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WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Shortly into the thread, it digressed into discussing how our characters would react if confronted with each other.


I'm conversant with what a WWYCD thread is... just missed the point where it degenerated into how the characters would react/fight with one another. My impression was that this thread was about how individual poster's characters would react to the mercenary 'shades of gray' types grabbing up a terrorist for the reward money.


Seems to me that this thread strays perilously close to NGD territory however... especially with the assertions regarding people's perceptions (and opinions of others' perceptions) of the United States Government/POTUS. Just my humble opinion... pray continue.

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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Yeah, a big part of that is my blame. :( While annoyed with the post, I started with saying how my characters would respond to someone like that, but then I erred and used Barb's name in the same post instead of using a vague generalization. My bad. Please continue with other PCs.


I can include Swashbuckler, but since he's an early 30's Golden Age, there really isn't a Main Evil Terrorist around.


Orion (demi-demigod/hero based off The Olympians) would just wonder why money is an issue.


Valor (obvious who he's a clone of) - Is in a future campaign where the majority of Earth's history has been lost and the rest mixed up. Not being born in the Sol System, he'd just wonder what's going on.

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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Interesting side track though.


If Blackberry was there while various camps of superheroes were starting to argue, and maybe even come to blows, she'd try to make sure innocents were safe.


Then she'd pull out her camera and notebook, start taking pictures, and ask for quotes!



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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Interesting side track though.


If Blackberry was there while various camps of superheroes were starting to argue, and maybe even come to blows, she'd try to make sure innocents were safe.


It is an interesting side track, isn't it?


Assault would look annoyed, and then quietly step up beside St Barbara. At which point he would remember to check the area for innocents.


Assault has little or no respect for the UN, but has a "less than mutual admiration" relationship with the US government. (That's true of many other governments, too, of course. There are a few governments, however, that think the sun shines from him.)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Try and kill the President. Because if the GM is going to go political, I'm going to go, period, and I might as well see the look on his face to make my night less of a total waste.

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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


This is a WWYCD -- it's basically discussing how your characters would react if the situation occurred in this campaign.


Shortly into the thread, it digressed into discussing how our characters would react if confronted with each other.


Basically, each separate possible interaction is it's own "What If?" variant of events.

You are correct "Chuckg". I thought that I submitted a reasonable answer to the question as it was asked. Others did not and decided (from my point of view) to insinuate their reality onto mine. As far as my reality (the world in which "St Barbara" exists as a superhero) is concerned THEIR characters do NOT exist so they couldn't really do anything could they ? My response to the "see saw and weight" idea comes from knowing WHAT "St Barbara" is capable of doing; and I say that it would not work ! "St Barbara's" reality is NOT the same as that occupied by other characters. If "St Barbara" ever visits their reality things might be different.
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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


To "Kirby" Yes I do know who Guy Gardiner is and NO the "Superleap useable on others" would NOT have any effect. I know this because I know what my character is capable of ! I have no desire to explain it to you, if you don't want to believe it you don't have to !

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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Snap Dragon would talk to them in a "that nice you brough the IMETL out in the open to show how big your penis is and by the way aren't you supposed to be turning him into the justice department and or the CIA/FBI?"
Sorry "Mikesama" Could yopu explain "IMETL" for me ? It is a term that I haven't encountered before.
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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


The reward offered for a certain Infamous Middle East Terrorist Leader had been doubled again recently and' date=' according to news reports, a well known super mercenary and a cadre of his buddies (a bunch of shade-of-gray types) have left for the [b']M.E.[/b] looking to collect on the bounty. Over a month passes with only a couple of reports of them shaking down individuals and/or groups alledged to have connections to said IMETL. Then finally, on the day the President of the United States is in town (i.e. your campaign city) for a speech/press conference/whatever, the super mercs show up dragging the IMETL with them (who, BTW, looks like he very recently had the living sh*t beat out of him) and the ringleader of the mercs publicly addresses the POTUS, demanding/asking for the reward money. WWYCD?


Sorry "Mikesama" Could yopu explain "IMETL" for me ? It is a term that I haven't encountered before.

From post 1: Infamous Middle East Terrorist Leader

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Re: WWYCD: We're here for the reward money...


Sorry "Mikesama" Could yopu explain "IMETL" for me ? It is a term that I haven't encountered before.


You weren't paying attention. It stands for: "Infamous Middle East Terrorist Leader". This was mentioned in the first post in this thread.


Assault has nothing else to say, except that he and Shamrock get along very well.

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