within the Seal in order to teach them the ways of purity; it is also believed that some of the Jinn (though naturally a very evil and crafty race) took to the prophet's teachings and became servants of God.


One such Jinn is today known as the Fist of Allah — his heathen name long forgotten. He is a Dao, a spirit of the earth, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal man. But though his visage is fearsome to behold, his heart is pure and filled with goodness.


The Fist of Allah is still bound by the power of the Seal of Solomon, and will be until the day all his brothers renounce their wicked ways and convert to the true faith. But until that day, he will bend his mighty powers to serve the forces of truth and light.


Personality/Motivations: Fist of Allah is, to put it kindly, a religious fanatic. He claims to have been converted to Islam by the Prophet Muhammed himself, and he spends much of his time discussing the power of his faith. That everyone in the world should convert to Islam is, to him, a self-evident truth, not to be debated or discussed but simply to be acted upon. He can actually be quite persuasive to those who are receptive to his message, but he has no time to waste with those who will not accept this truth — he believes they are fools who will eventually learn to regret their sinful ways.


Fist of Allah will not say who the current holder of the Seal of Solomon is. Many believe it is a highplaced official in the Egyptian government. Though Fist of Allah should theoretically be familiar with such 21st Century concepts as electricity and internal combustion engines, he simply refuses to learn. To him, the world of the 6th century was perfect; why would anyone bother with anything else?


Fist of Allah doesn't speak any English, nor does he have any understanding of American culture beyond a strong dislike of it (which is brought on more by ignorance than any rational consideration). He is totally dependent on Pharaoh's Daughter to act as his guide and translator while in the United States, and if she is hurt or disabled, he is likely to react very badly.


Quote: "Allah akbar!" ("God is great!")


Powers/Tactics: Fist of Allah has little use for subtlety or tactics. He tends to soften up his opponents with a Blast of Stone or Earth Erupt, then follows through by jumping into hand-to-hand with his Blade of the Dao. He has not quite gotten used to the idea that there are others in this world as powerful as he is — the 6th century had a noticeable dearth of superheroes. However, he has learned to follow orders, so he will listen to whatever Pharaoh's Daughter tells him to do.


Appearance: Fist of Allah is a huge (7'+ tall), heavily muscled man with skin that appears to have been hewn from raw sandstone. He dresses in simple trousers and a shirt or vest, and always covers his head with a large turban (as is appropriate for a modest man of his faith). On his brow is a stone that carries the symbol of Solomon, a sign that he is not yet released from the great sage's geas. He carries a huge scimitar that looks like it was hammered from raw iron — thrust in his belt when not fighting, clutched in his mighty fist when in the midst of battle.


Adjustments: Drop Fist of Allah's Earth Sorcery power completely to bring him down to 300 points. To make him more powerful, increase his Sword of the Dao to 75 Active Points and increase all slots within; increase his STUN to 60 and his PD and ED to 25 each; increase his REC to 15; increase his AKs and KSs to 12- and give him KS: Islamic Faith (for a total of 400 points).

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Re: Design a ME Team


One I came up with a while back, though I had him as a villain:


'Atim (Darkness)


This Egyptian national was educated at King's College in Oxford, so he speaks excellent British English. He strongly resented what he saw as the superiority complex of the Europeans, and to this day espouses the many achievements of Middle Eastern civilization. While in Britain, he got caught in a terrorist attack involving a phosphorus bomb, and gained powers of darkness to survive.


'Atim's primary power is to summon the Primal Darkness (Darkness to all Sense Groups, AoE Any Area, Personal Immunity) and shape it such that his enemies are blinded, while his allies can operate just fine. He also has a high resistance to any light-based powers. (His vulnerablity is other darkness-wielders.) 'Atim carries weapons and armor based on Ancient Egyptian styles, though they are made of modern materials.


'Atim is a handsome man of noble Egyptian heritage, but his skin is permanently jet black, even in areas where it would normally be lighter.


While 'Atim is not a fervent Muslim, he follows the primary strictures of that religion in order to prevent friction with other team members. He's not overly prejudiced against any group, but will seek to establish his superiority over any outsider.



