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Too many points?

Snake Gandhi

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Re: Too many points?


Best I could do on short notice... :D


*psl* (*)




I was gonna post up an idea about a space ship (all aliens got 'em), but I was beaten to the punch!


How about a base of her own? Aliens arrive on Earth, dig big hole, hide their ship, start to outfit said hole with the super science equipment they'll need for an extended survey. Then one goes native and decides to "superhero". Stuff happens.



(*) "Pouring Saliva Largely" for those of you who don't read "College Roomies from Hell!!!"

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Re: Too many points?


All told, she comes up to about 660, and now my buddy doesn't know what to spend the last 140 points on. As is, she fits his concept to a T, so what would be a good way to spend another 140 points?


First, buy off disads, especially Hunteds. If she's a relatively inexperienced hero, let her acquire enemies over time.


If she fits his concept just fine, keep the rest as extra points. If she's a relatively inexperienced hero, let her spend them, in addition to awarded XP, on new skills and skill levels. That way, the "established" heroes build up slowly, and she develops quickly.


This will also help if the player wants to "tune-up" the character concept over the life of the Hero. Right now she's a flier, ala Hawkgirl. Perhaps she discovers that she's bound to a totemic Eagle Spirit, and develops shamanistic magic, or discovers that the anti-gravity metal of her equipment can be harnessed to other effects, or discovers other Hawk-people like her and brings back their super-hawk-technology.


Just because she hasn't spent them RIGHT NOW doesn't mean the character can't spend them quite quickly.


Heck, maybe she has past lives like Hawkgirl and you can let her spend them during the game to gain new skills that are actually "old skills".

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Re: Too many points?


Ways to burn up lots of Charater Points quickly:


1. Perks. This could be contacts, but could be other things too. Reputation, Wealth, Diplomatic immunity. And remember, Contacts don't always have to be hero types. Does she know any good doctors? Wouldn't hurt given that she probably has Abnormal Physiology so a "regular" doctor probably is guessing his/her way through a lot of it. Reporters can be helpful. Or any kind of academic. Cops. Street thugs. Politicians. Heck, the janitor at the local science lab could be helpful in the right cirucmstances.


2. Buy off Disadvantages. Really easy to blow points here. You can chew up 15 or 20 at a time buying off unwanted or innappropriate Hunteds.


3. "Little powers" - life support, enhanced senses, a little Mental Defense, especially at the JLA level, never hurts. Instant Change so she can do a quick costume change could burn up a few points. Get creative.


4. Expand the concept - as has been talked about, maybe she can talk to birds. Or maybe she has equipment that she doesn't use often. Iron Man actually has about 4 suits of armor at any one time. The more specialized suits(Deep Sea Armor, Hulkbuster etc) are in storage but available when needed. Wonder Woman and Thor both have extra weapons and armor that they do not normally wear for one reason or another. Maybe she has some battle armor that gives her more DEF and STR but costs her DEX, or even entangles her wings so she's grounded?


And you can always bank some points in case you discover later that you left something out, or missed a hole in her defenses or something the first time around. Sometimes you don't think a certain type of attack will be that prevalent when you start the campaign, but then the heroes really enjoy a particular villain and next thing you know, you're seeing a lot more of that attack type.

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Re: Too many points?


So what was the final decision? Inquiring minds want to know. :yes::think:
Nick decided to go with the Sonic Scream powers ala Black Canary.


The characters name is Osprey, you can check her out here,




I'll be posting the rest of the team as soon as i get the character sheets.

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