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[Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


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Champions Of Vancouver Reassembled!!!


CHAMPIONS OF VANCOVUER REASSEMBLED - Episode 1: "Double Mechanical Trouble"



Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader) ;)

Gabriel, The White Monk - Descendant of the Archangel Gabriel.

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer.

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator.

Lucky - Beatin Sticks, Martial Arts, and a lot of Luck.



Oil Refinery - Barnet Highway, Port Moody


A New Story Begins...

- The PCs recieve an emergency page/text message from their RCMP Liason.

- SPBs using Oil Refinery as a Battleground have turned it into a raging inferno.

- Traffic is stalled on the Highway and at the scene there is a twenty car pile up.

- PCs arrive and try to identify the combatants. Both seem immune to the fires and explosions.

- a large flaming figure comes flaying out of the battleground and lands infront of them.

- its MECHANON, it quickly gets to its feet and says. "Organic Threats detected. Initiate Primary Mission. Destroy all organics."

* Phase 12 - MORTAL COMBAT

- A second MECHANON arrives near the first. "Organics Threat detected. Cease assault on duplicate Initiate Primary Mission. Destroy all organics."




- Aftermath the PCs stay to help battle to put out the fires.

- The locate MECHANON'S Facility, Port Moody Police deny them access to the crime scene. Argument insues. Lucky tries to sneak in and succeeds. The lighting is flashing and flashing more and more slowly...

Lucky gets the heck out in a hurry just ahead of the self destruct explosion.

- New SPB arrives. "Hi guys, I'm <???> and I'm here to help." ... Blitz mutters "Another one who arrives late."

-After some debate they go to Neutral Ground a bar for SPBs in North Vancouver. The upper floor is an S&M Club guarded by a bouncer. Currently Ogre dressed in latex neon yellow shorts and bar shirt.

- He stops The New Guy tm. "You no SPB"

- "Of coarse I am" and then Teleports behind him. Ogre mutters under his breath and over his massive shoulders "Pass".

- The Bar is nearly deserted. Bengel raises a cybernetic hand and mug in salute. Members of GRAB are enjoying a round. The Hauntress is waitress and takes their orders and Pixie is their server.

- The Video units display various SPBs UFC matches, a Hero Magazine show, and a Super News Network coverage.

- VIPER attacked the Canadian SPB Corrections Facility near Great Bear Lake in the North West Territories. 14 SPBs and 80 Agents/Recruits escaped.

- Mechanon has been fighting duplicates around the world and now one knows why?

* The Sentinels along with several other unidentified SPBs fought off an interdimensional invasion yesterday. Reports are sketchie, but it appears they won. The cost of victory was high. There were only three survivors and two where critically wounded. Myrmidon of the Sentinels was able to give an interview.

- Borealis was also among the fallen.

- Orcale and Star Saphire are in critical condition.

- The Prime Minister has declared a day of morning for the fallen.

- There will be a Memorial Ceremony in one week. The PCs have decided to attend, but leave early to investigate more.

- They use the Transporter to leave and make sure this time to be clear on their destination.



Loose Threads:

Mechanon Madness. What's going on?

What are VIPER's plans now?

The Fall of Heroes. Interdimensional Invasion? By who?



The Good:

We managed to get things going fairly quickly. Old jokes got thrown around and we met Evan's 13yr old. Who created a new character with the help of his dad.



The Bad:

I should have planned more. The fight with Mechanon was over faster than I expected and apparently was not enough to satiate their Battle Rage!!!



The Ugly:

Mostly me being unprepare for how fast they took down the MECHANON'S. Next time NO MERCY!!!






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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Bring it on. ;)


Weren't you the one saying we shouldn't give the GM ideas?


Fun times, that, even when Mechanon blinded us. And a host of plot options to choose from, including QM's conviction that We Shall Face the Crowns again. But for some reason, the talk with Foxbat is sticking most in my mind. I wish I'd geeked it up more.


Wait. Didn't he call me out at one point?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


CHAMPIONS OF VANCOVUER REASSEMBLED - Episode 2: "Sentinals Requiem, Dinosaur Rampage"



Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader) ;)

Gabriel, The White Monk - Descendant of the Archangel Gabriel.