Hope this helps,


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Re: Design a ME Team


Pharaoh's Daugher and Fist of Allah are two characters I used in a one-shot con game. I put them up for the Legion of Heroes, but I figure no one will mind if I repost them here. Hope they help! :)


Pharaoh's Daughter

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift: 100 kg; 2d6

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

20 CON 20 13-

13 BODY 6 12-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-

15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6

18 COM 4 13-

15 PD 13 Total: 30 PD (15 rPD)

15 ED 11 Total: 30 ED (15 rED)

5 SPD 17 Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

10 REC 8

60 END 10

30 STUN 3 Total Char Cost: 152


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 20"/640"


Cost Powers END

60 Blessings of the Old Gods: Multipower, 60-point powers

6 1) Searing Light of Ra: EB 12d6 6

6 2) Penetrating Light of Seker: EB 8d6, Penetrating (+½) 6

6 3) Shackles of Seth: 6d6 Entangle 6

6 4) Claws of Bast: HKA 4d6 (4½d6 w/ STR) 6

4 5) Fist of Khonshu: HA 12d6, Hand to Hand Attack (-½) 6

6 6) Healing Touch of Isis: Healing (Simplified) 6d6 6

3 7) Wisdom of Thoth: Clairsentience (Sight & Hearing Groups) 0

6 8) Wings of Nepshet: 20" Flight; x16 NCM (x32 total) 4


30 Armor of Osiris: Armor (15 rPD/rED), OIF (Armor; -½) 0

20 Eyes of Horus: Flash Defense Sight Group (20 points) 0



5 +1 with Blessings of the Old Gods

2 AK: Egypt 11-

3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Conversation 13-

3 KS: Ancient Egyptian Gods 12-

3 Language: Ancient Egyptian (Fluent, Literate)

3 Language: English (Fluent with Accent)

(Arabic is Native)

3 Persuasion 13-

5 Perk: Wealthy ($500,000 per year)

3 Power 14-

3 Science: Archaeology 12-


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 188

Total Cost: 340


200+ Disadvantages

15 Distinct Features: Takes on Characteristics of Egyptian Gods When She Uses Her Powers (Concealable, Major Reaction)

20 Watched by Egyptian Government 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, LGA, Public ID, Watching)

15 Watched by Muslim Religious Authorities 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, LGA, Watching)

10 Watched by US State Department 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

15 Psychological Limitation: Very "Gung-Ho" (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Dedicated To Her Duty (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Defensive of both her Powers and her Faith (Common, Strong)

10 Reputation: Arabic Warrior Superhero 11-

15 Reputation: Devilish Follower of Demon Gods

14- (Extreme, Known Only to Extremist Muslims)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Alia Fayeed)

Total Disadvantage Points: 350


Background/History: Alia Fayeed was born to a wealthy, aristocratic family in Cairo. Though she was a girl, her family were quite liberal and she wanted for nothing. She was given the finest private education, and she went to university in America. She studied archaeology because had always been fascinated with the ancient history of her homeland, and specialized in the time of the great Pharaohs.


When she returned to Egypt, though, she found that even her first-class education and highclass upbringing did not matter to certain people. She found it difficult to find a good, prestigious position among any of the reputable universities or archaeological foundations. Eventually, she stooped to taking a low-paying job excavating a little-known and unimportant site deep in the deserts west of the Nile.


It was then that she made one of the greatest archaeological finds in history — a nearly fully intact temple, built during the time of Ramses II, hidden far away from any of the known major sites and buried under the shifting desert sands for thousands of years.


With trepidation, she entered the temple, knowing that she was the first human being in eons to lay eyes on the beauty and majesty she had found. Her trembling hand touched an obelisk inscribed with the names of the gods of the Egyptian pantheon, and suddenly, she was filled with knowledge and power in equal measures. The wisdom and strength of the old gods filled her, imbuing her with power beyond her dreams.


However, this new power conflicted with her Muslim faith, instilled in her since she was a child. How could she continue to be a good Muslim while acknowledging these ancient pagan gods? Confused and lost, she covered up her find, swearing to keep it hidden to prevent others from unleashing this power that should have died long ago. She spent the next year denying to herself that anything had happened, and almost succeeded in forgetting the whole event. She lost her interest in archaeology and started to settle down, much to her family's delight.


