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[Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


What do you mean Blitz should not talk on the phone anymore??? I think a smart assed camera mugging rich kid is the best one to talk to high ranking officials and dignitaries...Ummmm well ok maybe you have a point

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


I still say 5 Crowns of Krim-Five Characters. What could possibly go wrong?

Aside from being Hunted by every super-team in the area, plus Demon and any other evil magicusers out there? Plus the police, whatever passes for PRIMUS in Canada (And PRIMUS, too. Oh, they're just looking for the excuse. Golden Avenger? yeah, I can see a change in headgear for him...)


And think of the hassle of trying to explain this to my DNPCs. "Mom, Dad? I..uh...I kinda went evil today."

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


I'm sure Gabriel's "superiors" would be happy if he took to wearing the Iron Crown.... ;)

An 'Enterprise' we shall leave for another time. Unless we want to fast forward to Marvel Riff #32: 'Former Hero comes back as mind-controlled villain', supplemented by Riff #8 'Heroes have to kill former friend, and angst mightily about it afterwards'. Or Dark Gabriel hands us our heads.


I suppose at some point, we'll have to lend a hand in rebuilding the order's base. Or staffing it until some new recruits can be found. And write up some new procedures, like 'Don't bring strangers into the base, especially if they share a name with a big time baddie.'

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


An 'Enterprise' we shall leave for another time. Unless we want to fast forward to Marvel Riff #32: 'Former Hero comes back as mind-controlled villain'' date=' supplemented by Riff #8 'Heroes have to kill former friend, and angst mightily about it afterwards'. Or Dark Gabriel hands us our heads.[/quote']


I would vote for Dark Gabriel handing you your heads.... that Crown is a nice little item... of course Gabriel would probably die from it, his boss might get a little upset and throw some smiting his way or whatever, but it's all story anyhow ;)


I suppose at some point' date=' we'll have to lend a hand in rebuilding the order's base. Or staffing it until some new recruits can be found. And write up some new procedures, like 'Don't bring strangers into the base, especially if they share a name with a big time baddie.'[/quote']


Um, yeah. and yeah, that rule would have been nice.....

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Quote of the evening:


"Sorry to bother you for something trivial, but we've lost the Crowns of Krim."

-- Blitz


Amusing and pathetic. Y'know, I left believing that you lot would take good care of those things. After all, they're destructive, extremely powerful, and were hard to collect in the first place. (QM's suspicions that he was too easy on us aren't justified - matching available PCs to scenario villians is tricky.) Not something to casually show off, I would have thought. Are you paying attention, Blitz? Frankly, the PCs deserved to get pulped while reclaiming them. Though from what I see above, "Lucky" may not be the most appropriate name for that hero.


Despite the downturn in the heros' fortunes, it sounds like the players had a great time. Good luck with the next round. And don't forget that among other things, there's now a half-demon running around the city, looking like a twelve-year-old girl. Good thing so many of you are magical types.


[Flicker smirks to himself, and fades from view...]

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


[Flicker smirks to himself' date= and fades from view...]

Good to hear from you.


And it's not like we were flashing them around. We just...brought in a stranger to the place where we were keeping them, and several magical baddies. Who got loose. And have a bone to pick with the Order and its allies.


And Gabriel played 'Conner MacCloud' with Dark Seraph.


Yeah, it was fun. THough I still say we should all chip in on some battle armour for Lucky. Maybe a C.L.O.V.E.R. mark 4?

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Yeah, it's true...I think we got off fairly easily considering that we lost the crowns of Krim...Althought he fight to reclaim them was brutal. That does not even mention that the group actually did some detective work to track them down. Poor lucky...but don't you think another session is in order berfore we write him off as undefended cannon fodder. He took some big time hits from Dark Paladin, Blitz would not have fared much better. With more experience in character (especially the luck chits) I think Lucky shows potential.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Heh. I still say Lucky deserves the Red Shirt Award.


And we didn't lose the crowns. They were just...unexpectedly misplaced.


Poor Lucky, not only does he keep getting trounced, but then we make fun of him for it... sheesh.


and seriously, you guys lost the crowns.


Good thing Gabriel came in to sort things out. He'll be taking the crowns and leaving now.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Hey hey hey...careful with that you guys stuff...Blitz had nothing to do with umm...the temporary misplacement of the crowns. Although if Gabriel is leaving the timing could not be better as he does have a dire need of a sidekick.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Hey hey hey...careful with that you guys stuff...Blitz had nothing to do with umm...the temporary misplacement of the crowns. Although if Gabriel is leaving the timing could not be better as he does have a dire need of a sidekick.


S'ok, my new character will have need of a sidekick as well, and I hear Blitz has tons of experience with being a sidekick. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Champions of Vancouver - Episode 24: "Green Peace?"


Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader?)

Archangel Gabriel - Incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator

Lucky - Well he just is yah know!