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer.

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator.

Lucky - Beatin Sticks, Martial Arts, and a lot of Luck.



CN Tower, Toronto (Sentinals HQ)


Parliment Hill, Ottawa (Mechanon Hidden Facility)


Davie St. (& Grandville), Vancouver


Cambie St. (& 3rd), Vancouver


Hastings St. (& Commercial), Vancouver


Cretaceous Period, ???



Our Story Contnues...




Loose Threads:

Flicker and Entropy fight a spectral battle through time for the Crown of ???






And many many more... Muhhuhwhahahahaha!!!




The Good:

Fight fight fight!!!



The Bad:

Bite bite bite!!!



The Ugly:

I lost everything I typed so you gotta wait for it.







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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Hi, Pyre-Archer here, one of the Bitten.


Well, the start was a bit of a stumble-fest; we knew we had gone to Ontario for some reason other than the funeral (wherein we learn that our beloved GM had managed to wipe out the majority of the 4th Edition Champions of The North characters), but none of us could remember why.


And it can't possibly have been because the other end of the teleporter was located under a lingere shop/adult bookstore. Who places these things?


So, we get back, and find Vancouver under seige. By dinosaurs. Velociraptors, T-Rexes, and a few Brontosaurs. Oh, and Pteranodons. Can't forget them.


The one bright side is that we can pin this one on the provincial Liberal government. They came up through a hole opened by the Canada Line construction. Campbell's one of the Crowns, I tell ya! So, much dino-mayhem ensues, our newest member (name please?) eviscerating one, me misting another, and the rest of the team serving out some beats. Yes, Lucky too.


So, all was going fine until we saw Flicker duelling someone for a crown, and everyone got sent back to the Jurrasic Age. Cretacious. Whatever.


Okay, maybe Mesozoic. But that's the line, man!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


So, all was going fine until we saw Flicker duelling someone for a crown, and everyone got sent back to the Jurrasic Age. Cretacious. Whatever.


Wait, Flicker? Like the previous Champion of Vancouver FLICKER???


Oh man, this is going to be trouble.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver





Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader)

Gabriel, The White Monk - Descendant of the Archangel Gabriel.

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer.

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator.

Lucky - Beatin Sticks, Martial Arts, and a lot of Luck.




Cretaceous Period, Pre-Vancouver, British Columbia


Greenhouse-like geodesic domes (200 km in diameter), Saurian Generation Starship



The Story Continues...

- The see vague landmarks that match their position, but it seems harsher younger and teeming with extinct life.

- Gabriel uses his radio and contacts Blitz to find out what is going on. One minute he was in the church praying and the next he was on a cooled lava flow and the whole world had changed.

- Blitz tells him of the Dinosaur attack, Flicker and Entropy's spectral battle and their transportation into the past. Blitz contacts the others and shapes a dust cloud saying "Blitz's is here!"

- Our Heroes decide to explore the area. Blitz takes off through the thick Jungle and after 100km finds a cliff face 2000' high and curving horizontally for hundreds of kilometers.

- Prye Archer flys strait up towards the sky and beyond the storm and ash clouds. Above it he finds open sky and space. He stops short of coliding with the dome. Looking down is easier than looking up and he see the they are in a huge domed atrium.

- Lucky wants to rope a dinosaur to pull his monocycle like a chariot.

- Gabriel faces a theological quandary. Dinosaurs!

- The Heroes reassemble and travel to the cliffs. There Prye Archer and then Blitz travel to the top and find the edge of the dome. Looking bacl into the jungle he can see the holographic orders of the jungle.

- Checking his point of reference he teleports to a waterfall that falls 2000'. The noise is thunderousand the sight astounding.

- He opens a gate to a likely advantage point and they find them selves in a 20 x 20 room of black floors with a green light grid on the floor. There is also an iris gate.

- Confused by their arriving then discuss a plan of action.

- Lucky opens the door and is surprised to see two large humanoids in space armor pointing blaster weapons at them.

- Pyre Archer and Gabriel make threatening motions and the humanoids fire.