Then, nearly a year after she returned home from that ill-fated dig, she was caught in the middle of a terrorist bombing. The explosion rocked the market in which she was shopping, collapsing storefronts and tossing bodies like ragdolls. Tasting blood in her mouth, trying to clear the ringing in her ears, she was horrified by the destruction she saw. Suddenly, she was filled with the desire to protect and nurture her people — the denizens of the Nile Valley, the proud and ancient nation of Egypt.


The power of the gods flowed through her, lifting her above the crowds. Her touch healed those injured by the blast, her presence calmed the panic, her wisdom and insight identified the culprits, and the light of justice from her palms stopped them from harming anyone ever again. A new hero was born.


But although the Egyptian press and government (and many of the people) welcomed her arrival, others were not so happy. Many Muslim clerics railed against her "unholy" powers. Today, the Egyptian people regard her with a mixture of hero-worship and religious trepidation — on the one hand, thrilled with a heroine that represents the history of their nation and who fights for their rights; on the other hand, dismayed that her powers come from the old pagan gods.


Personality/Motivations: Like the people of Egypt, Pharaoh's Daughter is torn between a love of her powers and the good they bring, and a fear that she is disobeying the laws of her faith. This ambivalence comes across as a gung-ho attitude, a determinationto use her powers for the benefit of her people, regardless of the price. She takes her duties very seriously, and will not hesitate to fulfill them. However, if questioned about the contradictions she embodies, she will grow defensive and even angry.


Both in and out of uniform, she is a champion of the Egyptian peoples' rights, in particular women's rights. This sometimes puts her at odds with her own government and the less liberal of Muslim clerics, but she is devoted to improving the lot of the common folk.


Quote: "Inshallah." ("I am as God wills.")


Powers/Tactics: Her powers give her many tactical options in a fight, but she can only use one power at a time, so she tends to fight very aggressively, hoping to take down her enemies before they have a chance to retaliate. Shackles of Set, Penetrating Light of Seker, and Light of Ra are her favorite attacks. If hurt, she will not hesitate to use the Touch of Isis on herself.


Appearance: Alia is a stunning woman of noble bearing, with long, dark hair (usually hidden under a headscarf), flashing brown eyes, and olive skin. She dresses fashionably but conservatively, in the style of many liberal, wealthy Arab women. She seldom wears a veil, thinking it a relic of the past and not necessary in today's world.


As Pharaoh's Daughter, she dresses in white robes, covering her face and head with a white headscarf and veil. However, when she uses her powers, she takes on the characteristics of the gods from whom her powers flow — her arms grow splendid, multi-colored wings when she flies; her face and body grow cat-like when she uses the Claws of Bast, and so forth.


Adjustments: To reduce Pharaoh's Daughter's powers, add "Requires a Skill Roll (-½)" to her Blessings of the Old Gods Multipower and all slots, reduce her Armor to 12 rPD/rED, reduce her Flash Defense to 10 points, and reduce her Wealth by 1 (for a total of 300 points).


To up her point total, increase her Multipower to 75 points and add Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) to all slots; increase her Combat Skill Level to +3; add 3d6 Luck; and give her +1 with KS: Ancient Egyptian Gods (for a total of 400 points).

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Re: Design a ME Team


If you don't mind borrowing from a published source, you might find these characters useful (or at least inspirational)




Thanks for the link. Nucleon thought He was the first to visualize the ME, birthplace of humankind, as a superheroic environment, but He has been foiled! Just a minor setback.


The heroes despicted on this link have both a foot in the past and another one in the future, halfway between tradition and modernity. They're great and Nucleon hopes for their success in the Arabic market. Noble comicdom ideals are universal.

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Re: Design a ME Team


Essentially' date=' if I read correctly, you want an arab team that represents the Muslim World. [/quote']


Mmmh, not particularly. Pre-Muslim culture is also very rich, as is the North African one. Nucleon expect some members of the said team to be Muslims... but He has no intention of turning this into a religious matter.


First off, their religious status would directly impact their status in each country. I would also expect such a team to be mostly, if not all, male.


Women in Arabic culture and lore are often portayed as having divinatory talents, among others traits. I don't think there would be a problem regarding a woman in the group; In the most extreme cases, she may not lead or represent the group, however.