Superintendent Jason Hill, RCMP SERT Commander, Victoria

Captain Simon Chapman, CAF PPCLI, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Company, CFB Esquimalt

Minute Man Mark VII Robots x4

Minute Man Mark VIII Robots x3

Anthony Recheck, Project Genocide Agent

Staff Sergeant Tom Lee, the “NEW” RCMP Liaison Officer

Staff Sergeant Anne Drennan, promoted to Communications Officer



Saxe Point (Township), Vancouver Island

Mount Garibaldi Secret Headquarters ;)

Bella Coola Valley (Abandoned Air Field), Mainland



The Story Continues...

An unnatural silence falls upon the battlefield; Gabriel and Blitz stare down at the human corpse that used to be the Midnight Angel, Dark Seraph.


The darkness is illuminated by the fire from the burning buildings and the auras of Gabriel and Prye Archer.


Windsurfer rescues Lucky from the burning building. He is badly burned and fortunate to be alive.


Thunder rolls and sheet lightning illuminates the sky and a storm moves in. The rain washes the blood away.


Blitz is upset at Gabriel and yet Dark Seraph was a mass murderer and if he ever escaped would kill again. He is the first to break the tableau and leans down to retrieve the Iron Crown. He glares at Gabriel.


In the distance they can hear sirens and they can hear the engines of am Aircraft descending out of the storm.


Blitz looks into Gabriel’s eyes and tosses the Iron Crown at him. Gabriel makes no move to catch it and it clatters to the ground at his feet.


The aircraft is an RCMP SERT Osprey. A full SERT Platoon disembarks with efficiency and quickly moves on them. The tension is thick enough to see. The RCMP Inspector wants to take the Crowns into custody, but Gabriel will not hear it. The Inspector contacts HQ for orders and after a few minutes of arguing mutters a surly "Yes Sir".


When he turns around to face Gabriel it is obvious he does not like his orders. "HQ says you are to retain custody of the Weapon/Artifacts. They also said that you have used up your credit" He then turns and starts shouting orders to his men and the Army Officer.


They move out in a search pattern for The Monster. The Forensic and Investigative teams arrive and cordon off the area. A search of the residences finds the bodies of the local residents. Murdered by The Monster. Windsurfer, Lucky, and Prye Archer aid in the search.


Blitz gives Gabriel a look and then takes off at high speed and is quickly lost from sight.


Their search is in vain. They do not find a trace of The Monster or Black Paladin and Molly Demorphant.


Gabriel carefully gathers up the 5 Crowns of Krim and fly’s to their Secret Base and places them inside the Mytic Geode Pentagram Coffin. Later he wraps them in Blesses Cloth and Holy Water.


Eventually everything returns to some semblance of normality. ;)




Blitz is checking the Base Computer for local VIPER activity, but is interrupted when a window screen pops up. He checks it out. Apparently Flicker had written a Deciphering program that was cracking the VIPER Database Files they captured earlier and Flagged the User when sections were completed.


The Data Files contain information on VIPER's Enemies and Associates...


Including a Project Genocide Secret Base, at an abandoned airfield in Bella Coola Valley, BC. Blitz share the information with their RCMP Liaison Staff Sergeant Ann Drennan only to learn that she had been promoted and transferred to the Community Communications Coordinator Section and Staff Sergeant Tom Lee, was their "NEW" RCMP Liaison Officer.


Tom Lee asked them to wait and allow the RCMP to investigate before they moved on the information. He would send an RCMP Inspector to investigate it.


Surprisingly the Heroes agreed.


They waited a day and a half before Tom Lee called them back. His Investigator found no evidence of Project Genocide. The Heroes asked if they could investigate themselves and received a go ahead. He would authorize them on site with the Security Guard stationed there.


The PCs arrived and found exactly what the RCMP Inspector reported. The abandoned airfield was silent save for the wind. They met with the overwhelmed Security Guard and took the grand tour. The airfield was a junk yards for C-130s, small planes and even a 737. All had been stripped and left to rust.


The started with old air hangers and then moved on to the burned out hulk of a 737 at the end of the runway. Before searching the Planes then checked the Aircraft Fuel Tanks.


They were surprised to find a new automated teller machine at the pumps. The pumps themselves where is excellent shape as well. As they turned to ask the Security Guard why there was a massive explosion as the fuel tanks EXPLODED!!! (6d6 RKA EX)


They were thrown 30 meters away by the force of the explosion. Prye Archer and Blitz where dazed (Negative STUN) and critically wounded. Gabriel was also dazed and critically wounded, but recovered quickly.


Gabriel used he Healing powers to restore Prye Archer, Blitz, and himself. As they moved farther away from the heat and flames they heard the sound of tearing steel. They quickly located the source and witnessed 4 Minute Man Robots Mark VII's tearing their way clear of their individual c-130s and orienting on Blitz.


The ensuing battle was desparate and fierce as the Heroes narrowly avoid the Minute Men's attacks and struggled to bring them down. Gabriel engaged them one on one while Blitz engaged using his now patented Move By Attacks. Prye Archer unleashed lethal flames while Gabriel sword smite them.