- An alarm goes off and a voice speaks in a lanuage none have heard before.

- Gabriel grabs one

- Blitz races by and Passing Disarms the other.

- Lucky thows some "Frigging Sharp Caltrops" into the corridor.

- Prye Archer flys past them and into the corridor in the opposite direction of Blitz and scare the life out of a reptilian humanoid.

- Blitz finds himself facing six charging reptilian space marines in full armor. He goes desold and waits with a cocky smile

- The Reptilian Marine Gabriel holds eels out of his grip much to his surprise. He responds by striking him hard into the wall.

- The Reptilians facing Blitz analyze their target and then fire. Blitz is knocked back and unconcious.


- Gabriel uses his "Gift of Tongues" and talks to the Retilian he recaptured. Finally Gabriels says "Take me to your Leader".

- The Saurian Commander is uncomfortable with arrival, but warms to them soon enough. He arranges for them to take a shuttle headed back to their homeworld were they can get some help from the saurian scientists.

- The star system has nine planets, dozens of moons, and their homework looks like Earth.

- The Saurians claim to be the dominant species on the planets. In ancient times their was another species. Hairless apes who along with the Naga drove the Elder Worms from the north and south american continents, but the cost was high and in they became extinct.

- Another hairless ape called Entropy, the Master of Time helped the Saurians beat back the Elder Worm, but they did not expect it to last. The Saurians final solution was to find a new world and the did.

- The Heroes return to earth, but their own looking for answers. The Saurian government has agreed to arrange for them to meet Entropy who rules the Bermuda Isles.

-...END OF LINE...



Loose Threads:

We left everthing loose ;)



The Good:

The battle thristy Heroes did not try to take over the ship.



The Bad:

I felt a little under the weather.



The Ugly:

Tangets galore.






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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


You forgot to mention that Entropy looks more like Flicker, acording to the Saurian description of him.


Further Mystery for us.


I'm a touch more worried about touching down on a planet that a giant nightcrawler with delusions of Cthuluhood is running the show on now, save for a small bit where Flicker/Entropy has a nice beachfront home.


Fun times for me. Just waiting for the ancient horror to suck my brains out through my little toe. Or whatever it is that the Elder Worm does to hapless mortals.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


I'm a touch more worried about touching down on a planet that a giant nightcrawler with delusions of Cthuluhood is running the show on now, save for a small bit where Flicker/Entropy has a nice beachfront home.


Fun times for me. Just waiting for the ancient horror to suck my brains out through my little toe. Or whatever it is that the Elder Worm does to hapless mortals.


Ah, we can take it. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


I have no doubt that we will "take it". My concern is that it will be less of the Manly-taking-it-on-the-chin sort and more of the small-blonde-boy-in-prison sort.


Oh, we'll be fine. I'm sure that QM has a perfectly fair and balanced attack force waiting for us that we can beat with the right combination of strategy, firepower, and guts.


By the by, can I get an extra d6 of luck for saying that with a straight face?:D

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Oh, we'll be fine. I'm sure that QM has a perfectly fair and balanced attack force waiting for us that we can beat with the right combination of strategy, firepower, and guts.


By the by, can I get an extra d6 of luck for saying that with a straight face?:D


Guts, Firepower and Strategy, you say...


Guts-Lucky's got those. Usually on the inside too!


Firepower-That's you!


Strategy-uh...um...does "Get 'em" count?

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Okay, that's almost as odd as the campaign I heard about which wound up levelling Fredericton and causing a major international incident, all because the PCs loved explosives too much.

Ooo...can I suggest that?


-From a recent IRC chat where I mentioned the Running of the Velociraptors last session.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


CHAMPIONS OF VANCOUVER - Episode 4: "VIPER Database Decrypted?"



Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader) ;)

Gabriel, The White Monk - Descendant of the Archangel Gabriel.

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer.

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator.

Lucky - beating Sticks, Martial Arts, and a lot of Luck.



Cape Canaveral, Florida.



Bermuda Triangle




Previously on Champions of Vancouver

Earth, the year unknown - Landing a Saurian Space Shuttle at what was

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. From there they will travel to Bermuda Island and seeks the help of Flicker/Entropy.