"classic arabian warrior" (flying carpet, scimitar, etc...such as Marvel's Arabian Knight"


Mmmh, a bit corny... But there is a great tradition of Arabic swashbuckling rogues and charmers, favored by fate. Maybe a less caricatural version of AK -whitout the carpet.


"owner of a magic lamp" or genie master; or a genie


The Original Johnny Thunder! What about Walid Thunder?


a wizard (very common in arabian literature)


Yes, verily, at a time where Eastern science ruled; I would like an Astrologer and Illusionnist master of knowledge -or maybe a mystic warder and conjuror.


desert/sand/eartch control (think of some of the SFX from the Mummy movies)


Great Idea.


skilled thief/sailor/martial artist -- could even own a magic boat


Yes, something like that... a modern-day Sindbad.


Nucleon wonders what an Arabic-inspired powered armor would look like...

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Re: Design a ME Team


Interesting idea. I always wanted to come up with a ME team myself.


A few questions though:


1. As noted, they are heroes right? Admittedly they might not see eye-to-eye with more Western heroes but in general they believe in the general good, protecting the innocent, and being a shield against invaders, correct?


2. A private team or one with at least some support/control from countries in the ME? Given how restrictive some ME countries are, a private one might be more difficult but doable.


3. Support by countries also becomes tricky though given the huge amount of intercountry conflict (Iraq/Iran/Kuwait/Saudi Arabia, or the Syrian troops in Lebanon). It gives the team an interesting group dynamic though. You might want to rule that the group is each country contributed one or two supers (and possibly their less powerful ones) to keep a certain amount of power at home.


4. A suggestion based on my limited knowledge of Middle Eastern politics and geography: consider setting the team in Jordan or the UAE which tend to be a little more moderate. It might also come up that the team has a strict hands-off policy when it comes to Isreal to 1) avoid US intervention and 2) not get too involved in RL politics that might offend the players. Alot of this stuff is more background that might never come up... but it could.


5. Don't be too worried about including women. Some ME countries are more liberal than others. It could create some tension with more devout members though, especially if the women doesn't "cover up" as is proper.


6. Consider some RL history. Maybe a veteran flier downed a F-15 that tried to bomb Lybia (from the 1980's strike). Again, not to offend players but it might be interesting to see the other side's POV.


This is more background and concept than actual team members. I'll try to think of some. One idea is an apprentice of the Iron Iman (a powerful sorceror of the Middle East who invokes the names of angels in his spells). Egypt could be mined for a mythic character or two like Horus or Ra (just keep him away from Horus-Re!). Actually, a character of mine named Oynx was empowered by Bast with cat-like powers. Feel free to use her. A reincarnation of Saladin, a powerful warrior and leader who was respected in some European circles as compassionate and virtous would make a great team leader.


Hmm... that's three down so far with a mage, metamorph, and martial artist/leader. The team could use some power though. A wind elementalist (sand storms) is cliched but hey, it might work. Definitely a brick is needed. maybe a mythic beast? Or a simple man who is empowered by his faith and desire to do good to some very impressive physical characteristics? "There is no harm I fear" and "faith can move mountains" kinda stuff.

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Re: Design a ME Team


I developed such a group for a past campaign of mind. They were my version of a hero group mentioned in the first edition of Champions Universe (for 4E) called The Right Hand, who protect the Middle East and North Africa; they are all supposed to be devout Muslims. I used names and traditions from the region for them. Unfortunately I don't have their character sheets in a format that I can post here, but I can give you a brief summary of their concepts, and could include more details subsequently if you'd be interested.


The Mahdi is a figure from Arab folklore who will arise to defend Islam from internal or external threats. My version wields powerful magicks that he believes are a gift from God, and is the leader of the team.


Hannibal is a martial artist and master of many weapons, and the team's battle commander.


Ziggurat is the traditional step-pyramid of ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq). This giant hero is the main "brick" for the Right Hand.


Hegira (Arabic for "journey") refers to the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina; my character is a super-speedster.


Shamshir is a curved Persian sword from which we get the word "scimitar." The hero of that name is cybernetically enhanced with armor and attached bladed and ranged weapons.


