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#@&!% Distributors


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I am still waiting for my FLGS to get Pulp Hero, Predators & The Hero System Combat Handbook. The distribuitor (a large one) did not even list the books as being available until Thursday (Sept. 1st). This means that it will be Tuesday (Sept. 6th) at the earliest before these books arrive.:mad:

I am tempted to start ordering everything through the online store but I am good friends with the owner and staff of my FLGS and want to support them all I can. BTW they carry all the Hero products.:thumbup:


Pardon me for blowing off steam. But I want the Pulp Hero book so bad I can taste it. I have a neat idea for a Dark Champions / Pulp Hero game that I'd like to work on. I have the whole day free but no Pulp Hero book.

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


My local store just got their books in last WED or THU. And when they did, all 4 showed up at once (Teen Champions, Pulp Hero, Combat Guide, and Predators). They used to be one of the first to get them, now they're sort of middle-of-the-pack.


So I'm just saying hang in there.

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


Well it's Tuesday (9/6/2005) and the books did not show up. They are in transit somewhere. Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.


prestidigitator -- I feel very lucky to have a wonderful FLGS very close at hand that carries all the Hero stuff. I'm not mad at them I am mad at the dristibution system in general. It just seems to take this stuff a while to reach Oklahoma.


Why I heard just the other day that we may be getting push button phones to replace these rotary dial jobs we are using.:P

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


Why I heard just the other day that we may be getting push button phones to replace these rotary dial jobs we are using.:P

:lol: And here I thought I was living in the stone ages by refusing to get a cell. (Actually my dad, out of a strange sort of nonchalant stubbornness that is only one of his many eccentric Disadvan...er, personality quirks, only acquired a touch-tone phone and answering machine within the last year or so, though that has nothing to do with availability.)

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


There seems to be a good amount of stores in teh Vancouver area that carry the full line of HERO stuff. My only problem was getting my hands on a copy of the 5ER.


Good thing the Question Man knows the stores out here. I believe he called 14 stores before he found a copy for me...


From what I hear the 5ER is out of stock? Seems to be the case, Vancouver are is dry save the one I just bought.


And Presti, I refuse to have a cellphone as well. I used to dispatch trucks and then run a trucking company... I serviced Ford, Chrysler, GM for the last 6 years, and that cellphone was attached to my ear. I finally just broke down and got a pager, my Agent still wants me to get a cell, but there's no way.

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


Today (Sept. 7th) Pulp Hero, Predators & the Hero System Combat Handbook all arrived at my FLGS (finally). The distrbutor still does not list Teen Champions as being available (meaning they haven't gotten it yet). Hopefully it will only take a week or two for it to arrive.

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


I'd like to actually have a gaming store. As it is, if I want anything HERO I have to order offline. If I want any gaming things, I have to go to Barnes and Noble or some other bookstore, and I live in a relatively big city (Grand Rapids MI). The closed thing to a Gaming store that we had was Wizards of the Coast. (BTW mostly What I can get is D20 and White Wolf)

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


First of all I'll paraphrase a bit from the Introduction:

It contains all of the rules about personal combat from the existing 5th Edition books. Starting with Chapter 2 of the 5ER and then adding material taken from The Ultimate Martial Artist, Star Hero, Fantasy Hero, The Ultimate Brick and Dark Champions, and from other sources such as the online Rules FAQ file.

It only contains information about personal combat. It does not cover weapons, gear or vehicles (or vehicle combat).

That being said it is nice to have all the combat rules together in a single slimer volume, it makes it easier to handle and easier to find things in. It has a good index. If you don't have Ultimate Martial Artist this is almost as good. It lists all of the Martial Arts manuvers but only gives packages for 8 different styles (UMA has a great deal more). No data on any MA weapons are in the Combat Handbook.


That is a very preliminary review. I bought it partially due to the fact I collect one of each book Hero produces. I imagine that I will use it quite a bit due to its handy size.


I likewise have been pleased with the Hero System Equipment Guide, which comes in very handy when putting together games and campaigns.

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


Thats about what I expected. I'd like to have a book with all the combat rules in one place, rather than spread out amongst 4 or 5 different books, since a lot of optional rules I use are from both the UMA and Fantasy Hero.


Also, I do not have the Ultimate Brick and Dark Champions. I do plan to the the UB, but I'm not sure about DC. If the Combat Handbook has the relevant rules I require from DC, I wouldn't need to pick it up (of course, I probably should just to support Hero, but unfortunately right now I must pick and choose my books wisely)


I'll probably end up gettin the Equipment guide as well. I looked at it recently and it seems to be quite handy.

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


It lists all of the Martial Arts manuvers but only gives packages for 8 different styles (UMA has a great deal more). No data on any MA weapons are in the Combat Handbook.

Does it have the rules from UMA for creating new maneuvers? Is it just the example packages that are missing? This is one book I might just consider ordering without it appearing in my local gaming store (I usually like to be able to browse through very briefly and hold the thing in my hands before I buy).

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Re: #@&!% Distributors


It does not include rules for creating new manuvers. If you want to do that you'll still need the UMA. It gives detailed descriptions of what all of the elements which make-up manuvers mean. (Like, for instance, the seven different version of NND martial attacks and the optional combat modifiers for the various "throw" manuvers).


Also I have noticed that none of the Ranged MA manuvers are included.


Presence Attacks are included and various information on how some normally non-combat skills can be of use in combat.

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