Saurian Earth is divided into two factions. The Saurians in the Americas and Australia and the Elder Worm occupying the rest of the world.



Loose Threads:




The Good:




The Bad:




The Ugly:




More later...



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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


CHAMPIONS OF VANCOUVER - Episode 5: "Back to the 20th Century"



Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader)

Gabriel, The White Monk - Descendant of the Archangel Gabriel.

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer.

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator.

Lucky - beating Sticks, Martial Arts, and a lot of Luck.







Previously on Champions of Vancouver




Loose Threads:




The Good:




The Bad:




The Ugly:




More later...



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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


So, what happened today?


Well, in rough order:

  1. Pyre-Archer revealed his secret ID to his DNPC girlfriend, who was chewing him out for never bieng around. Voted as one of the best dumps in a long time, and sure to have countless reprecussions down the road.
  2. Rehashed the meeting we overheard last episode. Names were dropped, Centaur and Redstone, IIRC.
  3. Turjns out the VIPER Nest was ratted out, and in the middle of some nasty infighting.
  4. The Hells' Angels were in the RCMP's sights, owing to a serious crackdown and a lucky grab of a ranking member who agreed to turn state's witness. And had no family to menace. Also learned that they had been subcontrating some of the 'wetwork'.
  5. Walter Green, VP of Cryo Industries, had been turned loose owing to lack of Evidence. Corp-slime, making sure he oozed his way out of any litigation.
  6. Our Fight: And heavens, it was a FireFight. Guns, blasters, co-ordinated VIPER Agents raining death on us, me learnignt he benefits of taking cover and sniping the baddies, Lucky getting knocked around. He seemed okay with it. But man, it was fun, we're never likely to see the like of it again, it was such a masterful run.
  7. The Interrogation: Wherein I let loose with some of my angst, and actually threaten a downed VIPER Agent. Lucky manages to save another agent who has a triggered heart attack. the the police show up and take everyone away.
  8. We find the old nest, mostly trashed, and a few leads to follow up on in later sessions.
  9. Learned that Cluster, a former member, had been killed, in a rather gruesome way. Cybernetics had been removed, and the pieces left out for the RCMP to find, thanks to an anonymous tip. ARGENT was mentioned.
  10. Our base was gone! We made the long slog from Vancouver to Mount Garibaldi to see that our base had never been, thanks to some temporal editing. WHich promted a call from Mr. Kuoc, whherein we found our base had moved tot he top two floors of the Shangri-La Hotel, with the vault located in a subbasement. Just as we were going over the potential flaws of having a superheo base in a -hotel-, it vanished. We blamed Flicker for a while, then realized that we had had our histories altered slightly thanks to our recent time travel episode.

Notable lines that I recall:

Me, on interrogating a captured VIPER Agent wearing a black armband: "Black armband or a blackened head. Which is it?" - said while holding a flaming arrow at said head.


"Lucky? We've just been retconned."


Please, feel free to add anything, my notes are fragmentary.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


CHAMPIONS OF VANCOUVER - Episode 6: "Ouroboros"



Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader)

Gabriel, The White Monk - Descendant of the Archangel Gabriel.

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer.

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator.

Lucky - Martial Arts with beating sticks, and a lot of Luck.

Krom - Mutant Metal Brick




Champions of Vancouver Secret HQ, Mount Garibaldi



Hotel Shangri la Vancouver



UBC Campus




Previously on Champions of Vancouver: ...

See below



Loose Threads:

The Fates would have trouble weaving them all together.



The Good:

Action, Mystry, and Drama.



The Bad:

Absent Gamers.



The Ugly:

Agent Tactics meet unprepared Heroes.




More later...






So, what happened today?


Well, in rough order:


Pyre-Archer revealed his secret ID to his DNPC girlfriend, who was chewing him out for never bieng around. Voted as one of the best dumps in a long time, and sure to have countless reprecussions down the road.

GM Note:"Fine! Good bye!" Pyre Archer transforms bursts into flame and flys out the window. Revealing his Secret ID to his Ex-Girl Friend?