Sahat is the Moroccan word for the hot southern desert wind which is called a "scirocco" in Italian. Sahat the hero is a flying energy projector with heat-based powers.


Sharia is Arabic for "the way" or "the path," and is the name for the code of Islamic law. The heroine Sharia is a mentalist mind-controller and clairvoyant.

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Re: Design a ME Team


I developed such a group for a past campaign of mind. They were my version of a hero group mentioned in the first edition of Champions Universe (for 4E) called The Right Hand' date=' who protect the Middle East and North Africa; they are all supposed to be devout Muslims. I used names and traditions from the region for them. Unfortunately I don't have their character sheets in a format that I can post here, but I can give you a brief summary of their concepts, and could include more details subsequently if you'd be interested.[/quote']


What a great list of heroes. So good, in fact, that it made Nucleon changes some of the characters He was designing so far. Your list was exactly what He wished for. He especially like the names you gave them, and the apparent culture from their background.



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Re: Design a ME Team


In regards to your comments, here is how Nucleon's project is shaping up:


1. As noted, they are heroes right? Admittedly they might not see eye-to-eye with more Western heroes but in general they believe in the general good, protecting the innocent, and being a shield against invaders, correct?




2. A private team or one with at least some support/control from countries in the ME? Given how restrictive some ME countries are, a private one might be more difficult but doable.


3. Support by countries also becomes tricky though given the huge amount of intercountry conflict (Iraq/Iran/Kuwait/Saudi Arabia, or the Syrian troops in Lebanon). It gives the team an interesting group dynamic though. You might want to rule that the group is each country contributed one or two supers (and possibly their less powerful ones) to keep a certain amount of power at home.


Well, they're shapen up to be notably powerful (from 425 to 600 pts), enough to be independant from their own governments; some of them might even be seen as too heretic by the most orthodox elements of the region. They are to sing a song of their own, not sing along with the Establishment's.


4. A suggestion based on my limited knowledge of Middle Eastern politics and geography: consider setting the team in Jordan or the UAE which tend to be a little more moderate. It might also come up that the team has a strict hands-off policy when it comes to Isreal to 1) avoid US intervention and 2) not get too involved in RL politics that might offend the players. Alot of this stuff is more background that might never come up... but it could.


Up to here, they will be a team on short-notice assembly, a bit like Marvel's Defenders; They will not be as good as a team as they are individually -but that might change.


5. Don't be too worried about including women. Some ME countries are more liberal than others. It could create some tension with more devout members though, especially if the women doesn't "cover up" as is proper.


No problems here.


6. Consider some RL history. Maybe a veteran flier downed a F-15 that tried to bomb Lybia (from the 1980's strike). Again, not to offend players but it might be interesting to see the other side's POV.


Good idea. Here is what Nucleon has thought so far; you might recognize an idea or two from yours:


Prince Ayib (his real name -didn't find any suitable codename yet) is an All-Arabic prince and a possible heir to the Barhadim (an imaginary nation in Nucleon's campaign) throne. He is a modern, progressive Muslim who want his people to do better by themselves instead of being coerced to. A skilled swordman, a master thief and a great communicator, Ayib will be the cornerstone of this team.


His first follower is his personal Astrologer and man of science (didn't find a suitable name here neither, maybe a variation on "Vizier"), a darker fellow with divinatory and illusionary powers, and a good alchemist to boot. Together they will take over the palace of a defeated fanatical muslim cult on a small Red Sea island, palace that will become the group's informal base of operations.


Shortly after that, and using "Vizier"'s foresight, they will deliver a woman sentenced to death because of her "dealing with the demons", making them parias in this particular country. The said woman (named "Dervish" for now) is in fact a powerful ghost summoner and a mystic mentalist. Thus equipped, the trio can now take on the Scourge of Iran, an enigmatic being of rock and sand that's wreacking havoc there. With "Dervish's" telepathic powers, they learned that the said being, Erdamon, is a banished noble from a subterannean civilisation, attacked by that contry's conventional forces as a monster. He becomes the group's shifting brick.


Having a crush on Ayib, they could not prevent Jaida from joining the group; A spunky african speedster mutant with a following, oversized panther, Jaida maybe the least noble member of this group, but she is indeed seen as a godly tool in her native Somalia.