Three of the Robots fell to their Heroic assault, but the last launched himself into the sky. Then 3 more C-130s began rocking as more Minute Man Robots emerged. These one where slightly bigger and obviously more heavily armoured. Their attacks more lethal, but just when all seemed lost they fled on the brink of victory.


The Heroes where stunned, why did they not continue the attack. A short time late they heard the now framiliar sound of the RCMP SERTs Osprey arriving. They quickly deployed and moved on the downed Robots. Once memeber shooting the downed machines with a High Tech Blaster Rifle.


Then the Heroes are called over to the first Robot they downed and discovered to their amazement that it was occupied by a pilot. He was ok, but trapped within the twisted hulk. The Heroes definitely wanted to interrogate him and recieved an amused reponse from the RCMP SERT Commander who turned and walked away.


Gabriel used his powers to probe the pilots mind.


It turns out that he is a member of a Splinter Faction of the Institute for Human Advancement called Project Genocide. He is Robot/Pilot Specialist and Field Mechanic. The Airfield is owned by a friend of the group and used as a way point to smuggle gear from around the world to Cells everywhere. He know maybe 7 other members inclueding his Cell Leader.


He is a fanatic who believes that the IHA is a traitor to the Humanity.


As they sun slowly sets the world is cast in its fading light combined with the lights of the emergency vehicles, the burning aircraft fuel tanks, and the Heroes own auras. They can smell their own burnt hairs, cloth and stink of the aircraft fuel.


One questions nags at them. "Why did they leave!" *Fade to Black*




Loose Threads:

What will happen to the Crowns of Krim? (Archangel Gabriel plans to return to Heaven and turn them over to the boss.)

Why did Black Paladin betray Dark Seraph?

Who is Molly Demorphant turely?


The Good:

Good roleplay and tension between Gabriel and Blitz over the killing of the Midnight Angel, Dark Seraph. The Government has put the team on notice and there will be an inquiry.


They PC response to nothing immediately following it was amusing. I hope they enjoyed it.


The Bad:

Lucky's absence.


The Ugly:

I almost killed the whole team with the explosion of the aircraft fuel tanks and managed to almost kill Gabriel and Prye Archer again with the Minute Man Robots Mark VII.







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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


The Ugly:

I almost killed the whole team with the explosion of the aircraft fuel tanks and managed to almost kill Gabriel and Prye Archer again with the Minute Man Robots Mark VII.



Well, we did kinda ask for it, just wandering around in a tight group. Of course, I'm more mad at myself for not checking out the -intact- abandoned planes, as opposed to the wrecked one at the end of the field. To mis-quote Mythbusters, It's a major oversight, but, apparently, it's the kind of oversight I am very capable of making...


One thing...


If I do join up with the Order, would I have to change my name to Friar Archer?

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


How big is your UNTIL detachment in Vancouver' date=' and what type of agents do you have.[/quote'] IIRC in Episode 3 & 4 you'll learn that the UNITL Detachment in Vancouver suffered heavy casualties and ws shut down. UNITL Detachment in Seattle reponds to UNTIL Situations.


As for the orginal Detachment Size I figured 20 Defender Agents of various abilities with another 20 Support Agents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Champions of Vancouver - Episode 25: "Requim of a Dream"


Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader?)

Archangel Gabriel - Incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator

Lucky - Well he just is yah know!



Inspector Stevens, RCMP Homicide Division

Black Paladin, Giles De Morphant

Molly De Morphant (Descendant of the Black Paladin's Witch Lover.)

Todd Lockman, Professor of Thaumatogical Studies, UBC.



Mount Garibaldi Secret Headquarters

Bella Coola Valley (Abandoned Air Field)

Estate, British Properties, North Vancouver (Former residence of DarK Seraph)


The Story Continues...

- IHA, Project Genocide Agent interrogation.

- VIPER Database Decryption completed precisely at 1800hrs.

- Father Del Luna

- Father Micheal retrieved the Antioch Assault Rifle from an Estate in the British Properties and recaptured the Succubi. He notified the local police of the horrors he found.

- Dennis Walthingham residence (aka; Dark Seraph) has been in the Walthingham family for over 100yrs.

- There are 8 murdered (Sacrificed by a Knife) UBC Students, 12 murdered cultists (Killed by a Sword), and the body of Molly De Morphant.

- The clues are there and they begin to understand why Black Paladin abandoned Dark Seraph on the field of battle.

- They find a Locket belonging to Molly De Morphant, it burned Gabriel's hand when he tried to pick it up, and Prye Archer's "True Sight" dicovered arcane inscriptions on the front and back. It contained a portion of the Demon Lord Belial.

- "Mystical Equivalent Of Plutonium"

- Father Del Luna tells them about the history of the Black Paladin, his Witch Lover, and their love. He believes that Molly may have been a descendant the Witch. The locket may have originally carried the spirit of his lover, but now carries the Power of Belial Demon Lord of War.



Loose Threads:



The Good:



The Bad:



The Ugly:



The Summary:



More Later







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