Rehashed the meeting we overheard last episode. Names were dropped' date=' Centaur and Redstone, IIRC.[/quote']

GM Note: Sinister Samurai not Centaur.


Turns out the VIPER Nest was ratted out' date=' and in the middle of some nasty infighting.[/quote']

GM Note: Which VIPER Nest??? ;)


The Hells' Angels were in the RCMP's sights' date=' owing to a serious crackdown and a lucky grab of a ranking member who agreed to turn state's witness. And had no family to menace. Also learned that they had been subcontrating some of the 'wetwork'.[/quote']

GM Note: Headline News in real world mixed into Campaign World.


Walter Green' date=' VP of Cryo Industries, had been turned loose owing to lack of evidence. Corp-slime, making sure he oozed his way out of any litigation.[/quote']

GM Note:It's CREO Industies and the charges where conspiracy related.


Our Fight: And heavens' date=' it was a FireFight. Guns, blasters, co-ordinated VIPER Agents raining death on us, me learnignt he benefits of taking cover and sniping the baddies, Lucky getting knocked around. He seemed okay with it. But man, it was fun, we're never likely to see the like of it again, it was such a masterful run.[/quote']

GM Note: ReReading VIPER and playing the Agents as well trained and prepared.


The Interrogation: Wherein I let loose with some of my angst' date=' and actually threaten a downed VIPER Agent. Lucky manages to save another agent who has a triggered heart attack. the the police show up and take everyone away.[/quote']

GM Note: The Agent with the Flash Bang Rifle was in the Zone.


We find the old nest' date=' mostly trashed, and a few leads to follow up on in later sessions.[/quote']

GM Note: An Insurence Agency on UBC Campus. One of the VIPER Agents was Identified as a Chemisty & Material Science Post-Doc. A week later two other Agents were Identified as students at the University and members of the Exoctic Pets Club on Campus. Both owned Boa Constrictors.


Learned that Cluster' date=' a former member, had been killed, in a rather gruesome way. Cybernetics had been removed, and the pieces left out for the RCMP to find, thanks to an anonymous tip. ARGENT was mentioned.[/quote']

GM Note: Staff Sergeant Tommy Chin, their RCMP SLP Officer passed on a report reguarding the discovery of Cluster, a former member of the Champions of Vancouver.


Our base was gone! We made the long slog from Vancouver to Mount Garibaldi to see that our base had never been' date=' thanks to some temporal editing. WHich promted a call from Mr. Kuoc, whherein we found our base had moved tot he top two floors of the Shangri-La Hotel, with the vault located in a subbasement. Just as we were going over the potential flaws of having a superheo base in a -hotel-, it vanished. We blamed Flicker for a while, then realized that we had had our histories altered slightly thanks to our recent time travel episode.[/quote']

GM Note: The PCs were contacted by Bengal, the Canadian Supertrooper and UNTIL Combat Training Instructor. He notifies them that James Kuok of the Kuok Group needs to meet them at the Hotel Shangrila Vancouver. They arrive to find their Super Base on the top and a Sub Level Garage below the parking garage. Just as they begin to explore it wavers and vanishes. Prye Archer returned to it previous location and finds it still gone.


Notable lines that I recall:

Me, on interrogating a captured VIPER Agent wearing a black armband: "Black armband or a blackened head. Which is it?" - said while holding a flaming arrow at said head.


"Lucky? We've just been retconned."


Please, feel free to add anything, my notes are fragmentary.

GM Note: Lucky checked out his Fan Club's Website and checked in with his Inventor/Gadgeteer.


GM Note: There is a new presence on the streets pushing drugs. Good quality, with clean needles, offering free samples to new customers, and undercutting the competition. They also are backed by some heavy muscle and some are just being run out of buisness.


GM Note: One of the VIPER Agents they captured has Snake like skin over 70% of his body and a Serpents tounge.


GM Note: The Flicker/Entropy Time War is affecting the Champions Earth Timeline.


GM Note: Lucky's Player offered to run the occasional Champions of Vancouver (Earth - S) occasionally.






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