Finally, one day the team just couldn't hold their own in a battle against powerful ancient automatons near Tunisia; but the young archeologist that alerted them founded the legendary Herald staff, a tool of the first dynasty of Pharoahs, and a huge powersource from an alien nature; As the need arise, the Archeologist calls in the power of the staff, becoming Anthot, the Herald, and the energy-manipulating powerhouse the group needed.


Ennemies will include many characters that I have seen in this very thread. Mamluk, gigantic Scimetar-wielding warrior, will be one of them.


The team's apparence should inspire awe; Variably dark of skin, clad in rich golds and stunning whites, with an air of natural nobility about them, the Pillars of Faith -their actual name- will be forces to contend with.

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Re: Design a ME Team


Can anyone tell me the Arabic for "the Piligrim"?


He is a mysterious . . .Man. At least I belive him to be such, for he has the shape and the temprement of such. Yet I have seen pictures of him (Although no reliable ones) which would make him at least a hundred and possibly as much as two hundred years old. Yet he maintains the appearence of a man of roughly fifty years. A true mystery. And a powerful one.


John Pierce on The Piligrim.


The Piligrim is mysterious. He is of great age, although no reliable source exists that says how old. He wanders the deserts and the old piligrim ways of Arabia and the middle east. He rarely stops for more than a night in the same town, yet seems to know much about them. He is an elderly, slightly stooped figure, wearing a simple, stained white robe. And he is probably one of the most powerful individuals in the world. He has great knowledge, command over the sands and the creatures of the desert, as well as the ability to manipulate minds and perceptions. He also does not age, and has many friends along the routes of his travels.

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Re: Design a ME Team


What' date=' no love for the bunny? :weep:[/quote']



Aaawww, Don't break Nucleon's ember heart yet... He does have some love for the bunny but, alas, it is Cosmic in nature...


As for Allah's Fist and the Pharoah's Daughter, they are a bit extremist for what He had in mind, but fear not! Nucleon shall plagiate them shamelessly as vilains.


And thanks.

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Re: Design a ME Team


Don't forget that though we hear mostly about Islam in the region there are also Jews and Christians as well as various what I suppose would be called pagan beliefs. Add to that ancient religeons such as the worship of the sun, etc. Granted it doesn't make the news, but in many places people of various religeons DO get along, even in the middle east, North Africa.


Oh, and don't forget Isis....zephyr winds that blow on high, lift me now so I can fly!


I am SO dating myself...luckily most of you probably wont' have a clue...

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Re: Design a ME Team


Don't forget that though we hear mostly about Islam in the region there are also Jews and Christians as well as various what I suppose would be called pagan beliefs. Add to that ancient religeons such as the worship of the sun' date=' etc. Granted it doesn't make the news, but in many places people of various religeons DO get along, even in the middle east, North Africa.[/quote']


As Nucleon wrote; Pre-Muslim culture is also very rich, as is the North African one. Nucleon expect some members of the said team to be Muslims... but He has no intention of turning this into a religious matter.


So far, religious-wise, Nucleon ME group two Muslims, one Alien in Erdamon, one Animist in Dervish, one Pagan in Jaida, and probably an Atheist as well in Anthot.


Conceptually, Nucleon cannot picture a (obvious) Jewish figure in any representative ME supergroup... it would be like having a communist in the 60s Avengers: Unless that figure change sides, of course. Well, not until the war started in1948 is still going on.


Oh, and don't forget Isis....zephyr winds that blow on high, lift me now so I can fly!


I am SO dating myself...luckily most of you probably wont' have a clue...


Huh-huh... Wasn't that some kinda saturday morning cartoon?

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Re: Design a ME Team


If you want to include an Iranian, you might try a brick character named Rustam. He's _the_ great Iranian hero, a man so blessed with superhuman strength he asked God to reduce it because every time he took a step he drove his foot several hundred feet into the ground. The main hero of the Shah-Nama (Persian Book of Kings), you'll find murals depicting various events from his life on the wall of almost every coffeshop in Iran even today.


There's also the little problem that, if you want to keep close to the legend, he's a Zoroastrian. I don't know how much trouble that could make in an aggressively Shi'ite Iran.


Some great ideas on this thread BTW!

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